Psycho-Babble Psychology Thread 480204

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suicidal ideation *trigger* » B2chica

Posted by Shortelise on April 6, 2005, at 14:55:54

In reply to suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trigger*, posted by B2chica on April 5, 2005, at 12:35:53

For me, it's an old, old habit, one I learned from my mother.

She always made it clear that suicide is a choice. If all else fails, if things get too painful, then a person can kill herself. That is what my mother always has said (yup, she's still alive) and that is what I still believe.

Lots of times I just wish I could do it. Even when I'm happy. It feels like the inevitable end of things.

But don't take a "handful of pills". At best you'll end up with a hangover - you could end up mentally or physically handicapped. That happens often with attempts that involve pills; they don't often end up dead. Imagine what it would be like to be inside a drooling, twitching body? Far better to get help than take a bunch of pills.

I wonder what the suicide urge says to us about ourselves. What does it say to other about us?



Re: suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trig » B2chica

Posted by mair on April 6, 2005, at 16:05:43

In reply to Re: suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trig, posted by B2chica on April 6, 2005, at 6:39:00

I'm jumping in pretty late here.

I know all about the seduction. I think of it as a siren song of suicide. I've been dealing with it for years - sometimes it's just fleeting thoughts, sometimes it's more of a preoccupation, and occasionally its become something of an obsession. It's always felt impulsive to me. I think if I thought about it for even a fairly brief period of time, I'd always choose not to kill myself. I've never been able to convince myself that my kids would be better off without me, and actually I believe I would do them great damage by ending my life in this way. I also have myself convinced that it would be horrible to try to commit suicide and fail and thus to me, the only sure method is to shoot myself. I don't own a gun or have easy access to one. I've decided that convincing myself that this is the only way to kill myself is actually a built in safeguard against actually doing it. In a strange way, it's my own self-protection. I've thought alot sometimes about buying a gun just to have one on hand, but I know that would be very dangerous for me because the impulse is sometimes so strong.

I'm pretty horrified by how easy it is for my suicidal ideation to be triggered. It honestly doesn't take much - feeling too much pressure at work, worrying about money or a bill I forgot to pay in addition to those irksome generalized feelings of worthlessness and despair. I'm not sure what my motivation is - sometimes maybe it's to escape pain and sometimes maybe it's just to escape a perceived embarrassment. If I'm able to step back for a moment, I can usually see that my reasons are pretty flimsy. Also daisy mentioned secondary benefits. I don't think there are any -I'm quite uncomfortable thinking about it, and extremely uncomfortable talking about it. And no one in the world knows what a preoccupation it can be other than my T and pdoc, so it's not like I use it as a threat with anyone.

One of the better things my T has done for me is to make me feel fairly comfortable talking about it to her. It helps me to feel less isolated in my suffering, and she's come to understand that I'm more talk than action, so she doesn't overreact. I think it's also made me feel more of a commitment to her to call her before I do anything disastrous, and I think she now trusts me more. She did point out to me yesterday that in the previous session, for the first time, I refused to promise her that I'd call her first, but I don't think that really shook her confidence much.

It's also interesting to me that she used to never enter into the equation at all when I'd think about suicide. In fact I used to fantasize that it wouldn't matter to her at all. Now I find myself imaging how it would affect her, both professionally and personally. It's annoying to me that I have to think of her as well, but I guess whatever works to stop me is probably a good thing.



talking about it

Posted by Daisym on April 7, 2005, at 10:34:05

In reply to suicidal ideation *trigger* » B2chica, posted by Shortelise on April 6, 2005, at 14:55:54

Mair said "whatever works" and brought up that her therapist is now part of her thinking.

I struggle with this too...and I told him I don't want to disappoint him or let him down. BUT, I was also really mad at him over the weekend (as mad as a depressed person gets) because he was really unfair -- using everything he could think of to get through to me. Like, "don't you think your kids will miss you? Don't they still need you? Do you trust (husband) to finish helping them grow into healthy young men?" He talked about grandchildren and future events and being part of that. He talked about my faith, and actually said, "Catholics believe it is a are you reconciling that?" Yes, I know, thank you! And he even said, "I will be devastated if you do this. I would miss you very much." He wasn't yelling at me (of course) and he was very calm and open, so it didn't shut me down at all.

