Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1115296

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nothing to learn... no work to do...

Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:21:21

so that just leaves where the money is. who has got the money. why it is that they have the money. and the other resources.

it isn't that they have knowledge or skills.

it isn't that they do work.

it's just that they grubby grub grubbed the money.

that's all there is.

until people wise up and pry it out of their cold dead hands.

it appears to be what it is.


Re: nothing to learn... no work to do...

Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:34:25

In reply to nothing to learn... no work to do..., posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:21:21

the government puts a certain amount of money into people's bank accounts.

every week if they are kept in conditions of deprivation.

every second week, otherwise.

and of course many people who are paid nothing at all.

whose value is dependent on people who are paid every second week, only.

they live only by the grace of them.

kept as hostages in their houses.

or homeless.

or kept as hostages in 'homes' or other government institutions.

where people are paid a lot of money to keep them in coditoins of extreme deprivation and torture.

an 'interesting' thing to do with populations...

there was this thing about keeping the bums on the seats.

that was the point of school.

you arrive at a time. you do what you are told. what you are managed to do.

sit here. do this. do that.

you fight it out amongst yourselves in unstructured time.

then you work a 'job' where you have a pay-check for more of the same.

maybe you are good at fighting it out amongst yourselves in unstructured time.

maybe you are good at getting the best of the work outputs and claiming them for yourself.

then you get paid more.

paid to manage others. to appropriate their work. to manage their time.


and all the things new zealand doesn't have because that's how it chooses...


i mean... i'm trying to grasp *what does the government see in them?* of the biggest earners. i mean... why does the government see fit to pay them enough for 3 or 4 or 5 of 9 people? why does the government think they are worth 3 or 4 or 5 or 9 people?

because they keep that many in conditions of deprivation?

because they prevent the development of all the things...

nothing good survives...

nothing flourishes. nothing thrives...

nothing develops...

squawk squweeeeeeeeeee wahoo squawk squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

word salad.


new zealand doesn't have universities.

it has detention facilities.

the leaders think they are above the law...

because look at the state of the law.

look at how the courts refuse to deliver timely justice.

just how every other segment of nz similarly refuses to function.




all the money they spend on people who refuse to do their job.


i do wonder how much it's a hoax.

i wonder whether ashley bloomfield is paid half a million dollars each year...

or whether he was a criminal overseas who took his laundered money to new zealand.

if he gives the labor party donations in exhange for his having so much time on tv in the name of covid response. if his title and even if the story that he's paid so much is public recognition that he gets because he pays them. he pays them his laundered money.

that would make more sense of the situation.

and maybe all our chief executives are like that.

they bring their laundered money here.

and the new zealand government gives them titles and fancy job descriptions.

tells new zealand that they are paid by the government.

but it's just a temporary thing. a social narrative that was paid for by them to the government and not the other way around.

maybe that is the situation in new zealand.

the new zealand government doesn't pay it's workers.

it's just where the money laundreers are sent.

best place in the world in which to be a money launderer.

best place in the world in which to be a pedophile.


that would make sense more of why people overseas go:

they pay me they pay me they pay me they pay me they pay me

because new zealadn will not pay it's workers


Re: nothing to learn... no work to do...

Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:43:19

In reply to Re: nothing to learn... no work to do..., posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:34:25

and i'm supposed to be afaid.

that if i don't keep my mouth shut then i'll get cut off.


the government won't pay me.

it'll pay the government contractors more than 1 million per year, apparently (apparently that's independent surgeons for contract work during Covid epidemic where majority of eletives were cancelled)

it'll pay the government chief executives half a million per year. or a couple hundred thousand per year. for... what is it that they do? ensuring that their underlings are kept constantly crying poor poor poor poor poor poor poor we don't have any money

it's pay the workers... barely. it'll keep them crying for money. cry cry crying crying for money. police and nurses and teachers. cry cry cry cry crying for money. cry cry crying for money.

but only some of them... others of them will being doing quite well. having been taught well to have more than the others... precisely becuase they cry cry cry cry cry the loudest for money.

