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Re: Prozac - Withdrawl Symptoms - The Shock Waves

Posted by Steve C. on September 25, 2001, at 10:01:52

In reply to Re: Prozac - Withdrawl Symptoms, posted by Mel on October 16, 2000, at 19:14:53

> I was on 40mg of Prozac for about 2 years and tapered
> off about 3 weeks ago. I'm having horrible withdrawl
> similar to what many of you here have mentioned. I feel
> like I'm never going to be my old self again. By noon,
> I am exhausted, nauseous, light headed and have great
> difficulty focusing. Today I thought I wouldn't even
> make it driving home from work. I also suffer from that
> "lag" feeling and have some little "shock wave" type
> feelings that go through my head and body many times
> a day. The sensations are so strange and almost impossible
> to describe. I feel like going back on the pills just
> to feel normal again - does anyone have any suggestions
> for ways to ease the withdrawl symptoms?
> Thanks, Melissa

Thank you all for posting. I have been off Prozac for 3 weeks now and I am expericing a symptom I cannot describe. Its like a "zinging" or rush every 10 minutes or so. A sudden alertness to my balance and vision. I saw on other internet sites this described as "meteor strikes" and "electrical shocks". I thought I had some other illness and this has been rather depressing in itself. I am on other meds for diabetes but have been on the same dosage for over 8 years. I cannot think of any other reason for these weird symptoms. I am going to try excercise... I have a theory. These sensations are exactly the same as I got when I was on muscle relaxors. As sudden "zinging" and alertness as my body was fighting being lulled to relax. The way I burned the muscle relaxors out of my system was steady excercise. I will let you all know how my experiment works out. Good luck all...




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