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Re: Where does this go..... Willyee

Posted by willyee on July 15, 2006, at 1:40:57

In reply to Re: Where does this go..... Willyee, posted by MARTY on July 14, 2006, at 14:26:09

> I think you are a good person, very intelligent individual who has been a great contributor to the forum. I really thing your nice. I dont think you're a bad person or that you are different than anyone else on the forum.
> I wouldn't like you to stop comming here, with us. plz stay.

I appreciate your comments above,all i can say is i know im a nice person,the situation here did not lead me to believe otherwise,as to being intelligent,or having contributed here,all i can say is to the latter i tried,to the first,well thats always up for debate,and persons feeling im not is an ok opinion with me.Me choosing to leave does not or has not caused me to believe im a mean or bad person,i know my heart and my intentions always.
> I'd like to invite you on a reflection Willyee.

> But first a note: From what I've seen, thread are redirected when they the first post is unrelated to psychopharmacology OR when a thread deviate onto another subject not related to meds and about everyone talk about this new subject.
> From what I've seen, you've been mainly redirected when you started new threads unrelated to meds, and that's OKAY. BTW, do you realize that you even go to write it in your post that you doubt\know that you aint posting in the appropriate forum? and yet you complain to be redirected ? Phillipa mainly add post to threads already started. When she does it is sometimes (maybe most, yes) related mostly to the emotional side of what a person lives. I think the whole thread isn't redirected because the posts after hers are not relate mostly to the emotional side: She doesn't deviate the threads or start many threads not unrelated to meds. And she doesn't write "Eh you know what? I *think* that this post shouldn't be posted here, but I post it anyways." ..

I believe you have a lot of words up there that in the end dont really mean anything.I hardly post threads that are not somehow medication related,inside them at times are a mixture so i do invite the post to be re-directed,but hardly or at least un comparable to the opposite do i have post un related to medications.

The person phillipa is aside,truth remains the differance of my un related posts,whether started or not ,compared to phillipa,well isnt even possable the differance is uncomparable and that is a understatment at best.
> Can I ask you if you appreciate Phillipa for all the time she encouraged you and wish you the best ?

I wish everyone the best,i wouldent wish this illness on my worst enemy,but this is what the social board is exactly for,i might have gave off a personal impression in the midst of proving a point,for that i feel terrable,but i did not want to confuse things as i did the first time when i witheld a name.

That being said,i was using her as an example to differences and what i believe is at many times an unfair balance of who and what is re-directed here,that being said,sweet and good of a person she is,doesent change the fact that if a majoriy of her post are not providing medication information,then they should be re-directed to the social board where they would be of more value,much more value as she does indeed offer incredable emotional support.

She simply does not offer medication information,and i am not saying this needs to be hoard upon tightly,again hating ,HATING the fact i have to apply her,she simply posts to a tremdondous amount of threads with no medication information,now are her posts important,OF COURSE,but they would be best utlized on a social board.

Lets not forget there are people,least i know some,who mean it when they opt to click this portion of the site opposed to the social one,they expect to discuss medication.
> ----------
> Now.. About ACE.. How could it affects your mood is a total mystery to me. 'CHAMP' = 'CHAMPION' = someone who are championing something. ACE is championing the dosage of Nardil. He is the Nardil Champ because:
> 1. He ->MAY<- (Theory) not like to take the pill (Nardil is hard to be on for many reasons), and so making a little fun about it is a normal and VIABLE way to cope with it.

Im not a tight wad,im all for making light when possable,Ace has taken this form of nardil to an extreme,and constantly boasts about it.Your points of reasons of legitacy to why he does it honestly makes very little sense to me.They have nothing to do with a champion claim,nothing at all,and honestly i am offended,i am not just making a stink for the heck of it,this i promise.

You stated it remains a mystery to you,well ill try my best to give u my reasoning,once twice,fine,but to constantly claim this in the way he does to me makes a mockery of a serious drug who others are trying to use as well.Its just over done as far as a joke,my view.
> 2. He is the one that has\had the highest known dosage of Nardil on psychobabble "in modern history". I assume you know that.

There is a group,exisits on a simple google search,soly on nardil,users extremly experienced,Micheal bell if im not mistaken is a poster there,micheal if im wrong my apology,regardless as i stated users there are 20 years plus veterans of this drug.This being said,regardless of both are statements,are you actualy suggesting because Ace has used this medication in various degrees that it offers some actual legitmacy to his CHAMP claim,you can not actual even toy this idea can you.