But...isn't saying all that unfair? He even acknowledged as he was doing it that he was probably being "unfair" and asked me if he was making me feel guilty. He flat out stated that he refused to let me go. He did also ask if he was going about this the wrong way -- was he making it worse? He kept saying, "I'm really worried about you." But still...

I'm curious what your therapists have said and how they handle your worst moments.


Re: suicidal ideation *trigger* » Shortelise

Posted by B2chica on April 7, 2005, at 11:42:18

In reply to suicidal ideation *trigger* » B2chica, posted by Shortelise on April 6, 2005, at 14:55:54

very intriguing question.

>>>I wonder what the suicide urge says to us about ourselves. What does it say to other about us?


Re: suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trig » mair

Posted by B2chica on April 7, 2005, at 11:46:11

In reply to Re: suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trig » B2chica, posted by mair on April 6, 2005, at 16:05:43

nice metaphor: >>I know all about the seduction. I think of it as a siren song of suicide.

>>I've decided that convincing myself that this is the only way to kill myself is actually a built in safeguard against actually doing it. In a strange way, it's my own self-protection. I've thought alot sometimes about buying a gun just to have one on hand, but I know that would be very dangerous for me because the impulse is sometimes so strong.

this is EXACTLY what i've done. i won't allow any gun in the house, even though i love guns (i think the protection/power is the lure for me). but i can't own or even in house cuz i'm pretty 97% sure that i would use it on myself.

and this strategy DOES work for me, i'm glad it works for you too.
take care


Re: talking about it » Daisym

Posted by B2chica on April 7, 2005, at 11:55:25

In reply to talking about it, posted by Daisym on April 7, 2005, at 10:34:05

it sounds very provoking to me. but there is a chance that maybe he didn't think you were looking at it from that aspect (global view). or maybe he was trying to provoke some anger issues out of you???
all i can say is be 100% honest about how he made you feel With him. if he p#$$ed you off, say it, if you felt guilty, tell him...if he can't take your response feelings-he's not going to help you any.

well the first therapist i had handled my worst moments by terminating...;^P
but this guy i haven't had any really bad moments yet....however when i talk about S. ideation or SI he is quite calm and reassuring that the thoughts are ok and that he wants to hear about them....get descriptive (how, what, when, where and why) to me this is Great. i actually want to talk about my S.ideation, i want to understand it. i want to get it under control (if that's possible). he also reacts quite well to my SI.
but in about three weeks or so i know that he will be seeing a side of me he hasn't before, so we'll see. however, i really get the feeling that he doesn't want to back out. he knows of my past attempts and current status and he at first mentioned (concerned) and wanted me in DBT along with ind. with him, but he hasn't brought it up again. he seems very comfortable about all this...that's Exactly what i need. i need a calm body/soul to guide me through these thick woods.
we all deserve that don't we?! i sure know You do!
take care


Re: talking about it » Daisym

Posted by mair on April 7, 2005, at 13:17:46

In reply to talking about it, posted by Daisym on April 7, 2005, at 10:34:05

What your T seems to be doing would not sit well with me. I started thinking about my T entirely apart from anything I ever remember her saying. Both my T and my pdoc have let me know that children of people who commit suicide never really get over it at all - but I don't think even those were unsolicited guilt trip type comments. That information was probably imparted because I've frequently raised my children as being impediments to killing myself. Now when I think of them I don't just think about the effect of me not being around, but I also think about them having to deal with a suicide, and the possibility that they may feel responsible for it. (for awhile I came up with the idea of killing myself in a sufficiently awful car accident so they didn't have to deal with the suicide stigma)

So I guess the long answer is that I haven't discussed with my T the types of things you have with yours because, to my recollection, she's never approached it in the way yours has. She did spend several sessions a few years ago trying to convince me to check myself into a hospital and she raised it again very briefly last week. I've always been very resistant. However, her raising this issue (a few years ago) led to some very productive discussions about suicide and about my discomfort contacting her and helped her, I think, to understand when she has to consider me at risk and when she doesn't, and also helped me to accept that I could reach out to her.



