Psycho-Babble Social Thread 426394

Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.


think about it

Posted by stankdtree on December 8, 2004, at 19:51:42

everyone always say weed grows from the ground and its a plant well guess what so does throns and briars
but we dont go playing in them now do we


Re: think about it

Posted by lostforwards on December 8, 2004, at 20:29:36

In reply to think about it, posted by stankdtree on December 8, 2004, at 19:51:42

what do you call playing and where do you draw the line?


Re: think about it » stankdtree

Posted by Susan47 on December 8, 2004, at 21:23:20

In reply to think about it, posted by stankdtree on December 8, 2004, at 19:51:42

What are you talking about?


Re: think about it » stankdtree

Posted by GeishaGirl on December 9, 2004, at 7:12:57

In reply to think about it, posted by stankdtree on December 8, 2004, at 19:51:42

I am also wondering what this means. I'm curious as to whether or not this statement is an indictment of alternatives, like herbs. I am wondering if this is the case, because I saw this message posted on the Alternatives Board, as well. Would you please clarify? Thanx.

Geisha Girl

> everyone always say weed grows from the ground and its a plant well guess what so does throns and briars
> but we dont go playing in them now do we


Re: think about it » GeishaGirl

Posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 8:29:25

In reply to Re: think about it » stankdtree, posted by GeishaGirl on December 9, 2004, at 7:12:57

My guess is that it's about smoking pot -- sort of a "Just Say No" statement. But I could be wrong. All the scratches from the thorns and briars I spent the day playing in are a bit distracting. Still and all, it was pretty groovy; I finally caught that cheeky chipmunk I've been barking at all week. Atticus


Re: think about it

Posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 9:35:10

In reply to Re: think about it » GeishaGirl, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 8:29:25

Just Say NO?
All right.
No to Prozac.
No to Imovane.
No to all the other anti-depressants I've been on,
which have caused shaking, sweating, anxiety,

They're chemicals, which by the way, also come from Our World.

Who gives a sh.. if they're natural or not? If they help, they should be used. If they don't, they should be rejected.

By the Way, I have a Question.

WHY do we see euphoria in such a bad light? Why is feeling good, when it comes from marijuana, seen as such a bad thing? Were Hitler's crowds the only people in history to feel euphoric? Do we think that nothing good can come from feeling good, and the only hope for us is chemical? What c***.


Re: think about it

Posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 9:40:05

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 9:35:10

Oh yes, add to the list sexual dysfunction.

I'm not saying I'll never have to return to a man-made chemical. But let's not rule out nature's offerings either, that's ridiculous, IMO.


Re: think about it » Susan47

Posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 10:10:46

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 9:35:10

Yo, chill, Susan. I'm not advocating that point of view. I was just trying to glean meaning from an ambiguous post, based on the poster's use of the word "weed." A few other people were baffled, so I took a crack at interpreting it. I'm not even sure if that's what the poster who started this thread really meant. But please don't jump all over the messenger. T'ain't polite. Atticus


Re: think about it

Posted by lostforwards on December 9, 2004, at 10:24:15

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 9:35:10

Psychoactive substances empower us. They're only a source of anxiety if you're concerned about what other people do with them. Euphoria sounds good, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. I've always wanted to try E - at least once. I came across a book ( last year or something ) written by some psychiatrists and/or psychologists on using it in therapy. I think it was psychologists. I'll take it if I can manage to get over the fear of brain damage. I don't know. It might not be worth the risk. When I took mushrooms I was nervous in the same way. Whether what I take is safe or not, doesn't undermine the fact that drugs can be taken by choice and don't represent limitations.

On the other hand I get a little annoyed by pot propaganda. This weed is like the green grass stuff is a part of the picture. I'm not against pot but I can see though the sheepism - which I think is what's bugging you. A drug can only do so much for a person. It won't make your life. If all you've got in your bedroom are posters of cannabis sativa, bongs, and joints, you've got a problem. I realize that movements often have symbols, and these days pot has become a symbol. There are even sites like That's gotta be the funniest. I think the problem is some people don't realize that pot is used as a symbol. They think that smoking it is going to make them an activist at the forefront of a lot of causes. The fact is, it won't. Some people just do it to fit in. Smoking pot will only vaguely help push for the legalization. It probably won't make much of difference otherwise but symbols, whatever they are, hold people together. So pot-mania is a good thing ( I'd prefer music ) in ways, you just have to get used to some of the more annoying things.


Re: To stankdtree (nm)

Posted by lostforwards on December 9, 2004, at 10:25:40

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by lostforwards on December 9, 2004, at 10:24:15


Re: think about it

Posted by Fractal on December 9, 2004, at 17:40:53

In reply to think about it, posted by stankdtree on December 8, 2004, at 19:51:42

Yes, thorns and briars grow from the ground. Weed grows from the ground. Roses grow from the ground. Carrots grow from the ground. I think we need to look in depth at the characteristics of each plant separately because two different plants have two different sets of characteristics. I was thinking about it, and I think marijuana is just fine for some people, though some may be irresponsible, as is the case with anything in life. If it's taken orally, and not smoked, it doesn't have negative side effects. I must say it certainly helped me through the worst part of my Effexor XR withdrawal.

