Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 14368

Shown: posts 61 to 85 of 126. Go back in thread:


Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn)

Posted by Bob on November 17, 1999, at 13:48:06

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 4:04:32

> "God does not play dice with the universe" Einstein.
"Stop telling God what to do." Niels Bohr to Einstein.

Besides, the quote is about quantum mechanics, which ironically received its earliest big boost from Einstein's paper on the photoelectric effect (for which he won the Nobel Prize). Einstein also said, "God is subtle, but he is not malicious" which has been interpreted as "God may have created the universe as a puzzle for us to solve but, however He did it, He wouldn't have done it using quantum mechanics!" And then there was, I believe, Stephen Hawking, the first to apply quantum mechanics to black holes successfully, who said, "Not only *does* God play dice, sometimes he throws them where you can't see them!"

CC, lots of your questions are being explained fairly well. The Hubble has contributed quite a bit here, such as finding evidence of blackholes at the centers of most galaxies (lending credit to the primary explanation on the nature of quasars). *All* galaxies are moving away from us -- that's a central tenet of Big Bang theories. THAT should be acknowledged -- that there is no one Big Bang Theory, but litterally hundreds of them. The data from the COBE satellite, out of George Smoots' shop, pretty much eliminated 95% of those by demonstrating that there is a non-uniform distribution of background radiation (most contenders could not explain anything other than a uniform distribution). Work over the last few decades on "quantum" gravity has been making inroads into why spiral galaxies both spin the way they do and FORM the way they do, since the simple accretion-disk theories applied to planetary systems fail miserably at this. So, for any of your questions, science is making good progress on coming up with an answer. Even for the missing mass problem -- the bias in the cosmology community for a closed universe (big bang, big crunch, rinse, repeat...) smacks of how Occam's Razor and the notion of elegance can blind scientists to other, better explanations (such as the universe via the big bang truly being a unique event), but there's progress nonetheless.

So much for what science can answer and for what religion cannot. Religion won't give us explanations on how things work based upon true prophecy or the self-serving proclamations of authorities.

On the other hand, while one day we may be able to say how the universe came to be what it is today, science will never be able to explain "Why the universe?" or even "Why *this* universe?"

Apples and oranges, folks. The notion of science being better than religion, or religion being better than science, is non-sense when each stays within the bounds of what it can explain.



Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn)

Posted by Adam on November 17, 1999, at 15:38:03

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by Bob on November 17, 1999, at 13:48:06

> On the other hand, while one day we may be able to say how the universe came to be what it is today, science will never be able to explain "Why the universe?" or even "Why *this* universe?"

Again, given the older theories about the big bang, it is plausible to conclude that teh universe arose spontaneously, with no causative event,
no plan behind it, no higher consciousness, nothing. It just is. In this case it makes as much sense to say why does it exist as to ask what
came before. There was no "before" in real time (though you can theoretically survey the process mathematically in "imaginary time").

One competing theory on the origin of the universe I'm not all that familiar with proposes that our universe is an extention of a much more expansive
structure, a "megaverse" that has always existed. Due to random fluctuations in whatever quantum fields defined the structure of what came before,
portions of this megaverse can spontaneously inflate, sometimes at an enormous rate of speed, and give rise to whole sub-universes, of which ours is
one. The initial conditions defined at the moment of inflation give rise to the constants of nature that are true for that particular region. Given
the infinite extent of this megaverse, and the infinite opportunity for universes to bud off from it (and subsequent universes to bud off of those),
there are an infinite number of possible conditions, some amenable to life, some not. We happen to occupy a universe that has certain physical constants
that allow for the kind of life that we know to develop and intelligent creatures such as ourselves to ask questions like why (the anthropic principle,
I believe, perhaps the "weak anthropic prinicple"). Since there are an infinite number of possiblities, it was bound to happen at some point. Why this
universe? Because we couldn't exist in another one.
> Apples and oranges, folks. The notion of science being better than religion, or religion being better than science, is non-sense when each stays within the bounds of what it can explain.

