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Re: Opiates for depression-Cecilia

Posted by Michele on May 12, 2001, at 23:53:24

In reply to Re: Opiates for depression?, posted by Cecilia on May 12, 2001, at 23:20:17

> I`m quite certain my HMO would never approve of opiates for depression-there`s no way I would even ask. But I`m curious- I received morphine and Percocet following surgery a few years ago and they certainly didn`t make me high or less depressed or give me any desire to take more once the post-op pain was over. Do the people who respond to opiates for depression find they get an anti-depressant effect when these are taken for pain?

Same here. They took away my pain... but pretty much just knocked me out.
> I




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