BTW this is the link,and i have read this group,and i believe if we were childish enough to toy this theory of ace claiming to be a champion,well then this group would devour him,i dont believe he is active here much,i do know users on this group can make a nardil veterans head spin,some actualy created a liquid version of the drug,being able to syhtnesize the medication,id say that overides a champion claim,however that whole idea is totaly absurd anyway,and aces various use has absolutly no bearing on his claim which i hope you believe and ace is just humour.

here is the link

> 3. He does it also because it's NOT LOGICALLY PRONE TO OFFENSE ANYONE. Everyone needs to be carefull about things that are SUCEPTIBLE to offense other, but not sterilized everything and talk like robots.

So why then am i ridiculed for my opinion?And actualy i am offended,literaly,so where does that leave us,one persons regard,i again say i for the reasons mentioned,am truly offended.
> -----------
> Community .. the way you describe your feeling about people comming and going etc. If you were the owner of this forum, would you instore a MERIT SYSTEM ? you get points for helping someone that you can use when you need help? you loose your point and membership when you dont come often? .. cause it sounds like it would be the only thing suceptible to be able to CONTROLS MEMBERS BEHAVIORS IN THE WAY YOU SEE FIT.
> --------

I mentioned i made a mistake in that comment,i apologize for it,in trying to reference to ace,i misatakenly made a comment that led others to believe something which i do not believe.So what i will do is first offer again my aplogies for that statement,and more importantly state how i one million times over feel.....

I do not believe someone who prefers to read,not post,someone who stumbles here for the first time,etc on and on should not feel they have the right to post,or feel they are part of this community,my true belief is it reaches out further,its not a babble community,but a illness support one.I was trying to be careful in how i present my post towards ace,and i made a mistake,however id rather be banned forever than to have the latter believed by people.

I can only apologize for a comment made in error,i can only state my true feelings,this doesent seem to stop anyone from usng my statement aganist me over and over,i suppose its up to the reader to decide about the comment,i offer my posts,my attitutde towards posters,to make this judgment.

> Dont you think you demands too much to others ? Nobody's perfect here and nobody REQUIRE/ASK others to change their behavious, their nickname, points others (what you think is) unperfections. and do so IN PUBLIC. Yet there has already some people who got offended .. never saw them act like that, do you ?
> Did you see me post in public a post asking you to changes your behaviors ? I guess it the right place to do so in a respectful way.
> 1. I dont like you post not meds related posts in the psychobabble forum. And I don't like the fact that you know your not supposed to (you write it in your post)

I dont believe i have a pattern of this,in my post might be a mixture of sorts yess,but i believe the over whelming majority of my posts are medication related,and yess if the case were other wise,id totaly understand a post explaining this bothering someone.Phillpa has advised people many times to re direct there post,i was open to that same process,no one mentioned it,and i dont believe your claim is valid,as most of my posts always involved medication,maois more so.
> 2. I find this offensive when you SEVERAL TIME try to convince some people that they have the same problems has you.. over and over and over.. in a way that is near 'an accusation': not everyone that is on Parnate is ADDICTED to it because you are.

This paragraph is one of the main reasons i choose to post this,i really do not appreciate comments about me that dont hold valid.First you are suggesting i attempt to convince people they have the same problem as me,i dont recall doing this ever,in fact i almost always end my posts stating this is simply my personal view or opinion,this first claim im totaly in awe to.If it was done i cant imagine it having been on a single or 2 time situation,but as a pattern,no,no way.And to say accuasation,im straight out offended by this,i never came close to accusing one of having the issues i do,i cant even toy the notion of how you came to that conslusion.

Parnate addicting,again i many many times expressed my concerns of being addicted to parnate,i usualy expressed what scared me most is not knowing if i was or not.

I dont believe i ever pressured the fact the drug was addicting in its own right,and i know because i made a point of this.......i never discouraged anyone from having it as an option.So again i dont know where u find this to be the case.If i stated which i have that i did wonder if parnate was an addicting drug,that is a valid worry on a medication board,however i never debated someone who might have objected to this idea,i in fact was actualy always looking for input and disccusion on it,others views on the exact question.

> 3. I would prefer that you don't post when you're not really not a in condition to do so: sometimes you seems in a second state where you sometimes are rude/mean/crude (easy to spot: we often can't even understand what you wrote and several gramatical errors). If you are in this state and need help: PLZ DO SO, POST AND ASK. BUT.. if your on a substance (Alchool?) affecting your jugement and ability to communicate in a reasonnable way with others, plz wait before posting.
> You never see me asking this to you in public because everyone, including me, should accept a certain level of incomfort regarding others behaviors. Get my point ?
> No aboslutly not,grammer yess,but hey,if my grammer is offensive,then unfortuantly one must choose not to be part of my posts,and i would not be offended if they asked me to not to post in regard to theres,reason being id agree totaly with no debate my grammer is horrid,more so because im sloppy than actualy bad.Nevertheless id be the first agreeing with them.