I agree that it's apples and oranges, but I don't feel that religion "explains" anything. It used to be that faith was our only guide, and that nothing in
the universe made sense without being ibued with a divine spirit. What seemed inexplicable (like forces at a distance) was attributed to the hand of God.
History has shown nothing but a retreat from this spiritually-centered world view to a mundane one. Where those who practice science in one way or another
converge on plausible explanations for the most fundamental questions, distinct faiths have only found common ground, or brought all humanity closer to a
state of mutual understanding, where they have abandoned their most dogmatic principles. More often then not, what influences this transition from religious
dogma to ecumenical liberalism is the supplanting of old, mutually exclusive mythical ideas with unifying principles bestowed upon us by science.

What science perhaps can never do is tell people how they ought to feel. I see no fatal problem with faith (so long as it isn't imposed on me or anyone else,
by means violent or otherwise) because I have known and sometimes loved perfectly rational, intelligent, informed people who practiced religion and derived
great joy in it. Religious faith has inspired such movingly beautiful creations of literature and music and art, I would feel deeply saddened if it were all
suddenly taken away. What will inspire future creators to compose another requiem mass, write another Upanisad, move with the grace and serenity of tai chi.
I have participated in Latin masses, Bhuddist chants, read part of the Pesach Hagadah. I even helped organize the Divali celebration at my college and adapted
part of the Ramayana as a play. To lose religion seems a terrible thing to me, and at the same time, I cannot truly understand it or be a part of it, and I
predict it is slowly dying. But the rise of fundamentalism in many parts of the world in reaction to this trend is even more disturbing. I do not feel a sense
of pride in our country when I know kids in Kansas aren't being taught evolution.

Perhaps we can strike a balance between the need for accurate, scientific theories to guide us into the future, and the redemtive and joyful aspects of faith.
I'm not hopeful that this can be achieved, and I can't imagine what the world will be like bereft of one or the other.


Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn)

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 17, 1999, at 19:57:29

In reply to science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by Elizabeth on November 17, 1999, at 2:58:45

> Furthermore, the cosmic background radiation cannot be interpreted in any way suggested by SS or any other conceivable theory, whereas, as was shown definitely in 1990, ALL the observational evidence falls precisely on the curve predicted by the BB

My friend's father was the co-discoverer of the background radiation. They stumbled upon it by accident when they were testing a new radio antenna meant to track Telstar. If I remember correctly, the magnitude of the radiation was about 3 degrees Kelvin. (There is a funny story regarding this measurement that involves pigeons).

Don't forget dark matter. If it doesn't exist, the universe might expand forever.


I'm not sure how far this topic will go, but I figured I'd drop in anyway. I think that there is a tendency for man to wage war against uncertainty. However, some of the greatest twentieth century physicists were comfortable with uncertainty. Certainly, Heisenberg must have been, although I'm not absolutely certain.

Both science and religion spend quite a bit of time and energy trying to fill in the gaps. What seems to get lost within the many quandaries pursued by both is spirituality. Spirituality can act as a bridge between the two - if you let it. I don't see any conflict between spiritualism and atheism. Often, I think science and religion argue over the existence of something that neither can define.

- Scott


Re: science superior to religion? (CC)

Posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 20:57:22

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CC), posted by Adam on November 17, 1999, at 13:37:35

"the sum of the matter and energy in the universe and the energy of its expansion
is zero"

So energy of expansion = total energy of matter and energy? Wouldn't these energies be additive rather than cancelling each other out?

"It is thought that initially the universe was infinitely dense, but that due to quantum
fluctuations, this state was unstable. At some point the universe expanded slightly and
thus cooled. This cooling led to a "phase transition" where matter and energy became
differentiated through the creation of quantum fields that define the properties of

Where did this infinitely dense unstable thing come from? If it came from a "megaverse" then where did the megaverse come from? I don't see how anything can come from nothing. The model of the beginning of our universe started with "something". If something can come from nothing it should be observable. Virtual particals can come into existance but only for a very short time. What about conservation of mass and energy? It still looks like a "first cause" issue to me, albeit a very complex one. Do you know anything about string theory? I was wondering if the "collapsed dimensions" would allow strange interactions between matter not explained by electromagnetic or other energies. Can you tell me how something can come from nothing and if so is it anything more than pure speculation?


The validity of the theory of evolution.

Posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 22:54:07

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CC), posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 20:57:22

I have heard that the theory of evolution has some major problems with it. The birds, the pre-cambrian explosion, gaps in the fossil record, no fossil record of microorganisms to speak of, falsification of data, etc., etc.. I also heard that the statistical probability of chlorophyll assembling itself under ideal circumstances was 10^40 against. Can anybody comment on whether this is a reasonable number? And doesn't it just take one contradiction to invalidate a theory?


