Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

Shown: posts 432 to 456 of 1313. Go back in thread:


Re: 4 weeks since Effexor

Posted by Vasterling on January 20, 2004, at 11:33:42

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 11:04:24

It has been almost 4 weeks since I stopped taking Effexor. I feel really great except all of the emotions that I am experiencing. When I was on the Effexor I had no emotions and now, let me tell you it can be overwhelming, the emotions are there and they seem to be very strong. My hubby says that he would rather me have emotions than be a zombie. It does seen as time goes by the mood swings are getting better. I am so glad that I got off the Effexor so I could get my life back. Just wanted to share.


Re: 4 weeks since Effexor

Posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 15:51:24

In reply to Re: 4 weeks since Effexor, posted by Vasterling on January 20, 2004, at 11:33:42

My hubby wants me back on the meds so I'll stop letting him know what's bothering me! Ha! A friend of mine has been Effexor free for 3 wks. She says it best. She said it felt as if she had been away and now, she's back. That's exactly how I feel. I didn't know it, but I was walking in a fog. I felt things, but didn't show it. I just kept it inside where it ate me up. My depression just got worse. I started drinking. It scared me when I realized I had gone through over a half gallon of vodka in 3 wks, just to feel better. Now, the drinking has stopped and I don't even want it. I'm in touch with my emotions and make no apology for having them. Yes, I cry during sad movies. Yes, I get angry. But, what's wrong with that? Free at last, thank God Almighty.


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by AreMedsGood on January 20, 2004, at 17:43:38

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 11:04:24

I feel exactly the way all of you do when it comes to being drugged up on Effexor. The statement that you feel like you held all the problems in instead of dealing with them, is exactly how I feel. The drug Effexor seems to force my brain to feel a way that my doctor wants. I believe you cannot force someone to think the way you believe they should. CAN ANYONE SAY MIND CONTROL


Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!

Posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by AreMedsGood on January 20, 2004, at 17:43:38

I've been totally off Effexor (and Wellbutrin, I had been taking both) for ~ a week now, and I'm beginning to doubt why I'm doing this. How can I tell if what I'm feeling is just withdrawal or is it my depression coming back? Even though I felt the meds helped me alot, I've been wanting to get off them for awhile. I don't like being dependent on them, plus it concerns me that nobody really knows the long term effects from taking a/d's for prolonged periods of time. I had been on one a/d or another for about 5 years. This final combination of Effexor XR 75mg. and Wellbutrin XL 300mg was working really well. The Effexor removed the drive to overeat and overdrink (which have been very strong in the past). The Wellbutrin gave me more energy and a better outlook (it seemed). However, there were negatives, like my sex drive was completely gone and my creativity has been zapped. I was also suffering progressively worse mood swings and fits of anger, esp. towards my husband. I was starting to doubt if the meds were truly helping me or just supressing the symptoms of depression. I had been wanting to find out who I am without meds again, get in touch with the real me, maybe reclaim my creativity and my long lost sex drive. But now I feel scattered, indecisive, no energy, sleep disturbances, brain shivers & what feels like weird pressure changes in my head, plus I feel like eating everything in sight and drinking wine every night. I had started a diet and was doing well, but managed to gain all the weight back within the past week (6-7 lbs.). I'm REALLY NOT LIKING THIS! Then I doubt the wisdom of stopping the meds when they really seemed to be helping. Maybe my doc is right, I'm just a person who will need to be on meds for my whole life. Very depressing. My husband takes Effexor XR 150mg and loves it. It has helped him tremendously. I still have some of each med, and it's hard knowing I can just take them and pretty much feel better instantly. I've always had a very quick response to the meds. I don't know what to do. Anyone been where I am and come out the other side without the aid of drugs?


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean

Posted by KimberlyDi on January 21, 2004, at 8:41:58

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

Rebound depression can overwhelm you. Things will level out. Doesn't mean you won't feel depressed. Just won't be quite as bad.

I stopped Effexor recently. I go thru the day feeling wrong wrong wrong. Being Effexor-free isn't easy for me. My marriage can't handle a decision to try Effexor again.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean

Posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2004, at 11:37:25

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08


I don't know why you, or other people for that matter feel such a need to "get off medication for awhile". This is no putting you down in any way, but there seems to be a very strong undercurrent in our society that there is something *bad* about taking medication, especially if it needs to be for a protracted period of time.