Re: talking about it » Daisym

Posted by mair on April 7, 2005, at 13:30:01

In reply to talking about it, posted by Daisym on April 7, 2005, at 10:34:05

daisy - the other thing I wanted to say is that I think people search around for whatever works and play that card to the hilt. It sounds to me like this is what your T is doing although you make him sound a little desparate or grasping, which is not a good way to be.

A few years ago I spent alot of time on the telephone with someone who was seriously suicidal. The only thing that seemed to have any impact on her at all was her belief in reincarnation. She was really worried that her next life might be as a Taliban woman, for instance. I shamelessly kept raising this although I don't think it did a bit of good.



Re: talking about it » Daisym

Posted by Dinah on April 7, 2005, at 18:24:06

In reply to talking about it, posted by Daisym on April 7, 2005, at 10:34:05

My therapist isn't quite that obvious about it, but he will use our relationship. He'll say things like "But if you kill yourself, we won't be able to meet anymore."

But, since I don't reward him by responding well to that line of argument, he doesn't pursue it too much. Who says they can't be trained if you get them when they're grown. lol.

I'm not sure he's used my son unless I brought it up first. Of course, I can pretty much be relied on for bringing that up.

I just gave him new ammo, though, if he's wise enough to file it away and use it. We're a bit worried about guardianship for my son, don't want it to go where it would be most natural legally, and are not really happy with the alternatives. My husband and I have agreed (perhaps reluctantly on my part) that we both really need to stick around for the next ten or eleven years.

All he needs to do is raise the possibilities with guardianship, and I'll cling to life.


Re: talking about it » mair

Posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:51:41

In reply to Re: talking about it » Daisym, posted by mair on April 7, 2005, at 13:17:46

I should have said that I raise the idea of my children all the time by myself. Hence the "it will be an accident" plan. And he isn't pounding on me, he is "curious" about this or that. But he asks all the hard questions, the ones I keep asking myself.

And we talked about this today (again)-- that he is worrying. He asked if knowing that he was worried was taking away my "freedom" to talk about it -- as honestly and detailed as I wanted/needed to. It is really hard to answer, "how does knowing I'm worried make you feel?" I told him I thought he was a bit unfair over the weekend and he said, "totally." And he said with vehemence that he needed to reach me and I had moved really far away. *sigh* He said he'd rather have me mad and alive... *big sigh*

It is a horrible position I've put him in, isn't it? I shouldn't fault him. He's so totally there for me. I mean, how would I feel if he didn't address all of this, wouldn't I think he didn't care? And wouldn't that be worse?


Re: talking about it » B2chica

Posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:57:10

In reply to Re: talking about it » Daisym, posted by B2chica on April 7, 2005, at 11:55:25

provoking anger...that is an interesting theory. I know that he really believes that if you can talk about the feelings it helps dissipate the intensity. And we've talked about how anxiety is a step "above" the black hole, as much as I hate it. And anger results in anxiety for me. So...hmmmm...

As far as handling my response feelings -- his biggest strength. Nothing I say seems to rattle him. I might worry him, frustrate him occasionally, but he just exudes calm. He counters well to smart-a$$ comments too. I think I don't want to hear the truth right now. All of me wants to believe that it won't matter one iota if I'm not here. It would make it so much easier.


Re: talking about it » Dinah

Posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 19:05:05

In reply to Re: talking about it » Daisym, posted by Dinah on April 7, 2005, at 18:24:06

Like I said above, I brought up my kids. The guardian issue was huge for us when they were younger too. But they are so big now, that isn't really an issue anymore.

Is it hard to know that your therapist is worrying about you? You've been with him for a long time...are you glad that he cares? Or does it make you feel like a burden? I feel both things.

