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Re: Stress, Drug Dependence and Dangerous Cocktails » Alara

Posted by Mr.Scott on January 11, 2003, at 20:11:53

In reply to Stress, Drug Dependence and Dangerous Cocktails, posted by Alara on January 11, 2003, at 1:50:51

"Most importantly, if I completely can the alcohol and pot from my life, will the Celexa and Xanax start working again - or have I somehow short circuited their paths? (This may be a crazy question, but I actually have a fear that this may be the case.)"

Not that I've been able to completely ditch the booze or anything, but my advice is to do so while you still can with relative ease. I personally find that after my once in a while boozing sessions I have 1)either deactivated the meds or 2)introduced a lowered tolerance to stress most likely from alcohol withdrawal of some kind (alchol withdrawal even from minor doses is pro-convulsant).

The less variables the better. And no I doubt you have ruined the meds effect forever. I would consider mulling over a bipolar spectrum type of diagnosis however if all the bouncing around continues.




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poster:Mr.Scott thread:135275