Psycho-Babble Social Thread 773642

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People always manage to amaze me

Posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

Monday before last I woke up with this huge bump on the nape of my neck. It took about a week to start hurting, but when it did it really hurt. I scratched it, and it began to get red and infected looking. Finally, this past Monday it was REALLY hurting me and was red all around the bump. I had read up about it so I knew it was either a brown recluse spider bite or a cyst of some kind. Regardless it was infected, and it was apparently a dangerous place for an infection according to the internet.

Finally I went to the doctor. She said she couldn't say for sure but that it looked like a BRS bite, and it was definitely infected. She also talked about it being a dangerous place for an infection and wanted me to take a very potent antibiotic.

I knew antibiotics always made me feel bad, but I wasn't prepared for this. I was sick as a dog Tuesday and Wednesday and had to stay home from work. On top of that my Mom called me and told me my brother wasn't doing so well. She also told me how my nephew needs fillings in his teeth it will cost my sister $2000 out of pocket, which she doesn't have, and how my sister started crying when she told her about it (which is unusual for my sister).

Needless to say, I was feeling really bad and depressed last night when I realized I HAD to go get cat food because Kitty hadn't been fed all day, and if I waited I wouldn't be able to get it until after work the next day. So I put on some clothes, drag myself outside, and immediately it starts POURING. I'm like, "This is just great!"

So I run to my car, but get soaked anyway, and I notice my passenger side mirror is firmly attached. [Note: This is unusual because 2 or 3 months ago, while backing out of my much coveted 'covered parking space', I knocked my mirror off. Ever since I have had it taped on with duck tape , and have been VERY embarrassed about it. Every time it rains the adhesive stops working and it falls off, hanging on only by the cord that attaches it to the thingy that controls the movement of it.] So the fact that it was still attached registered, but only vaguely.

I walk around to the driver's side and I see this note taped to my window. It starts off, "Sorry" and I immediately think, "Oh no, someone's hit my car!" and I start looking all around. But I see no damage except what I've done to it, so I go back to the note. It says, "Sorry, I thought this was my friend's car, he knocked his mirror off too. My mistake, your gain, I reattached it for you". I go and look and its securely reattached with screws (not glue like I was planning to attempt!). I couldn't believe it. This minor thing that had been driving me crazy and staying in the back of my mind all the time, was fixed by a stranger! I suspect the person felt bad for me and the 'friend' story was just a story, so I just stood there with a idiotic grin on my face.

So that's my story. Just when I'm at my lowest, people still manage to amaze me with their random act of kindness.



Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Phillipa on August 2, 2007, at 22:18:31

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

T you know I got a brown recluse spider bite a few years ago google them it's horrible. You need strong antibiotics and what saved me was betadyne 24/7 wrapped around my leg. Also seriously get checked blood test for lymes disease and there's another in Texas the lone star tic that is biting too. It's dangerous. See an infection control specialist as I finally did. It did damage me. Love Phillipa


i've got a mirror like that minus tape

Posted by karen_kay on August 2, 2007, at 22:19:53

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

on the right side of a van we got from an alcoholic mother in law. only, we don't even bother to tape it up. never thought to fix it with screws though. next time i'm manic, i'll do that. and duct tape in these parts are in very short supply darling. we use it to fix everything! in fact, i think we are out at this very moment.

sure, it's only a buck or 2 to get a whole roll (which will fix several various things, from screens in windows, whining children, mister bob's bad attitude, mothers from entering the house unannounced, those times when you can't find your strapless bra (ouchie!!!! but so worth it!), and those times when mister kk wants to get frisky but i've 'got a headache' (another ouchie, yet worth it)... just to name a few.

about the spider bite: i'm on a quest to find that spider and give ti the proper execution it deserves. never fear, i'll get that booger. ((((tc))))) another ouchie!!!!

about fixing your mirror: i'm thinking of relocating to montana, where people are friendly. maybe someone will fix my mirror (and the damage that's been done from it swinging back and forth all the time. i always invision it flying off and hitting another car. oh, the horror and raised insurance rates.). why do i have such bad luck with cars, i wonder? seems i get one door fixed and two others stop working. or, i'll get a window fixed and the transmission will fall out from under me. maybe i'm meant to give up the heels and walk?

i must admit though, watchign that mirror swing back and forth is rather amusign and somewhat hypnotizing......


Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Gabbi-2 on August 2, 2007, at 23:11:39

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

I feel that way too. When I've had a gruelling time of it, and one tiny thing just feels like a gift from heaven, I think sometimes I go overboard trying to get across that my thank you comes from the bottom of my toes.


Re: People always manage to amaze me

Posted by mybestkids2 on August 3, 2007, at 7:18:04

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

What a beautiful kind thing that happened. I guess it true what they say. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.



Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Dinah on August 3, 2007, at 11:33:11

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

That really was kind.

Oddly enough, I *just* heard a sermon on the topic, and the pastor's conclusion was that a lot of time it is a matter of paying attention. That people often are kind, but rarely focus on their surroundings enough to notice that there is a need for a kindness. Bless that man for noticing, and taking care of it.

(I'm one of those lost in the clouds people, and need to open my eyes more as I go through life.)


Re: People always manage to amaze me » Phillipa

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 21:52:49

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic, posted by Phillipa on August 2, 2007, at 22:18:31

Thanks for the concern and advice! I'll definitely keep it in mind. The bite has been steadily getting better. I'll just be glad when I'm through with these stupid antibiotics! They make me sick - I won't go into specifics but its NOT PLEASANT!



