Psycho-Babble Social Thread 866056

Shown: posts 1 to 24 of 24. This is the beginning of the thread.



Posted by Fivefires on December 1, 2008, at 11:31:02

Having some symptoms.

Scared. Move slow. Keep spilling things. Overly forgetful. Sit down to enter search word and type one letter and the thought is gone.

Felt disoriented, queasy stomach, didn't know what did or was supposed to do, so went lie down and try really relax. Called nursewise (psychline) to ask what dementia was. She sort of scolded me, telling me it is not a psychiatric condition and I should call a nurse. I said, dementia isn't a psychiatric condition? She said 'no, it's a neurological condition' and hung up. I called a medline and this nurse thot the aforementioned was off-the-wall. Explained the many causes, some symptoms, told me lie down rest and clear mind, and referred to site for more info. Her reaction to my twice being taken off benzos w/o titration wasn't good, saying the feeling I had on the top of my head may have been some kind of damage. I guess a brain cannot fix itself :-/, but new pathways make their way to get info from here to there (I say that a little loosely.) Sorry just one big paragraph, but hitting enter is another thing and right now I feel like I'm slowed down so very much I'll just up and stop moving at all.

So thankful for any help you all. I don't wanna' stop. I'm expecting a new grandchild. Not old enuf.

I'm still havin troub' w/ email going into wrong folders, but will search for ya', as at this time, too ill to repair or delete rules. Deleted them once, logged off, shutdown, pulled back up and there they still were :(.

blessings, 5f

and: I need to enlist someone to help me eat.


Re: Dementia

Posted by fayeroe on December 1, 2008, at 12:21:16

In reply to Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 1, 2008, at 11:31:02

Dear FiveFires:

I am here to help.

I am so sorry that you're feeling worried and scared today. I am very grateful that the second nurse was more knowledgeable and explained the issues to you.

From what I've read and experienced the "canyons" of our brains will reroute and "fix" themselves at times. My mom experienced this and she came out of it fine.

You do need to eat. Do you like yoghurt? You could try some of that and try to get some protein down. The yoghurt is soothing for the stomach. Having a good cereal and milk will help you.

I have memory lapses and the other day I couldn't remember how to play "Red Headed Stranger" on the piano....that scared the heck out of me. It came to me in a moment but I was worried about that. My daughter reminded me that I haven't played in a couple of years. Sometimes we get so much information coming in that it is very hard for our brains to process and work with everything. I also have to think abuot the spelling of words occasionally. See above. :-)

Babble me if you need to talk. Love, Pat


Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on December 1, 2008, at 21:52:41

In reply to Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 1, 2008, at 11:31:02

Hi Sweetie,

I wonder about my mind also. The other day I was driving my son somewhere & got to the end of our street & turned the wrong way (the way I usually turn to go most places). He said, "Mom, where are ya going?" & I said, "Where I usually go!! LOL"

I also couldn't quite remember which way I usually go to a town about an hour away. I could only remember being on the main highway - couldn't 'place' how I get there. Now THAT feels scarey.

But I think stress & tiredness can cause blanks.

I'll be your eating buddy if you want. I do very poorly at eating.

Are there particular foods you like? I try to have foods I like on hand. Sometimes I HATE to eat 'breakfast'. Don't know what to eat...have an absolute aversion to eating.

When I am trying to make myself eat, I'll remember you & try harder to eat. Wanna be my buddy?

I send you love & am sorry you're suffering.

luv, Kath


Re: Dementia

Posted by Phillipa on December 2, 2008, at 12:43:54

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Kath on December 1, 2008, at 21:52:41

Five Fires feel it's stress also as can't remember a lot at times when lots going on. As far as eating since have no taste and smell eat three meals just force cereal, bananna berries, half a turkey sandwich lunch, and healthy choice dinner. I know have to eat to live. Have you received my e-mails? Love Phillipa


How are you today? » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on December 2, 2008, at 15:40:37

In reply to Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 1, 2008, at 11:31:02

You're in my thoughts & I forced myself to eat a little more this morning than I otherwise would have.

