Psycho-Babble Social Thread 261262

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Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be

Posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

I would really like to hear people's thoughts on emotional eating?
I am getting heavier and am not liking it. I know what to do but I don't.
I am thinking about starting Dr. Phil's weight loss new book with his people on his show as I found myself in 2 of them (sexually abused, and a former model)
Please......anyone who can shed some light on HOW? WHAT? WHO? I need help.
I'm ok, just really reaching out here. I don't want to be fat anymore.
All my life I was active and thin and healthy.
I went from 125 in 1988 to 246 in 2002.
I am now about 220. I am 5'5
someone shed some light on how I can get started on doing this. I need support and I need comments on where to turn.
I'm scared and I hate this. I am NOT meant to be a fat person :(
Thank you for letting me vent!
And pleaseeeeeee anyone's advice, open, honest, I can take it~I swear.
I need help!


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by Liligoth on September 18, 2003, at 4:59:51

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

hey Gal, dont think I can help but I can commiserate. Ive always been very slim even skinny apart from this last year with the worst depression & discovering the healing power of icecream! A couple of months ago an icecream shop opened up around the corner, prior to that I was just scoring from the supermarket. Now Im on a first name basis with these guys - it's NorgenVaaz so what can you do. Ive got to stop & even though Im feeling so much better I still want to eat 2 litres of icecream a day. Im off real food completely. It really is like an addiction. I suppose that may be the only way to tackle it.
Anyway good luck with it.


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » Liligoth

Posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 5:04:07

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon, posted by Liligoth on September 18, 2003, at 4:59:51

I'm sorry. Can I ask how you feel PHYSICALLY by doing this???
Im off real food completely too.
I have been eating cookie dough, ice cream (oh yes!), a lot of carbs!
Hardly any veggies and a rare plum today.
Do you really *feel* ok?

> hey Gal, dont think I can help but I can commiserate. Ive always been very slim even skinny apart from this last year with the worst depression & discovering the healing power of icecream! A couple of months ago an icecream shop opened up around the corner, prior to that I was just scoring from the supermarket. Now Im on a first name basis with these guys - it's NorgenVaaz so what can you do. Ive got to stop & even though Im feeling so much better I still want to eat 2 litres of icecream a day. Im off real food completely. It really is like an addiction. I suppose that may be the only way to tackle it.
> Anyway good luck with it.
> Lily


I worship Ice Cream

Posted by fallsfall on September 18, 2003, at 6:18:08

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » Liligoth, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 5:04:07

I have been called "ICQ" by a babbler - Ice Cream Queen. The way to keep your weight to a respectable 175 (at 5'5") is, as you both have discovered to stop eating real food and eat only junk.

How does it make me feel (sounds like a therapist question, doesn't it)? Well I've been depressed enough to be out of work for 21 months. Gee, maybe there is a connection.

I eat the junk because I feel so little energy, I'm looking for the sugar high. But I don't get more energy, I just get fatter. You would think that eventually I would learn that the junk doesn't help. Actually, I am aware of it sometimes as I am scrounging for sugar. I tell myself it won't make me feel any better. Sometimes that works for an hour, sometimes it doesn't work at all.

Exercising uses energy that I don't have (I know, "If you exercise you will have more energy" - hasn't worked for me). Dieting is out of the question because I eat the wrong stuff because I "need" to.

Ice cream really does help me. I eat it after therapy and it clears some of the fog from my head.

I think that my life without junk food would be worse than my life being fat.

(Interestingly, I still see myself as much thinner - mirrors always surprise me)


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 18, 2003, at 8:22:47

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

My moods control my weight. Extreme stress and I drop weight fast. Moderate stress and I gain weight steadily.

Is it a control thing? For awhile, I was anorexic. My life was out of control, so I controlled the only thing I could which was food. One muffin for breakfast. Cut it in half. Throw one half away. I'm in control. Those days are long gone! ROFLMAO

Consider it a side effect of depression. You need to fix that first. Dr Phil is pretty *real* about alot of stuff. It couldn't hurt to try that. If it works, let me know.

