Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 612459

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Re: Question for Tyler ..... » tessellated

Posted by TylerJ on February 24, 2006, at 0:32:20

In reply to Re: Question for Tyler ....., posted by tessellated on February 23, 2006, at 23:58:28

That's a great idea. And I am definitely physically active when not severely depressed. I think I'll start tomorrow with a nice walk. Thanks for the advice.



Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 24, 2006, at 13:25:49

In reply to Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D » JaclinHyde, posted by TylerJ on February 23, 2006, at 18:18:05

> Thanks Jaclin, you sound like a very nice person and with 25 yrs MAOI experience...Wow! I'll take any advice I can get from you please. And, what do you use for sleep, I'm taking Trazodone and it works ...okay, and sometimes not so okay! Take care!
> Tyler
Well thank you Tyler. Happy people are nice people, don't ya thiml? ;-) I take Trazodone as well for sleep. Works good. All the others couldn't put me to sleep without adding a Klonopin in the mix. Don't think about pooping (out...hehe) The MAOI's are the only drugs out there being used for depression and anxiety that doctors call a cure, not just a fix to hold you over until something better comes along. Here is an interesting, straightforward article on them....

Did you know that there is a really great book abouut a mom's experience with her daughter on Nardil? It's called "You Mean I Don't Have To Feel This Way?" by Colette Dowling. Right now Amazon has one used for .51 It's very good and inspiring read.



Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 24, 2006, at 14:07:05

In reply to Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D, posted by JaclinHyde on February 24, 2006, at 13:25:49

Thanks Terri for the great info and book, I'm definitely going to check both of them out. And you are so right, happy people are nice people :) I am so glad it's working for you too. Please stay in touch-you're very nice and sincere. And I promise to quit thing about "Poop-Out" :-) Take very good care and Keep feeling GOOD...It's so great to finally feel Good, damn good!!!



Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 9:40:56

In reply to Re: Got that Parnate smile as well :-D, posted by JaclinHyde on February 24, 2006, at 13:25:49

Dear Terri,
Hope you are well. My pdoc increased my Trazodone a little and I have had 3 really good nights sleep in a row...feels great! I forgot that Life could be this good. Parnate's the med for me!! Hope wour still doing great also! Take care! :)



Re: Parnate is pretty Groovy! » TylerJ

Posted by ed_uk on February 25, 2006, at 13:49:09

In reply to Re: Parnate is pretty Groovy!, posted by TylerJ on February 23, 2006, at 17:51:26

Hi Tyler

>I am using Trazodone right now(pdocs 1st choice) It works well if I can FALL asleep, in other words it's good for once I can get to sleep keeping me asleep thru the nite but not good for putting me asleep.

You could try taking it earlier in the evening because it sometimes takes quite a while to 'kick in'. You could take it at about 8.30pm or something.




Re: Parnate is pretty Groovy! » ed_uk

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 14:26:27

In reply to Re: Parnate is pretty Groovy! » TylerJ, posted by ed_uk on February 25, 2006, at 13:49:09

Thanks Ed, good idea...I'll try that tonight.



Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 25, 2006, at 15:18:41

In reply to Re: Parnate is pretty Groovy! » ed_uk, posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 14:26:27

I know I will crash and burn tonight but oh well:-) It's almost like I don't want to waste a minute of this great feeling sleeping! ;-)


Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by willyee on February 25, 2006, at 16:05:39

In reply to Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 25, 2006, at 15:18:41

> I know I will crash and burn tonight but oh well:-) It's almost like I don't want to waste a minute of this great feeling sleeping! ;-)

I remember posting not too long ago maybe a week to the group about should i be worried that i found myself NOT WANTING to go to sleep,i was scared i was becomming maniac,well i doubt i was becomming maniac at all,but it was simply to much at the time,but regardless the week break was still nice.


Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 16:22:33

In reply to Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 25, 2006, at 15:18:41

Hey, I know that feeling - It's nice to feel so good, I'm feeling great today! My pdoc (Yesterday ) increased my Trazodone to 250-I know that's alot but I'm a pretty big guy, not fat just big :-) and anyway it worked really well last night and I didn't have those funky vivid dreams. I also take Benadryl with the traz, I take 2 pills i believe it's 50 mgs. Stay well girl.



Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 17:04:36

In reply to Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 25, 2006, at 15:18:41

You guys are making me jealous.
I think not wanting to sleep to not waste life is a pretty good sign of remission.
Wanting to sleep all the time is bad bad sign, and a waste ultimately.
I took about almost 200mg trazadone last night and I think I'm noticing it's own AD effect. I think when I ad 5htp to it it induces the hypnagogic (half awake/asleep) state that's great for freaky *ss experiences.
Every time I took parnate I eliminated vast amounts of sleep.
The danger psychologically, which I found rather fascinating maybe even inspiring, was the way my unconscious/dream like visuals/thoughts would influence my conscious thought. Typically after about 48 hrs deprivation.

Heck I pushed into 72 hours without sleep ever so often. That's when it definitely gets freaky. Though 36hrs awake 12hrs sleep always seemed the most appropriate since you don't miss a day that way. You could do a week of work in 2days. Then have 5 days off!!! Not for the weak of heart or peeps with significant others....