and there's the volunteer workers. st johns doesn't have very many paid ambulance workers. it's a volunteer role. often. they send the volunteers out to people's homes to refuse to put them in ambulances. so that the people in their homes are scared enough to hire indpenednent security.

the independent security... likely the government pays them. likely they are a subsidiary of st john. the monopoloy charity. the multi billion dollar charity. that relies on volunteer workers.

that relies on exploiting the workers.

while the universities take money from studnets to train them to be ambulance officers. but why give them their degrees when you can get them working for st johns as volunteers for free?

i mean why?

why woul dyo upay tehm?

they pay you!!!

they pay you!!!

they pay you!!!

they pay you to get to vulnerable people first. when nobody is looking.

they pay you!!!

they pay you!!!

they pay you!!!


Re: nothing to learn... no work to do...

Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:50:45

In reply to Re: nothing to learn... no work to do..., posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:43:19

the new zealand government thinks that i owe them over $100,000 for university study in new zealand where they refuse to acknowledge any of my degrees.

the student loan on the qualifications increases every year.. increases in value. the money that i owe. gets more and more and more every year that goes on.

but the value of the qualifiation that i got goes down. the skills learned don't work any more. the knowledge learned don't work any more. a philosophy degree is useless beause the entire field is re-written anewe each and every year. didn't you know? Plato. I'ts differnt this year than it was last year. And people who study philosophy are intellectually handicapped garble garble garble 'what do you mean by knowledge?' garble carrots potatoes cabbages.

apparently i owe the New Zealand government around $70,000 for things like clothes and washing machines and essential things like that. because they don't provide meaningful employment. they don't provide employement. they don't provide enough money for essential things like that.

for much of my life i'm forced to live in abusive relationships. i'm forced to live in substandard (even unlawful) housing. i'm forced into government institutions. the government will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to OTHER PEOPLE so that they can keep me in conditions of deprivation and torture.

the government refuses me healthcare.

the goernmetn refuses to acknowledge the skils i have.

teh government refuses to process my stuff.

the government refuses to pay me enough to particuopate in society.

the government reufss to opay me enough so i have basic mobility

the government reuses to compensate me for the act that it payd people to abuse me

over and ov ern and over

it blames me

it calls me mentally ill in an attept to discredit me and justify it's abuses only

it claims i am a violent criminal when i complain about it's abuses

f*ck*ng psychopaths

f*ck*ng psychopaths

f*ck*ng psychopaths

f*ck*ng psychopaths



Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 15:04:48

In reply to Re: nothing to learn... no work to do..., posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 14:50:45

for the 120 point 1 EFT 05 March 2018 MPhil Degree.

I wrote you a thesis.

I submitted it for examination.

The Statutory Law of New Zealand states that Univerities are required to allow studnets the academic freedom to work to international standards of scholarship.

The University Calendar Regualtions state that the outome of examination is to be based on reports of two out of three examiners (or three in the case of divergent outcomes).

The Univesity REFUSED to get the work to the examiners because of garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage.

I was 'too early'. I 'hadn't been working for long enough'. My supervisor didn't want me to submit my work yet becuase with all the holidays she'd taken that year she hadn't been as hands on with me as she wanted to be. So I'm expected to wait on her. To wait another year on year. To repeat the year because that's what she wants for me.

The Universtiy REFUSED to get the work to the examiners in violation of the Education Act.

I keep working for 2 weeks because -- what else am I supposed to do??

Then I get them aother thesis for examination.

Then they send it out with instructions that the external examiners write 'doctoral reports' of my 'masters thesis'. This is to force them to say 'in order for this 50,000 word masters thesis to be acceptable as a 100,000 word doctoral thesis changes to the substance are required'.

They sent it out with instructions that external examienrs examine it for the WRONG DEGREE.

The externals say changes to the substance are required.

The Univesrity regulations say that there are 2 outcomes of examination involving changes to the substance.