You say that you were doing well on the combination you had. That sounds like it was working for you and perhaps should be maintained. The Wellbutrin *should* have helped a little with your sex drive, perhaps not as you've noted.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I have clinical depression, that it's something that I've inherited that has plagued many members of my family and that if a medication can help moderate some of what I'm feeling, then so be it.

Could it be that your Wellbutrin was too high? 300mg seems like a LOT. I was taking 75mg for the sexual side effects of Effexor, and it was working well, but even 75mg made me slightly edgy and irritable.

I guess it really comes down to the fact that you know your own body better than anyone else, but my advice (for what it's worth...) would be to examine the reasons behind wanting to stop the medication and make certain that you're doing it for the RIGHT reasons, and doing it with the help and supervision of your PDoc.

Best Wishes,



Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » KimberlyDi

Posted by greenbean on January 21, 2004, at 21:00:09

In reply to Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean, posted by KimberlyDi on January 21, 2004, at 8:41:58

Hey KimberlyDi, thanks for your post. How recently did you stop Effexor? (herein referred to as FX) I had been on FX 150mg for ~ 6 months and it started off great but then seemed to lose effectiveness. That's when the bad mood swings started, esp. angry outbursts towards my husband. Also my sex drive completely disappeared. It was really tough on my marriage & I wonder if you had similar experiences. Funny thing is, my husband is on 150mg FX and loves it. I can see how much it's helped pull him together. He's capable of doing so much more now than before.
Anyway, I'm happy to say I'm feeling just a little, teeny bit better today than yesterday. I didn't take any of the a/d's still kicking around the house. Energy is increased a bit. I feel kind of cheerful, despite the weirdness. I feel more like the old me in such subtle ways, it's hard to put words to it. It's nice, though. Even though I do feel pretty scattered, almost like a train almost about to go off the tracks. But not in a scary way, just "woo hoo!" - I have to find my balance and my rhythm again. I was used to being flattened out by the a/d's for the past 5 years. I wasn't feeling abysmally depressed, but then I also lost my creativity and my ability to experience deep joy. I felt pretty indifferent towards so many things. So unexcited and uninspired. It's nice to feel those things coming alive again.
Have you tried Benadryl? I've found it really helps with the strange head feelings, and oddly enough, with some of the emotional stuff as well.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!

Posted by micro on January 22, 2004, at 0:45:41

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

> I've been totally off Effexor (and Wellbutrin, I had been taking both) for ~ a week now, and I'm beginning to doubt why I'm doing this. How can I tell if what I'm feeling is just withdrawal or is it my depression coming back? Even though I felt the meds helped me alot, I've been wanting to get off them for awhile. I don't like being dependent on them, plus it concerns me that nobody really knows the long term effects from taking a/d's for prolonged periods of time. I had been on one a/d or another for about 5 years. This final combination of Effexor XR 75mg. and Wellbutrin XL 300mg was working really well. The Effexor removed the drive to overeat and overdrink (which have been very strong in the past). The Wellbutrin gave me more energy and a better outlook (it seemed). However, there were negatives, like my sex drive was completely gone and my creativity has been zapped. I was also suffering progressively worse mood swings and fits of anger, esp. towards my husband. I was starting to doubt if the meds were truly helping me or just supressing the symptoms of depression. I had been wanting to find out who I am without meds again, get in touch with the real me, maybe reclaim my creativity and my long lost sex drive. But now I feel scattered, indecisive, no energy, sleep disturbances, brain shivers & what feels like weird pressure changes in my head, plus I feel like eating everything in sight and drinking wine every night. I had started a diet and was doing well, but managed to gain all the weight back within the past week (6-7 lbs.). I'm REALLY NOT LIKING THIS! Then I doubt the wisdom of stopping the meds when they really seemed to be helping. Maybe my doc is right, I'm just a person who will need to be on meds for my whole life. Very depressing. My husband takes Effexor XR 150mg and loves it. It has helped him tremendously. I still have some of each med, and it's hard knowing I can just take them and pretty much feel better instantly. I've always had a very quick response to the meds. I don't know what to do. Anyone been where I am and come out the other side without the aid of drugs?

