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Nardil or Marplan?

Posted by Snell on May 12, 2014, at 7:05:08

I've taken all the antidepressants and am now working my way through the MAOIs. I started with Parnate and uptitrated to 60 mg by October 1, 2013. Now I'm having poop-out. I asked in another thread about augmenting with dopamine agonists (Requip, Mirapex) but here I am interested in people who have taken Nardil or Marplan.

It seems Nardil is the "high side effect MAOI". Is that true? I've also repeatedly heard that Parnate is activating while Nardil is sedating. That will be strange for me, as I found Parnate quite sedating, and had to take naps every afternoon to be able to function.

I keep hearing/reading good things about Marplan. Anyone taking that?

I'm super interested in your experiences!




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