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Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by Burgany on March 6, 2004, at 0:10:56

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 18:56:04

I am up to 225mg of Lamical and take 25mg of Seroquel a night. I think its a good combo. I didn't notice any positive effects from the Lamical until I reached the 225mg that I'm at now. I think with Lamical the effects are subtle, you wake up one day and realize you feel more stable. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder and was prescibed Lamical for the purpose of leveling my moods. I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and I found that the Seroquel does wonders for that. I was prescribed 50mg to increase to I can't imagine what 75mg would do to me when 25mg knocks me out for 10+hrs....someone earlier in this thread described the feeling when you wake up as " having your head held under water" that hits the nail on the head. I would recommend starting at 12.5mg and working up.
I know Lamical has a couple of different uses, does anyone notice or know if it has any anti-deppressant ability?
I think with most mood stablizers/anti-deppressants etc it gets worse before it gets better so its important to know there is a light at the end of the chin up everyone...Wow the meds must really be working I being unusually positive!
P.S Thanks to everybody who has enlightened me, I feel like I have a better understanding of the meds I take...The more you understand..the less you fear.




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