Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 11:29:42

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by Sean9 on April 3, 2003, at 7:46:33

> Noillusions,
> I've seen an online petition, but lost the link. However, I don't think the petition will do much good. I spoke with someone at the FDA, and he said the FDA does not actively search for drug complaints, they rely on consumer feedback. I agree with everything you said, have seen a lot of other postings from people with the same experiences, and have watched someone go through a nightmare withdrawal of Effexor. There is a way to take action, and it starts by filling out the FDA complaint form. The person I spoke with at the FDA said they take every complaint very very seriously. Help out the next generation of Effexor useres to be more informed:
> The FDA Med Watch Report, online complaint form:

Sean, You contradicted yourself. While everyone should seek help if needed there are a lot of people who need medicine and do feel better when taking it. And thank God they have that resource.
I know that you have not taken medication before. I can always tell. I have heard that before from others who have not. Calling someone a sick little man is unacceptable. I do not care if you want to speak your mind on the FDA or not. You do not and should not do that.
End of discussion.


You have obviously never suffered from depression (nm) » luckyspec

Posted by Jack Smith on April 3, 2003, at 11:36:29

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » Sean9, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 1:45:28


Re: You have obviously never suffered from depression

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 11:39:58

In reply to You have obviously never suffered from depression (nm) » luckyspec, posted by Jack Smith on April 3, 2003, at 11:36:29

I HAVE and been through it all. Dee Dee 46


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by Sean9 on April 3, 2003, at 11:56:56

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 11:29:42


I think you have me confused with Luckyspec. Please double check our postings.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 12:22:25

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by Sean9 on April 3, 2003, at 11:56:56

I sure did.. Sorry..
Everyone comes here for support not to be knocked down. That is why I came here. I hope they people see that.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 13:38:48

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 12:22:25

> I sure did.. Sorry..
> Everyone comes here for support not to be knocked down. That is why I came here. I hope they people see that.
> THanks.

I am sorry everyone for sounding angry if I did.
I do not mean to put you down. Only wanted to let you know about the drug industry. Ofcourse, what do I know.



Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 14:12:40

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 13:38:48

Giving people a website to research is good. That is a positive thing.Knowledge is power and that in itself makes people feel better..sometimes. However, remember this. When you are so depressed due to a stress in your life or of a chemical imbalance you feel so weak and out of control of your own life and BLAME yourelf. Why do you think people choose suicide as an alternative? IT IS REAL........ you think you will never feel better or be the same and see no possible way out until you get help or meet someone who will listen and get you the proper medical help. IF it were as easy as taking control of ones life. There would be little or no depression in this world. Do you tell a diabetic to get control of thier life and the insulin levels will become normal?
Now, lets get this board back to supporting those of us who have been through depression, or going through it so we can have a voice. It helps. I promise.


Re: You have obviously never suffered from depression

Posted by Jack Smith on April 3, 2003, at 14:22:11

In reply to Re: You have obviously never suffered from depression, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 11:39:58

> I HAVE and been through it all. Dee Dee 46

Not you, look to the person the statement was addressed to!


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » DeeDee46

Posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 15:25:47

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 14:12:40

I understand that one can sink into a state of utter misery. Then rely on someone hoping they have your best interest at heart and ignoring what other people experience in hope that it will work for you.

The Pharmaceutical industry's main concern is to make you more ill. It is not in the interest of the Pharmaceutical industry to prevent illness, but to profit from your symptoms. If you have no symptoms, the drug industry would not exist. Preventive medicine is a threat to this industry.

USA Today March 6, 2003
Page 10A,

Attempts to overcome the unsolvable scientific conflicts.
The Bush administration is spearheading an international effort by the pharmaceutical industry to outlaw natural health therapies worldwide by abusing the United Nations Codex Alimentarius (food standards) commission.

Attempts to overcome the unsolvable legal conflicts.
A key provision of the Homeland Security Act grants immunity to the pharmaceutical companies for present adn future product liability claims for vaccines. Further plans for medical litigation reform include limiting product liability lawsuits against drug companies.