Do you guys get muscle soreness after those allnighters?
I'd often wake up feeling like i'd been lifting weights everytime.
Dunno if it was or wasn't due to increased physical activity...



Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:00:08

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 17:04:36

Wanting to stay awake is awesome compared to wanting to sleep all day like I used to...i wanted an escape from my misery. I used to drink (I'm definitely an alcoholic,recovering that is-just about 2 yrs. of sobriety) I drank because the meds didn't work for me-it almost cost me my marriage-I don't know how my wife has put up with all my sh**, but she has, we've been married for 20 yrs. and have two wonderful sons one 7 the other 4.
As for the sore muscles, I'm 47 so I'm Gunna have some sore muscles regardless of what I do. :) I was in a bad care wreck about 24 yrs. ago and it really did a number on my neck and lower back( in case you're wondering there was alcohol involved ). So, yes I have a lot of aches and pains in my neck and back after a full night of work, but not really sore muscles.
In 25 yrs. Parnate is by far the best ad i've been on and i've been on nearly all of them. I can honestly say I feel awesome, best i've felt by far since i was a kid!!



Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 19:21:17

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated, posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:00:08

Great to hear!
Especially when others in your family/friends/relationships feel the same.
Watch out not overdoing it. Don''t want no serious back injuries.
Not fun surgery.
I definitely sensed some form of specific muscle pain; i.e. lactic acid buildup, and wonder if its me or something more common.
Maybe worth starting new thread.


Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:26:08

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated, posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:00:08



Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 19:47:55

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated, posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:00:08

Crap, I thought it was a care wreck, like bad massage. :)
Dunno if its worth opening the pandoras box, but obviously whiplash aint' cool. Good to hear you feel like a kid in light of a freaking biaotch of an undertaking....


Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated

Posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 22:13:03

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 19:47:55

Geez what a dork...I get typing too fast and this is what happens bad CARE wreck, alcohol IS involved...yea, that's a bad message. :)



Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 26, 2006, at 21:19:55

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by tessellated on February 25, 2006, at 17:04:36

> Do you guys get muscle soreness after those allnighters?
> I'd often wake up feeling like i'd been lifting weights everytime.
> Dunno if it was or wasn't due to increased physical activity...
> Thoughts??

I feel like that today but for me it is from the Trazodone. I take one white pill (low dose, don't remember exactly what it is) normally for sleep and last night I took an pill and a half. Today, my fingers, toes and shoulders are in such pain. Any else get that from Trazodone? It's like I spent the night punching and kicking someone (hubby is still alive and well :-)



Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 26, 2006, at 22:12:20

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » tessellated, posted by TylerJ on February 25, 2006, at 19:00:08

< As for the sore muscles, I'm 47 so I'm Gunna have some sore muscles regardless of what I do. :)

Hey Tyler, I have you beat by a year (I'm 48)
Respect your elders ;-)
Hey, Nardil (the first MAOI came out in 1959. So the drugs should respect us, lol.



Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 27, 2006, at 8:33:40

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 26, 2006, at 21:19:55

No, I really don't have any bad side effects with Traz and I'm on a pretty high dose. Can hardly believe it- last nite was the 5th good nite sleep in a row, I'm up at 6:00 am and ready to take on the world. :) I'm also ( probably repeating myself ) taking two benadryl and the Traz at bedtime-working like a charm so far. No hang-over, just darn good sleep.
You know, my wife is working on her RN degree, has about a year to go...anyway we had a long talk yesterday and she says I'm definietly not Manic...I know i'm not either but was good to get an outside opinion. She doe's say however that she can tell i'm a lot happier, a better husband / father, nicer,more social,and i have a lot of energy..good energy, not like nervous energy where a person can't sit still. She calls me " Mr. Clean " cause now that i'm well i'm doing so much more around the house...which she loves. :)

Ty "Mr. Clean" :)


Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 27, 2006, at 9:49:50

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 26, 2006, at 22:12:20

I'll be 48 in May. Did you graduate h.s. in 1976? Do you have children? My wife is only 39 (I robbed the cradle) :), we have two wonderful boys, ages 7 and 4. I pray every day that they never suffer from any kind of mental illness in there lives! So far i haven't seen any signs from either of them.
Have a GROOOOOVY day JH!

Ty :)


Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 27, 2006, at 10:10:47

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde, posted by TylerJ on February 27, 2006, at 9:49:50

> I'll be 48 in May. Did you graduate h.s. in 1976? Do you have children? My wife is only 39 (I robbed the cradle) :), we have two wonderful boys, ages 7 and 4. I pray every day that they never suffer from any kind of mental illness in there lives! So far i haven't seen any signs from either of them.
> Have a GROOOOOVY day JH!
> Ty :)

Hey man, FAR OUT! Yes I graduated in 1976 and I have 3 boys ages 15, 13 and 10. My 10 year old is bipolar but very stable on abilify and trileptal. Abilify is a real magic bullet for a lot of kids. I live in Missouri (Lord help me) but I am from Brooklyn, NY. We moved here from Hawaii. Hubby was a submariner and he retired after 22 years in, from Hawaii.

