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Calcium, B12, CoQ10, Idebenone, Glutamine....JLx

Posted by tealady on October 18, 2004, at 8:39:44

In reply to Calcium ...JLx, posted by tealady on October 17, 2004, at 19:47:36

Hi again, just IGNORE that link in my last post..must have copied the wrong I said..brian non functional. That's why I need an edit ability on my own posts!
This is in reply to your post...(no link attempted this time <g>)

> What do you think it means that I am so sensitive to the excitoxicity potential of these things? The James South article says,
> "Also, excessive free radicals can prevent glutamate uptake by astrocytes, thereby significantly (and dangerously) raising extra cellular glutamate levels (18). (18)."

did you see the post about the astrocytes and the link between calcium and glutamate..thought it might be (one of the )reasons why you can't seem to tolerate much calcium..
Have you ever had your calcium blood levels checked?
I suspect you are over 2.50 if you got kidney stones.

BTW Larrian (the gyno-urologist) says NO additional calcium in supps..only in diet..due to kidneystone risk for most women.

The only reason I take it is, at present, I appear to need it..and they reckon their is NO risk of kidney stones likely with the amount of water I pass thru. Without the calcium besides the osteoporosis tendencies I get the cramps, wake at night, restless legs(although maybe that is not the calcium/magnesium?) and even the hand tending to turn in sometimes(not bad though) until I figure out why, I definitely need the calcium supps..not huge doses though..and with magnesium.

The pharmacist at the hospital told me NO magnesium..just idea why!

My magnesium levels are fine, but have dropped from 0.91 to 0.83 mmol/L since upping the calcium and upping the magnesium and upping the dairy! I suspect taking additional calcium as supps without magnesium may possibly lower ones magnesium levels. Of course, only one test proves nothing.

This is also one of the reasons I do not want to try a dairy free diet!
Besides I use the protein as "balance" against the glutathione type strawberries and yoghurt together! (like to prevent a hypoglycaemic reaction as well as a protein/carb balance in diet)

> I take Vit C, selenium, and Vit E every day. And other things like alpha lipoic acid too, though not as diligently. I also eat a fair amount of fruit.

I've yet to try alpha lipoic acid...probably needed I guess. I have to look at it..maybe after exams..semeter finshes this week..then exams..I wish I was rich enough to avoid them. It costs 6 times as much to do subject without assessment!

I take the others..though not a great lot of selenium as my blood levels were over top of normal range with no supps...and adding in 50mcg made me more fatigued. It depends on the soil etc. I do take 25mcg occasionally.
I was actually wondering about just dissolving the seleniummethione tablet and using it as a mouthwash, as everyone says it binds great with mercury..then spitting it out? Does that sound like a weirdo idea to you? <g>

Wit VitE, I should take it more..I've been taking it for 20 years on and off. But lately I've been alternating with the EPO to make it last..I'll have to buy more.

> This is what I'm worried about:
> "Similarly, excitotoxin pioneer Olney has recently shown that there is a long, slow development of excitotoxic brain damage in Alzheimer's disease that occurs before the dramatic Alzheimer's symptoms of memory loss, disorientation, cognitive impairment, and emotional lability arise (10). So you must not assume that just because you don't notice any obvious symptoms when you consume MSG/aspartame -containing foods, there is no excitotoxic damage occurring. "

Well again I think Alzheimers is related to low B12 (under 500 is low) and you can get a blood test sometime..but it doesn't hurt to try some sublingual methylcobalamin if you don't want the expense of the test.
It's not something, like selenium and iron, that you can easily have too much of.
The other thing I'm think Alzheimers may be related to is low estrogen way may be via a deficiency in glutamine
was a link in that post too which mentions a different link between estrogen/progesterone and alzheimers

My grandmother..after nursing her motherinlaw who died of Alzheimers decided she never wanted to get it and took GH3/KH3....worked too.
Sometimes I fear I am getting it too. I'm sure its connected to the lack of oxygen to the brain /peroxynitrates etc.with me too. It's nice to watch your brian die off slowly :( at a relatively young age. Gee and I thought everyone brain's started disintegrated at 25!

