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Re: Ixel (milnacipran)

Posted by West on September 1, 2008, at 8:45:20

In reply to Re: Ixel (milnacipran) » West, posted by Quintal on August 31, 2008, at 20:07:07

WELL that was candid - but any info is good info, and from what i can gather it sounds quite sweet and sour from a sexual standpoint.
I will probably do a diary when mine arrives in about 10 days. I have doubts about dropping the cymbalta though to try it since i went down to 45mg from 60mg, and had an increase in intrusive thoughts, so something must be working, either that or it's got its claws in me good and proper.

Maybe it won't work again if i go off and back on? It seems a toss up between tolerability and antidepressant effects. Off to see my lovely GP Diane today about some modafinil for somnolence and some more zolpidem for sleep, which is still a nightmare (sort of makes her sound like my pharmacological 'connect', which is really what she is when you think about it). I hope things are looking up for you Quin and give me a shout if you want to do some babblechatting sometime.





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