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Re: To Hugh » meltingpot

Posted by Hugh on August 10, 2018, at 22:33:08

In reply to Re: To Hugh, posted by meltingpot on July 31, 2018, at 11:52:35

> Hi Hugh,
> That must have been absolutely awful for you. It sounds like me when I'm feeling really bad, pacing and chain smoking.

Benzo withdrawal taught me the true meaning of "living hell."

> What did you do for your severe depression?

I just waited it out. I was severely depressed for four months during my benzo taper. And for months after I had gotten off of benzos, I felt raw, on edge. But eventually I started to feel better again.

> Have you ever tried Zyprexa or Lyrica for your anxiety?

No, I've never tried either one. My anxiety is much better than it used to be, thanks to neurofeedback.




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