Psycho-Babble Psychology Thread 881247

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Re: Worse than ever » raisinb

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:01:42

In reply to Re: Worse than ever » TherapyGirl, posted by raisinb on February 20, 2009, at 11:44:56

Thank you for giving me the gift of hope, Raisinb. I can't fathom why I can't let go of her, but I can't. It feels like the possibility of fun has just permanently shut down for me. And the possibility of holding those connections.

And it just gets worse when I lose my T on top of everything else. I can't bear it.


Re: Worse than ever » Phillipa

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:02:42

In reply to Re: Worse than ever, posted by Phillipa on February 20, 2009, at 13:07:43

Thanks, Phillipa. I don't think she wants to understand. She seems pretty committed to NOT understanding. But maybe one day she'll be open to that.


Re: Worse than ever » lucie lu

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:04:11

In reply to Re: Worse than ever » TherapyGirl, posted by lucie lu on February 20, 2009, at 14:38:45

How do you figure all this stuff out, Lucie? I mean that. HOW? And then how do you hold onto it when the bottom falls out?

Thank you for your post.


Re: Worse than ever

Posted by lucie lu on February 20, 2009, at 20:12:46

In reply to Re: Worse than ever » lucie lu, posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:04:11

> How do you figure all this stuff out, Lucie? I mean that. HOW? And then how do you hold onto it when the bottom falls out?



Re: Worse than ever » lucie lu

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:13:40

In reply to Re: Worse than ever, posted by lucie lu on February 20, 2009, at 20:12:46

It can't be therapy, right? Or else I would be better at this? I know it probably doesn't seem like it right this second, but I actually have a very good T.


Re: Worse than ever

Posted by lucie lu on February 20, 2009, at 20:29:04

In reply to Re: Worse than ever » lucie lu, posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 20:13:40

You are hurting right now, TG. It is hard to think straight when you are in pain. When it recedes, you will begin to see new things. I promise you will.


Re: Worse than ever » TherapyGirl

Posted by Recently on February 20, 2009, at 20:39:12

In reply to Worse than ever, posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 6:40:39


I'm sorry you are hurting, TG. It's so painful when people aren't as understanding as they should/could be. The "mental illness is no excuse for bad behavior" really got me too... (I've heard that line a time or two before myself). From what I understand of the situation, your friend really overreacted. But I know when these types of fallouts happen it really can make those of us with depression question our ability to form friendships. I'm really sorry you are feeling so badly. Don't be so hard on yourself. You seem like a nice, kind person, to me.



Re: Worse than ever

Posted by petunia on February 21, 2009, at 17:07:48

In reply to Worse than ever, posted by TherapyGirl on February 20, 2009, at 6:40:39

Hi TherapyGirl!

If this doesn't sit right, please throw it out. I hesiateted saying it because I don't know where you are with your feelings right now, but when I came to a similar point in my life someone else pointed this out to me, and it helped me **tremendously**. Maybe it will do the same for you.

Basically, as I was reading your posts on this thread, about how not only one but two major relationships in your life are ending, all I could think of was, "She's getting better!!! She's getting better!!!" :)

When we get better, when we make real progress in our healing, when those unhealthy things that were so absolute inside us for so long finally move and crack and start to change, sometimes the first place we see it is in relationships that implode, often relationships of long standing or that we perceived as deep and lasting.

Inside, when we get better, we can even feel worse. Me, I feel like it will never end, all the fighting and scrabbling and struggling. So feeling better or feeling worse is not always equivalent to actually BEING better.

But the sure sign that you are changing, that you are finally becoming whole, is that the people who depended on you *staying broken* start to fall away. People get used to you being the way you were, even when they love you, and the change is hard. But when people are around you not so much out of love as of meeting their own needs through you, your healing is very, very threatening.

What you describe, mini power plays followed by desertion and excuses that don't work, really fit this scenario as it has played out in my life.

See, when you're dealing with mental illness, there's always a huge power differential between people in a relationship, because you don't have the same command over yourself, your responses, and your environment that they seem to. Not only are they likely more powerful in terms of being able to control the relationship and move you into positions that make themselves comfortable, we on the other side of the MH coin tend to SEE them as more powerful whether they are or not.

Basically, when we're unhealthy, it is all too likely that there are people around us who depend on that unhealthiness. When we get better, they get very uncomfortable.

So when you say you feel like there are people waiting for an excuse to leave, it may actually be true. But for the very best reason in the world: you're NOT bad, you're NOT unlovable, it's just time for them to go. Your sincerity toward them sees only love, and that's why it comes as such a shock and a rupture. But this may be the very best thing that could happen right now: they go so that the others coming to you, with the health and love you can accept now, have room in your life. :)

They need to go -- at least for a time -- so that you can continue to become the real you, the precious you that God created, the you that you were always meant to be. If they're worthy of your friendship, they'll be back, like the other posters described. But people who do you wrong and never own it... those you will never truly need.

