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Re: wow am I tired... » ColoradoSnowflake

Posted by ColoradoSnowflake on October 1, 2009, at 22:22:51

In reply to Re: wow am I tired..., posted by ColoradoSnowflake on October 1, 2009, at 14:29:30

Hi Sunbath:

I got off to a rocky start with Parnate because of my fear of insomnia on Parnate. What a joke that turned out to be for me!!
My pdoc had me start a TCA when I was coming off my other meds and doing the washout. I suggested amytriptyline because I wanted to sleep well. Amytript. always gives me a fabulous sleep that I can count on. Parnate made me sleepy from the get-go. But I was so jacked up with other stuff going on during the day, always including terrible fatigue, it was hard for me to sort it out. Scott suggested early on that I trade amytrip. for nortript. at night, but I was afraid of not sleeping, so I dragged my heels for a long long exhausted....Finally I got off amytrip. onto nortript. and it was immediately "the bomb" I felt so good! And the nortrip. has mostly been a fine sleep aid at night. (I wonder if it still will be if I take 70mg Parnate at night. We'll see.)

But still some residual fatigue . So my pdoc added Provigil and that seems to have done the trick. I didn't take the full amount of Provigil until recently because of the cost. But I'm on the whole 200mg now and feeling good.

I still have ups and downs with the Parnate, but mostly feel good and "gooder"........Certainly better than I have felt on any other meds for the last 15 years. I do feel, occasionally, that those other meds are still washing out of my system, bringing feelings up with them, which is probably a good thing.

Fatigue has always been a major piece of my depression and the hardest thing to treat. So it was probably predictable that Parnate would give me fatigue. I think it's very common. I do think it gets better with time, as does Parnate generally. My pdoc had me promise to take it for at least 6 months and now I know why. It gets better and better. I'm very glad, for myself, that I didn't give up on it. When I was younger I probably would have, and then ended up back to it at some point.
Oh, and no sex problems or weight gain...that's a plus!

I hope all this info helps!!!

If you have any more specific questions let me know.






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