> I did drink diet sodas for years. Whenever I quit I didn't notice feeling better so I'd start again thinking I didn't have an aspartame sensitivity. Now, since taking magnesium, I DO notice that drinking diet soda makes me irritable (so I don't usually). More magnesium seems to help that. Was it happening before and it was masked somehow, or did taking magnesium enable that glutamate to get in the cell where before it was blocked? Maybe by calcium? Boy, talk about flailing around in the dark! ;)

Ant idea if it is diet sodas or all sodas? Is diet coke or normal coke worse than say lemon squash or lemonade?
I think you are saying its the aspartame?..or is it the phenylananine? or is it the phosphates? I'm stll not thinkng clearly or I'd be able to explain myself :) but on those tracks.

> Besides magnesium, South recommends:
> "Thus the basic pro-energy anti-excitotoxic program consists of 50-100 mg of B1, B2, B3, B5; 500-10,000 mcg of biotin; 100-300 mg alpha-lipoic acid; 50-300 mg CoQ10; 45-90 mg Idebenone; 10-30 mg sublingual ATP; 500-2000 mg acetyl l-carnitine; and 300-600 mg Magnesium; and 5-20 mg NADH."
> I noticed on another thread you and others saying that the best kind of CoQ10 was in oil. I didn't know that. That stuff is so darn expensive.
Yes but less than half the price I can get SamE for over here ...and way cheaper than importing anything from O'seas :)

I have some dry stuff that I bought on sale and I thought I noticed that it did make me feel more energetic. B vitamins don't seem to make much difference to me, though I take them anyway.

You could try dissolving one and see if it has more of an impact...dissolve overnight I think, takes a while in water.

I haven't tried NADH, Idebenone, acetyl l-carnitine, or sublingual ATP. I can't afford a lot of new things but maybe I will buy some Idebenone given what he says here:

well I tried NADH and it did pick up my energy level but after it cbuilt up the anxiety was a killer for me. Then again, niacinamide also causes anxiety with me so not did SJW I think..though to be sure I'd have to go back thru my old posts.
I feel a lot better after stopping CoQ10 a couple of weeks ago too. Just dropped the folic acid a few days ago too.

I now know why after this post to me ..THANKS

James South says CoQ10 is bad and actually caued the bad oxidation if you have low oxygen I get!!! This is what I've been feeling all year and was trying to stop with CoQ10.

Idebenone – The ultimate anti-aging drug?
by James South MA

Idebenone is a synthetic analog (variant) of one of life's most essential biochemicals, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is an important antioxidant component of the lipid (fatty) membranes that surround all cells, as well as the lipid membranes surrounding the various organelles ("little organs"), such as mitochondria and microsomes, inside cells.

CoQ10 is also an important member of the "Electron Transport Chain" (ETC) within mitochondria, which are the "power plants" of the cell. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used inside the electron transport chain to produce much of the ATP bioenergy that powers virtually every activity of our cells and bodies.

Without CoQ10, or a good substitute, human life quickly ends, and Idebenone is a "better CoQ10" that has been extensively researched the past 15 years.

CoQ10’s pro-oxidant action

When blood flow is seriously reduced to any part of the body, as in a heart attack, stroke, trauma, shock, or chronic poor blood circulation- cellular/ mitochondrial oxygen levels quickly drop in the affected region. Yet because oxygen are seven to eight times more soluble in the lipid zones of cell membrane, compared to the watery compartments of the cell, there is still sufficient oxygen remaining in the membranes of cells and organelles, as well as in the electron transport chain, to auto-oxidize CoQ10. As the CoQ10 auto-oxidizes, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide and hydroxl free radicals are rapidly formed in massive numbers. These free radicals quickly damage cell/ organelle structure and function, as well as rapidly halt ATP energy generation by the electron transport chain.

Brain and spinal cord cells are especially prone to such damage, and may be irreparably damaged or even destroyed within minutes.

Why Idebenone is superior to CoQ10

Enter Idebenone to the rescue! Studies have shown that under the same cellular low oxygen conditions that cause CoQ10 to act as a pro-oxidant producer of damaging free radicals, Idebenone prevents the free radical dam-age and maintains relatively normal cell ATP levels. In short, while Idebenone can effectively substitute for CoQ10's positive and life essential functions, it doesn't have CoQ10's free radical producing and energy crashing "dark side" which occurs under hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions.

Idebenone's potential benefits fall into five categories; antiaging, energy enhancement, cognition enhancement, organ protector and protector against excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity.

