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Re: ADD and work -- long, but please help » lymom3

Posted by detroitpistons on May 24, 2006, at 16:18:53

In reply to Re: ADD and work -- long, but please help » detroitpistons, posted by lymom3 on May 21, 2006, at 21:17:57


He started me off on 5 mg Adderall XR. I assumed he would start me off on Strattera because stimulants aren't supposed to be good for any bipolar disorder (I'm apparently bipolar II). He was hesitant about Strattera because of potential side effects, but I was under the impression that Strattera's side effect profile was fairly small.

I also am very prone to nervousness and anxiety, so I didn't want to take a stimulant.

On a different vane, I wanted to see how I reacted to a pure SNRI. The only antidepressant I've responded well to is Effexor, an SSNRI. The SSRI's did nothing for me, making me wonder whether serotonin is really my problem. Since both bipolar and attention disorders (dopamine)are both related to the prefrontal cortex (in theory of course) where norepinephrine does a lot of it's work, I wanted to try Strattera as an experiment.

Anyways, I took 5 mg Adderall XR today and it made me a little wired at first, but now I feel a little tired. I know 5 mg is a low dose, but since I've never take Adderall before, I had a assumed I'd get a relatively strong/normal reaction. I don't feel like my focus is any better. This is only the first day though, so I'll wait and see.

> I really think you do just because I can relate to so much of what you've said. You may notice it most at work, but it does affect all aspects of your life. I finally got medicated for mine when my ADHD son, who is now 18, hit school. I never did it for myself, I finally realized that my son needed me to be 100% to help HIM through school.
> Good luck and ask away if you have any other questions.




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