Hello, May I ask how you discontinued your medication? Your pdoc may be right that some individuals may require medicine for life. If you must, think of it in this respect. There are many diseases that require lifelong medication such as glaucoma,diabetes,and hypertension.
Also,remember that you may be experiencing a discontinuance syndrome rather than return of symtoms. It takes strong medication to break the depressive symtoms. It would make some sense that the longer that you take a medication; the more habituated your body has become to it. There are no long term studies that have been done on the efficacy of antidepressants used longer than 6 weeks to 6 months. Beyond that you must rely on clinical experience and judgement.If it is possible for you to read, I would recommend books by Amen,Gold,and Gorman as well as requesting the actual case studies which were done in order to release the medication to the general public [regarding the medication's efficacy]. I do not know enough about your history to be of further help. Trust in yourself and what you have learned over the years and you will make the correct decision regardless of how hard it may be. Regards. Micro
P.S. It may be useful to you to keep a log book of your feelings or symtoms prior to starting therapy, during therapy, and after stopping in doing so you may be able to differentiate return of symtoms versus side effects or discontinuance symtoms. Hope this helps.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » micro

Posted by greenbean on January 22, 2004, at 21:36:02

In reply to Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by micro on January 22, 2004, at 0:45:41

Hey Micro, thanks for your thoughtful reply. Actually, the meds were prescribed by my GP, I've never seen a PDOC. My GP, by her own admission, is not an expert on a/d's. I think she's like so many other doctors, just pushing what the drug companies are peddling, handing out free samples, hoping to strike gold. Anyway, I discontinued the meds on my own. I stopped the Wellbutrin cold turkey & didn't notice any side effects. As for the FX, I was down to 37mg every other day for a week or so, then just stopped (I had been on 150mg FX for ~ 6 months, then was in the process of tapering off while starting the Wellbutrin). The withdrawal is already much better. My energy is back. I feel fine mentally. The only thing is I feel a drive to overeat again. I never had that when I was on the FX. Hopefully that will level out, though.

I understand your point about the fact that there are many medical conditions that require lifelong medication, and that depression can be viewed the same. I'm just not convinced there is any medical reason for MY depression. I strongly believe that for me, it is more to do with my thought processes and how I look at life. I'm working aggressively on changing that now, and I trust the depression will naturally resolve.

Meantime, I'm very grateful for this forum. Thanks again, very much, for taking the time to reply.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean

Posted by micro on January 23, 2004, at 23:40:30

In reply to Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » micro, posted by greenbean on January 22, 2004, at 21:36:02

> Hey Micro, thanks for your thoughtful reply. Actually, the meds were prescribed by my GP, I've never seen a PDOC. My GP, by her own admission, is not an expert on a/d's. I think she's like so many other doctors, just pushing what the drug companies are peddling, handing out free samples, hoping to strike gold. Anyway, I discontinued the meds on my own. I stopped the Wellbutrin cold turkey & didn't notice any side effects. As for the FX, I was down to 37mg every other day for a week or so, then just stopped (I had been on 150mg FX for ~ 6 months, then was in the process of tapering off while starting the Wellbutrin). The withdrawal is already much better. My energy is back. I feel fine mentally. The only thing is I feel a drive to overeat again. I never had that when I was on the FX. Hopefully that will level out, though.
> I understand your point about the fact that there are many medical conditions that require lifelong medication, and that depression can be viewed the same. I'm just not convinced there is any medical reason for MY depression. I strongly believe that for me, it is more to do with my thought processes and how I look at life. I'm working aggressively on changing that now, and I trust the depression will naturally resolve.
> Meantime, I'm very grateful for this forum. Thanks again, very much, for taking the time to reply.

Greenbean, You sound very positive. Good! You are very welcome for the commentary. Best wishes! Micro.


Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by kelly7707 on January 25, 2004, at 12:28:59

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal , posted by Sandman on January 5, 2004, at 9:59:59

Hi. Yesterday I sat and read through a number of entries and found myself bawling at my computer. On top of how afraid I felt reading it all, I also found a bit of comfort in knowing that I was also not the only one. I am a university student, and dealing with this is close to impossible while trying to get anything done. My concentration is completely gone...I am finding that I am having close-to-panic attacks almost daily. The other day I was in one of my classes and the floor appeared to be uneven, and my heart started pounding and it took everything inside me to calm down and not pass out. I have made an appointment with my GP about the insomnia...but that is now only one of a number of things I need to bring up. I have been off of Effexor since before Christmas now...just before, so I am almost at 5 weeks, and this doesn't seem to be getting any better. Yes, some days are good, but it is always there to haunt you. Has anyone found any antidepressant that also helps with anxiety that didn't affect their sex drive? I tried Wellbutrin and that made me feel like I wanted to crawl out of my skin, and of all that I have tried, my GP said that would have been my best chance. Is there a drug out there that can counteract the sexual side effects that you can take while on an SSRI? I think this message board is really an amazing thing. I was deeply affected by what I read yesterday...and as scary as it is knowing that we all have to deal with this, it is a definate comfort to know that I am not losing my mind. It is so unreal how identical some of these entries we are all really going through so much of the same thing. I can't believe how many people have to live their life like is truly devestating.
Anyway, any comments?


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by Stryker88 on January 25, 2004, at 13:57:13

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by kelly7707 on January 25, 2004, at 12:28:59

I can't figure out why everyone is so convinced that Effexor is bad for you and it is evil. I have been addicted to more serious drugs like: Marijuana, Meth, alchohol, and cigarettes. This is just to name a few, not to forget gambling, now I am in recovery and currently 7 years clean and sober thanx to 12 step programs, and it seems like everyone thinks Effexor is so bad, but maybe it isn't and all you have to do is change your atttitude and maybe you will be happy of such a drug.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by kelly7707 on January 25, 2004, at 14:06:19

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by Stryker88 on January 25, 2004, at 13:57:13

> I can't figure out why everyone is so convinced that Effexor is bad for you and it is evil. I have been addicted to more serious drugs like: Marijuana, Meth, alchohol, and cigarettes. This is just to name a few, not to forget gambling, now I am in recovery and currently 7 years clean and sober thanx to 12 step programs, and it seems like everyone thinks Effexor is so bad, but maybe it isn't and all you have to do is change your atttitude and maybe you will be happy of such a drug.

Are you on Effexor? Have you tried coming off of it? I don't think I said once in my message that the drug itself was bad...I said coming off of it has been hell. While I was on it, I was doing quite well, besides the first few weeks adjusting to it and the sexual side effects that stick with you throughout it all...but I never said that it didn't help me while on it. If you are coming off of it, you can relate to what we all have said.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by baddog55 on January 25, 2004, at 17:50:40

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by Stryker88 on January 25, 2004, at 13:57:13

Many of us want off Eff because of the side effects. For my part, on 75 mg. I had extremely bad memory loss and no energy. I have been on Celexa and Lexipro with no such side effects, but not sure if it really helped with depression. Anyway, this is why I wanted off, and the withdrawals are really exactly what you have read here in this forum. Good for you if Eff works for you, and congrats for beating much worse demons, but keep in mind that all of us are battling too.


> I can't figure out why everyone is so convinced that Effexor is bad for you and it is evil. I have been addicted to more serious drugs like: Marijuana, Meth, alchohol, and cigarettes. This is just to name a few, not to forget gambling, now I am in recovery and currently 7 years clean and sober thanx to 12 step programs, and it seems like everyone thinks Effexor is so bad, but maybe it isn't and all you have to do is change your atttitude and maybe you will be happy of such a drug.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by Stryker88 on January 26, 2004, at 3:54:50

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by kelly7707 on January 25, 2004, at 14:06:19

Yes I am on Effexor 150mg, and I do feel like I am dependent on it. I do want to quit but I dont know how and is it dangerous to quit cold turkey. Like If I through my bottle in the garbage then stopped tomorow. I am tired of feeling drugged up all the time, and it would be nice to feel like me again, but it is tough to find people out in the world who are going through the same thing.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by Stryker88 on January 26, 2004, at 3:57:38

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by baddog55 on January 25, 2004, at 17:50:40

no I am here to get support as well because, just taking this drug is not helping me. I would like to feel normal again and not drugged up all the time.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell

Posted by Vasterling on January 26, 2004, at 9:38:33

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by Stryker88 on January 26, 2004, at 3:57:38

The withdrawals from Effexor are no picnic, but the end result is amazing. I am so glad that I decided to get of Effexor. While on Effexor I had no emotion. I felt like I was just existing and not living my life. Now that I have been off of the Effexor for 6 weeks now, I feel like I am now living my life. This chat board really helped me get through the withdrawal symptoms and made me feel that I was not the only one who felt like they were going to lose their mind. Thanks Everyone for your support and knowledge.