I'm going to tell you something else that may be very uncomfortable, and may not apply at all, but you should know: there are many people who are attracted to the "helping" professions not because they need to help, but because they are very comfortable having a steady supply of people they can look down on and/or dominate. Your friend, to be honest, strikes me as one of these. Some people help the disabled, some people help themselves to the disabled. Just sayin'.

So please don't think of yourself as unworthy or bad or wrong. What I am seeing, from where I sit as a stranger who has walked in your shoes, is that you are absolutely perfect, doing what you need to do, making your way. Let them go, let them do what they need to do for them, and you continue on. You're getting better. :)

If none of this fits, please feel free to toss it. My very best wishes to you --



Re: Worse than ever » petunia

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 21, 2009, at 19:38:35

In reply to Re: Worse than ever, posted by petunia on February 21, 2009, at 17:07:48

You make some good points, Petunia, and I appreciate it. I think the problem here is not that I'm getting healthier it is that I took a dive after a fairly long time without this kind of major episode. I think my friend is just not up to the challenge. But much of what you said also applies to her.

My T is retiring at the end of the year, so that's just bad timing. But I'm not sure there would ever have been a good time for her to retire. I've been in therapy with her on and off (mostly on) for 24 years now.

Thanks so much for writing this, though, because much of it applies elsewhere in my life.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 19:40:45

In reply to Re: Worse than ever » petunia, posted by TherapyGirl on February 21, 2009, at 19:38:35

And she lied. My "best friend," that is. Weeks ago I gave her a letter of apology and wrote on there that it was for when she was ready. I have seen it ever since, in a letter file on her kitchen counter, unopened, whenever I walk her dog for her. Tonight I walked the dog and the letter is still there, unopened. She told me last week that she had read my letter and taken all that into consideration.

I know this is just further proof that there is something else going on with her, but I am just amazed that she would look me in the face and flat out lie. Why bring up the letter at all?????


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE -- One more thing

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 19:45:04

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE, posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 19:40:45

In the worst possible way, I want to call her up and say, "You know, you were right. Mental illness is NOT an excuse for bad behavior. It's also not an excuse for LYING."

And, of course, I won't do that. Because I don't believe either statement and it makes me crazy every time I hear her saying that in my head. But how is my behavior, which was bad (and during a breakdown) worse than her lying?????? She is not a liar.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by SLS on February 23, 2009, at 19:45:13

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE, posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 19:40:45


No particular reason.


- Scott


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » SLS

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 20:22:20

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl, posted by SLS on February 23, 2009, at 19:45:13

Thanks, Scott. You are a total sweetheart. I should look for more friends like you and fewer like her.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by DAisym on February 24, 2009, at 0:25:00

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » SLS, posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 20:22:20

OK - so I'm going to say something that stinks.

Sometimes being a good friend means letting your friends be bad friends. Take the high road, try to give her a lot of space and wait for her to come to her senses and miss you. My best guess is that your break down caused a cascade reaction in her and something snapped.

It is not your fault. But just as you couldn't help yourself, neither can she right now. So be kind to her, even though she wasn't kind to you.

I know she doesn't deserve this. But I believe it is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. Otherwise you are torturing yourself by trying to figure out how to convince her that she should still be your friend. She isn't hearing you nor is this a seemingly rational decision. This sounds like a very old, very deeply buried emotional response. You frightened her and now she has to rebuild herself before she can remember the depth of your friendship. Everything you learn about her right now is going to hurt you. Why are you walking her dog? Don't keep checking on the envelope, or better yet, if you can, take it back without her knowing where it went. Don't grovel, don't beg. You've apologized, explained and told her you love her. Now step back.

I know it hurts like hell and is so unfair. I've had this experience. Three years (yes, years) my friend came and apologized. She said, "it was never your fault and I'm sorry. I was stupid."
I'm sorry to say, we were never that close again. But nothing I would have said at that point would have mattered.

I wish we lived close so would could close ranks and guard you from all this pain. But at least we are here and you aren't alone.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » DAisym

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 6:36:59

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl, posted by DAisym on February 24, 2009, at 0:25:00

Thanks, Daisy. You can't imagine the impact your words have had on me this morning. You are, of course, right on so many levels but something about seeing it in print has more impact. You're just right about all of it. And, just like my behavior on our trip was an aberration, her behavior right now is.

I'll try to hold on to that. You know, given the childhoods many of us on this Board had, we always think we can do something to change the outcome in situations like this. It allows us a little more control. I am working on that piece with T.

I even called her on continuing to not manage her looming retirement during our sessions, which we had agreed to do in early November and hasn't been mentioned since unless I bring it up and then she basically takes a pass because it's not a good time for me. I told her, in tears the other morning, that she wasn't going to delay her retirement because I'm depressed and we can't wait to get started on this. She agreed and, I think, had come to the same conclusion herself while away last week.

It's a two session week for me. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again for, once again, sharing your wisdom. It helps more than I can say.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE

Posted by SLS on February 24, 2009, at 6:57:17

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » DAisym, posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 6:36:59

> Thanks again for, once again, sharing your wisdom. It helps more than I can say.