Adam: inspiration

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 0:25:27

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by Adam on November 17, 1999, at 15:38:03

> What science perhaps can never do is tell people how they ought to feel.

Why should *anything* tell people how they "ought" to feel?

On another note (pun intended):

>Religious faith has inspired such movingly beautiful creations of literature and music and art, I would feel deeply saddened if it were all
>suddenly taken away.

Hmm...the same claim has been made of depression. (e.g., what if Dostoevsky, Salinger, Mozart, etc., had been on Prozac?). Does that make depression a good thing that shouldn't be eliminated? (And how do we know that depression, or religion, is required for inspiration?)

(For that matter, speaking of Dostoevsky, it's been hypothesized that his apparent mood disorder may have been related to temporal lobe epilepsy. Does that make epilepsy a good thing?)

> What will inspire future creators to compose another requiem mass, write another Upanisad, move with the grace and serenity of tai chi.
> I have participated in Latin masses, Bhuddist chants, read part of the Pesach Hagadah. I even helped organize the Divali celebration at my college and adapted
> part of the Ramayana as a play. To lose religion seems a terrible thing to me, and at the same time, I cannot truly understand it or be a part of it, and I
> predict it is slowly dying.

I wrote a "little mass" as my final project for a music composition course in college. It's not Bach (actually Palestrina was the inspiration), but it shows something I think: it doesn't require faith to write a mass or to be moved by it. (A lot of Catholic-style masses have been written by Protestants, and Brahms reinvented the requiem.)

I don't think faith is required to be inspired, either. I've found at least two of the classes I've taken deeply inspiring (Allan Hobson's sleep class, and a course of my dad's that I sat in on).

For that matter I've sometimes experienced brief spontaneous episodes of "inspiration" or ecstasy (sort of like being moved by a beautiful piece of music or a sad story, only more so). (This seems to be predictive of panic attacks, interestingly enough.)


Rascal's wager

Posted by CC on November 18, 1999, at 0:29:11

In reply to The validity of the theory of evolution., posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 22:54:07

Here is challenge for all you scientist out there. Starting with non-living matter, create living matter. Use what ever chemicals you like and any enviroment you like. No cheating by using any form of living matter or material from dead organisms of any kind. Virus doesn't count. Does this sound unreasonable? If sheer chance can generate life then it ought to be a cinch for intelligent sentient beings. Get back to me when you have succeeded.


Uncertainty - Scott

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 0:29:50

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 17, 1999, at 19:57:29

> I think that there is a tendency for man to wage war against uncertainty. However, some of the greatest twentieth century physicists were comfortable with uncertainty. Certainly, Heisenberg must have been, although I'm not absolutely certain.

I think there is a tension between accepting uncertainty, and yet still seeking to learn what is not yet known. (That is, feeling okay about not knowing everything without becoming a total slacker.)

> Spirituality can act as a bridge between the two - if you let it. I don't see any conflict between spiritualism and atheism.

Question: how do you define spirituality? I've mostly heard it used as a thin veil for religion.


Re: contradiction.

Posted by bigbertha on November 18, 1999, at 0:44:30

In reply to The validity of the theory of evolution., posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 22:54:07

> doesn't it just take one contradiction to invalidate a theory?

Uh, isn't the Bible a little out of whack if that
is the case? For example: Strange that there is such a taboo
against incest, but if Adam & Eve were the only game
in town.... Or maybe Eve was the REAL reason Cain wanted
the #1 slot?


Re: contradiction.

Posted by CC on November 18, 1999, at 1:09:39

In reply to Re: contradiction., posted by bigbertha on November 18, 1999, at 0:44:30

Uh, isn't the Bible a little out of whack if that
is the case? For example: Strange that there is such a taboo
against incest, but if Adam & Eve were the only game
in town.... Or maybe Eve was the REAL reason Cain wanted
the #1 slot?

The Bible is not represented as a theory. Adam and Eve were not sister, brother, mother or father etc.. Cain killed his brother, not his father. Insults generally indicate a lack of real material.