Ahhhh memories......



Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 27, 2006, at 11:42:56

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 27, 2006, at 10:10:47

> > I'll be 48 in May. Did you graduate h.s. in 1976? Do you have children? My wife is only 39 (I robbed the cradle) :), we have two wonderful boys, ages 7 and 4. I pray every day that they never suffer from any kind of mental illness in there lives! So far i haven't seen any signs from either of them.
> > Have a GROOOOOVY day JH!
> >
> > Ty :)
> Hey man, FAR OUT! Yes I graduated in 1976 and I have 3 boys ages 15, 13 and 10. My 10 year old is bipolar but very stable on abilify and trileptal. Abilify is a real magic bullet for a lot of kids. I live in Missouri (Lord help me) but I am from Brooklyn, NY. We moved here from Hawaii. Hubby was a submariner and he retired after 22 years in, from Hawaii.
> Ahhhh memories......
> JH
Far Freakin' out Man! :) I'm also a 76er. Wow, Hawaii-that must of been great! I live in Washington (eastern wash.) in a med. sized town called Kennewick, about 230 miles from Seattle...GO SEAHAWKS!! :) We like it here, not too big or too small. Weather is nice in summer, and not too cold in winter. "Kennewick" means Winter Paradise named by the Indians...oops, I mean Native Americans :). That's awesome about your husband-bet he has a great retirement package. Hey, take care girl..and keep feeling GROOOVY man, Far out!!! LOL



Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by tessellated on February 27, 2006, at 12:58:32

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 26, 2006, at 21:19:55

>Today, my fingers, toes and shoulders are in such pain.

Hmmm, yes that's the feeling. My hands felt like I had been doing serious manual labor. legs, arms. I do not get that from traz alone. Did get it on Parnate without traz too. Jaclyn, you did pull an all nighter as well eh? And you were cleaning house etc...

I don't recall that feeling from other all nighter sessions w/out Parnate. Sleep isn't typically considered significant for muscle repair, its' mostly about brain rest.

All the google stuff shows is that muscle soreness is related to an overdose...I think they relate it to hypertension, though i know that my bp was normal...

What about pupil dilation? Any experiences with that? I got that ever so often and its also related to overdose (call your doc) etc. etc...but so is eating banana skins...

> I feel like that today but for me it is from the Trazodone. I take one white pill (low dose, don't remember exactly what it is) normally for sleep and last night I took an pill and a half. Today, my fingers, toes and shoulders are in such pain. Any else get that from Trazodone? It's like I spent the night punching and kicking someone (hubby is still alive and well :-)
> JH


Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 28, 2006, at 5:38:53

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde, posted by tessellated on February 27, 2006, at 12:58:32

No, I haven't noticed any pupil dilation. And like I said I know mine was from the Traz although I am still a bit sore. But you are right too about the cleaning frenzy. I haven't cared for so long about what the place looked like, ya know? Suddenly I wanted a clean kitchen. I did a lot of scrubbing. Today my feet and hands are back to normal but my shoulder is so tender I have to carry my bag on my other shoulder. And it looks bigger than the other one...I mean the top of my shoulder where it sticks up (and I went to medical assistant school many years you like my technical jargon? ;-) Even my husband agrees. It isn't hot to the touch or red. Hell, I had this once before too and it passed.

Everything bad passes and only the good stuff remains :-)


Re: Up all night and still raring to go

Posted by JaclinHyde on February 28, 2006, at 5:51:15

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde, posted by TylerJ on February 27, 2006, at 11:42:56

> Far Freakin' out Man! :) I'm also a 76er. Wow, Hawaii-that must of been great! I live in Washington (eastern wash.) in a med. sized town called Kennewick, about 230 miles from Seattle...GO SEAHAWKS!! :) We like it here, not too big or too small. Weather is nice in summer, and not too cold in winter. "Kennewick" means Winter Paradise named by the Indians...oops, I mean Native Americans :). That's awesome about your husband-bet he has a great retirement package. Hey, take care girl..and keep feeling GROOOVY man, Far out!!! LOL
> Ty

Dude that is almost too radical for words (why do I feel like we've been channeling John Denver?) We were stationed at Silverdale sub-base for a few years so I know your fine state very well. I will never be able to look at the scrawny hills that they call mountains around here. How can I when I used to see Mt. Rainer every day on the highway?

Oh but hey the Colorado Rocky Mountain High...
I've seen it.... ;-)

Stay chillin man


Re: Up all night and still raring to go » JaclinHyde

Posted by TylerJ on February 28, 2006, at 9:41:28

In reply to Re: Up all night and still raring to go, posted by JaclinHyde on February 28, 2006, at 5:51:15

You're a crack-up Girl..:) I've been cleaning our house like a maniac lately,as it sounds you have been doing the same-feels great to have energy! I find that when I keep going/working, it actually gives me more energy, when I kick back for too long I get soooo relaxed, not fatigued or sleepy, just very relaxed and this i'm enjoying also. Hey, hope you have a SUPER DAY! :)
Later Gator,


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