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Re: Atomoxetine (Straterra) poop out

Posted by teacherkris on May 27, 2003, at 11:39:03

In reply to Atomoxetine (Straterra) poop out, posted by paulk on May 27, 2003, at 11:04:47

I've been takign it since about February i think but am still levelling off the dose. I've been at 80 for about two months now but I've just finally gotten my body to accept 80 once a day rather than as a split dose. I was having problems with the once a day but it looks like that was due to Zoloft withdrawl so I went back on 25 mg Zoloft and now it's fine. I've been fairly tired this week but i'm hoping that's just my body getting used to having it once a day. My doc wants me to stabilize on 80 before we consider going up. I still think it's a million times better than any of the stims. The side effects that I never realized I had from the stims such as short tempered and easily irritated by noises etc. are all gone! My motivation is higher and I'm getting things done. I'm more organized and much much more patient! So there's my several months in update!




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poster:teacherkris thread:133458