Perhaps the correct response is just to make the person think twice or three times. We talked about the difference between thinking about it and feeling it. The feelings get so thick that the ability to analyze reasons rationally can't get through. So he said we have to work on that piece when we can and go for counter-response feelings as well. "Kind of like boxing," he told me. "Better to stay out of the ring but if you find yourself there, keep your gloves up and stay out of corners."

Such a "guy" things to say...


Re: talking about it » daisym

Posted by pinkeye on April 7, 2005, at 19:09:02

In reply to Re: talking about it » mair, posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:51:41

Not really sure if this helps, but in the religions that I believe in, self annihilation is totally prohibited.

We believe in reincarnation, and the separatedness of soul and body. The soul undergoes many births and takes different bodies. And in each life, all the sins + goodthings accumulate to a cumulative total, and this total leads us to the next birth according the sum. So according to my religion, if we suffer a little bit in this birht, it is because we have done something wrong in the previous birth, and it something we have to undergo through no matter what - kind of like you have taken a loan and you need to repay it. Prayers to God and doing more good things to others eliminates/reduces the sin and reduces the suffering that you have to go through to repay the loan. Nothing else helps. Commiting suicide is considered even more sinful, since you take a life which God has given, and you will incur severe penalties for that.

According to our beliefs, if you take away your life, then for the rest of the period which you would have lived naturally, your soul will be wandering without a body, but it will have all the needs of the body, but no body to fulfill the desires. The soul will feel thirsty, hungry, tired, and lusty, and needing comfort, but since it deprived itself of its own body, it will have to remain hungry, tired, lusty, and no way to fulfill all these needs till the time when the person would have naturally died. And you incur these penalties by taking another birth and suffering more.

Not sure if it is a right thing to post here, but it is preached to all of us - hindus - so if you believe it could be possible, then it is a really bad thing to do for yourself. We feel it is better to live with whatever life we got for now and reduce our sins by prayers/good deeds.


Re: talking about it » daisym

Posted by Dinah on April 7, 2005, at 19:29:58

In reply to Re: talking about it » Dinah, posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 19:05:05

I think I'm glad he cares. Because it's so hard for me to believe he does, probably. So any indication that he does means a lot to me.

Our biggest move forward in therapy was when he winced when I talked about suicide. It seemed very genuine, because it wasn't a stagey enormous wince. It was more a private wince. I was so touched I offered him my promise not to kill myself without calling him first to give him a chance to "help", as long as he was my therapist.

I told him much much later that the huge irony was that this enormous event in our relationship could have been caused by a twinge of gas, or a foot cramp, and might have had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of conversation. He earnestly assured me that the wince was due to what I said, that he remembered the conversation. As if I'd believe **that**! :)


Re: talking about it

Posted by annierose on April 7, 2005, at 20:58:25

In reply to Re: talking about it » mair, posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:51:41

I haven't finished reading all of this thread, but your T is trying to desperately reach you --- any part of you. Is it unfair? I don't think so. If someone I cared about was thinking of ending their life, I'd be desperately trying to reach them too. He's trying to throw you a life line, and hoping you'll catch it. And so do I!!

One minute at a time, one hour, one day. Don't think too far out.

Keeping you in my prayers -



Re: talking about it

Posted by annierose on April 7, 2005, at 21:05:54

In reply to Re: talking about it » B2chica, posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:57:10

Daisy -
You wrote, "It would make it so much easier."
Make what easier? Daisy, nothing would be easier for your family without you.

You also wrote your kids don't need you anymore. That is NOT true. Isn't your youngest 8 - 10ish? He NEEDS YOU BIG TIME!!! I have 2 friends whose parents killed themselves. Trust me, it turned their lives upsidedown. Extremely difficult and a life long burden.

You are scaring me. I am so glad you are fighting a good fight! And so is your T.

