Psycho-Babble Social Thread 764803

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My Thursday

Posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 18:40:45

I had T this was a really good session.

Then, I came home and watched a few episodes from my DVD set of season 2 of Boston Legal. (GREAT show) And I heard some important things in them that made me think, feel good, etc.:

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.
2. Edward R Murrow said we must never confuse dissent with disloyalty.
3. If we, as a nation, can continue to nurture the expression of differing opinions, then what's happening in Iraq will never happen here.

And I did a little shopping for a friend who has a birthday coming up (forgot how much FUN shopping can be). She and her hubby will be leaving on a roadtrip soon and I happened across some things (not birthday related) for them to take along and dropped those in the mail today, in hopes they'll arrive before the trip begins. ;-)


And how was YOUR Thursday? (nm)

Posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 20:04:08

In reply to My Thursday, posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 18:40:45


Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » jammerlich

Posted by fayeroe on June 21, 2007, at 20:28:33

In reply to And how was YOUR Thursday? (nm), posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 20:04:08

I worked...saw patients. Came home and vegged out.....Am tired and going to bed soon. :-)


Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » fayeroe

Posted by Phillipa on June 21, 2007, at 21:54:08

In reply to Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » jammerlich, posted by fayeroe on June 21, 2007, at 20:28:33

Fayroe what kind of patients do you see? Love Phillipa not sure what you do bed calling me to to read.


Re: And how was YOUR Thursday?

Posted by scratchpad on June 22, 2007, at 6:42:25

In reply to And how was YOUR Thursday? (nm), posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 20:04:08

I saw my neurologist, who was happy for me that my migraines are under control now; and commiserated with me that there aren't any good psychiatrists in the area. I told him I was going to try one in the next big city and he said it worth a shot :-(

At least I know I'm not crazy in the sense of not easily finding a good pdoc around here. Why are they staying away?? There's easy pickings as far as I can see!

I came home, cranked up the air conditioning to do some housework, and cooked a yummy Indian-flavoured stew with chicken and acorn squash. Then watched "Casino Royale" on DVD. I never thought I'd say it, but he makes a might fine James Bond.



my doomsday! » jammerlich

Posted by karen_kay on June 22, 2007, at 9:06:22

In reply to My Thursday, posted by jammerlich on June 21, 2007, at 18:40:45

wait, i'm being overly dramatic again :) i need to quit doing that.

we dropped my nieces off at grandma's (oh, what fun!). decided that since we were in the neighborhood (about an hour away) we'd go ahead and see my brother in law, who just got out of the hospital, instead of going to get tires first. of course (he refers to his body as 'a roadmap of pain') that was great fun. on the way back from his house (this is where all the drunken parties occur, you know, with the bonfires, which really consist of burned old furniture, tv's children, you know, whatever they have thrown about the house and no longer have room for. you get the idea), the gravel caused our tire to pop, and mr kk had to put the donut tire on. in 1000 degree heat (i'm serious! it was exactly 1000 degrees outside! check the weather forecast in bute montana!). and of course, every person from that house happened to drive by, stopped, chatted on the side of the road, while mr kk removed his nice shirt and they cheered him on! my hero!

my duckie got a tattoo. he continues to pick at it, thinking it's a hot dog, stuck to his arm. i myself have made the same mistake as well, so i can't blame him.

we drove to about 13,000 (ok, maybe 6 or 7) different places, quoting prices for new tires, only to find our home town shop had the best price anyway. of course!

and the best part? i had thought we needed new tires only because of this road trip we're taking. unknown to me---- i'd been driving on bald tires! apparently everyone thinks it's better NOT to tell me anything because i stress out (WHAT? I STRESS OUT???? THAT'S RIDICULOUS!). and mr kk also explained that at least he got every penny out of that tire. geez, and i'm told i'm cheap (looking)! ha!

but, i had a sunburn yesterday that has already tanned over. and it looks fantastic! super-duperfantastic!!!!! and duckie had sunblock on, so he's got a wonderful tan, without any sings of burn.

so, we have new tires. wonderful tans. and a red car with a top that goes down. and we spent the rest of the evening watching tpb, drinking gin and tonic, and also relaxing to arrested developement.

we did find that you can buy huge bottles of GIN at sam's club for only $30!!!!! (though we may have our membership revoked after the stream of swear words coming out of our mouths after leaving that place.) that's somethign we're taking with us on our road trip. it should pass the time on the drive :)

and YOU jammer......

i'm glad your apt went well. so very glad to hear that. i haven't checked the other board, so i'll take it upon myself to talk to you about it here. did you talk to her about how you were feeling? for the last few days? and her contradictions? if not, then you shoudl have (not pointing my finger at you doll, sorry if you take ti that way. also sorry about my typing. it stinks. tell me you sent a personal assistant so no one ever has to read my horrible typing again.)

i'm sooo glad things went well for you darling. and i hope this is building a good foundation for you and your therapist to establish trust. and don't hesitate to tell her 'hey woman BACK OFF!!!!' when she's pushing you too hard, or even when she's contradicting herself.

love ya sweetie (and you really are a sweetie, know it?)