I'm 15-20 lbs overweight and helpless to change it also.

your weight problem doesn't define who you are. My mental image of you hasn't changed. :)

KDi in Texas


Re: I worship Ice Cream » fallsfall

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 18, 2003, at 8:32:03

In reply to I worship Ice Cream, posted by fallsfall on September 18, 2003, at 6:18:08

ROFLMAO!!!! oh fallsfall. you make me laugh. i remember walking to a grocery store from the parking lot in my sweats and seeing a woman who's butt jiggled terribly and realized it was ME!!!

I stopped in shock! Mirrors always surprise me too. So do my jeans after they've been washed. Oh, and the time I sneezed in the car and my short's button went flying. bing bing bing.

Aint life grand?
KDi in Texasd


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be

Posted by Wildflower on September 18, 2003, at 8:55:32

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

I'm sorry that I don't have much to offer in the way of solving your problem but please know that many people on this board (including me)probably have the same problem. I've been doing quite a bit of research on stress eating lately and it's not easy to stop. Somehow exchanging cookies and chocolate for carrot sticks doesn't have much of an appeal. ;-)

I'm not sure if you're exercising but it tends to help. It's just very hard to get into the routine. Trust me, I just started last night and boy am I sore today...


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by Tabitha on September 18, 2003, at 11:33:17

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

Gal, first things first. Accept yourself no matter what your weight. You're still you. Set your goal to something realistic. Maybe 125 will never come again.. like Oprah learned-- try for size 10 not size 6 (or whatever is realistic for you) Have you tried overeaters anonymous or weight watchers? Group support might help.


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by Liligoth on September 18, 2003, at 18:00:32

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » Liligoth, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 5:04:07

> I'm sorry. Can I ask how you feel PHYSICALLY by doing this???
> Im off real food completely too.
> I have been eating cookie dough, ice cream (oh yes!), a lot of carbs!
> Hardly any veggies and a rare plum today.
> Do you really *feel* ok?

no I dont feel ok at all. I feel like a 90 yr old blob. My joints hurt & are stiff - when I stand up I wince in pain. I have trouble getting my clothes on in the morning & I have trouble reaching parts of myself to wash in the shower. I hate it!


Re: I worship Ice Cream » fallsfall

Posted by Liligoth on September 18, 2003, at 18:05:10

In reply to I worship Ice Cream, posted by fallsfall on September 18, 2003, at 6:18:08

> I have been called "ICQ" by a babbler - Ice Cream Queen. The way to keep your weight to a respectable 175 (at 5'5") is, as you both have discovered to stop eating real food and eat only junk.
> How does it make me feel (sounds like a therapist question, doesn't it)? Well I've been depressed enough to be out of work for 21 months. Gee, maybe there is a connection.
> I eat the junk because I feel so little energy, I'm looking for the sugar high. But I don't get more energy, I just get fatter. You would think that eventually I would learn that the junk doesn't help. Actually, I am aware of it sometimes as I am scrounging for sugar. I tell myself it won't make me feel any better. Sometimes that works for an hour, sometimes it doesn't work at all.
> Exercising uses energy that I don't have (I know, "If you exercise you will have more energy" - hasn't worked for me). Dieting is out of the question because I eat the wrong stuff because I "need" to.
> Ice cream really does help me. I eat it after therapy and it clears some of the fog from my head.
> I think that my life without junk food would be worse than my life being fat.
> (Interestingly, I still see myself as much thinner - mirrors always surprise me)

Yes, icecream does help! When I have a battle with myself about it I come back to that - I dont think it's an excuse because it really has been for so long the only thing that has given me any happiness. Maybe we can get DrBob to start a new board for food issues.


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by femlite on September 19, 2003, at 9:15:45

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

> I would really like to hear people's thoughts on emotional eating?
> I am getting heavier and am not liking it. I know what to do but I don't.
> I am thinking about starting Dr. Phil's weight loss new book with his people on his show as I found myself in 2 of them (sexually abused, and a former model)

Hey galkeepinon,

If thyroid med. wont interfere with your other meds. thats the first thing I'd check.
I had a similar scenario. Im on T3. Has helped tremendously.

