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Re: amisulpride: my final verdict

Posted by AndrewB on October 17, 2000, at 13:13:21

In reply to amisulpride: my final verdict, posted by Sigolene on October 17, 2000, at 7:57:13

What to try next?

I have no medical training, but if I were you I might try pramipexole (Mirapex). There is some evidence it works for atypical. I know it is availble in Italy without an Rx. It is a dopamine D2/D3 agonist. Didn't do anything for me but my pet theory is that it some of those who aren't helped by amisulpride are helped by Mirapex and visa versa.

It usually causes nausea and headaches at first so you slowly increase the dose. Start at 1/4 mg., take 3 times a day. As soon as side effects subside, increase the dose 1/4mg. to 1/2 mg. at a time. Final effective dose may be as high as 5mg./day. Cheapest when bought in 1mg. or 1.5mg tablet dosages but smaller dosage pills are more convenient when starting out. It should kick in farily quickly once you reach the effective dose, not more than 2 weeks I would think. Kind of expensive. I found the side effects to go away quickly.

What are you thinking about trying next/





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