Re: And how was YOUR Thursday?

Posted by Honore on June 22, 2007, at 9:24:46

In reply to Re: And how was YOUR Thursday?, posted by scratchpad on June 22, 2007, at 6:42:25

I got up relatively early for me -- and then went back to bed and slept until 10:30. Semi-bummer. But I hope to do better tonight. (PS== it's already Friday-- and I did do better last night!)

Then I did some work on metalworking, and then watched a tv show-- Top Chef-- yeah I know, how can I watch such junk?-- which is mostly about food, a topic that I know nothing about. But apparently, there is something called "Gooey-Duck"-- spelled Geoduck--which can be made into a rather nauseus-looking delicacy.

Then I painted for a while-- on a still life I set up months ago. It's amazing how long apples not only stay semi=good, but in the same position. I took away one piece (a tall candlestick)-- which was out of proportion, and added a sugar bowl, which fits in better-- although it necessitated a lot of repainting. I felt incredibly exasperated the whole time I was working. I think because I feel so out of control and bad at painting.

Then I went down to the bench class at the jewelry studio, and worked on making another design for the top of the box I'm working on. I noticed that when I'm anxious-- which I was, especially when the teacher was standing near me--I don't saw very well. We were alone there, and I think I was already having a tense day-- and her presence alone with me make me feel very self-conscious. Then I make lots of mistakes and my concentration is very spotty.

Went out to a coffee with my SigO and left all the work I had taken home there.

Guess I have to go down today to pick it up.

Overall, a pretty good day, even if I wasn't in a really good mood. Mood: irritable, anxious, a little fearful and sloppy, but at least pressing forward with things.



Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » scratchpad

Posted by jammerlich on June 22, 2007, at 10:38:04

In reply to Re: And how was YOUR Thursday?, posted by scratchpad on June 22, 2007, at 6:42:25

So he's really a decent James Bond? I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it. Guess I should. I'm a die hard Sean Connery fan, so it just doesn't seem right. I was really disappointed to hear he won't be in the next Indiana Jones movie.

Seems like a good pdoc is hard to find pretty much anywhere. Why is that, I wonder? The "god complex" that so often appears when someone adds M.D. at the end of his/her name?

I'm so glad to hear your migraines are under control. That must be such a relief.


Re: my doomsday! » karen_kay

Posted by jammerlich on June 22, 2007, at 11:01:53

In reply to my doomsday! » jammerlich, posted by karen_kay on June 22, 2007, at 9:06:22

First things first.....please tell me the duckie's tattoo isn't real. Please, please, please!!!! I mean, a hotdog??? He'll be the laughing stock of preschool when he goes. He needs something tough!

Second things booze at Sam's!!! I knew they had wine, but it's news to me that they have the REALLY good stuff, too. I may have to do a warehouse club run today. I could use some tequila! Hope they sell limes there, too. If they do, I'll probably have to buy a 5 lb. bag of them. No biggie, though. I'll just buy enough tequila to pair with them. I'm woman enough, I think. Hmmm, probably need to get more Prilosec, too. All that alcohol and citrus will probably be hell on my stomach. See how expensive these warehouse clubs can be? You plan to go for one bottle of booze and, suddenly, you've spent $500!!

OMG, wait a minute here..... You mean you're going on a trip soon and so is my friend???? What a very strange coincidence that is. It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all.........

I wish I could say I'd send you a personal assistant. But I haven't. And I won't. If I had one, I'd call him a housekeeper (he would have a bubble butt like in the picture above, and he'd have to show it at all times. *sses like that are meant to be seen and appreciated) and keep him for myself. You should see my apartment. You'd think I'd be able to find everything seeing as how it's all spread out on the floor, tables, counters, etc. Somehow it just doesn't work that way.

Yes, my T and I talked about the contradiction and the pushiness. The only thing we didn't get to was the phone message and "not pressing" stuff; but that's OK. The other went really well. She said I'm to tell her when it's too much. I really wish she'd just put the brakes on herself, though. I'm really terrible at talking about the way I feel at the very moment I'm feeling it. It usually comes out later. Partly because I'm scared, and partly because it often takes a good bit of time to figure out exactly what I'm feeling. And as good as I felt yesterday, it doesn't seem the same today. It's like all I can focus on are a couple of little things that felt weird or bad.....and probably shouldn't....I just don't interpret them correctly, I suppose. Yeah, time to stop talking about that.

Enjoy your new tires, dear. Good thing you didn't know how bad the others were. I would have been sad if you'd decided not to take your babble trip.


Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » Honore

Posted by jammerlich on June 22, 2007, at 11:11:11

In reply to Re: And how was YOUR Thursday?, posted by Honore on June 22, 2007, at 9:24:46

Oh, Honore, I watch that junk, too....and actually like it. I watch junkier junk, too. The other day, I was watching The Girls Next Door.....thinking I'd die if anyone knew. What is it about blonde girls with enormous boobs? I guess kk is rubbing off on me.

Being disciplined about sleep is really hard. I'm impressed that you're trying to change your routine. I don't know whether I should try to do the same, or just accept that I keep the hours of a bat.