Re: i've got a mirror like that minus tape » karen_kay

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:03:51

In reply to i've got a mirror like that minus tape, posted by karen_kay on August 2, 2007, at 22:19:53

> on the right side of a van we got from an alcoholic mother in law. only, we don't even bother to tape it up. never thought to fix it with screws though. next time i'm manic, i'll do that.

I really don't even know how he did it, but I can see the screws and tell that's where its held on.

And yes duct tape does rule. I'm not really sure about how you use it for a frisky Mr KK, but I'm okay not knowing that. ;-)

> about the spider bite: i'm on a quest to find that spider and give ti the proper execution it deserves. never fear, i'll get that booger. ((((tc))))) another ouchie!!!!

Awww, thanks! People are just taking care of me all over the place!

> about fixing your mirror: i always invision it flying off and hitting another car.

That's exactly what I was worried about! I always imagined people were giving me dirty looks for being so irresponsible.

> maybe i'm meant to give up the heels and walk?




Re: People always manage to amaze me » Gabbi-2

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:12:25

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic, posted by Gabbi-2 on August 2, 2007, at 23:11:39

> I feel that way too. When I've had a gruelling time of it, and one tiny thing just feels like a gift from heaven, I think sometimes I go overboard trying to get across that my thank you comes from the bottom of my toes.

I know, it always seems to happen when I'm at my wits end! How do you convey that to someone without sounding crazy?



Re: People always manage to amaze me

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:14:27

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me, posted by mybestkids2 on August 3, 2007, at 7:18:04

> What a beautiful kind thing that happened. I guess it true what they say. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
> Dee

Thanks! And welcome to babble!



Re: People always manage to amaze me » Dinah

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:25:29

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic, posted by Dinah on August 3, 2007, at 11:33:11

> Oddly enough, I *just* heard a sermon on the topic, and the pastor's conclusion was that a lot of time it is a matter of paying attention. That people often are kind, but rarely focus on their surroundings enough to notice that there is a need for a kindness.

I think it goes the other way too, you have to recognize the kindness being shown to you. I've found I have to really acknowledge to myself when it happens, otherwise it just gets buried in the negativity. Its a matter of perception I think.



Oops, forgot to make that one post to mybestkids (nm)

Posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:29:38

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:14:27


Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Kath on August 3, 2007, at 22:51:16

In reply to People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 2, 2007, at 21:52:30

Awwwww TC - what a VERY lovely thing to happen in the midst of all that rough stuff!

Don't have time to read the whole 'thread' right now.

hugs, Kath

PS - hope the infection is better. Isn't that what Phillipa had ? A brown recluse spider bite? They must be horrible. Are they big? Are they quite common? Do they just randomly bite people & people don't even realize it? I'd think it'd hurt when they bit.

xoxo K


Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Phillipa on August 3, 2007, at 23:01:25

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » Phillipa, posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 21:52:49

T just got off them know what you mean this time another spider bite. Love Phillipa


Re: People always manage to amaze me » Kath

Posted by Phillipa on August 3, 2007, at 23:05:05

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic, posted by Kath on August 3, 2007, at 22:51:16

No pretty small and they dark places and hide. I got mine of all places the first time in a yarn shop they were hiding in the yarn. Just felt a something is on my leg feeling and swatted it. Love Phillipa


Re: People always manage to amaze me

Posted by TexasChic on August 4, 2007, at 0:04:29

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic, posted by Kath on August 3, 2007, at 22:51:16

Hope the infection is better. Isn't that what Phillipa had ? A brown recluse spider bite? They must be horrible. Are they big? Are they quite common? Do they just randomly bite people & people don't even realize it? I'd think it'd hurt when they bit.

Here's what I've learned from my research (from memory):

They aren't very big, they're about the size of a quarter.

They are 'somewhat' common around here. I remember my brother getting bit by one as a kid. Other than that, I don't think I've ever known anyone else first hand who has. But it seems like everybody knows 'someone' who has been bitten.

It is common not to feel anything when you get bit, but it starts hurting later. The bite can vary in severity depending on the amount of venom injected, as well as on how sensitive a person is to it. There are horrible pictures on the internet of BRS bites, but mine was nothing like those. I think my only danger was the location and infection of the bite.

Another thing I learned was it is virtually impossible for a doctor to identify a BRS bite unless you see it and catch it. Apparently a staph infection can look identical.

Also, the Wolf Spider is often mistaken for the BRS. They are bigger though I think. The BRS is not scary looking in my opinion.



Re: People always manage to amaze me

Posted by Gabbi-2 on August 4, 2007, at 12:10:32

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me » Gabbi-2, posted by TexasChic on August 3, 2007, at 22:12:25

> I know, it always seems to happen when I'm at my wits end! How do you convey that to someone without sounding crazy?

Oh that's funny how you understand that, I thought it was just me. Bursting into tears and throwing your arms around them just isn't widely acceptable, but sometimes I feel like it!


Re: People always manage to amaze me » TexasChic

Posted by Phillipa on August 4, 2007, at 20:33:51

In reply to Re: People always manage to amaze me, posted by TexasChic on August 4, 2007, at 0:04:29

T you're right and the pics are awful. Mine was all red and swelling up on my leg. I was lucky that it didn't end up like the ones on the internet. Wolf spider non toxic. Did you know if you get bitten by a black widow you can only receive the toxin once? I had a neighbor get bitten by one she didn't use to I guess it's antitoxin and she recovered. And you're right about the spot. Could have been a cyst too. Love Phillipa

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