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Re: Your experience, celexa combined with risperidone

Posted by SLS on December 31, 2003, at 7:50:29

In reply to Your experience, celexa combined with risperidone, posted by Stann on December 30, 2003, at 19:48:02

Hi Stann.

> I am currently taking 20mg celexa,1.75mg Risperidone for severe scocial anxiety and depression.

> What is happening is the risperidone has to be increased every one to two weeks because the good effect keeps waring off.

What exactly are the good effects that risperidone brings you? Which effects wear off?

For depression, 1.0-2.0mg is usually effective as an adjunct to antidepressants.

For intrusive/delusional/psychotic thinking in the absence of schizoid disorders, 3.0mg is often necessary.

For schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, 6.0mg is often the target dosage.

Dosages above 6.0mg are generally not recommended, as the risk of EPS and TD becomes significant.

Good luck.

- Scott




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