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Posted by Noa on May 31, 2004, at 17:51:56

In reply to Re: SERZONE/NEFAZODONE ISSUE // To: flmm, posted by Tony C. on May 31, 2004, at 17:33:41

There are two issues with availability: one is if the FDA bans it. The other is if the company that is still making and selling it decides to bow out like the brand name company did. They can do this without any force from the FDA. They can make a business decision that it isn't worth their while because of potential law suits, or because of uncertain sales in the future if publicity causes people to not want to use this medication or if publicity causes doctors to shy away from prescribing it.

I think the truth is that most people who need antidepressants don't have the complications some of us have had and do ok on the first med or two they try. And I think doctors are probably going to want to prescribe ones that have more public approval if they can.

The only major saving grace, I think, in terms of Nefazodone's popularity is that it is an alternative for many people to SSRIs when SSRIs cause sexual side effects, which obviously are a major drawback for a lot of people. But Wellbutrin has been advertising for that niche pretty strongly. The difference is that Wellbutrin tends to be an activating medication while Serzone is a more sedating one (I think--although I know different people have different reactions).

To get docs to prescribe meds, the companies do a lot of direct marketing to the docs, of course, as we all know. I don't think generic companies spend money that way, though, do they? So, what happens if docs shy away from this med, and sales are poor relative to other antidepressants?




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