:-) luv, Kath


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on December 3, 2008, at 19:15:28

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Phillipa on December 2, 2008, at 12:43:54

Okay. Like Healthy Choice w/ the cherry desert. Crying. Can't be dementia. My GYNs office called and is willing to take over my med management afa the possibility this is all related to both ovaries removed @ 30. Been wearing these patches for years. I pray this is what it is. There is eating too. You're right Phillipa. IDK! Maybe I think I'm not important enough to keep myself alive, but I promise I'm not doing so deliberately. I found an email in the wrong folder. My PC all messed up.

Best wishes 2all, 5f


Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on December 3, 2008, at 20:01:50

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 3, 2008, at 19:15:28

I'm glad they're going to help you. I hope this is the explanation.

How is your eating going? I'm trying to do better. Are ya my buddy in this?? luv ya, Kath


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on December 4, 2008, at 16:39:09

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Kath on December 3, 2008, at 20:01:50

No one is helping. To hear them say dementia just pisses me off and goes right into the POWER OF SUGGESTION! I'm so screwed. County beginning to think own me. But, did I tell you a gyn from long ago who treated me for pms and pmdd will write scrips? Maybe I did. I'm forgetful but I'm not DEMENTED!!!!!!!!! Damn I'm so angry w/ IRL pp! I'm sorry K.

5f going out like someone throwing water on me


Re: How are you today?

Posted by Fivefires on December 4, 2008, at 17:57:03

In reply to How are you today? » Fivefires, posted by Kath on December 2, 2008, at 15:40:37

Like I'm living in h*ll. Pls don't let go K.



Re: How are you today? » Fivefires

Posted by Phillipa on December 4, 2008, at 22:47:51

In reply to Re: How are you today?, posted by Fivefires on December 4, 2008, at 17:57:03

Hey just home from long day pdocs we'll talk tomorrow okay. Hang in there. Love Phillipa


We PB people are strong......... » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on December 5, 2008, at 10:25:34

In reply to Re: How are you today?, posted by Fivefires on December 4, 2008, at 17:57:03

> Like I'm living in h*ll. Pls don't let go K.
> 5f

~ ~ ~ No fear of that 5F - I'm not letting go.

There are times when I don't check out PB for a few days in a row. In summer, sometimes it's longer than that. I must mention to my daughter that if I ever get sick or something, for her to come on here & let people know what's up.

I'm here for you & you can always babblemail me. I usually check my email daily, although same thing - there might be a few days when I don't or more in the summer.

I am very glad your gyn will write scrips for you. That must be a huge load off your mind.

And as to forgetting, it is TOTALLY within the norm in a LOT of cases:

- as we get older (you have no idea of how many people I talk to who complain about their memory - MANY people - usually in their late 40's or in their 50's)

- if we're ill

- if we're tired

- if we're stressed

- if we have a lot of things on our mind

probably other reasons also, like:

- if we're really sad

- if we're really excited about something

So, I'd throw the 'dementia' word right out the window. In fact, I'd probably write it really huge on a paper & then rip or cut the paper into shreds & dispose of it however you want...your garbage....a public garbage container on the street....whatever.

You're a special person. You're also a very strong person. Sorry if that doesn't feel good - I sometimes HATE it when people tell me I'm a strong person. Part of me feels like they're negating the pain I'm in, but we MUST be strong (so many of us here at PB - I guess all of us, really) to be able to somehow carry on despite our pain.

Please ignore those IRL who hurt you. Better still, learn 'what' you can safely say to 'who'. No sense setting yourself up to get hurt.

So sorry about your computer problems. Does it mean that if people send you an email you might not 'see' it??? What about Babblemails??


You are a good person - remember that... I send my love, & hugs, Kath


Re: We PB people are strong.........

