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Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » Burgany

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 23, 2004, at 23:39:15

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by Burgany on February 23, 2004, at 23:03:33

Seroquel and risperidone are antipsychotic/anti-mania pills at high dosage. In low doses, i.e. 25mg Seroquel, they can be prescribed for sleep. Everyone is different, and medication will act differently on an indiviudual basis i.e. look up effexor, some love it, some hate it, and some have high/little/no problems coming off of it. I was always taught to slatt at the lowest dose, and titrate up (up the dosage)depending on how the client feels a week later. Of course I can not see your medcharts, therefore I would never suggest 50mg of seroquel to start. I would prefer to start them at 25mg, and then after 2-3 days suggest 50mg, unless my client called me and said "I can't take this for these reasons ________ " I know some people who broke their 25mg pill into 12.5mg to start. When it comes to psychiatric medicine, there will always be people that range from loving it to dreading it. Some info FYI: Seroquel is the newest of its class of drugs to come out, with less sideffects, and less of an EPS (Extra Pyramidal Symptom) profile. (EPS symptoms: no motivation, tardive dyskinsia, shakes, etc.) Good luck, and bring these possibilities up to you Dr. They would never have u start at 50mg unless they had a reason to, so see why. Good luck!

> Hi there,
> I'm new to this site but I am so glad to have found it..Its nice to find people with similar issues as I don't really talk to anyone else about this part of my life. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder recently after years of being told I was just depressed and trying numerous anti-depressants which never had any positive effects. I was originally put on Lamotrigine and Risperdal. I am currently up to 200mg of Lamotrigine and have yet to notice any effect but you increase so slowly on this drug. I just stopped the Risperdal as it seemed to make me more anxious and suffer more insomnia than before I was on it( I was prescribed it for help with sleep and it is supposed to work well with Lamotrigine.) So as a substitute I was given Seroquel...I have yet to take it but I'm a little nervous after what I have read here but the thought of a good night sleep is too good not to give this pill a shot. I too suffer from a eating disorder and am very worried about weight gain. I have heard that Seroquel can help with eating disorders. Does anyone know anything about that? My Dr suggested 50mg a night to start with maybe an increase later. Is it okay to start at 25mg? Also if anyone has any info on Lamotrigine I would love to hear as my searches haven't turned up much.
> Hope everybody has a wonderful Sleep!




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