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Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects

Posted by greenbean on January 19, 2004, at 1:23:32

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects, posted by Aubrey13 on January 18, 2004, at 2:08:08

> I took myself off Effexor because of the side effects. It took me a while to realize; the incontinence, that drone like feeling, I felt strung out all the time, and on occasion I think it brought on mania, and the sluttiness. I was on 300mg a day for a year and a half tapered off quickly then stopped about two weeks ago. I was expecting horrific pain coming off it. I feel better than ever. I just can't watch the News or I’ll cry but I always been that way. When I was pregnant I cried at a Rice Crispy commercial.
> Am I fooling myself? Next week am I going to crave Effexor? I haven't been able to talk to my doctor yet. She'll probably put me on another anti-depressant. I take Lithium and I know I need it. I really don't want to take another drug unless I really have to. Has anyone had to experience of trading on anti-depressant for another? Talk to me.

Hi Aubrey, I have had the experience of trading one antidepressant for another several times. I went from Zoloft (which worked for awhile then stopped working) to Celexa (which never worked), to Lexapro (also didn't help), then to Effexor, (which worked for about 6 months then stopped working), then to Wellbutrin with the intention of tapering down & off Effexor altogether. I never weaned totally off the Effexor and have been taking both Wellby & Effexor for a couple of months. But in the meantime, I've been wanting to get off the merry-go-round of drugs. Altogether I've been on various antidepressants for about 5 years, always trading one for another when the first seemed to stop working. My doc says she thinks I'm someone who will always need medication (based on what, I don't know -- it's not like I've had any scientific brain tests or anything). But I'd like to think otherwise. I think my depression has had everything to do with how I think and look at life, and I'm trying to deal directly with that now. I'm sorry if I'm rambling, I'm somewhat unfocused, it's my 3rd day of no drugs. I stopped the Wellbutrin cold turkey about 1-2 weeks ago with no apparent side effects. For Effexor, I tapered from 300mg to 75mg to 37mg then stopped altogether a few days ago. I have been experiencing hot flashes, frustration, brain shivers/shocks, night terrors, disjointed thinking, inability to concentrate, etc. etc. but not to an incapacitating degree, thank God. And thanks to this forum, I heard Benadryl really helps with the strange head feelings, and it's true! I warned my hubby I might be a little "wiggy" for a few weeks. Hopefully it'll be over soon. I'm excited about the prospect of being off these drugs altogether.

I doubt you're fooling yourself about feeling better. I think you've confirmed that you have power and control over yourself and your life, and that must be a great boost to your mood. More power to ya! Best of luck to you, keep us posted :-)




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