Psycho-Babble Faith Thread 227349

Shown: posts 19 to 43 of 55. Go back in thread:


re: Light Work

Posted by lil' jimi on August 17, 2003, at 14:30:00

In reply to Light Work - Lil' Jimi, posted by Temmie on August 17, 2003, at 12:40:59

my dear ms Temmster-eeny,

your writing very much encourages us that you will persevere ... ... but it is clear that this relationship's failure to come to its end will put that at risk ... ... and that these forces, more than the celestial ones, have more influence over these events ... ... all of which makes your meetings vitally important ... ...

... i appreciate your wisdom in accepting your astral body's own design's orientation ... ... one best try things as gently as possible ... ... ... once you're accostumed to operating your aura, you'll want to practice spinning you aura in and out at will during regular everyday consciousness and then in social situations ... .. ... once you feel proficient, you will be able maintain protective control all the time ... ... all in good time ... practice leads the way ... ... baby steps .... ....

when i was young i was in a meditation society for 8 years ... ... the practice originated with with sikh masters of the tantra ... ... but what i have offered has been from my experience of the last 20 years of my application of these techniques to these astral aspects of our everyday world ... ... and you have enough mystical vision to grasp these tools and apply them to your benefit ... ...

... ... protecting yourself is the primary exercise ... so that you may have the power to regulate your environment's influence over you

... ... this newer practice is so you may disengage from the older influences which persist by using your energy against you ... ...

... ... as long as you, yourself are not dominating the forces that influence your environment, and as long as you are compromised by these influences, there will be limits on how manjushri and his allies can help you ... ... saving us from our selves is one of the very great challenges all bodhisattvas accept ... ... we must try to make it easier for them ... ...

... ... though saying the chant does help

om ah ra pa cha na dhi

... ... and manjushri does coordinate with every benefical spiritual influence working for you ... ... you are blessed to have so many ...

bless you ...
~ jim


re: ((((((( temmie ))))))) om ah ra pa che na dhi

Posted by lil' jimi on August 17, 2003, at 15:16:14

In reply to re: Karmapa » lil' jimi, posted by temmie on August 17, 2003, at 14:17:05

fear not lil' temmster ... ...

> Oh Dear. I am so needy today. I keep checking the boards here for any notes from anyone .... The Kayuga school is the school where Paul took his vows. Karma Jentsin (sp?) is the name he was given. Such a long, long time ago now ....

... yet another in an exceedingly odd series of coicidences, all of which are probably trivial randomness .... .... of course, the kargyutpas are a highly revered tradition ... ... paul's example shows that no one's safe from their own efforts at condemnation ... ... and that the bodhisattvas may only do so much ... ... and they want to save you ... ...

>Please, for those with any energies left to give -- pray for peace and Light.
> Our planet, and our poor suffering brothers and sisters ... all of us here ... we so need peace and Light.
> Thank you, Lil' Jimi! A former equestrian (and in desparate need of something *fun*), I'm going to see "Seabiscuit" today.
> Much love, Temmie

enjoy the movie ... we want to hear your review ... ... have good fun ... ... when you may find yourself "needing" pBabble and no one's back yet ... practice your practice ... at least once a day at first to develop a rhythym ... a vibration .. ... a wave ...

take care of temmie,
~ jim


Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » lil' jimi

Posted by Temmie on August 17, 2003, at 18:47:54

In reply to re: ((((((( temmie ))))))) om ah ra pa che na dhi , posted by lil' jimi on August 17, 2003, at 15:16:14

I did not find this movie, "Seabiscuit," as hopeful or promising, or as uplifting as everyone who's seen it has exclaimed. I know horses. I've owned a number of race horses. The relationship between jockey "Red" (forgot the last name already) and Seabiscuit was portrayed as carefully as one might in a Hollywood rendition (without slipping into the realms of sap or unbelievability) .... It is a very real, powerful, and dynamic relationship to heal a broken horse ... to become at one, through your voice, hands, weight, legs, seat, movement, etc. ... through your very presence -- to bring a horse, especially a bruised and broken horse -- into balance and trust. It's quite remarkable. I hope I'll be able to experience it again one day.

Of course, the movie was more about relationships -- and it's a lovely film .... Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, William H. Macy ... I love them all -- but I found "Adaptations" (Chris Cooper won an Acadamy Award for Best Supporting Actor) much more stirring -- and, in general -- wounded and grieving myself, I'm not much able to comment on anything other than my own sad condition.

