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Re: Rebound anxiety versus original disorder » Glydin

Posted by olysi79 on September 1, 2004, at 18:03:40

In reply to Re: Rebound anxiety versus original disorder, posted by Glydin on September 1, 2004, at 12:12:40

Hi there. My thoughts are this... with mental illnesses, whether they be depression/anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc are that your body changes as you get older, hence so does the chemistry... things that may not have been as bad when you were young may now in fact be worse or better, it just depends on chemistry changes. Anxiety may be an ever present monster in life, but it's severity and frequency will depend on your life cricumstances and/or your chemistry... if the "brew" is just right, you will occasionally have severe problems. What can balance that out is knowledge and wisdom that you acrue as you get older that can help in treating your illnesses.
Just my thoughts

> Thank you both for your input.
> I needed some reassurence that my rationale seemed correct to others.
> Klonopin is great for me and I have avoided pitfalls and I'm a veteran user. Most of the time, I am prefectly fine with the idea that there is a lifelong illness present and a lifelong treatment facing. However, there is a little grain of me which still has trouble making peace with the illness being present and what I have to take that works to make me "normal". I'm lucky in so many ways in finding effective treatment. Lucky -- I feel. Satisfied and accepting --- that needs some work.
> I really don't think I'm masking a problem. I think I'm righting a malfunction of my fight or flight system which just likes to go haywire.
> Even armed with all the knowledge about myself, my disorder, my med --- I have times that wishing it would go "poof" isn't something that seems to want to go away.




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