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Re: Most antidepressants are rubbish » linkadge

Posted by SLS on October 27, 2022, at 19:56:26

In reply to Most antidepressants are rubbish, posted by linkadge on October 27, 2022, at 16:00:21

> I would say that most modern antidepressants are rubbish. They can produce some emotional anesthesia and a mild mood boost but do little else. Most patients probably recover spontaneously.
> Linkadge

B u l l s h i t

Here we go again...

My current experience contradicts your characterizations. No emotional anesthesia. Emotional anesthesia isn't the mechanism by which antidepressants work. I think you are confusing unwanted apathy, emotional numbness, sedation, and flat affect that are side effects rather than being necessary for a drug to work. You might find emotional numbing to be a relief from tortured thinking and chronic anxiety.

Perhaps you should talk to more people for whom antidepressants have worked steadily and turned their lives around. Perhaps you don't have an illness that antidepressants can improve. I saw someone who was diagnosed with MDD treated unsuccessfully with a long list of traditional antidepressants. Nothing worked. His doctor then took a shot that he might have ADD / ADHD. Atomoxetine turned his life around.

- Scott

Some see things as they are and ask why.
I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.




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