Re: Adam: inspiration

Posted by Adam on November 18, 1999, at 2:50:49

In reply to Adam: inspiration, posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 0:25:27

> Why should *anything* tell people how they "ought" to feel?
I think you may be reading more into that than I intended it to mean. I never meant to imply
that anything "should" tell people how they ought to feel. But I know some people do yearn for
something that will, and I don't think they'll find such answers in science, beyond learning
that we may have an innate sense of "morality" that was shaped by evolutionary forces, and thus
have some cause to be optimistic about humanity. For some this doesn't seem to be enough. Far
be it from me or anyone else to tell them they are silly for feeling this way.

> Hmm...the same claim has been made of depression. (e.g., what if Dostoevsky, Salinger, Mozart, etc., had been on Prozac?). Does that make depression a good thing that shouldn't be eliminated? (And how do we know that depression, or religion, is required for inspiration?)

Are you implying that religion should be eliminated? I guess as far as depression goes, (don't hold
me to textbook definitions, here) I don't think it should be eliminated completely. The relentless
despair that ruins lives and drives people to self-destruction, sure. But nobody wants a Brave New World,
either. The idea of life without affect is what made Huxley's vision so frightening, and I think some
amount of depression is necessary to appreciate joy. I'm not at all implying that you thus need religion
to appreciate science, just that faith has not been entirely without value.

> (For that matter, speaking of Dostoevsky, it's been hypothesized that his apparent mood disorder may have been related to temporal lobe epilepsy. Does that make epilepsy a good thing?)

Who would suggest such a thing? Of course not. I love Dostoevsky's work, but I would gladly give it up
if it meant he didn't have to suffer. I think the closest I ever got to true love was with a woman who
had TLE. She was brilliant, beautiful, could draw a perfect likeness of me in about three seconds, and had
an extremely impressive creative talent. (No harsh speculation about how I let her's complicated).
Anywhow, I don't know in what way TLE influenced her talents, controlled by Tegretol as it was, but I would
hazard a guess that Dostoyevsky might still have been dark and brilliant without it.
> I wrote a "little mass" as my final project for a music composition course in college. It's not Bach (actually Palestrina was the inspiration), but it shows something I think: it doesn't require faith to write a mass or to be moved by it. (A lot of Catholic-style masses have been written by Protestants, and Brahms reinvented the requiem.)
> I don't think faith is required to be inspired, either. I've found at least two of the classes I've taken deeply inspiring (Allan Hobson's sleep class, and a course of my dad's that I sat in on).
I think these things are wonderful, and I envy your talents and a father who must be quite an intellectual.
(what does he teach?) Again, the intent was not to rule out the possibility of inspiration in the absence
of faith. Isn't a little nostalgic hyperbole OK once in a while? It may very well be that faith just isn't
worth the trouble it's caused, but I'm not prepared to make that judgement. If and when it finally vanishes,
I think there will be cause for some sadness, because it hasn't been all bad, and has inspired a lot of

> For that matter I've sometimes experienced brief spontaneous episodes of "inspiration" or ecstasy (sort of like being moved by a beautiful piece of music or a sad story, only more so). (This seems to be predictive of panic attacks, interestingly enough.)

I hope that all transcendant experiences aren't the product or precursor of complex partial seizures, hallucinogens, or
extreme states of agitation.


Re: science superior to religion? (CC)

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 7:50:35

In reply to Re: science superior to religion? (CC), posted by CC on November 17, 1999, at 20:57:22

> "the sum of the matter and energy in the universe and the energy of its expansion
> is zero"

What about entropy?

- Scott


Re: Uncertainty - Scott

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 8:08:02

In reply to Uncertainty - Scott, posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 0:29:50

> > I think that there is a tendency for man to wage war against uncertainty. However, some of the greatest twentieth century physicists were comfortable with uncertainty. Certainly, Heisenberg must have been, although I'm not absolutely certain.

> I think there is a tension between accepting uncertainty, and yet still seeking to learn what is not yet known. (That is, feeling okay about not knowing everything without becoming a total slacker.)

How about the thrill of the adventure?

> > Spirituality can act as a bridge between the two - if you let it. I don't see any conflict between spiritualism and atheism.

> Question: how do you define spirituality? I've mostly heard it used as a thin veil for religion.