Me too.

- Scott


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by raisinb on February 24, 2009, at 7:52:19

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE, posted by TherapyGirl on February 23, 2009, at 19:40:45

That's odd--and does tell you that it's really not your fault--at least not all your fault.

Try to take care of yourself and let this go for awhile, if you can.



Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE - Daisy and All

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 19:33:18

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » DAisym, posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 6:36:59

Thanks to all of you. Apparently I need to hear the same thing from multiple sources to even begin to try to internalize the message.

Daisy -- I printed your post and showed it to my T tonight. She has assigned me the "homework" (which we don't really do) of pulling that out and re-reading it every single time I hear my friend's voice in my head saying the things she said to me. So I will try to do that.

And I forgot to address the dog issue. I'm still walking her dog because her dog and I have a relationship separate from her and me. I've never really done the dog thing before, but this one is special AND trained as a therapy dog. He has been amazingly comforting during the last 5 weeks. She has let me bring him to my house for visits. Just having him next to my hip and feeling his heart beat when I pet him is calming in a way that few other things are right now.

He's also moving in with me for 8 days while she's on vacation next month. I'm going to do that, too, because I think it will give me a focus and because the nights have been the hardest for me to handle. And because he doesn't do well without human companionship for that long. So I'll be helping him, too.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » raisinb

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 20:52:23

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl, posted by raisinb on February 24, 2009, at 7:52:19

I'm trying, Raisinb, and I appreciate your support as always.

I've done better overall the last few nights, although I obviously still have my moments. Stayed busier and it's not so hard to manage the horrible hours. Sleeping slightly better, too, which helps for the most part.

It's hard to stay busy enough when I feel so physically horrible on top of everything else. And I'm more often, but not totally, in my usual depression mode now, where I just hide from the world and interact as little as possible. I wouldn't get out of bed if I didn't have to.

I see the gyn. person tomorrow. I'm hoping she'll be some help because thyroid is a hormone. We'll see. At the very least, I hope she'll order the d*mn blood test I need to see what my thyroid is doing now.

I had T tonight and have it again Thurs. night. Tonight I asked her to sit on the couch with me, which she did. She had a lot of reading to do (some of my posts here, some journal entries, letters I've written and my list of symptoms for tomorrow's appt., which she wanted to review). When she read the journal entries, which were written during the worst moments of the past 5 or 6 days, she reached over and took my hand and said, "I'm sorry." She's never done that before.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by Phillipa on February 24, 2009, at 21:30:42

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » raisinb, posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 20:52:23

I also have throid problems today got most recent results but I do know for me they affects moods horrendously. It will be okay if there is a problem it can be fixed with a simple pill may take some time to get the dose right. Love Phillipa


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » Phillipa

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 21:35:51

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl, posted by Phillipa on February 24, 2009, at 21:30:42

Thanks, Phillipa. Yes, we know there is a problem and I had radioactive iodine to destroy my thyroid. It's just not happening very fast and has, in fact, apparently made me more hyperthyroid than ever.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by raisinb on February 25, 2009, at 11:32:32

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » raisinb, posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 20:52:23

It's wonderful that your therapist can be there in such a concrete way for you right now. Sometimes we just need to be touched. I'm so happy she understood that.

Don't hesitate to use pharmaceutical help with the sleeping issue if it gets worse. Sleeping badly or not at all can make you go downhill very quickly.



Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by Phillipa on February 25, 2009, at 19:03:08

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » Phillipa, posted by TherapyGirl on February 24, 2009, at 21:35:51

Theraphy girl that is horrible. Anxiety must be extremly high. Have you considered seriously bioidentical compounded therapy meds for thyroid? In the Youth Connection it is one of the hormones compounded. I'd think that an eradiated thyroid would be simplier to regulate but this stuff is very confusing to me. Even the fact tha the FDA never approved synthroid it was grandfathered according to a search I did. Did you chose this irradiation or was it deemed medically necessary? Phillipa


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » Phillipa

Posted by TherapyGirl on February 25, 2009, at 20:24:57

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl, posted by Phillipa on February 25, 2009, at 19:03:08

Well, the hope is that eventually it will be easier to regulate, but it has to "die" first and apparently it's putting up quite the fight.

I did choose this way to treat the Hashimoto's and Graves, but I had to do something. Otherwise, I would just continue to cycle back and forth and there would be no way to tell which drugs I should be on which day. But right now I'm still testing as having a hyperthyroid, so that's why they're not treating it right now. We'll see what the lab work from today shows. I should know in a couple of days.


Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » TherapyGirl

Posted by Phillipa on February 26, 2009, at 19:09:15

In reply to Re: Worse than ever -- UPDATE » Phillipa, posted by TherapyGirl on February 25, 2009, at 20:24:57

Wow had no idea that hasi's could do this til it happened to me also. Being hyper and then switching to hypo. Just went from below one to ll something and now 3.6 TSH that is. I don't get It? Love Phillipa ps thought once irradiated that was it?

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