Truly happy to be Effexor Free.


Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75

Posted by jasonr on January 26, 2004, at 12:04:25

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl-My description of the Hell, posted by Stryker88 on January 26, 2004, at 3:54:50

Well, I figured I would post how it is going for me... (getting off effexor-xr that is)

I was up to 300 mg a day. (150 at wake up, 150 at dinner) I am also taking same dose of wellbutrin-sr at the same times so ya'll can keep tabs.

My plan with the p-doc was as follows: Reduce dose of effexor by 75mg every week on tuesdays. So, tuesday nights or tuesday morning is when I reduce a dose.

so, wk: morn/eve

Tommorow is week 4 tuesday. So let me tell you what I have been feeling...

Week 1:
Tuesday night - Bad dreams, not restful sleep at all.
Wednesday: Dizzy. All day. Hanging on to walls. Afraid to drive. Bad headache in the morning. 30 min after morning dose, headache gone. 1pm headache starts. 3pm headache really bad. 4 advil do nothing. I get some little zaps in my head.. wierd! Feel like skin is crawling. Some times the floor looks like it is tilting upward or downward. Headache and dizziness get much worse until 30min after 6pm dose. Then things get back to "normal". Sleep sucks. I now know that my clock actually counts the hours while I am sleeping, cause I saw them. (I got 1hr naps all night)
Thursday: Same as wednesday, but headaches worse.
Friday: Same, headaches worse.
Saturday: returning to "effexor normal", that is withdrawal effects calming.
Sunday/monday: withdrawal effects pretty much gone. Occasional dizziness - not preventing driving though.

Week 2: Same as week 1 for the most part. Dreams are much more vivid and much worse. I am having flash backs of all the crap I did not like in high school (bullies, bad exams, etc). Wed night while I was sleeping I almost punched a hole in the drywall due to a bad dream. (I am just glad I was facing away from my wife!!)

Week 3: Same thing, dreams worse.

Other notes: While on full dose, suicidal thoughts were few and far between. The further off effexor I get, the more the thoughts come on. Not good. P-doc warned me about it. I warned wife abotu it. We are keeping it in check.

Good notes: I am getting some energy back. I get occasional good moods. My sense of humor is returning a little bit.
Things my p-doc suggested that I did not need to do:

She said that if my withdrawal sideeffects were too bad, to get off the drug slower. Either taking reductions every 7-10 days, smaller reduction steps (37.5mg), or both.

She also went through a ton of literature with me about SSRI discontinuation syndrome, official effexor withdrawal reports, and some unofficial reported things that can happen (like listed here).

Now, my withdrawal has not been smooth sailing, and I could have tapered slower, but I need to get this depression thing fixed. I am getting off to try a tri-cyclic, so I am toughing out these withdrawal problems (which are not as bad as some I have read about).
I should add that effexor did help somewhat in the beginning at keeping things from getting worse, but it has not been successful in getting me undepressed.

No sexual side effects for me aside from inability to orgasm for 4wks after increase in dose.

I will post how it goes as I work the rest of the way off this stuff.



Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75

Posted by Roomy on January 26, 2004, at 13:34:45

In reply to Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75, posted by jasonr on January 26, 2004, at 12:04:25

Jason, Wow, thats a pretty quick taper if you ask me, but, you didnt! Props to you for doing it so quickly. I have been off Effexor now for 27 days. My energy level IS back. I have many more happy moods. I still have some sad moods and sad things make me cry that so bad?? Crying is good. I used to do it all the time and that wasnt real kewl but for the past 7 years, while on Effexor (or friends) I have not even remembered once crying!! Suicide doesnt run in our family, it gallops!!! I have to be careful about suicide thoughts. I have to put forth an effort now to keep my anger in check whereas with the effexor, it was not a problem....or was it? I have a three yr old son and a 14yr old daughter. They do stupid things! I get ticked off. Is that so abnormal? Heck, while on effexor my little one pretty much did as he pleased. It happened right under my nose and I failed to see it. It didnt bother me. Now...effexor free... I am starting to finally restore some order in my household again. He isnt a BAD kid...he is just being three. He needs a scheduled daily routine. I can (and AM) doing that now and he is responding beautifully!!
So yeah, effexor can control your emotions but when it totally takes over and you no longer have emotions, it time to get off it! Keep up the good work Jason! and keep your back to your wife when you sleep. hehehehehe


Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75

Posted by kelly7707 on January 26, 2004, at 23:03:42

In reply to Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75, posted by jasonr on January 26, 2004, at 12:04:25

> Well, I figured I would post how it is going for me... (getting off effexor-xr that is)
> I was up to 300 mg a day. (150 at wake up, 150 at dinner) I am also taking same dose of wellbutrin-sr at the same times so ya'll can keep tabs.
> My plan with the p-doc was as follows: Reduce dose of effexor by 75mg every week on tuesdays. So, tuesday nights or tuesday morning is when I reduce a dose.
> so, wk: morn/eve
> 1:150/75
> 2:75/75
> 3:75/0
> 4:37.5/0
> Tommorow is week 4 tuesday. So let me tell you what I have been feeling...
> Week 1:
> Tuesday night - Bad dreams, not restful sleep at all.
> Wednesday: Dizzy. All day. Hanging on to walls. Afraid to drive. Bad headache in the morning. 30 min after morning dose, headache gone. 1pm headache starts. 3pm headache really bad. 4 advil do nothing. I get some little zaps in my head.. wierd! Feel like skin is crawling. Some times the floor looks like it is tilting upward or downward. Headache and dizziness get much worse until 30min after 6pm dose. Then things get back to "normal". Sleep sucks. I now know that my clock actually counts the hours while I am sleeping, cause I saw them. (I got 1hr naps all night)
> Thursday: Same as wednesday, but headaches worse.
> Friday: Same, headaches worse.
> Saturday: returning to "effexor normal", that is withdrawal effects calming.
> Sunday/monday: withdrawal effects pretty much gone. Occasional dizziness - not preventing driving though.
> Week 2: Same as week 1 for the most part. Dreams are much more vivid and much worse. I am having flash backs of all the crap I did not like in high school (bullies, bad exams, etc). Wed night while I was sleeping I almost punched a hole in the drywall due to a bad dream. (I am just glad I was facing away from my wife!!)
> Week 3: Same thing, dreams worse.
> Other notes: While on full dose, suicidal thoughts were few and far between. The further off effexor I get, the more the thoughts come on. Not good. P-doc warned me about it. I warned wife abotu it. We are keeping it in check.
> Good notes: I am getting some energy back. I get occasional good moods. My sense of humor is returning a little bit.
> -------------------------
> Things my p-doc suggested that I did not need to do:
> She said that if my withdrawal sideeffects were too bad, to get off the drug slower. Either taking reductions every 7-10 days, smaller reduction steps (37.5mg), or both.
> She also went through a ton of literature with me about SSRI discontinuation syndrome, official effexor withdrawal reports, and some unofficial reported things that can happen (like listed here).
> Now, my withdrawal has not been smooth sailing, and I could have tapered slower, but I need to get this depression thing fixed. I am getting off to try a tri-cyclic, so I am toughing out these withdrawal problems (which are not as bad as some I have read about).
> --------------------------
> I should add that effexor did help somewhat in the beginning at keeping things from getting worse, but it has not been successful in getting me undepressed.
> No sexual side effects for me aside from inability to orgasm for 4wks after increase in dose.
> I will post how it goes as I work the rest of the way off this stuff.
> -jason

Jason, your doc sounds like a good one...may I ask where you live? I know that's a bit personal, but right now I am searching for a doc that will know more, sit with me and discuss the meds and what the withdrawl period involves, etc...just seems as though mine keeps throwing a new prescription at me when I go in to see him.
If this isn't too personal, I'd love a response.


Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300 » kelly7707

Posted by jasonr on January 27, 2004, at 10:56:57

In reply to Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300-75, posted by kelly7707 on January 26, 2004, at 23:03:42

> Jason, your doc sounds like a good one...may I ask where you live? I know that's a bit personal, but right now I am searching for a doc that will know more, sit with me and discuss the meds and what the withdrawl period involves, etc...just seems as though mine keeps throwing a new prescription at me when I go in to see him.
> If this isn't too personal, I'd love a response.
> Thanks,
> Kelly

Long Island, New York.

In the region? We can work something out to further narrow it down.


Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300

Posted by Stryker88 on January 27, 2004, at 11:42:57

In reply to Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300 » kelly7707, posted by jasonr on January 27, 2004, at 10:56:57

I feel the same way about my doctor, I get the feeling he gets commision on each new prescription he gives out. Figure it the more he gives out the more the drug companies can make $$$$$$$$$$$$


Re: YESdoctors get kick backs from drug companies!

Posted by flyingdreams on January 27, 2004, at 15:30:35

In reply to Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300, posted by Stryker88 on January 27, 2004, at 11:42:57

Yes doctors get kick backs from the drug companies. There are drug pushers that show up at the drs offices all the time pushing these drugs!!!! They give out free samples so that you will get addicted to their drugs and then have to buy them!!!! Amazing and it's legal! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is all the drug companies care about and most doctors become doctors because of the high salaries. I say drop their salaries and see more doctors that care!


Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300

Posted by kelly7707 on January 27, 2004, at 19:36:04

In reply to Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300 » kelly7707, posted by jasonr on January 27, 2004, at 10:56:57

> > Jason, your doc sounds like a good one...may I ask where you live? I know that's a bit personal, but right now I am searching for a doc that will know more, sit with me and discuss the meds and what the withdrawl period involves, etc...just seems as though mine keeps throwing a new prescription at me when I go in to see him.
> > If this isn't too personal, I'd love a response.
> > Thanks,
> > Kelly
> >
> Long Island, New York.
> In the region? We can work something out to further narrow it down.

Hi Jason,
Thanks for the reply...but we are no where near each other. I am up in freezing cold Canada...but too bad...
Just to update on my own situation, as I have just recently stopped taking Effexor due to sexual side effects, I just had an appointment with my GP today and because my anxiety is so bad and the depression is back, I agreed to go back on another anti depressant...this time Celexa, which I have been on before. I know it still has the side effects, but in order for me to get through school I need this anxiety to go's unbearable.
So, next week I have an app with a psychologist for the first time ever, and what my goal is is to establish a new way of thinking about all of this and hope that with some cognitive beh therapy, I might not need all these drugs which have terrible side effects....
Honestly, today I thought to myself, I honestly feel right now like I was better off without them at all...that I am now taking these meds to help with the side effects of switching to a new one is only to help with the damage or whatever you wanna call it, from the last drug...
I dunno...
Wish me luck, as I wish everyone luck with either coming off of their meds, or struggling with being on one.


Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300

Posted by jasonr on January 27, 2004, at 21:10:50

In reply to Re: Quitting effexor-xr: my experience so far (300, posted by kelly7707 on January 27, 2004, at 19:36:04

> > > Jason, your doc sounds like a good one...may I ask where you live? I know that's a bit personal, but right now I am searching for a doc that will know more, sit with me and discuss the meds and what the withdrawl period involves, etc...just seems as though mine keeps throwing a new prescription at me when I go in to see him.
> > > If this isn't too personal, I'd love a response.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Kelly
> > >
> >
> > Long Island, New York.
> >
> > In the region? We can work something out to further narrow it down.
> Hi Jason,
> Thanks for the reply...but we are no where near each other. I am up in freezing cold Canada...but too bad...
> Just to update on my own situation, as I have just recently stopped taking Effexor due to sexual side effects, I just had an appointment with my GP today and because my anxiety is so bad and the depression is back, I agreed to go back on another anti depressant...this time Celexa, which I have been on before. I know it still has the side effects, but in order for me to get through school I need this anxiety to go's unbearable.
> So, next week I have an app with a psychologist for the first time ever, and what my goal is is to establish a new way of thinking about all of this and hope that with some cognitive beh therapy, I might not need all these drugs which have terrible side effects....
> Honestly, today I thought to myself, I honestly feel right now like I was better off without them at all...that I am now taking these meds to help with the side effects of switching to a new one is only to help with the damage or whatever you wanna call it, from the last drug...
> I dunno...
> Wish me luck, as I wish everyone luck with either coming off of their meds, or struggling with being on one.

I know how you feel. I got lucky. My psychiatrist was my first one. Took me 2 months to find one though! Almost seems like w/o a referral no one wants to see ya!

So far as meds.. I have been on lexapro, effexor, wellbutrin.. no luck so far. Time to try something again.

Good luck to ya.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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