Jimi -- I am grateful and touched to have not one, but two (!) notes from you. Thank you very much. I've printed these out to save and reread, as I do many of the messages I've received. I continue to ask for guidance, healing, relief and release -- while at the same time, praying for Paul's well-being, wondering how much time he has (and mentally preparing for his funeral).

This is a man who has not chosen life, and ... it's just too sad. Such a sad commentary on the human condition.

The movie resulted in my missing a meeting, but I'm going to hang up and call my sponsor -- and I'm going to work, as best as I'm able, to rise to the occasion of being the best mother I can be ... and ... to just do and be the best I can ... to change those things I can (to accept those things I can't) ... and to carry on.

Again, my gratitude to all who have followed this sad journey ... and my dearest, deepest thanks to those who have shared so much of their hearts. Habby, Fallsfall, Mercury, Dena, Ray, Jimi ... Your presence brings honor to God's work on this planet, and I am ever indebted to your assistance in sending Light my way.

XXX, Temmie


aura » lil' jimi

Posted by rayww on August 17, 2003, at 23:45:49

In reply to re: Light Work , posted by lil' jimi on August 17, 2003, at 14:30:00

whoa, gotta inject some questions here if you don't mind. You talk of manipulating your aura, going in and out of it. Might this be compared to countenance? And - - pardon my naivete but doesn't everyone see auras surrounding other people and objects? I see them but don't understand them. What of the different colors? What does a blue aura mean, what about a thick bright yellow/white one? Why are some that you think should be large, actually very thin? And why is it easier to see them on some days than on others? Why do they suddenly surprise you when you aren't looking for them?

You don't have to answer all these questions, but they are the ones I have about auras.


Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie

Posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 0:39:35

In reply to Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » lil' jimi, posted by Temmie on August 17, 2003, at 18:47:54

My husband and I saw Seabiscuit last night too. I share your opinion of it, but I would go to it a second time, mainly to figure out who everyone actually was. It seems whenever someone tells me a show is really good I am dissapointed in it because my expectations are too high. However, we were forced into seeing Gygli because we were too late for any other ones, and in spite of the horrible reviews, we quite liked it, once we survived the horrible language in the first few minutes. Perhaps it was a movie that you would see into what wasn't portayed depending upon your own personal background and experience.

People's religious perceptions are greatly influenced in the same way. You've likely seen the ripe/rape demo when a group is divided into two and one is shown pictures of fruit and vegetables, while the other half is shown pictures of abuse and torture. Then when asked to fill in the blank of r_pe, one chooses "i" while the other group "a".

If you are fed a lot of false ideas about a certain religion, and then investigate that religion, you will find your own perception of that religion in your investigation of it. If you enter the investigation with an open mind and pure intent, it might be an altogether different religious experience for you. Makes one wonder if there is reality in the perception of things, or is one's perception the only reality.


Re: aura » rayww

Posted by Temmie on August 18, 2003, at 11:34:33

In reply to aura » lil' jimi, posted by rayww on August 17, 2003, at 23:45:49

whoa, gotta inject some questions here if you don't mind. You talk of manipulating your aura, going in and out of it. Might this be compared to countenance?

***No. According to my Webster's "pocket dictionary," "countenance" refers to: (1) facial expression; (2) the face; visage; (3) approval; support.

Working with one's aura or Light is nothing more (or less) than working with one's ki, chi, life energy, whatever you care to call it -- working with one's life energy. The "in Him was Light, and His Light was the life of (wo)men." The glue, the goods, the stuff that fuels our essence. The presence of the Father within. The energy that sustains our existence. You know what I'm talking about.

And - - pardon my naivete but doesn't everyone see auras surrounding other people and objects?


I see them but don't understand them. What of the different colors? What does a blue aura mean, what about a thick bright yellow/white one? Why are some that you think should be large, actually very thin? And why is it easier to see them on some days than on others? Why do they suddenly surprise you when you aren't looking for them?
You don't have to answer all these questions, but they are the ones I have about auras.

***I don't see auras at all time, either, and thank God whenever I do. When you meet someone who's carrying a great deal of Light (i.e., they're working with the Light, full of love, or whatever), I believe they appear a little brighter than others. In fact, a LOT brighter! As for colors, I don't know. Maybe you could do some research online and let us know? There are books that have been written about this .... There are myriad theories. Some associate pink with the Blessed Mother or Goddess energy, others associate blue with Christ energies .... I don't know -- I'm just always so touched, and feel so blessed, when I see the protective cushion of God's Love, Light, and Life we exist within. If only we knew ... and worked with it ... etc. etc. etc. -- which I why I so love Lil' Jimi's exercises. We do know! We can work with it. We can make it grow -- and we can pray that all whom we meet and come into contact with are touched by the presence of God's love, lifted up into higher consciousness, and healed.

