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Re: Nardil or Marplan?

Posted by tom2228 on May 12, 2014, at 13:30:11

In reply to Nardil or Marplan?, posted by Snell on May 12, 2014, at 7:05:08

I have been on all 3 and Marplan is my favorite.

Marplan makes me feel like myself (it is supposedly good for depersonalization/ dissociative symptoms) and allows me to be more in touch with memories of how I've felt throughout the years.

I consider Marplan to be the cleanest. In general I find it to be relatively low on side effects. Some do say that the other two have more "umph" for depression, but that's a matter of subjectivity.

- Mechanism wise it is the closest to a pure MAOI
--Nardil has effects on GABA transaminase and phenylethylamine as a metabolite;
--Parnate is stronger on MAOI-B and has an effect on GABA-B;
--Marplan has has less-pronounced effects on dopamine beta-hydroxylase and tryptophan metabolism, although it "feels" the closest to a pure MAOI)

-whereas the other two can have sedation problems, Marplan seems to be neutral to some and activating to others (I find it pretty stimulating at 40mg and over)

-Marplan lacks, or is more forgiving in terms of the afternoon sleepiness you speak about

-Marplan tends to be weight-neutral (whereas Nardil is is known of weight gain)

-Sexual side-effects are not as bad a Nardil in my experience

-The insomnia is nowhere near the insomnia on Parnate, I've found.




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