Do you know of the lawsuits that are springing up like wild flowers in the drug industry?-

(Bayer-March 27-

It is because people do know the dangers of drugs, and are just now taking more responsibility for themselves. I congratulate those of you who are trying to take yourselves off of Effexor. Really I am proud of you because you are taking responsibility even though it is post fact. It is good in that.

The pharmaceutical industry is failing the human body. People would not see that. People would rather polute their body because the doctor told them it is good for them. Ask your doctor if he is paid to prescribe you medicine and see what he says. The more the doctor prescribes the more he makes.

I understand that you want a cure. But do you really want to sacrifice your entire body's health? If you want support, wonderful.

Consider that organic living is healthier for the body. Maybe you prefer to believe that a mechanistic approach to a human body will work for you.

For example, if a machine is broken, all you have to do is find the broken part and replace it. That works with mechanics. Well maybe you can find yourself new joints to replace the ones you are damaging with you say...would that not be along the lines of mechanics. It is no joke, and neither is your illness.

Mechanical science can not possibly solve the problem of disease. We have a plague of troubles such as sexual dysfunction, sleep disorders, diabetes, depression, cancer, and the list goes on and on. How much has your drug company really helped to get rid of these illnesses? I am curious. Because all I hear is that the doctor wants you to take a medicine for 'life'.

Medicine is taken for a short period of time. Until you are healthy. If you take medicine when you are healthy you will become ill. I do not see how a drug that addicts you makes you better.

If you want more information-look at USA Today March 6th edition on page 10A.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 15:47:58

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » DeeDee46, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 15:25:47

Again, I will repeat myself. If I could of taken a natural herb or did anything besides take an antidpressant.. I would of done so.. period. I tried it, it didnt work.Everything in life can be abused from food even on to herbs. Do we need to be aware of all of this? YES.! I have watched family members who have been deathly sick with an illness take a medication that is controversial and HAS SIDE effects be able to go on with life and HAVE QUALITY!!!! It is my prayer that you do not have to go through this someday. I promise you if you do,,, you will live to regret some of things you are saying.
I am not one to argue. Again, this is for support. You have a lot of postive energy to give to someone. I know of tons of homeless shelters that could use it or homes for runaway teens. Anything. I could go on and on. You have stated your point. Again this is for support. End of discussion with you.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 16:16:11

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » Sean9, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 1:45:28

Thank you luckyspec- I now feel more depressed after reading your post. Obviously you have never been so low that you don't think anything can help-not even the meds. It took me a long time to come out of denial about my depression. I always told myself that I could get better on my own . My parents took meds and I was somewhat asshamed of them- thinking they weren't "strong" enough or maybe too lazy to do get better by themselves.
Soon I was at a point where helping myself could not even be considered an option. I have no idea how I got to that point and never thought I would. It's weird how you can feel so helpless and switch all your beliefs around cause you're so desperate. I always wanted to do everything naturally- no drugs!! I wanted to lose weight naturally, eat only natural foods and of course make myself happy.
With my parents encourgement I decided to give medicine a chance. To this day I've tried four AD's but have never been on them long enough to achieve the happiness that I long for because of weight gain or unbearable side effects starting.
I am not giving up yet though- I have faith that something will help! I know I can't soley rely on the drug alone and have to be strong and fight the depression. I will take anything to help me get on the right road... I don't plan on being on AD's forever, but will if that's what it takes then fine-- I just need to be helped out of this hole I am unable to crawl out of. Hopefully something will help me feel better and I will be able to practice those feelings until I am confident to feel "happy" on my own. AD's can be looked at as coaches- you are learning a new sport (happiness) and need the coaches help to get you better, so you practice and practice with the coach until you are ready to go out and play a game. If you win the game you can go on to practice by yourself...and if you lose you may need to go back for the coaches assistance.
Everyone is different- of course we know this. We call react to meds differently, our illnesses aren't exactly the same and some cope better than others.
Life is too short to mope around and wonder if you're ever going to get better- take all the help you can get =) DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE HELP IS AS LONG AS YOU'RE HAPPY!
God Bless Everyone.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec » KRM123

Posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 16:50:15

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 16:16:11

If you are sad, feel sadness.
If you are happy, feel happy.


