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Re: Thank you

Posted by sp on January 25, 2005, at 21:25:59

In reply to Thank you, posted by accent on January 25, 2005, at 19:20:20

> Hello, thanks for the encouragement. Right now I have decided to stay on the medication and try to get off of it during the summer. I teach and so the withdrawls are too much to take while trying to continue teaching. I become worse than the middle-schoolers I teach. Unable to focus and such. Anyhow I'll keep reading and keep on posting till then. By the way I found a site where a class action suit is being brought up against the Wythe company. If your interested here it is...and thank you for the last paragraph bebe. I am now in "action" mode. Others need to be educated. I think this site helps and I hope that you all continue to "fight" back! <withdrawl and all> accent

Hi accent- Thanks for the info- I'm not computer savvy- what is the site? S




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