Teacher lady needs to back off, huh??? I hate it when people hover and inspect my work. I remember awhile back that you were wanting to get a bit more of her attention to try and get some questions answered. Did that ever work out for you?

Pressing forward is good. And especially admirable when done in the face of crummy moods.

(((Honore))) Glad you wrote.


it's not a hotdog.. » jammerlich

Posted by karen_kay on June 22, 2007, at 15:26:33

In reply to Re: my doomsday! » karen_kay, posted by jammerlich on June 22, 2007, at 11:01:53

it's a purple spider. but, when he's eating (hey, don't lecture me on the choices, ok. i always swore i'd never allow my child to eat hot dogs, but that kid loves them, they're cheap, adn he can pick them up himself, so no arguments here!) he somehow thinks the purple spider is a hot dog stuck to his arm. perhaps he's color blind? (on a seperate subject (adn why would i even say such a thing, considering the fact that i'm always changing the subject anyway with little warning? but..) steven colbert is colorblind.. hmmm, maybe duckie's new daddy? sorry mister bob, you've been replaced with someone of higher standards and a much better sense fo humor. block me if you must for saying this, but i have to be honest. i go where the money flows baby, and he's a duckie, steven has a baby eagle... coicidence? hmmmm.....)

sh*t, what was i saying? somethign about a tattoo.. i wish they made hot dog ones. the fake kind anyway. i'm writing oscar mayer right now.

about cheap booze... i know they have my GIN of choice, however tony sinclair wasn't available in aisle 24b. too bad. he seems like the kind of guy i'd tanqueray with. i can't remember whether or not they sell limes. i tend to get caught up shopping there (you know, buying tons of crap you don't need. last time i went, i threw down money on pants that didn't fit (tried them on right in the aisle, but over top my own pants, so they were too big), huge things of tp, paper towels, kids clothes, adn i think liquor. and i find it amazing when we pull off the interstate exit for sam's club/walmart, as it looks like it's very own metropolis! it's got blinking lights, huge parking lots, people buzzign back and forth. i even had a boy (he couldn't have been older than 16) wave to me whiel texting his (what i assume to have been) girlfriend. his mother then walked out and yelled at him 'get back over here, i need help unloadign all this stuff!' (she probably then yelled at him for wavign to a woman who's old enough to be his mother (ok, i'm not really. ok, i really am!) and skanky enough to probably sleep with him if she wasn't married (hey, i am not that skanky, thank you very much! and my husband is not that young either! he passed the 16 year old mark a few years back.)

oh, the joys of buying in bulk and waiting in the car watching people buy things in bulk.... that's why i was in the car. i mentioned somethign about us needing cereal and mr kk made me wait in the car. he was only going to check tire prices and knew if i went in, we'd spend $500 on crap we didn't need (oh, but we'd be sloshed for quite a while. i knew i should have went inside!)

it is such a small world, isn't it? my niece is wearing a t-shirt that says 'i (heart) me' i think it's wonderful. good for her self esteem, i think! i want a matching one for myself and one for duckie and one for mr kk as well (though i don't know that mr kk would wear a red one... duckie wouldn't have a choice in the matter :)

and about that personal assistant... i have a body guard already. i'll share him (i suppose), though when i'm drinking, i fear i don't need one (though i really do, i just don't think i do. funny how beer makes you brave, eh? and tequila makes me wild! i don't see how you drink it. i tell you, if i drink too much of it, i always, without fail, end up naked in my front yard. i'm serious!). i guess we can gather our resources and wit and convince people to become our personal whatever we need? i really, really really need a computer savy person at this point. i've tried having someone type for me (my thoughts that is).. and we both know how that turned out (yeah, i'm talking about you li..). so, perhaps the persnal assistant for typing and mind reading abilities just wouldn't pan out so well for me, at this point. maybe everyone's jsut stuck reading my horrible grammar and spelling and typing errors for now. i don't mind them so much (anyway, i don't typically reread anythign i write, which is a good thing, or i'd probably never come back here :)

and about knowign what you're feeling: geez woman, me too! i'm like that. it tkes me some time to reflect befrowe i can figure out 'woah! i felt 'this' way or 'that' way at this time. how odd is that? maybe there are others like that? why do you think that is anyway? do you think that maybe we're not in touch with our emotions or something? or maybe everyone's like us? i thought i was the only one like that.... hmmmm... now you've got me thinking dear.

and you're very right about the tires. i'm so glad to have gone. wouldn't have wanted to missed my sister look alike, you know? with those beautiful eyes...

fondly, you tequila guzzling woman,



Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » jammerlich

Posted by Phillipa on June 22, 2007, at 20:05:08

In reply to Re: And how was YOUR Thursday? » scratchpad, posted by jammerlich on June 22, 2007, at 10:38:04

Seriously I was told that less students are going into psychitry. Hence the shortage of good ones. In Coral Springs my next door neighbor flies down to see him every six months. Wonder doc she loves him. Refuses to even consider switches here in Charlotte. Haven't found a decent one here. Tried three. Love Phillipa

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