Welcome to others who care to share their thoughts and experiences!

In Light!


re: auras

Posted by lil' jimi on August 18, 2003, at 13:55:03

In reply to aura » lil' jimi, posted by rayww on August 17, 2003, at 23:45:49

hi ray double w!

> whoa, gotta inject some questions here if you don't mind.

please, inject away ...
don't mind at all.

>You talk of manipulating your aura, going in and out of it. Might this be compared to countenance?

i was offering temmie my guidance so she could make her aura go in and out of her, but you have the idea ...

not to contradict our kind temmie too much, i think they can be compared
... ... if we may take "countenance" as being
... the visage of one's emotional composure or as
... the "indication of one's mood, emotion, character"
... ... which may be interpreted as
... one's astral status ...
... then i would say, in that sense, it is very comparable to 'countenance' ... and it is very comparable to "halo" ... a very close relative ...

> And - - pardon my naivete but doesn't everyone see auras surrounding other people and objects?

no reason to pardon your candor there, ... ... we'd expect most folks would be naive about auras, et al.
... ... but no, everyone does not see auras ... ...
... i do not see auras
... i can make auras work for me through visualization, but my preception is not the direct sensory intuition of seers, which can be substantial realities for them ...
... my preception is more dream-like and even though mine is much more the i-made-this-up sort of vision, it works effectively and provides its own validation ...

... you see auras better than i do
... and i dare say most folks do not see them at all
... and of the few who do see them, few see them as well as you ...

>I see them but don't understand them. What of the different colors? What does a blue aura mean, what about a thick bright yellow/white one? Why are some that you think should be large, actually very thin? And why is it easier to see them on some days than on others? Why do they suddenly surprise you when you aren't looking for them?

ray, it is very easy to understand how you have come to have these questions ... ... you are having significant valuable astral experiences which have their own spiritual importance ... ...
... and you have had no one talk to you about them ... ...
... i'd be asking questions too ...
... i can not pretend to have all of these answers ... ... i'm not that adept ... ... i do know a few things i will share, but there is a lot more to know, and we need to find an experienced adept seer for you ...

... here's what little i know ...
... ... colors are emotions ... you are seeing folks feelings, their attitude as colors in their aura ... their countenance ... i beleive that with your intuition and with practice, you may be able to train yourself about which colors signify which emotions ... ...

... ... this is level of preceptiveness beyond me completely ... whereas you can see colors, my acuity is merely tactile, much more gross ... you have the blessing of the benefit and risks of being much more sensitive to things spiritual ...

... ... my analysis of the colors is simplistic compared to an adept seer's, but as elementary as it is, it works for me ...
... 1) the best color is no color ... ... clear or white or silver are better than any of those rainbow types .... because (here you are to insert your own analysis of my theory) the emotions *color* our perceptions ... and our preceptions come through our aura ...
... 2) as for those colors your seeing in folks' auras, i offer my simplistic interpretive models ... ...
... ... a) flame colors: red is hot ; blue is cool ...
... ... b) rainbow colors:
red; orange; yellow; green; blue; violet; indigo ... ... going from higher energy to lower energy
... ... c) common useage for colors: anger is purple ... or red ; envy is green; yellow is fear;

my preception is so low i rarely get beyond a) and c) has never been an interpretive tool for me ... although others i know have used it ... ... c) is more like poetic interpretation ...

> You don't have to answer all these questions, but they are the ones I have about auras.

thanks ... couldn't answer them all if i tried and i tried ... ... am trying ... !

... i have been told that the condition of an aura (biggness, smallness, thinness) are indicative of the health and fitness of the person's spiritual condition analagous to the physical health we would interpret from seeing a person's physical body ... for instnce, a very thin aura may be indicative of a person who is spiritually starved ...

... ... your variation of preceptiveness undoubtedly comes from the variations of your astral composure ... which may be a function of your symptomology, your medication, your neurochecmistry, your ... fill in the blank ...

and i offer this about your "suddenly surprise you" observation: i have much better success visualizing when i'm observing at an angle ... when i'm viewing something from off-axis ... when i'm using more of my peripheral vision ... especially, out of the corner of my eye(s) ...
... ... here's my theory, auras seem, manytimes, to know when we are looking at them and they want to come out more when we are not looking at them ... ... some may want attention, but looking dirctly makes them disappear, Except if they can catch that corner of our eye, they (sometimes) see a way to ... what?...maybe safely? ... show themselves
... and this can startle us because it can be so jack-in-the-box like ...
... ... a lot of theory (my non-seer theory) there ...

