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Re: I've never understood that.

Posted by Dinah on July 20, 2002, at 1:21:03

In reply to Re: The Crown of Life, posted by snood on July 20, 2002, at 0:38:58

Isn't the act of having faith a work? It is an action. If the belief is that one cannot earn his way to heaven by works, then how can one earn his way to heaven by the work of having faith?

I had always been tought that "salvation" came only from the grace of God. And by extension, the grace of God can be extended to anyone God wishes to extend it to. I have far too much awe of my maker to presume to know who he will or will not extend his grace to. Even though in the old and new testaments, he laid down guidelines, isn't it ultimately up to him?

I went round and round with a minister once about this. That salvation is not through good works or through the work of faith, but by the grace of God alone. And that surely that grace can be extended to people who are reaching out to him on any one of many roads or even ones on a road that does not reach for him. Eventually the minister admitted that church doctrine was that salvation was by God's grace alone.

Now, admittedly I have odd ways of looking at things, and I certainly claim no special knowledge of the divine plan.

But I sort of expect to see good and rightous Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. to all meet with favor in God's eyes. And I'm certainly not going to tell my Lord and Creator that he can't "save" anyone he wants to save.

Just my take on it. I'm not saying that the teaching of certain Christian churches that salvation is by faith alone is incorrect. How on earth would I know. I have only my limited understanding. But I respect those on all paths who are reaching for a common goal.




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poster:Dinah thread:203