I can only define (or at least try to define) my own spirituality. As I see it, there are as many definitions of spirituality as there are individuals. For any one individual, there may be as many definitions as there are days in the year. Spirituality is not a thin veil for judeo-christian religions in that these religions attempt to create a single definition for all.

- Scott


Re: Rascal's wager

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 8:17:21

In reply to Rascal's wager, posted by CC on November 18, 1999, at 0:29:11

> Here is challenge for all you scientist out there. Starting with non-living matter, create living matter. Use what ever chemicals you like and any enviroment you like. No cheating by using any form of living matter or material from dead organisms of any kind. Virus doesn't count. Does this sound unreasonable? If sheer chance can generate life then it ought to be a cinch for intelligent sentient beings. Get back to me when you have succeeded.

Will I have four billion years to get the job done?

Oh yeah, and I'll need plenty of lightning too.

(Just an exercise in rhetoric).

- Scott


Re: Rascal's wager

Posted by Bruce on November 18, 1999, at 8:25:24

In reply to Re: Rascal's wager, posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 8:17:21

> > Here is challenge for all you scientist out there. Starting with non-living matter, create living matter. Use what ever chemicals you like and any enviroment you like. No cheating by using any form of living matter or material from dead organisms of any kind. Virus doesn't count. Does this sound unreasonable? If sheer chance can generate life then it ought to be a cinch for intelligent sentient beings. Get back to me when you have succeeded.
> Will I have four billion years to get the job done?
> Oh yeah, and I'll need plenty of lightning too.
> (Just an exercise in rhetoric).
> - Scott

CC - would a computer that displays consciousness count as 'living' in your eyes?



Re: Rascal's wager [adult content]

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 8:45:09

In reply to Re: Rascal's wager, posted by Bruce on November 18, 1999, at 8:25:24

> > > Here is challenge for all you scientist out there. Starting with non-living matter, create living matter. Use what ever chemicals you like and any enviroment you like...

> > Will I have four billion years to get the job done?
> >
> > Oh yeah, and I'll need plenty of lightning too.
> >
> > (Just an exercise in rhetoric).
> >
> >
> > - Scott

> CC - would a computer that displays consciousness count as 'living' in your eyes?
> Bruce

That's an interesting question. Have you ever watched "Star-Trek - The Next Generation"? They have wrestled with this question on numerous occasions. Most of these episodes involve their android crewman, Data.

As far as my personal feelings on the subject - if it gives good head, it can call itself anything it likes.

- Scott


Re: Depression, Evolution - God, Proof, and Faith

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 10:46:05

In reply to Re: Depression, Evolution (CC), posted by Elizabeth on November 14, 1999, at 23:00:16

> > If you could prove God exists, there would be no need for "faith".

I think something may been missing from this thread. I don't see that anyone has attempted to define just what it is they think God is. Has anyone? Some people define or regard God simply as existence. Using this definition, the existence of God has been proven. Existence exists, doesn't it.

I've never been one for blind faith. I much prefer the rewards that sighted faith provides. Just look around.

> Well, exactly; it's an untestable hypothesis. (And do we really have need for it? Laplace didn't....)

Who is Laplace? I envy you your wealth of education.

> > I think Christians generally believe that without faith, nothing can be accomplished.

I haven't spoken to enough Christians regarding this topic to know if this is true or not. It does seem that it is religion that has inspired most of the great feats of mankind, especially those of antiquity. This may no longer be true in the industrial age.

> Plenty of people have accomplished great things without needing to appeal to an object of religious faith.

> > The good thing about Mainstream Christianity is that you have something besides your own personal experiences to guide you, the Scripture and the hierarchical higher ups.

I think that this can be a good thing.

> > What about my question, do you think "man" is capable of solving the problems currently facing us?

> One question is, is it possible for people to *accept* that some problems will go unsolved? (Any Buddhists out there?)

What's a Buddhist / Zen Buddhist?

Inquiring minds want to know.

- Scott


Re: science superior to religion? (Elizabeth)

Posted by CarolAnn on November 18, 1999, at 10:46:33

In reply to science superior to religion? (CarolAnn), posted by Elizabeth on November 17, 1999, at 2:58:45

>>>CarolAnn's comments are below these:

> I wonder what you consider to constitute "evidence." Really none of the examples you give is at all comparable to mystical claims. To wit:
> The big bang theory is based on the fact (observed) that galaxies are moving away from each other at a speed that increases with distance. The most reasonable interpretation of
> this observation is that, from any position in
> the universe, galaxies are moving away from each other in the same way.