... ... i am very much the blind man leading the sighted here, but i'll tell what i have found with my hands ... ... you can tell me what you see ... .. ...

... hope this helps more than confuses!

bless you,
~ jim


re: auras » lil' jimi

Posted by temmie on August 18, 2003, at 14:46:16

In reply to re: auras, posted by lil' jimi on August 18, 2003, at 13:55:03

Good job, Jim! Nice work ....

Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Nah Dhi!



re: auras:: Thank you, Temm-ster! you're good too! (nm)

Posted by lil' jimi on August 18, 2003, at 15:59:12

In reply to re: auras » lil' jimi, posted by temmie on August 18, 2003, at 14:46:16


Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » rayww

Posted by Temmie on August 18, 2003, at 20:04:36

In reply to Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie, posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 0:39:35

Good thoughts here, RayWW ... not sure what to add, other than to note the (what I thought was) very interesting "perception" vs. "reality" series of advertisements Volkswagon ran years ago. I was working in advertising at the time, and the publication "Ad Week" was always a fave.

That said ... hmmmm. I'm apparently too lost in the mist (and way too off track) to entertain discussion here .... Thanks for writing, though!



re: auras » lil' jimi

Posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:13:04

In reply to re: auras, posted by lil' jimi on August 18, 2003, at 13:55:03

Thankyou for that training. If I knew where to go for more information I would probably study it further (farther?)

As for seers, I think we may have a different understanding of what a seer is, but that's ok.

I really understand what you wrote, especially what you said about vision, and how you look at things through your p vision, or from the corner of your eye, or when you're looking at something but not looking at it, etc.

You may wish to debate this, but I think there are gifts to be found in some of the disorders that are very real, this being one of them.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I have been told by many that I have a gift of sorts, some say I am the most spiritual person they know, others note that I seem to know what they are thinking before they think it, funny stuff like that. I don't really believe it. I have too many problems in my channelling to keep the communicaiton clear. Oops wrong word for this congregation.

I have issues and personal things I have to work very hard on to do with the disorder. Life in normal lane has never been easy for me, a person who loves to swing in the outer limits of thought and fear.


Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie

Posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:53:42

In reply to Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » rayww, posted by Temmie on August 18, 2003, at 20:04:36

I've prayed for you Temmie. I wish you peace and a good nights rest. Thanks for your ideas and for including me in your discussion.


Thank you! » rayww

Posted by Temmie on August 19, 2003, at 2:46:53

In reply to Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie, posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:53:42

I am blessed to be the recipient of such care!

My apologies to you (and all) if I've seemed irritable or "on-edge" lately. Thank you Ray, and all, for your tender words of encouragment, and for your gracious, giving of time, energy and prayers!

I'm going back to bed now ... humbled .... I awoke with nightmares (see next post), but will attempt sleep again with your prayers (and mine) in mind.

Peace, Temmie


I Dreamed My Teeth Were Falling Out

Posted by Temmie on August 19, 2003, at 2:51:03

In reply to Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie, posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:53:42

I’m sorry, I’ve lost some of the information in the transfer of this article from … “The New York Times,” 27 oct 02

Falling, flying, infidelity - yeah, yeah, been there done that last night. You know what? Pay attention to your recurring dreams - they might be trying to help you change your life. Bronwen Gora reports.

We rarely take notice of the messages we receive from repetitive dreams, but they can tell us a lot about our fears. According to psychologists and counsellors, they are road maps of our lives and can teach us something. "Dreams are a primary part of the process of understanding your own internal landscape," says Bondi-based counsellor Siana Carren. "They're like maps of the journey we're on." And if the dreams are repetitive, it means you're not working on their message. "Your mind will keep sending you the same dream until you act on it," Carren says.

This means analysing them as much as possible and then taking steps to resolve any troublesome issues, through counselling if necessary. Basically, a recurring dream means there's an issue in your life that hasn't been dealt with - and you must get to the bottom of it.

For instance, psychologist Michael Burge had a client who dreamt of a scary hawk on a tree about to attack her. "When she analysed it more she saw it (the hawk) was a part of herself, a strong part she'd been denying."

It's very important we do this or we will lose the lesson and it will affect our lives.
Psychologist Stefan Durlach, who follows philosopher Carl Jung's interpretations of dreams, says you must "engage with what comes up in a dream" to "create a parallel experience" with your life. So try to write down and/or remember your dreams in such a way that you will have a memory of them as you go about your daily routine.

