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Re: Seroquel

Posted by jerrympls on January 17, 2004, at 22:37:38

In reply to Seroquel, posted by Sugarpuss on January 17, 2004, at 13:04:54

> So, now, a few questions that I did not find answers to on the boards -- if I missed something, I apologize.
> #1 - Side effects. I have a panic disorder, I'm seriously emetophobic, and I'm something of a hypochondriac, so side effects freak me out. Some don't bother me, but I'm particularly bothered by nausea/vomiting, weight gain, and/or sexual dysfunction. Does Seroquel have any of these side effects (or others)? I realize that websites such as RXList and tell you side effects, but I'm interested in hearing personal experiences as well; I feel I learn more hearing it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I guess I also want to know if this is the kind of med that's going to make me feel like shit, or have me wake up feeling like shit, etc., and if so, do these effects go away eventually? How long?

I am on Seroquel and Klonopin. Side effects for Seroquel can include weight gain in higher dosages. I'm actually on 200mg of Seroquel for insomnia PLUS 20mg of Ambien if I wke up in the middle of the night. Klonopin isn't strong enough to help me sleep at night due to my insomnia being so strong. I also was on Restoril + Ambien, however, I quickly became tolerant to Restoril. I HATE Trazodone and refuse to take it for sleep - it's hard to explain but I hate the way it makes me feel as well. There is an older med called Chloral Hydrate that is still used after traditional meds fail. You may want to ask your dr. about it.
> #2 - Drug interactions. The only other medication I take every day is Klonopin (usually 2-2.5mg a day, but sometimes more, although never more than 4-5mg) and I'm assuming the two aren't unsafe to combine as the same doctor prescribed them both and even said that I could take an extra Klonopin at night WITH the Seroquel if necessary, but it would still be nice to hear from others, because "it won't kill you" doesn't mean "it won't suck", unfortunately. I also use Vicodin and various other painkillers fairly often (for upcoming tooth/jaw surgery). I'm wondering if that's an unsafe combination or if it's okay, or if I should just be sure to put a certain number of hours between taking the two, etc. Also, are there any other medications or street drugs that are ill-advised to use in conjunction with Seroquel? The only drug I use recreationally with any regularity is marijuana which I'm not worried about, but I do ecstasy, acid, and cocaine a few times a year (like, no more than five-six times each, if that) and I'm curious if those are particularly dangerous combinations. (Although I've heard that Seroquel is a good "come-down" pill for speed/coke/e.) Also, if these are dangerous combinations, I'm curious as to why (I'm just a curious girl...)

Interesting - but I've also been on Vicodin, Klonopin and Seroquel at the same time. My doc prescibes me an extra dose of Klonopin to take at night along with the Seroquel - so I doubt there are any interactions except to make you more sleepy. Of course, one must be careful with all these sedating meds - so making sure your doc knows you're on Vicodin is a good thing in case there is some negative interactions. In my case, my doc wasn't worried. I even was prescribed Vicodin for use AS an antidepressant because I am treatment resistant. So, I was taking 4 tabs of Vicodin a day, plus 4mg of Klonopin, plus 200mg Seroquel at night PLUS 20mg of Ambien if needed. I'm still alive and these meds were prescibed all by the same doc.
> #3 - Diphenhydramine. In the event that Seroquel doesn't work for me and I must return to my lovely old standby, I'm curious what ill effects longterm use of diphenhydramine has, if any. I've been taking it every night for probably about a year now, at first 50mg a night and now I'm up to 150-200mg a night to sleep (I only take pills that contain ONLY diphenhydramine; I know that taking large/unnecessary doses of medications with acetaminophen or the like in them can cause problems). So far I've never had any ill effects from it (I suppose some people would consider the fact that it makes me RETARDED for about an hour before it puts me to sleep an ill effect, but I just find it sort of amusing), but I'm curious if there's any longterm problems I should be concerned with.

I've used diphendydramine from time to time in addtion to the Seroquel when my insomnia was really bad. I think the most I took was 150mg. There was a time when i used it long-term and never really built up a tolerance - but that's me?
> #4 - Tolerance. I know with many medications, you grow quickly adjusted to them and need to raise your dosage in order for it to be effective. I was impressed with Klonopin because for quite some time now 2-2.5mg a day has OBLITERATED my panic attacks, and likewise impressed with diphenhydramine because while I *have* had to gradually go from a pill to three-four pills a night, it took a year to get to that point. Does anyone know how tolerance works with Seroquel?

I've been on Seroquel for over a year and have had NO tolerance what-so-ever. I do need a higher dosage than what you are taking to get me to sleep - but it always works - always. It's something I can always count on to work.
> #5 - Duration. How long does it generally take to kick in, and how long does it keep you asleep?

Seroquel taken on an empty stomach hits me pretty quickly - within 20mins or so and it keeps me SOUND asleep for 8 hours. It also helps with anxiety. the only downside is that it's hard to get up and keeps me a bit groggy throughout the morning. But again - I'm at a much higher dosage than you. But, it's a comfortable sleep - the opposite of trazodone which feels like your head is being held underwater.
> I think that's about it. I could have just said "I want to know everything there is to know about this medication in a language that people who aren't doctors can understand", but I'll just shut up now and stop wasting space, but hopefully someone out there has the answers! Thanks in advance.

Hope this helps!





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