>>>My comments:
>>>Elizabeth, I was particularly using this analogy to respond to your statement that you could not believe in mystisism because all the theories were untestable. I think my point about untestable scientific "truths" still stands, because even in your above paragraph, you use the words "reasonable interpretation" which, is based on scientific *knowledge* but the examples are still called "theories" because they are not completely testable. Again, my point was that if we can accept such theories as absolute truths, maybe we should at least keep our minds open enough to gain the knowledge required to determine if certain *mystical* theories might also turn out to be absolute truth. As far as "evidence" the fact is that there are many scientists who use the exact same information to discount all of the example theories.
Please remember that none of my writings has been an attempt to impose my views on anyone. They have all been intended to explain my belief that the best way to find our own "absolute truths" is to keep our minds constantly open to any and all knowledge in order to keep developing the belief or *dis*belief system that will bring our own personal comfort to our lives.CarolAnn :)


Re: contradiction.(?CC & anyone else w/the answer)

Posted by CarolAnn on November 18, 1999, at 11:01:59

In reply to Re: contradiction., posted by CC on November 18, 1999, at 1:09:39

> The Bible is not represented as a theory. Adam and Eve were not sister, brother, mother or father etc.. Cain killed his brother, not his father. Insults generally indicate a lack of real material.

>>>Yes, but CC if there was no incest, where *did* Cain get his wife??? CarolAnn


Stop the thread, I want to get off!(or start over)

Posted by CarolAnn on November 18, 1999, at 11:19:55

In reply to Philosophy 101 or God & depression ect..., posted by Carol on November 1, 1999, at 15:11:14

Alright, I'm not that co-dependent(reference my post: The thread "goes on.."yeah the thread "goes on...")

I mean it! The next time I post, It is going to be way down there in the "New Thread" section, and if no one likes it, they don't have to come with me! BUT, I ain't coming back here, the posts are just getting too long in loading.CarolAnn "See ya real soon!...Ya'll come back(I mean,down)now y'here?"


Re: Rascal's wager

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 12:27:44

In reply to Rascal's wager, posted by CC on November 18, 1999, at 0:29:11

> Here is challenge for all you scientist out there. Starting with non-living matter, create living matter. Use what ever chemicals you like and any enviroment you like. No cheating by using any form of living matter or material from dead organisms of any kind. Virus doesn't count. Does this sound unreasonable? If sheer chance can generate life then it ought to be a cinch for intelligent sentient beings. Get back to me when you have succeeded.

I'm afraid I don't have the lab equipment to do that. However, I will ask permission from my organic chemistry instructor for permission to use the lab at school (with supervision of course) when I next see her.


Re: Adam: inspiration

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 12:45:10

In reply to Re: Adam: inspiration, posted by Adam on November 18, 1999, at 2:50:49

> > Why should *anything* tell people how they "ought" to feel?
> >
> I think you may be reading more into that than I intended it to mean. I never meant to imply
> that anything "should" tell people how they ought to feel.

Oh yeah, I know. I was just sort of throwing a "gotcha" at you. :-) In all seriousness, you do make a good point.

> > Hmm...the same claim has been made of depression. (e.g., what if Dostoevsky, Salinger, Mozart, etc., had been on Prozac?). Does that make depression a good thing that shouldn't be eliminated? (And how do we know that depression, or religion, is required for inspiration?)
> Are you implying that religion should be eliminated?

That's a matter of opinion.

> I guess as far as depression goes, (don't hold
> me to textbook definitions, here) I don't think it should be eliminated completely. The relentless
> despair that ruins lives and drives people to self-destruction, sure. But nobody wants a Brave New World,
> either.

Have you ever read the Hedonistic Imperative web site? ( It presents a differing viewpoint. (I can't decide what I think of it.)

> The idea of life without affect is what made Huxley's vision so frightening, and I think some
> amount of depression is necessary to appreciate joy.

I don't mean "sadness" by "depression." Surely a lack of depression is not a lack of affect!

> I'm not at all implying that you thus need religion
> to appreciate science, just that faith has not been entirely without value.

