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informed consent in retarded-land

Posted by alexandra_k on September 11, 2021, at 2:41:55

so the government says we have hundreds of people who *may* (but also may not) have been given saline or a specially diluted dose of vaccine in their second appointment.

we don't know because we aren't capable of keeping accurate records.

we don't know because we don't know how much saline solution there was at the start... and how much saline there was at the end... and know how much saline was administered.

hell, we may have been using up all the expired anasthetic solution that we had left over. that's what we teach them to do in Samoa, yes? with the MMR vaccines, yes?

so... after this botch up of 'we don't know how much vaccine you have had'...

they are offering the people affected the 'opportunity' to have, what may be (but may not be) a 3rd dose of vaccine. it is a revolutionary experimental treatment that has not been approved in new zealand!!! and it may or may not be a 3rd dose because we botched up records when it came to administration and record keeping of the contents of the second dose. but sign on up for a 3rd dose people oh yeah. you and your GP together must sign consent for your participation in this revolutionary new experiment that is about...

ethics approved use of deception...

no doubt...

the experiment that is about...

let's see, uh...

just how compliant the NZ population really is? just how trusting (in the face of evidence that they are not capable of administering vaccinations they don't even know what they administered and you are going to sign up for another round of it??'

let's see, uh...

how about...


they all got the doses they were supposed to...

but they send letters out pretending like they may or may not have had their second dose already... so that the people believe that the third dose they get is a real dose. the only question about whether they had a real dose or not was about the dose they already had...

in idiot-land the idea is...

they are signing the informed consent forms to participate in an experiment...


before the trial started? after the trial started?

that's how we do?

the whole thing doesn't make any sense.

it really just doesn't make any sense at all.

it's not an ethical conundrum. it's not a moral challenge. it's not a difficult decision.

the only issue really is why the hell the government failed to keep accurate records and accountability around the second dose.

and, of course, why people aren't being offered antibody testing to see how their antibody levels are doing as part of the informed consenting decisions.

or maybe that is something that some people's GP will offer them?

the whole thing makes no sense at all.




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