I am just curious what is so great about feeling happy all the time.

Without sadness one does not know happiness. Duality is necessary. This way you appreciate both sadness and happiness equally. It is imposible to stay sad forever. It is impossible. Try to hold a bucket of water at your side for a very long time. You will soon begin to feel tired and the bucket will fall. Nothing is eternal. What goes up must come down and vice versa.

Life must move and so it becomes depressed and then grows stronger, and healthier after the depression. I would not wish to know that I could never become sad...sadness is a blessing. It gives you a deeper appreciation of happiness.

I have wanted to kill myself once. But then I didn't because I knew if I kill myself I would hurt my family. I had no purpose in life. Nothing to live for. What is the purpose of being alive? I consoled myself knowing fully well about reincarnation. I am not afraid of dying.
I am afraid of not feeling alive.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by lovemybabies on April 3, 2003, at 16:53:45

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » Sean9, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 1:45:28

Holy crap. What reason would you have for calling those who have success w/Effexor "little man?" You post is sarcastic, derogatory and just plain mean.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 16:56:58

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 16:16:11

KUDOS TO YOU MY FRIEND. . hang in there. I have been there and will be here for you..... Sometimes weight gain tapers off????
Dee Dee 46


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 17:05:22

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec » KRM123, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 16:50:15

IT IS NOT ABOUT FEELING HAPPY>....A lot of people go through times of despair and want to kill themselves. That is not what this is..
You really need to educate yourself.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 17:24:39

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec » KRM123, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 16:50:15

Wow I am not even going to try to explain myself...again. You're totally missing the point. I'm glad that you did not committ suicide and was able to heal on your own and be happy. You must have a very good family and friends. You sure are LUCKY.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated DeeDee

Posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 17:26:31

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 16:56:58

Thank you DeeDee. I am here for you too!


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 17:36:32

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by lovemybabies on April 3, 2003, at 16:53:45

Hey love my babies..... You are right on.
Education is needed there.
Walk a mile in my shoes ring a bell?


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 17:44:50

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by KRM123 on April 3, 2003, at 17:24:39

I obviously do miss the point.
I am only trying to learn about depression more deeply. This is why I am going to do research on history of depression to find out where the root of depression started.

I have heard that depression is caused by the inability to deal with one's own problems. Perhaps this is true. If it is not so I know even less about depression.

I leave you all to your state, and I trully can not help you. You are outside my circle of influence. I am only trying to help someone close to me with their depression. I am really very sorry if I have caused you any pain at all and will not try to influence you.

I also know depression is not about happiness or sadness. The Tao is simply an example. Perhaps you can read some taoism. It really helped me once. As to my family..they are the ones that caused me to be more depressed. I was always yelled at by my mother, and my father didn't really care to help me with anything when I was younger. My parents constantly fought and I fought with my sister. I did have a great family right DeeDee? Am I lucky...?
Things have changed since then. My parents divorced and I live with a roommate and out of my mothers house. She is depressed also, but misses yelling at me. Yet I love her and I want to help her. She does not take drugs, but she is different then you perhaps she doesn't have as many problems as you.

I am also trying to help a friend of mine who is on Effexor. That is why I am here. Not to influence you. It was my mistake to even try. I simply want to deeply understand depression. But I believe that it will be impossible unless I am depressed as you. I can't make myself depressed. That is what I heard.

Also the chemical imbalance is caused by having soo many problems that one can not deal with. I am dealing with mine, and can not begin to stop dealing with them, so I more likely will not be depressed ever as I want to be. I do get sad at times. It is normal. But I will never understand your depression as you do. I only wish to help those I care about, without them having to hurt their mind, body, and spirit.

Really, I am sorry you have to go through life carrying such a burden. I can not help you. I have learned that much, that I can only help those who allow me to help. I allow myself to help myself.