- Annierose


Re: talking about it » daisym

Posted by mair on April 7, 2005, at 21:16:10

In reply to Re: talking about it » mair, posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 18:51:41

" And we talked about this today (again)-- that he is worrying. He asked if knowing that he was worried was taking away my "freedom" to talk about it -- as honestly and detailed as I wanted/needed to. It is really hard to answer, "how does knowing I'm worried make you feel?" I told him I thought he was a bit unfair over the weekend and he said, "totally." And he said with vehemence that he needed to reach me and I had moved really far away. *sigh* He said he'd rather have me mad and alive... *big sigh*
> It is a horrible position I've put him in, isn't it? I shouldn't fault him. He's so totally there for me. I mean, how would I feel if he didn't address all of this, wouldn't I think he didn't care? And wouldn't that be worse? "

Daisy - I think this is all important - that he cares and that you know it, and also that he understands you need to be able to talk about it. The T I had before my current T (who was also my pdoc) never really picked up on the subject of suicide when I'd raise it. It's not as if he ignored it - he acted pretty forcefully to bring my husband in to meet with us both after I told him I'd written a suicide note and when i would talk about it, he'd ask me if I was "at risk" which I always thought was a question I wasn't competent to answer. But that's about it - he hardly ever asked me follow-up questions and I honestly got the impression that maybe he thought it was better if i didn't talk about it. Maybe it was just his psychoanalytic background - just waiting for me to keep talking.

My current T has debunked the theory that it would ever be better not to talk about it. I really consider it to be sort of a gift - that she's made it a safe topic for me even if for all the times it's become a preoccupation, I've mostly chosen not to discuss it with her. Of course maybe it wouldn't seem like a safe subject at all if I really was able to convince myself that it was my only option.

Daisy, have you considered that some of what you're going through may be medication related? I think medication issues had a hand in both of the instances where I probably was genuinely most at risk. In one instance, getting off a medication seemed to help more than hurt and in the other just making a change from taking a med in the morning to taking it at night made a huge difference. I wasn't suicidal because of the meds, but I think they pushed me a little closer to the edge.



Re: talking about it » annierose

Posted by daisym on April 7, 2005, at 23:50:00

In reply to Re: talking about it, posted by annierose on April 7, 2005, at 21:05:54


I'm sorry I'm scaring you. I need a new topic, don't I?

My youngest is 13 1/2. Can't believe he is going to high school next year. The oldest is a sophmore in college and the middle one is going off to the University in the Fall. So they are set and on their way. They are terrific kids and I think will make super husbands some day. At least I hope so, after all they are still male and I can't do anything about that...:)

I know my therapist is just doing his job, so really, I do understand why he uses what he can.


Re: talking about it » mair

Posted by daisym on April 8, 2005, at 0:04:43

In reply to Re: talking about it » daisym, posted by mair on April 7, 2005, at 21:16:10


I'm not on medications, except for sleeping. I tried an anti-anxiety med but it made me really depressed. Interesting that you brought this up, I called pdoc today to talk about ADs again. My therapist is encouraging this but very carefully. Last time I went to pdoc I got so upset and we both are very aware I can't take much more upset. She said she can't do anything until she sees me next week and she also wants to talk to my therapist. He said fine, he would talk to her, if it was OK with me, and I gave my consent but then fell apart in his office again. What is it about her that freaks me so badly?

He thinks I need help to get out of this hole. I'm terrified that the medications are essentially being used to shut me (little daisy) up. And I told him that I was afraid she would tell him that the answer is to cut back contact with me, force me to be strong on my own again. He said she can't tell him how we should do therapy together. He promised not to pull away.

*sigh* It is all so complicated and I'm so tired. It feels like a really long time until Monday. I wish Babble didn't get so quiet over the weekends.


Sorry for hi-jacking your thread! » B2chica

Posted by daisym on April 8, 2005, at 0:06:03

In reply to suicidal ideation an addiction? *possible trigger*, posted by B2chica on April 5, 2005, at 12:35:53

I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened. How are things today?