Next I went on Atkins.
I was really strict for about 6 months. I lost 10 pounds the first week. It was coming off so fast I had to slow it down. I was starting to get leg cramps. Potassium is the answer for leg cramps, plus lots of fluids and a slight carb increase.

Ive lost 30 pounds total, from 160 to 130 mostly in the first two months.

I am on mantinence phase. My carbs are up to 100 - 150 mg. a day. (some people are more carb sensitve and have to stay around 75 to 100mgs.)

This diet would be difficult for vegitarians and and impossible for vegans.

But if you eat meat, it is really easy to follow.

Atkins is good to start with but he's a purist.

Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades, have a number of books out that are broader in scope, alot more room for individual needs and differences.

With the number of low carb products in the grocerey stores it just keeps getting easier.

If you need more info let me know.

Emotional or binge eating can become a way of life. Some people need medical help. But sometimes instead of beating ourselves up about "why" its more helpful to go in a new direction. I think what ever helps you to do that is more important.

If why remains a consuming subject, than research away! (I was always the kid wanting to know why, so I understand ;)


Re: I worship Ice Cream

Posted by ridesredhorses on September 19, 2003, at 21:37:07

In reply to Re: I worship Ice Cream » fallsfall, posted by Liligoth on September 18, 2003, at 18:05:10

I have been overeating more lately, depression being quite bad this week. On Sunday I shopped and I brought home just enough food for the week. I am only here for breakfast and occasionally for lunch. I got 7 cartons of yogurt, 5 plums, a couple of bananas, a box of cereal and a quart of low fat milk. I also got 4 cans of Slimfast. Monday morning, there was nothing in the house to eat for breakfast. If I wasn't so depressed, I would laugh.


Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon

Posted by bookgurl99 on September 20, 2003, at 0:13:41

In reply to Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:44:10

Hey gal --

I have a couple of thoughts for you.

First, stress makes us feel like we need to eat fat and sugar. Our bodies evolved for us to want to eat in response to stress, as in the past stress often _did_ come to humans in the form of extreme physical effort. (i.e., escaping a predator.) When we're stressed out now, we probably need real food (you know, like steak or chicken, baked potato, brocolli), but that's not our evolutionary inclination. I try to keep this in mind sometimes.

Next, a lot of psych meds make high-carb food taste really _good_. I noticed that effect on Zoloft, and now I'm having it on Depakote. It's strange.

I understand how you feel. I'm also 5'5" and weigh a lot more than my goal weight of 125 pounds. I am hypothyroid, and currently weigh 184 despite regular exercise and thyroid medications.

My solution is the same as someone else suggested -- I'm starting the Atkins program tomorrow. My dr. and I discussed it, and he said to go for it. If followed correctly, there's evidence that the program can help us lose weight, and stop craving carbs. A recent study also shows that it has a positive impact on cholesterol levels.

I'm not sure what your cash situation is, but if you want to try either Atkins( or Dr. Phil's program, both programs are available at . I subscribed to it recently, and have had a good experience. There's support boards, menus made up for you with recipes and a shopping list, and nutritional counselors available via phone. (Man, I sound like a damn commercial.)

How are you feeling about this now? Keep us posted.


Re: Diets~ » bookgurl99

Posted by galkeepinon on September 20, 2003, at 0:40:15

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon, posted by bookgurl99 on September 20, 2003, at 0:13:41

Hey there, Thanks so much. I did buy Dr. Phil's newest book yesterday, and will start looking at it this weekend. I never was really fond of the man, I don't watch much TV and never really *got* his theories sometimes, but he's got a lot to say about this book, from what I see, but more so, he has, I believe, 12 people on his show right now who are going to be followed and take part in his *program* I thought I would add myself to the program so to speak and go through their journey with them, in helping myself too.
It's funny how we all go looking for the *perfect* diet, it's so evident. But for me, personally, I REALLY need some sort of program to start with and to follow. I just do. I haven't ever looked in to the Atkins diet, maybe I should in conjunction with Dr. Phil's program.

I like Dr. Phil in the way that he tries to help us realize that it IS SOOOOO much more than the food. I know that in my heart, and I recently have learned to like Dr. Phil's attitude on certain things.
Anyway, I totally hear what you're saying about the carb thing, I really am a carb~sugarholic LOL. All I can do at this point is get with the program, whichever one I choose, stick with it, and see what happens. I'm praying about it.