Teeth Falling Out

Burge says this is a highly common dream. "What's decaying in your life?" he asks. "Are there aspects of your life you're ignoring? Are you in a rut - or pushing yourself too much?"
Nacson says people with this dream often find that in daily life they are losing face or feeling shameful about something. Alternatively, if your teeth are wobbly in your dream when you are involved in something new, it may indicate you feel you are not getting your teeth into the situation.

Burge says research has shown at least 50 per cent of repetitive dreams are related to our well-being, health and growth. "So attend to it, as it's to do with your life aspirations and capabilities."


Dream Doctor, Interesting Site

Posted by Temmie on August 19, 2003, at 2:52:01

In reply to Re: Broken Horses/Broken Hearts/Travails of the Spirit » Temmie, posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:53:42


re: auras » rayww

Posted by lil' jimi on August 19, 2003, at 11:07:16

In reply to re: auras » lil' jimi, posted by rayww on August 18, 2003, at 21:13:04

hi rayww,

> Thank you for that training.

you're welcome, although you flatter me to call it training ...
... i happen to know some of the mechanical and electrical systems of our astral bodies ...

>If I knew where to go for more information I would probably study it further (farther?)

well, it would be better if there is something in your tradition for you ... but that may not be possible ... ... many religions invalidate these experiences ...
which can be limiting ...

> As for seers, I think we may have a different understanding of what a seer is, but that's ok.

i co-opted that term to apply specifically to mean “one who sees auras” ... ... instead of the more familiar ‘fortune teller’ meaning ... i can get creative with words sometimes ... ... sorry ...

> I really understand what you wrote, especially what you said about vision, and how you look at things through your p vision, or from the corner of your eye, or when you're looking at something but not looking at it, etc.

it is an odd thing about how they (auras, et al) want to play peek-a-boo like that ...

> You may wish to debate this, but I think there are gifts to be found in some of the disorders that are very real, this being one of them.

Mercury's posts speak vividly to this issue ... ... i'm not very skeptical about this at all ... ... know how we get told there's a fine line between genius and insanity? ... ... i believe the line is finer between the mystic and
the madman ... ... in fact, that's the stereotype for people with spiritual vision ...

> I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I have been told by many that I have a gift of sorts, some say I am the most spiritual person they know, others note that I seem to know what they are thinking before they think it, funny stuff like that. I don't really believe it. I have too many problems in my channeling to keep the communication clear. Oops wrong word for this congregation.

i am grateful to you for overcoming your embarrassment to share this with me (us) ... ...
... ... i do feel that there are great challenges for those with sight to overcome the perils from seeing too much ... ... or too clearly

... ... any words you may choose should work fine among my spiritual community ... ... were you concerned about the term “channeling” ? ... no need to be here .... well, not with me anyway ...

> I have issues and personal things I have to work very hard on to do with the disorder. Life in normal lane has never been easy for me, a person who loves to swing in the outer limits of thought and fear.

there is the risk of one’s sight revealing more than can be absorbed ... ...
... ... and there are those who suffer from their vision of the celestial overwhelming their sense of time and place ...
... ... having a larger perspective can sometimes be cosmically disorienting
... ... some people have lost their way ...

... which is why i want to find you the experts to help you with your vision ...
... but i am Not sure how ... yet ...
... yet, if you’d like, i shall try ...

bliss to you,
~ jim


re: auras » lil' jimi

Posted by rayww on August 19, 2003, at 15:31:22

In reply to re: auras » rayww, posted by lil' jimi on August 19, 2003, at 11:07:16

Catch you later, I do want to respond to this.


re: auras » rayww

Posted by rayww on August 21, 2003, at 10:14:56

In reply to re: auras » lil' jimi, posted by rayww on August 19, 2003, at 15:31:22

Yours was a very kind and thoughtful response and I appreciated it more than you know. It is a wonderful thing that two can communicate across the "fine line" and feel comfortable doing so.

> well, it would be better if there is something in your tradition for you ... but that may not be possible ... ... many religions invalidate these experiences ...
> which can be limiting ...

My tradition is very accepting of all gifts of the spirit, but has guidelines to insure whatever received is in line with what Prophets and Seers have recorded in scripture. I personally like the safety net of two or three witnesses to everything.

>>> i co-opted that term to apply specifically to mean “one who sees auras” ... ... instead of the more familiar ‘fortune teller’ meaning ... i can get creative with words sometimes ... ... sorry ...

