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Re: wow am I tired... » Sunbath

Posted by delna on October 3, 2009, at 4:24:01

In reply to Re: wow am I tired... » delna, posted by Sunbath on October 3, 2009, at 4:01:50

> Hi Delna,
> sorry to hear about your insomnia :(
> So you sleep till 1pm?Is this because you wake so often?
> What about a sedating serotonin antagonist that could help you sleep?Maybe this would work better than a benzo as ColoradoSnowflake with Nortriptyline and me taking Trazodone aren't experiencing any insomnia? Did you or your doc think of something like that?Also did you start right away with taking parnate at night?Maybe it would be better for you to take it in the morning as recommended "officially"?I still don't know whether I can take it at night or not.. the first night trying that wasn't good at all..
> I'd be very interested which side effect your doctor suggested might get better with higher dosages: The daytime sedation or the insomnia (sorry didn't get it :) )?
> Thanks very much! Good luck to you, I really hope your insomnia will get better and please keep me updated too :)

He thinks the tiredness will get better because it will start becoming activating. Not sure if I believe him though.

I think my sleep is just screwed up at the moment because of this drug- I don't think I need any sedatives to sleep. Plus when you sleep all day, sleeping at night is not so easy however much you are sedated.

Let me know your status. This seems like a hard drug to take.




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