**I wish you loads of success with YOUR goal with the Atkins diet! I believe what you are saying concerning cholesterol levels, etc. with the Atkins diet. I hope it works for you, please let me/us know once in a while how you're doing on it k?:-)
Thanks again for your support bookgurl~ I really appreciate it:-)

> Hey gal --
> I have a couple of thoughts for you.
> First, stress makes us feel like we need to eat fat and sugar. Our bodies evolved for us to want to eat in response to stress, as in the past stress often _did_ come to humans in the form of extreme physical effort. (i.e., escaping a predator.) When we're stressed out now, we probably need real food (you know, like steak or chicken, baked potato, brocolli), but that's not our evolutionary inclination. I try to keep this in mind sometimes.
> Next, a lot of psych meds make high-carb food taste really _good_. I noticed that effect on Zoloft, and now I'm having it on Depakote. It's strange.
> I understand how you feel. I'm also 5'5" and weigh a lot more than my goal weight of 125 pounds. I am hypothyroid, and currently weigh 184 despite regular exercise and thyroid medications.
> My solution is the same as someone else suggested -- I'm starting the Atkins program tomorrow. My dr. and I discussed it, and he said to go for it. If followed correctly, there's evidence that the program can help us lose weight, and stop craving carbs. A recent study also shows that it has a positive impact on cholesterol levels.
> I'm not sure what your cash situation is, but if you want to try either Atkins( or Dr. Phil's program, both programs are available at . I subscribed to it recently, and have had a good experience. There's support boards, menus made up for you with recipes and a shopping list, and nutritional counselors available via phone. (Man, I sound like a damn commercial.)
> How are you feeling about this now? Keep us posted.


Re: KDi:-) » KimberlyDi

Posted by galkeepinon on September 22, 2003, at 18:31:46

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be » galkeepinon, posted by KimberlyDi on September 18, 2003, at 8:22:47

Hey there:-) thank for your input:-) My moods control my weight too obviously~I hate it. I do think it is a control thing :( I gotta give up that control somehow soon:-)
So glad to hear your anorexic days are long gone! Hooray for you:-)
right back at ya:-)
Thank you for your support always:-)
I'll let ya know how Dr. Phil's book hels me;)

> Gal,
> My moods control my weight. Extreme stress and I drop weight fast. Moderate stress and I gain weight steadily.
> Is it a control thing? For awhile, I was anorexic. My life was out of control, so I controlled the only thing I could which was food. One muffin for breakfast. Cut it in half. Throw one half away. I'm in control. Those days are long gone! ROFLMAO
> Consider it a side effect of depression. You need to fix that first. Dr Phil is pretty *real* about alot of stuff. It couldn't hurt to try that. If it works, let me know.
> I'm 15-20 lbs overweight and helpless to change it also.
> {{{{{{{{{{{galkeepinon}}}}}}}}}}}
> your weight problem doesn't define who you are. My mental image of you hasn't changed. :)
> KDi in Texas


Re: » Wildflower

Posted by galkeepinon on September 22, 2003, at 18:36:30

In reply to Re: Please reply anyone:-) needy, but dont mean to be, posted by Wildflower on September 18, 2003, at 8:55:32

Thanks Wildflower. Your post helps:-)
You're right~exchanging ice cream for carrots~nah, does not sound too appealing.
I did hear though, that it takes 21 days to break a habit. Have you heard this? Do you think it's true? I think eating healthy would bcome an aquired taste once and if we stuck with it;)
Are you still sore??
I went swimming this weekend and boy am I sore!!!! Muscles that haven't been worked in a long, long time!!! LOL
Take care:-)

> I'm sorry that I don't have much to offer in the way of solving your problem but please know that many people on this board (including me)probably have the same problem. I've been doing quite a bit of research on stress eating lately and it's not easy to stop. Somehow exchanging cookies and chocolate for carrot sticks doesn't have much of an appeal. ;-)
> I'm not sure if you're exercising but it tends to help. It's just very hard to get into the routine. Trust me, I just started last night and boy am I sore today...

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