No need to say sorry. I love being very creative with words and meanings too. That is good. The song that popped into my head after I wrote the post on "seers" is "The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers"

"The wonderful thing about Seers, yes Seers are wonderful things, The most wonderful thing about seers is that God has appointed them to record for our benefit, the fullness of his gospel through all ages of time. God has for-ordained prophets and seers and placed them on earth in each gospel dispensation, (Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and so on) and he commands them to record his words to them. That is a wonderful thing for us. No one should be offended that God has a "God's people" through whom he has delivered his word for the benefit of all mankind. Commonly referred to as Jew and Gentile, First will be last and last will be first....not all who say "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father....etc.

> Mercury's posts speak vividly to this issue ... ... i'm not very skeptical about this at all ... ... know how we get told there's a fine line between genius and insanity? ... ... i believe the line is finer between the mystic and
> the madman ... ... in fact, that's the stereotype for people with spiritual vision ...

I'll have to read Mercury's posts again. I am surprised at your last statement. Are those with spiritual vision really stereotyped madmen? Is Gordon B. Hinckley considered a madman? How about Mother Theresa? The Pope, me, you? There is a lot more I would like to probe on this subject, that's for sure. I hope you will continue to probe it as well, as we are all searching for answers here.
> i am grateful to you for overcoming your embarrassment to share this with me (us) ... ...
> ... ... i do feel that there are great challenges for those with sight to overcome the perils from seeing too much ... ... or too clearly
> ... ... any words you may choose should work fine among my spiritual community ... ... were you concerned about the term “channeling” ? ... no need to be here .... well, not with me anyway ...

That was such a kind response to something I honestly thought I deleted before posting. strange. When I use the word Channelling I refer more to fine tuning myself into God's channel, rather than to other diversions that move me away from God.

> there is the risk of one’s sight revealing more than can be absorbed ... ...
> ... ... and there are those who suffer from their vision of the celestial overwhelming their sense of time and place ...
> ... ... having a larger perspective can sometimes be cosmically disorienting
> ... ... some people have lost their way ...

What beautiful poetic perception you have! I honestly love the way you express things. You have great knowledge and wisdom, and I learn so much from reading your posts.

> ... which is why i want to find you the experts to help you with your vision ...
> ... but i am Not sure how ... yet ...
> ... yet, if you’d like, i shall try ...

That is a very kind offer and I appreciate your gift, and if you figure it out, please let me know. I think what I have is common and ordinary to my tradition. I am satisfied with the understanding I have, but certainly have been interested in and appreciative of the light you have shed on the subject. Thank you and,

> bliss to you, too ~ jim



The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
The bottoms are made out of springs

They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
I'm the only one

The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful chaps
They're loaded with vim and vigor
They love to leap in your laps

They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
I'm the only one

Tiggers are cuddly fellows
Tiggers are awfully sweet

Everyone else is jealous
That's why I repeat

The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
I'm the only one

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmmmm the only one!!!!!!

"bouncy trouncy" is a term that I have used to describe my own spirit. now I know where that term came from. Do a search on "The wonderful thing about tiggers" and you get full color pictures and music as well. Cool!


re: auras

Posted by Dinah on August 21, 2003, at 22:45:03

In reply to re: auras » rayww, posted by rayww on August 21, 2003, at 10:14:56

I must confess that my concentration is not such at the moment that I was fully able to take in the posts on this subject. But the title intrigued me.

I have often wondered about my way of seeing people. I have great difficulty seeing their actual features. But I can see them in other ways quite well. I actually see them better sometimes with my eyes closed.

Sometimes the way I see them involves color, sometimes texture, sometimes other things. My father often has a black cloud with bolts of red in it. A psychologist I saw for testing was billowy and marshmallowy, though that had nothing to do with her looks.

I don't much converse with other people, so I've never been quite sure if how I saw people was the norm or not. My therapist is often greatly entertained by my descriptions of himself and of others. He thinks it's a form of emotional sensitivity.

Is this the sort of thing aura means? Or are auras more concrete?


re: auras » rayww

Posted by lil' jimi on August 24, 2003, at 3:07:28

In reply to re: auras » rayww, posted by rayww on August 21, 2003, at 10:14:56

hi rayww!

> Jimi,
> Yours was a very kind and thoughtful response and I appreciated it more than you know. It is a wonderful thing that two can communicate across the "fine line" and feel comfortable doing so. >

well, good for us!