I am sick also, I do not know what it is, but I have something in my throat that has been there for 3 years or so. I guess it is psychosomatic. So I am dealing with it. But I will not take a drug that will make me lose my sex function or make me tired or hurt my bones. That is just speaking for myself. I am not just talking about Effexor. I do not need it. I could take something like Advil to stop some of the feeling in my throat. But I will find a way. I know that our emotions are stored in muscles and I know that there is some problem that I have not brought to the surface. I will.

But I am not going to tell you what to do. Please do not listen to me. Only discover the true problems of your life, and begin to deal with one at a time. Until that happens you do need the drugs...unfortunately. I just wonder how people treated depression when there was no drug industry...That is a great question.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec

Posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 18:00:28

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 17:44:50

LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!LOL Oh my. you are really something. As sick as me.... you are so sad. I am professional woman who owns my own company, own and paid off my own home, do not owe momey on a car and have a wonderful fulfilling God Blessed Life. And I suffer from depression. I bet I could even guess your age.
But I will not. I am praying for you brother. I really am.


Re: please be civil » luckyspec

Posted by Dr. Bob on April 3, 2003, at 18:58:46

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » Sean9, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 1:45:28

> You have not taken responsibility of yourself and allowed a drug to mask your illness. Now after you take a little responsibility for yourself and look to get off the drug, you learn it is very difficult. Yes, responsibility is a burden of truth. Most can not handle it...that is why you choose to be victims.

Different points of view are fine, and in fact encouraged, but please be sensitive to the feelings of others and don't post anything that could lead them to feel accused or put down, thanks.


PS: Follow-ups regarding posting policies, and complaints about posts, should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration; otherwise, they may be deleted.


Re: please be civil » Napaba » Jack » KRM123 » lmb » DeeDee46

Posted by Dr. Bob on April 3, 2003, at 19:24:45

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec, posted by DeeDee46 on April 3, 2003, at 18:00:28

> Why would you be so mean and judgemental with someone when all you know about them is what they put?
> I am here for support not to be slammed. And certainly not to judge someone who is in the midst of thier fire.
> I know that you have not taken medication before. I can always tell.
> you are so sad.
> Dee Dee 46

> Your the sick little man
> Napaba

> You have obviously never suffered from depression
> Jack Smith

> Obviously you have never been so low that you don't think anything can help-not even the meds.
> KRM123

> You post is sarcastic, derogatory and just plain mean.
> lovemybabies

Please be sensitive to the feelings of others -- even if they hurt yours. Please don't jump to conclusions about them or their experiences. Please don't slam them, judge them, or post anything else that could lead them to feel accused or put down. Remember the mission of this site, support and education, and the golden rule:




Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec » luckyspec

Posted by Paco on April 3, 2003, at 20:59:45

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated luckyspec » KRM123, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 16:50:15

You obviously know little or nothing about long-term clinical depression. It's not just "being sad". Anti-depressants are not "happy pills"; they do not prevent one from being sad when appropriate - they relieve some of the symptoms of depression. These are two entrely different things.

Personally, I'd appreciate it if you would just get lost and stop trolling for flames.

Any other messages with your name displayed will be ignored.


Lou's response to luckyspec's post » luckyspec

Posted by Lou Pilder on April 3, 2003, at 21:05:24

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated » Sean9, posted by luckyspec on April 3, 2003, at 1:45:28

You wrote,[...want an easy solution...not willing to work on yourself...].
It appears to me that you are advocating an alternative to the use of psychotropic drugs to deal with depression. Could you expouse on what your alternative is? If you could, then I could have a better understanding of your post and have the opportunity to respond accordingly.


Effexor XR sucesses?

Posted by Paco on April 3, 2003, at 21:56:29

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Just looking for a few positive words about EXR (besides my own). If you have read any of my previous posts, you can tell that I'm biased in the pro-EXR direction - it's working for me where other meds haven't, and the side effects were brief and insignificant. And I'm living again.

*(P.S. Sorry if I offended anyone with my last post. Should have taken a day to cool off before posting that one.)

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