Posted by Phillipa on December 5, 2008, at 19:31:21

In reply to We PB people are strong......... » Fivefires, posted by Kath on December 5, 2008, at 10:25:34

Five Fires you there today? Love Phillipa


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on December 13, 2008, at 13:23:10

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Kath on December 1, 2008, at 21:52:41

> Hi Sweetie,
> I wonder about my mind also. The other day I was driving my son somewhere & got to the end of our street & turned the wrong way (the way I usually turn to go most places). He said, "Mom, where are ya going?" & I said, "Where I usually go!! LOL"
> I also couldn't quite remember which way I usually go to a town about an hour away. I could only remember being on the main highway - couldn't 'place' how I get there. Now THAT feels scarey.
> But I think stress & tiredness can cause blanks.
> I'll be your eating buddy if you want. I do very poorly at eating.
Hi you. I've done all of the above too. Afa eating, me too! I look in a freezer packed full of food and grab some ice for another soda. I have no desire to eat ...

> Are there particular foods you like?>

Seems like chocolate and salty food right now. Caseworker said 'eating anything ... just eat ... even if it is comfort/junk food'. I dunno if you'd want me for an eating buddy 'cuz I'm prob' worse than you.

>I try to have foods I like on hand.

Just put some chocolate on bedside table.

>Sometimes I HATE to eat 'breakfast'. Don't know what to eat...have an absolute aversion to eating.
Hmmm. If it were set down right in front of me, I think I"d eat it. My prob' is the prep.

> When I am trying to make myself eat, I'll remember you & try harder to eat. Wanna be my buddy?>

I hurt all over K. I can't sit here long. I'll do my best if it might help though. I've no energy (duh) so very seldom even check my email.

> I send you love & am sorry you're suffering.

You too and thank you as all ways.

> luv, Kath



Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on December 13, 2008, at 19:42:28

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 13, 2008, at 13:23:10

> Seems like chocolate and salty food right now. Caseworker said 'eating anything ... just eat ... even if it is comfort/junk food'. I dunno if you'd want me for an eating buddy 'cuz I'm prob' worse than you.

~ ~ ~ Hi FF - For me the thing is to just EAT!!! So it sounds like you're trying to do the same thing! ~ ~

> Just put some chocolate on bedside table.

~ ~ ~ I DO have some!! A doctor who I do 'energy work' with said to have some chocolate first thing when I wake up (at least 75% cocoa) because it helps make seratonin!! Cool info for a chocolate lover!~ ~ ~

> Hmmm. If it were set down right in front of me, I think I"d eat it. My prob' is the prep.

~ ~ ~ Actually - good point. Although, I guess if somebody put a bowl of cereal in front of me & I started to eat it, I might find it hard. Salty seems easier for me. ~ ~ ~

> I hurt all over K. I can't sit here long. I'll do my best if it might help though. I've no energy (duh) so very seldom even check my email.

~ ~ ~ Please be easy on yourself. Lots of people have no energy & for lots of reasons. Being depressed can cause low energy. I'm sorry you hurt all over. That must be horrible. :-(

You're in my loving thoughts, while you're going through this difficult time. You've had a lot to deal with. Please give yourself credit.

Much love, Kath xoxo


Re: Dementia

Posted by Phillipa on December 13, 2008, at 23:32:54

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on December 13, 2008, at 13:23:10

Gee eat chocolate nightly and maybe it's better than a pill if serotonin is what we need. Love Phillipa can you get frozen dinners for microwave?


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on January 13, 2009, at 13:50:56

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by fayeroe on December 1, 2008, at 12:21:16

Sorry, found you in wrong file.

TY Pat .. I'm okay, but then out of nowhere, I'll have times I'm not and it is very scary.

A person in my family called my pdoc and asked 'can dementia be caused by hormones, lack of, I guess' and this person was told no by my pdoc.

What think?



Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Partlycloudy on January 13, 2009, at 14:39:37

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on January 13, 2009, at 13:50:56

> Sorry, found you in wrong file.
> TY Pat .. I'm okay, but then out of nowhere, I'll have times I'm not and it is very scary.
> A person in my family called my pdoc and asked 'can dementia be caused by hormones, lack of, I guess' and this person was told no by my pdoc.
> What think?
> 5f

What on earth is your pdoc doing talking to anyone but YOU? Do they have releases to consult with him about your condition? If not, you need a new doctor, ASAP. This would be a breach of patient doctor confidentiality.
If, on the other hand, they are entitled to discuss your state with your health care givers, then perhaps your hormone levels are worth looking into - as long as this is something the doctor has talked to YOU about it.