> > well, it would be better if there is something in your tradition for you ... but that may not be possible ... ... many religions invalidate these experiences ...
> > which can be limiting ...
> My tradition is very accepting of all gifts of the spirit, but has guidelines to insure whatever received is in line with what Prophets and Seers have recorded in scripture. I personally like the safety net of two or three witnesses to everything. >

... and i appreciated this more than you know ...
... for as much as knowing that the folks are accepting there, i am happier still that there is support for you to be safe ... that is great!

> >>> i co-opted that term to apply specifically to mean “one who sees auras” ... ... instead of the more familiar ‘fortune teller’ meaning ... i can get creative with words sometimes ... ... sorry ...
> No need to say sorry. I love being very creative with words and meanings too. That is good. The song that popped into my head after I wrote the post on "seers" is "The Wonderful Thing about Tiggers"
> "The wonderful thing about Seers, yes Seers are wonderful things, The most wonderful thing about seers is that God has appointed them to record for our benefit, the fullness of his gospel through all ages of time. God has for-ordained prophets and seers and placed them on earth in each gospel dispensation, (Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and so on) and he commands them to record his words to them. That is a wonderful thing for us. No one should be offended that God has a "God's people" through whom he has delivered his word for the benefit of all mankind. Commonly referred to as Jew and Gentile, First will be last and last will be first....not all who say "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father....etc. >

amen .

> > Mercury's posts speak vividly to this issue ... ... i'm not very skeptical about this at all ... ... know how we get told there's a fine line between genius and insanity? ... ... i believe the line is finer between the mystic and
> > the madman ... ... in fact, that's the stereotype for people with spiritual vision ...
> I'll have to read Mercury's posts again. I am surprised at your last statement. Are those with spiritual vision really stereotyped madmen? Is Gordon B. Hinckley considered a madman? How about Mother Theresa? The Pope, me, you? There is a lot more I would like to probe on this subject, that's for sure. I hope you will continue to probe it as well, as we are all searching for answers here. >

... stereotypes aren't approved objective standards ... they are usually slanderous ... ... of course, i myself do Not subscribe to such stereotypes ... i have great respect for the mystics ... ...
... that said, there has been a history of some mystics going mad ... such powers do not come with out their risks

> >
> > i am grateful to you for overcoming your embarrassment to share this with me (us) ... ...
> > ... ... i do feel that there are great challenges for those with sight to overcome the perils from seeing too much ... ... or too clearly
> >
> > ... ... any words you may choose should work fine among my spiritual community ... ... were you concerned about the term “channeling” ? ... no need to be here .... well, not with me anyway ...
> >
> That was such a kind response to something I honestly thought I deleted before posting. strange. When I use the word Channelling I refer more to fine tuning myself into God's channel, rather than to other diversions that move me away from God.

i see.

> >
> > there is the risk of one’s sight revealing more than can be absorbed ... ...
> > ... ... and there are those who suffer from their vision of the celestial overwhelming their sense of time and place ...
> > ... ... having a larger perspective can sometimes be cosmically disorienting
> > ... ... some people have lost their way ...
> What beautiful poetic perception you have! I honestly love the way you express things. You have great knowledge and wisdom, and I learn so much from reading your posts. >

you are so kind ... i am so glad to be of benefit ... thank you

> > ... which is why i want to find you the experts to help you with your vision ...
> > ... but i am Not sure how ... yet ...
> > ... yet, if you’d like, i shall try ...
> That is a very kind offer and I appreciate your gift, and if you figure it out, please let me know. I think what I have is common and ordinary to my tradition. I am satisfied with the understanding I have, but certainly have been interested in and appreciative of the light you have shed on the subject. Thank you and,
> >
> > bliss to you, too ~ jim
> rayww
> >

and i am very grateful that you have such good support .. .. .. i was concerned that you might not ...

> The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
> Is Tiggers are wonderful things
> Their tops are made out of rubber
> The bottoms are made out of springs
> They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
> Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
> But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
> I'm the only one
> The wonderful thing about Tiggers
> Is Tiggers are wonderful chaps
> They're loaded with vim and vigor
> They love to leap in your laps
> They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy
> Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
> But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
> I'm the only one
> Tiggers are cuddly fellows
> Tiggers are awfully sweet
> Everyone else is jealous
> That's why I repeat
> The wonderful thing about Tiggers
> Is Tiggers are wonderful things
> Their tops are made out of rubber
> Their bottoms are made out of springs
> They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
> Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
> But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
> I'm the only one
> IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmmmm the only one!!!!!!
> "bouncy trouncy" is a term that I have used to describe my own spirit. now I know where that term came from. Do a search on "The wonderful thing about tiggers" and you get full color pictures and music as well. Cool!

and i thank you for Tigger's Song ... ... our 4 year-old will appreciaye it too ... he has introduced me to Poo and his friends some ... now i shall retaliate! ...
... and thanks for the Bouncy Trouncy, too

~ jim


re: auras » Dinah

Posted by lil' jimi on August 24, 2003, at 3:41:58

In reply to re: auras, posted by Dinah on August 21, 2003, at 22:45:03

hi Dinah!