Re: Sorry for hi-jacking your thread! » daisym

Posted by Pfinstegg on April 8, 2005, at 1:17:52

In reply to Sorry for hi-jacking your thread! » B2chica, posted by daisym on April 8, 2005, at 0:06:03

Daisy, I'm so glad you're posting often, again. A thought- maybe up until now, the little daisies who appeared were desparate for closeness and connection with him, but, right now, there might be one who feels it is safer to be more indifferent, detached and at a distance. Both these things have happened to me- I find the detached part is by far the hardest to bear. But he keeps saying, "I want ALL of you in here, even the parts of yourself that you don't want to know about, and that you don't want me to know about." We are working on the most detached part now, but I do feel better knowing that part, too, is welcomed and understood. We went through months of struggling with this, but it's better now that that part is beginning to know that she is welcome, too. It took months! These are just my thoughts and feelings- they may not apply to you


Re: talking about it » daisym

Posted by mair on April 8, 2005, at 11:08:46

In reply to Re: talking about it » mair, posted by daisym on April 8, 2005, at 0:04:43

I hate it too when Babble gets so quiet over the weekend because sometimes that's the only uninterrupted time I have with the computer.

I can almost guarantee that the pdoc isn't going to tell him to cut back with you and you should be able to trust him enough to know he's not going to draw back from you under any circumstances but especially not when you're in such distress. I don't know enough to speak to the issue of whether you'll lose little daisy. I do know that if you kill yourself, you'll surely lose her. The unfortunate part of ADs is that they take a while to kick in and the initial side effects can be tough to tolerate. With many of the ADs, the side effects dissipate afte a couple of weeks, maybe, so if you can hold on, it may be worth it. I'm now going through a new trial of a drug which is being added to the stuff I've been taking for years. The "cocktail" I've been taking has never really been enough and obviously didn't prevent the rather severe trough I'm in now. However, just the memory of how much pain I was in before we settled on those drugs is enough to keep me on them, I expect for the rest of my life. Finding a drug that worked even partially for me has made such a huge difference. I think you need to accept that there is only so much you can handle without drug intervention.

Hopefully you'll hear from other posters who are dealing with csa issues about whether taking drugs makes them less able to tap into the childhood memories.

I'll check in periodically over the weekend or you can babblemail me if you want. Unfortunately I am on EST. It used to seem to me that everyone was on Pacific Time and that no one was ever around when I posted earlier in the evening.



Re: talking about it » daisym

Posted by fallsfall on April 8, 2005, at 12:46:53

In reply to Re: talking about it » mair, posted by daisym on April 8, 2005, at 0:04:43

Your kids aren't the only ones who need you.

I hope you can stay in touch with your therapist this weekend.

Please call him/me/a friend/911 if things get rough. You don't have to tough it out.



Long time no see! » Pfinstegg

Posted by daisym on April 9, 2005, at 0:52:20

In reply to Re: Sorry for hi-jacking your thread! » daisym, posted by Pfinstegg on April 8, 2005, at 1:17:52

"I want ALL of you in here, even the parts of yourself that you don't want to know about, and that you don't want me to know about"

There is so much truth in this especially since this age state is very ashamed about what happened at this age (9). I need a lot of help getting out the stories and her feelings. It feels soooo wrong. It is the first time I remember specifically being told not to tell, so I'm in trouble for talking about this. This age is terrified of being in the therapy room, and the waiting room is pure agony. I'm glad she doesn't drop in very often.

And unbelievably, in the midst of this latest crisis, little daisy was feeling left out and neglected. We discovered this on Wednesday when I showed up and said, "I have nothing to talk about today." (arms crossed, legs crossed, head down.) Hmmmm..."so," he says nonchalantly. "I guess there is plenty of room for little daisy to visit then, right? Do you think she has anything to say?" Urgg...trapped again.

How are things with you? I've missed you posting.


Re: talking about it » mair

Posted by daisym on April 9, 2005, at 0:59:42

In reply to Re: talking about it » daisym, posted by mair on April 8, 2005, at 11:08:46

Thanks mair. I need encouragement around this. We talked about medications again today and I was completely in tears. I feel like I should be able to handle all of this better. At the same time, I know I need some help. I'm going to burn out my poor therapist if I don't pull up and out of this soon.

So, I promised to keep my appointment with pdoc on Tuesday. I'll let you know how it goes.

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