But either way, I'd be concerned if he's talking to them about one thing and not to you.

Just my take. Hormones sure can be responsible for a lot of differing physical states.



Re: Dementia

Posted by Phillipa on January 13, 2009, at 21:07:54

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Partlycloudy on January 13, 2009, at 14:39:37

Five Fires how did the appointment go? Love Phillipa


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on January 14, 2009, at 19:54:35

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Partlycloudy on January 13, 2009, at 14:39:37

Tls PC

I tried to find out how this happened but even my other children wouldn't tell me. They know I'd prob' go for my pdoc's throat! Yes re: hormones; beginning of any 'anxiety for no real reason' when in my 20s. PMS. Now w/o the hormone producing organs, not even one ovary, he prescribed a new, I guess more tolerable, oral HRT called Enjuvia. Early on nothing in pill form worked for me. Next appt usual yearly and then talk about a cream of progesterone in a smaller amount than the testosterone it would be like 2prog to 2test. The prior he gave me was 4prog to 2test, and didn't like weight gain mid section. So far tolerating this new oral estrogen ok. They do make an oral estrogen/progesterone, which I've not tried, as I'm wondering why they don't just add some testosterone as well. I'd always thot prog for feeling of well-being or dopamine or serotonin, but he said its hard to know what compound misture will work on the neurotransmitters the way we wish, as diff' amounts for diff' pp.

Suggested I check out ****** and check out Arbonne Plus before we go with the compounding trial again.
Just can't do too much in one day.

Tks, 5f


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on January 14, 2009, at 19:57:36

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Phillipa on January 13, 2009, at 21:07:54

With gyn pretty much as responded to PC above.

With PCP, fine, but because I am ambulatory I was turned down for someone to come into my home a couple days a week.

I've got to post about this: My insurance dc'd oxycodone 10/650 and replaced it with oxycontin 2mg b.i.d. I thought the pharmacist said the equivalent would be more oxycontin than this.

I need to go over to meds and post and am so tired, I hope you don't mind if I sorta past the above over there.

Tks P, 5f


Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Phillipa on January 14, 2009, at 21:14:39

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on January 14, 2009, at 19:57:36

Five Fires sorry you feel badly. Give it a bit of time might work out fine. Love Phillipa


Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on January 14, 2009, at 21:32:32

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on January 14, 2009, at 19:57:36

Dear FF

So very sorry you have all this to deal with. I think it would make me feel really confused.


much love, Kath

PS - Maybe you should ask you doctor why family members are being given your personal information.


Re: Dementia

Posted by Fivefires on January 15, 2009, at 17:20:57

In reply to Re: Dementia » Fivefires, posted by Kath on January 14, 2009, at 21:32:32

I've not been given a f/u appt yet and today is a bad day ... bad thoughts. Will my life continue this way? I awoke on oxycontin v. oxycodone (3-4 yrs) and felt like a rag doll with a broken neck and head. I did and still do feel the extruded discs 'popped out' and 'pain from them traveling up into my whole head'. I didn't know formulary change. Posted on med.

Yeah ... I really have just one IRL support person, but for you all, tho' she is so busy usually just get a couple hrs a week.

I'm missing my RDM and wondering 'there's something I don't know' and praying about it.

Don't think u have to go INTO A BLDG for prayers to be heard.

I don't know what day it is. This med is weird.

tks all, 5f


Re: Dementia » Fivefires

Posted by Kath on January 15, 2009, at 19:48:26

In reply to Re: Dementia, posted by Fivefires on January 15, 2009, at 17:20:57

Yeah ... I really have just one IRL support person, but for you all, tho' she is so busy usually just get a couple hrs a week.

~ ~ ~ Wonder if it's possible to phone a church & explain your situation & ask if any of the church members would be able to even come & visit you???

> I'm missing my RDM

~ ~ what does RDM mean???

> Don't think u have to go INTO A BLDG for prayers to be heard.

~ ~ I certainly don't think you need to go ANYwhere special for prayers to be heard.

> I don't know what day it is. This med is weird.
> tks all, 5f

~ ~ Sorry you're going through all this 5F

xoxoxo Kath

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