1 of the outcomes involves re-exaination and re-enrolment. But in this case 'the thesis will be returned to the candidate'. The examiners did not return the thesis to the candidate. I told the UNi they had no ground to force me to re-enrol because they did not return the thesis that they were couriered. The Uni asked them to return the thesis and the examiners refused. The examiners refused to do what they were required to do for the University to have grounds to force me to re-enrol and pay more fees.

The University says they can choose any outcome they want and if I don't pay them more money I will never get the Degree.

They charge more money to my studnet loan. The government pays the money to the Univesrity for refusing to give me the qualiafiation I had completed the requirements for.

I phoned the studnet loanpeople and told them NOT TO PAY THE UNI MORE MONEY. THEY WERE NOT ENTOTLED TO MORE FEES. They paid them anyway. It's on my studnet loan that apparently I signed a contract that the government should apy a NZ University any amount they charge the government. But I never applied to study MPHil with Waikato. I applied to study Medicine with Auckland only. The enrolled me in a progrmme I nevr applied to and they send me the bill.

They refuse to give me the degree I completed.

I made the changes to the substance as the examiners wanted.

The Univesrity refused to get the work back to examiners.

This is in 2018.

The internal complaints process is a waste of time. They say 'we don't see anything wrong with anything we do'. The Ombudsman is a waste of time. Teh courts appear to be a waste of time.

They delayed proceedings and it is now half way through 2021 and I don't have teh HIgh Court judgement yet.

Then court of appeal.

Then supreme court.

New Zealand is corrupt. You cannot do business with New Zealand. They take your money only.

They take your moey only

They take your money only

Look at the leaders. Look at the competence.

Look at the : Carrots cabbages potatoes.

Taniwha and no speakn English.

That's not what we meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan by genocide


We take hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to offer fake degrees in things like law and medicine and engineering where these qualifiations canot be recognised overseas because we refuse to sign off on all and only teh studnets who have met the requireents for the degrees.


I'ts out plan for holding hostages. Keeping slaves.

I'm sure they aren't paying surgeons 1 million per year for external contracts.

NOt unless they are hired killers.

Even then. They'll be laundreing the mone in to the government.

They won't be paying them.



Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 15:13:17

In reply to WHERE IS MY DEGREE???, posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 15:04:48

and i'm supposed to go:

i made it!
i made it!
i made it!

i am just like them!

i did NOT meet the requirements of the PhD -- and *they gave me the degree anyway* and now they wll pay me to make sure that only people who have not met the requirements for the qualifiation get the degree.

and all degrees are the same degree.

they are all worth precisely the same.

that is nothing.

with hundreds of thousands of dollars only for the fact that hundreds of thousands of dollars more money will be laundered that way for a scummy scummy scam.

all subjects lead to mighty chief executive of the managerial administration of the university of we refuse to allow anybody to produce anything!!!

new zealand refuses to allow universities.

and now we are setting about destroying whatever remnants we had of trade school



Posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 15:17:28

In reply to Re: WHERE IS MY DEGREE???, posted by alexandra_k on May 24, 2021, at 15:13:17

and secondary school

we can get money for you!
we can get money for you!
we can get money for you!

the grubby grubby eyes light up!!!

we can get money for you!
we can get money for you!

we can take all of the money...

and not hire teachers.

not provide classes.

not provide pieces of paper.

we can get money for you (and fail you and get mor emoney for you the next year)

just keep giving u smoney

just keep giving u smoney

all of the money for us!

all ofthe money!

all of themoney!!

none of the workers. and none of the work.

just work for the administration chief adminstrators manegerial

alllllllllllllllllllllll of the money for us.

'continuing education'

it's brillant.

we can veto people out.

you don't get to be prime minister anymore jacinda ardern.

not unless you pay us moooooooooooooooooooooooooore mooooooooooooooooooooooooney for level 4 liteacty. because your degree expired.

and your school did to.

didn't you know????

it's all just a big money grubby hoax.
the whole thing.

it's all just a scummy scammy scam






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