WISH I'D KNOWN THAT A YEAR AGO! Maybe I mightn't have aged 20 years or so!! Still can't adapt either. WAAAH!!
My daughter saw me last week and said gee Mum your older!..then added but now you look your age instead of my age..true too almost, except now I look older than my age!she agreed.. and today just got a note from that antiaging doc in the mail which tested my cellular age as older than my age too@!! Gee he wants return custom?? AARGH!

> "Idebenone has also shown great power in protecting various types of neurons from free radical damage and other excitotoxic effects. Idebenone is able to protect neurons at levels 30-100 times less than the vitamin E levels needed to protect neurons from excitotoxic damage (33-37). One of the many ways excitotoxins damage neurons is to prevent the intracellular formation of glutathione, one of the most important cellular antioxidants. The combination of E and Idebenone provided complete antioxidant neuronal protection in spite of extremely low glutathione levels caused by glutamate excitotoxic action (33,34)."
> I wonder if any of those would give me any zip? I've been fooling around with trypophan this week and it does make me feel pretty good, but almost too mellowed in a way, so then I take tyrosine but then I start craving carbs and get cranky too. And don't feel any more energy either.
> He says further that NADH will also promote breakdown of glutamate excess, so maybe I should try that.

If you are OK with niacinamide , NADH would be OK to try (it builds up within month or you don't need a lot usually, I think most find)..although if you function OK, niacinamide is probably just as effective and a lot cheaper!

> At the beginning of the article he says,
> "Wheat gluten is 43% glutamate, the milk protein casein is 23% glutamate, and gelatin protein is 12% glutamate. (5)
> I didn't know that about wheat and milk. Besides my former diet soda habit, I've eaten a lot of wheat and dairy too. Pizza is the perfect food, imo. :)

I HATE Pizza..pleased to never see one again in my life. It's the cheapest food over popular!

>I'm trying to avoid them now again, after falling off my "no grains, no dairy, no sugar" regimen this winter. I did feel good when I managed it and it didn't seem hard until I got stressed. Now it's been a real hard climb back. Right now I'm doing ok with no wheat and no sugar, but it doesn't feel easy and I'm still working on no dairy. Reading that Dr. Kaslow article had me thinking, "Ack, no nuts either?"

well I think nuts..especially uncooked nuts are good for ya! I eat a lot of them...hmm maybe that means something :)(kidding I hope)

>That's really going to be a tough one as I eat cashews when I am feeling sorry for myself for not being able to eat hardly anything else that I really like. And cashews have that great magnesium/calcium ratio.
> "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." -- Mark Twain

Nah, the best way (besides incorrect sugar and chocolate feedback loops). is to eat what you like! usually means your body needs it...oh and except for allergies too I guess :(

But in general one's body is pretty perceptive. Takes me a long time to find out why I feel like eating something, but usually my body got it right! I have to learn to trust my gut feelings more..and that means trusting my gut too!

Remember those glutamine foods..I don't know where Ray got that list from..but all what I've LOVED in the past year..and guess what I think I am short on!

I also found out why I never felt that really good on a low carb diet too, and why I needed extra carbs!..that took a year though too!

> > Another user Ame ? posted this
> > 1. Glutamine
> > g.) Helps reduce cravings for sugar and alcohol, probably by providing energy for brain function.
> >
> > DOSAGE: 500mg two to three times daily
> It does really work for sugar cravings. Joan Matthews Larson recommends it for those who are hypoglycemic, in "Depression Free Naturally" along with chromium, magnesium, B3, panthothenic acid and Vit. C, all of which I take. She says, take 2 capsules before lunch and dinner so that's 2 grams a day. She says alcoholics who use glutamine in this way do stop cravings for alcohol (she has a rehab clinic). In my family, both my brother and sister are alcoholics. And I am a sugar addict. I do best when I avoid it altogether.

I have sugar cravings in the past few months. I'm certain its to do with this glutamine shortage too.
Just trying to work out the best form to take..then where to get it. Has to be where I can get an enteric coated P5P as well..can't cope with 2 lots of postage. Gee 15 postages and I could fly over on a holiday!

> Ran across an interesting article from your neck of the woods recently:
> I've never seen that site before, tons of stuff on there once you start clicking on the links.

after exams etc <g>




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