> I must confess that my concentration is not such at the moment that I was fully able to take in the posts on this subject. But the title intrigued me.
> I have often wondered about my way of seeing people. I have great difficulty seeing their actual features. But I can see them in other ways quite well. I actually see them better sometimes with my eyes closed.
> Sometimes the way I see them involves color, sometimes texture, sometimes other things. My father often has a black cloud with bolts of red in it. A psychologist I saw for testing was billowy and marshmallowy, though that had nothing to do with her looks.
> I don't much converse with other people, so I've never been quite sure if how I saw people was the norm or not. My therapist is often greatly entertained by my descriptions of himself and of others. He thinks it's a form of emotional sensitivity.
> Is this the sort of thing aura means? Or are auras more concrete?

i would say you are seeing auras ... ... and this perception certainly is a form of emotional sensitivity ... your therapist should be commended for being empathetic ...

i know of nothing about auras being specific or required in terms of being perceived ... ... certainly not concrete ...
... ... these perceptions can be reflective of the emotions or other elements of the person or object with which they are seen
... ... yours are not the typical descriptions of auras i am familiar with or have heard ...
... for as much as i am sensitive enough for me to "see", auras are typically vaporous whisps which glow as if from leaking radiation ...

... because each of us perceives auras with our own emotional (astral) sense organs (chakras), we should expect that our sensations we experience from auras to be as diverse as we are ... ... yours sound to me rather like soft sculptures ...

... and these experiences obstruct your regular (i don't know what to call it except "regular") sight?
... ... i find this curious and it makes me concerned ... ... i want you to be able to see!

take care,
~ jim


re: auras

Posted by Dinah on August 24, 2003, at 19:48:39

In reply to re: auras » Dinah, posted by lil' jimi on August 24, 2003, at 3:41:58

> ... and these experiences obstruct your regular (i don't know what to call it except "regular") sight?
> ... ... i find this curious and it makes me concerned ... ... i want you to be able to see!
> take care,
> ~ jim
Hmmm. I don't think I explain things well. It's doesn't interfere with my regular sight, it's a different way of seeing. But coincidentally (or not, who knows), I have either a neurological or psychological (or both, who knows) problem with seeing faces in their entirety. I see bits and pieces of them. Could be social anxiety, or some Aspergerish thing. But because it interferes with my recognition of faces, I rely on other cues including this one.

Although honestly, I try to turn this one off unless I have some particular reason to focus on someone.

Whether it's what others would consider auras or just a sensitivity to nuance coupled with an unusual way of phrasing things I'm not sure. It's interesting to consider though. Thanks for answering. :)



re: not auras

Posted by Dinah on August 24, 2003, at 21:06:36

In reply to re: auras, posted by Dinah on August 24, 2003, at 19:48:39

Looked it up a bit, saw the photos. What I see aren't auras.

Probably some sort of emotional energy coupled with a vivid and imagery focussed imagination. :)


re: auras » lil' jimi

Posted by rayww on August 25, 2003, at 8:20:20

In reply to re: auras » rayww, posted by lil' jimi on August 24, 2003, at 3:07:28

Thank you for expressing interest in the fact that I have support.

I have been surfing the aura channels on the net this morning, and am quite fascinated. I tried to view my own but didn't get far. It was all over the place, from very tall and distorted to one side, and then very small. I think it was my imagination, and I was trying too hard. Fun stuff though.


re: not auras » Dinah

Posted by lil' jimi on August 25, 2003, at 15:53:00

In reply to re: not auras, posted by Dinah on August 24, 2003, at 21:06:36

hi Dinah!

> Looked it up a bit, saw the photos. What I see aren't auras.
> Probably some sort of emotional energy coupled with a vivid and imagery focussed imagination. :)

... okay ... but i'd like to ask about ...
... "saw the photos" ...
... who knew ? (!) ... here i can't see auras ... while someone's _Taking Pictures_ (?) ... whoa !
... can we see the photos, too ? ... please ?

and i thought they weren't concrete ... !

~ jim

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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