I dunno, I sometimes think I wouldn't appreciate science nearly as much if it weren't for all the anti-science folks in the world.

> > (For that matter, speaking of Dostoevsky, it's been hypothesized that his apparent mood disorder may have been related to temporal lobe epilepsy. Does that make epilepsy a good thing?)
> Who would suggest such a thing? Of course not. I love Dostoevsky's work, but I would gladly give it up
> if it meant he didn't have to suffer. I think the closest I ever got to true love was with a woman who
> had TLE. She was brilliant, beautiful, could draw a perfect likeness of me in about three seconds, and had
> an extremely impressive creative talent. (No harsh speculation about how I let her's complicated).

It always is, no?

> Anywhow, I don't know in what way TLE influenced her talents, controlled by Tegretol as it was, but I would
> hazard a guess that Dostoyevsky might still have been dark and brilliant without it.

So, what about all those other depressed artists (without the confound of a possible seizure disorder)? Would they not have been dark and brilliant without their suffering, too?

> > I don't think faith is required to be inspired, either. I've found at least two of the classes I've taken deeply inspiring (Allan Hobson's sleep class, and a course of my dad's that I sat in on).
> >
> I think these things are wonderful, and I envy your talents and a father who must be quite an intellectual.
> (what does he teach?)

I'm not sure what department his courses would be listed under (he's a "university professor," though his training is in philosophy and history of science). should have the course descriptions - just search the page for "Shapere."

> Again, the intent was not to rule out the possibility of inspiration in the absence
> of faith. Isn't a little nostalgic hyperbole OK once in a while?

Oh, I *guess* so! :-)

> It may very well be that faith just isn't
> worth the trouble it's caused, but I'm not prepared to make that judgement.

I think there's only one way to find out.

> If and when it finally vanishes,
> I think there will be cause for some sadness, because it hasn't been all bad, and has inspired a lot of
> beauty.

Beauty will go on, and I don't think *anything* is all bad. (To quote the South Park movie , "Without evil there would be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes.")

> I hope that all transcendant experiences aren't the product or precursor of complex partial seizures, hallucinogens, or
> extreme states of agitation.

("Precursor" = aura, which is in fact what I call it. I don't think of it as a cause, so much as a warning.)


Re: Uncertainty - Scott

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 12:47:30

In reply to Re: Uncertainty - Scott, posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 8:08:02

> > Question: how do you define spirituality? I've mostly heard it used as a thin veil for religion.
> I can only define (or at least try to define) my own spirituality.

Yeah, that's what I meant by "how do _you_ define..." :-)


Re: Depression, Evolution - God, Proof, and Faith

Posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 12:56:17

In reply to Re: Depression, Evolution - God, Proof, and Faith, posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 10:46:05

> I think something may been missing from this thread. I don't see that anyone has attempted to define just what it is they think God is. Has anyone? Some people define or regard God simply as existence. Using this definition, the existence of God has been proven. Existence exists, doesn't it.

This is an old trick we used to use when I was on the high school debate team - try to find definitions that make your position obviously true. (Black's Law Dictionary came in handy here.)

> I've never been one for blind faith. I much prefer the rewards that sighted faith provides. Just look around.

Hmm...well, can't one have blind faith in what seems "obvious?"

> > Well, exactly; it's an untestable hypothesis. (And do we really have need for it? Laplace didn't....)
> Who is Laplace? I envy you your wealth of education.

These days, education requires wealth, doesn't it?

But anyway will provide the answer to your question.

> I haven't spoken to enough Christians regarding this topic to know if this is true or not. It does seem that it is religion that has inspired most of the great feats of mankind, especially those of antiquity. This may no longer be true in the industrial age.

Okay, I think we should start listing the great feats of mankind now.


Re: Uncertainty - Scott

Posted by Scott L. Schofield on November 18, 1999, at 13:11:11

In reply to Re: Uncertainty - Scott, posted by Elizabeth on November 18, 1999, at 12:47:30

> > > Question: how do you define spirituality? I've mostly heard it used as a thin veil for religion.
> >
> > I can only define (or at least try to define) my own spirituality.
> Yeah, that's what I meant by "how do _you_ define..." :-)

Oops. Sorry.

I consider that to be a personal question, although not necessarily a private one. I would be happy to discuss it. Just not here.

Besides, it would probably just bore people.

- Scott

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