The rest of your statements i find flat out rude,and offensive,and well lets just say to the degree i am is not even judged in terms of intenr postings,you are indirectly accusingme of being intoxicated....among whatever else you bounced around in that paragraph?
> And as I told you at the beginning of this post:
> I think you are a good person, very intelligent individual who has been a great contributor to the forum. I really thing your nice. I dont think you're a bad person or that you are different than anyone else on the forum.
> I wouldn't like you to stop comming here, with us. plz stay.
> Have a nice day,
> Marty

You totaly ate me out in that last paragraph,grossly insulting me,i made my comments on a valid basis i was offended,you having listed many many insults i cant imagne being anything but that,you dont dig up stuff out of the wood work.

Now i apoligized to phillipa,not because i feel i was wrong,as i do believe her posts would serve more value on social,but simply because she is a great person,and i hated to have to name her and call her out,i dident want what happened in the first post to happen again and have people believing i meant them.

Id rather not have said anything in retrospect than to have to had mention her.

As far as Ace goes,what do u want me to do,say im not offended,i cant do that,i do believe one should take note of where there posting,and assure there invited success stories dont come out as a gloat.

Again its the continous basis on which he does this that caused me to post.I can imagine someone feeling better and posting here estatic,however ace has done this over and over,and i do feel he crosses the line of graciously,and hunmlbing offering his success as a encrougment to simply at times flat out boasting.

My archive posts serve who i am

--- A terrable speller,with over all horrid grammer.

---- A humble person,always willing to offer a experiance,no matter how embarsing,or stupid i was to help someone avoid a mistake.

--- Always willing to share anything i knew about meds,even otc procuts,always be willing to accept more information,sls knows this as i have asked him tons of stuff.

--- Always showing encouragment to others,this situation is not gonna take that away from me,i know the truth,and if a gun was placed to my head id paste a ton of posts about such.

What i am not,and have not as you suggested..

--- Bluntly accused anyone of having any condition to which they objected,not so.

---- Discouraged anyone who suggested otherwise from using any medication,even ssris which i am personaly aganist.

---- Discouraged the use of parnate in particular.

---- Made it a pattern to post about issues non medication related.Not to say i have never done it,but no where AT ALL near having it serve what im about here,anyone who reads my posts,knows im always talking about maois,as opposed to one who is mostly posting about emotional issues,the difference is plain and totaly drystal clear,me having done so a time or two does not serve valid.

Now i am grossly in awe of your last paragraph,why?

Well i posted i was not going to come here,and i truly plan not to,so why then kick a man who can defend himself,you present a double edged sword,as if you respect me,and then attack me in just about any way u can,honetly i dont think you left out a single way you could go about knawing at me,you covered it all,and put a smily sticker on it by claiming i was wanted here.Do you not see your last paragraph,i had an issue with ace that at the least was real,acceptable,well thats what is a debate so to speak,you however make a claim that i am possably intoxicated,under an influenace,my god,i cant not believe you attmepted to serve this post in any postie light.

Well as i said my last belief again is NOT,i repeat not to discourage people from sharing success,that could not be further from the truth literaly,

Rather i had an issue with a poster with a known patter "to me" of crossing the line of humality and boasting in a place where that can real serve as counter productive.

I posted i was gonna leave,let me leave,dont post about my character when im trying to let the group move on,ace of course would expected as i made comments on his character,phillpa the same,however in general i have been commened to,and have said i would leave as not to cause the group from swaying away from a real purpose which is support,and not squabble,however im not gonna sit and let someone tear at my character to a million pieaces,i as said was offended in aces case,i have to doubt you were in the things u mentioned,if u r a man of honesty youd admit that,and what your post was,simply to take me apart,which is fine.However are you gonna let me leave,we have heard the opnions aganist me,does this deem me to a theread of posts taking me out?

I did not find your post frinedly in any way,rather as a wiggle to actualy spew some hard stuff at me,stuff i hope i correctly balanced.

If you dont believe your post was vicious id really re read it.Anything correct,which i believe was only the grammer part is fine,however please dont attack my character especialy when im trying to leave and let it move on.




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