I like that you asked us to think about it :)


Re: think about it » Atticus

Posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 18:31:50

In reply to Re: think about it » Susan47, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 10:10:46

Do you I was jumping all over you, is that correct? I wasn't. Sorry if I came on too strong for you, Atticus. I like you and never meant to offend you. It was an idea, not the person behind it.
Everything is brain damaging, life is brain damaging, but I try to be very careful about how I balance wellness.
I'm sorry I wasn't careful enough in weighing my words and it bothers me that some people will be upset by them; however, I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not, and I am going to state my opinion. This is one place where I want to be able to do that. Because in real life, it's always a matter of pussyfooting.
Those who engage in conversation with me here, I trust are strong enough to reap and sow. And if not, there's always Dr. Bob to step in and banish me to the top of the glass mountain.


Stankdtree thank you for your post

Posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 18:33:59

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by Fractal on December 9, 2004, at 17:40:53

... whatever it meant. Where did you go?


Stankdtree is wise..

Posted by lostforwards on December 9, 2004, at 18:51:23

In reply to Stankdtree thank you for your post, posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 18:33:59

...he or she is trying to enlighten us...that's got to be it. He/she posted the same confusing short little ditty in the babble alternative board too. I don't this person was looking for answers. *gong*

Maybe. I don't know. I thought it was a pretty interesting whatever-it-was. I wish I knew what it really meant.


Re: think about it » Susan47

Posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 19:56:12

In reply to Re: think about it » Atticus, posted by Susan47 on December 9, 2004, at 18:31:50

You missed my point completely, Susan. I didn't post the original comment about pot. Nor did I offer any supportive or dismissive comments about the original post. Two posters immediately prior to me were baffled by the oblique nature of the original poster's statement -- they couldn't figure out what he/she was trying to say. All I said was, in essence, I think this guy/woman is talking about marijuana and is offering up a "Just Say No" message. I did not endorse the message, and I don't endorse the message. But you reacted as if I had. All I was floating was some potential clarification for some other people. If your vitriol had been directed at the poster who started the thread rather than at >> Atticus, I wouldn't have cared what you said. And spare me the tough-guy talk. If you've read enough of my posts, you know I've never backed down from a dust-up when someone came at me, civility rules or not. Next time aim your verbal bullet in the right direction. I don't like ending up as a punching bag for something someone I don't know from Adam wrote. Atticus


Department of Karmic Intervention

Posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 20:28:28

In reply to Re: think about it » Susan47, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 19:56:12

Bob Dylan just started singing, "Everybody must get stoned ..." on my stereo. That's good enough for me. ;) Atticus


Aha! » Atticus

Posted by Susan47 on December 10, 2004, at 0:17:23

In reply to Re: think about it » Susan47, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 19:56:12

I get it. I see how I made myself misunderstood. I should watch how I respond to posts before I actually hit that button, because in actuality none of the post you think was directed at you was actually MEANT to be directed at you, Atticus. I was talking to my interpretation of what you said, NOT to you, and I apologize I should have made myself clear. Such as, not linking your previous post to my reply, and also, saying, "THis is not meant for you Atticus, it is simply how I feel". In addition, I shouldn't have quoted anything you said, I should've paraphrased and then made clear that I was venting IN GENERAL.
I'm sorry you were so offended and hurt, if that is the case. Please accept my sincere apology. My communication skills need work, I'm sure you would agree with that, you and many others. Thank you for pointing it up and reacting honestly.



Posted by Susan47 on December 10, 2004, at 0:20:13

In reply to Re: think about it » Susan47, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 19:56:12

I knew exactly what had gone down, I didn't misunderstand as you said I did.
I also knew you weren't supporting the original message, I guess what I'm trying to communicate to you, is that the whole subject makes me feel like ranting. I'm sorry you felt I was ranting AT YOU. I hope you know that I wasn't, now.
'nuff said, by me anyways.


Re: think about it

Posted by GeishaGirl on December 10, 2004, at 1:59:55

In reply to Re: think about it » GeishaGirl, posted by Atticus on December 9, 2004, at 8:29:25

This message could have been about smoking pot, but there are also other plants or weeds that fit this catagory, as well. intersting thought, though.

Many meds (not just psych meds) are based on plant chemistry or convert/ have the same or similar effect as a plant, but meds are usually in a more powerful form. I've talked to many people feel that because it comes from a plant or weed, that it's safe at any dosage or isn't somehow unhealthy or dangerous. This is a seious error, in my opinion.

In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking euphoria. It seems to me like a very human thing to do. There are ways besides substances to feel euphoric. The way I see it, those who desire euphoria need to figure out what works best for them. I enjoy euphoria, myself.

Geisha Girl

> My guess is that it's about smoking pot -- sort of a "Just Say No" statement. But I could be wrong. All the scratches from the thorns and briars I spent the day playing in are a bit distracting. Still and all, it was pretty groovy; I finally caught that cheeky chipmunk I've been barking at all week. Atticus


it means

Posted by just plain jane on December 10, 2004, at 23:33:14

In reply to Re: think about it, posted by GeishaGirl on December 10, 2004, at 1:59:55

nothing. My interpretation, which I do get to have.

Maybe the poster was just flying low, lettin' a little crop dust fall, just to see what it might stir up.


jjjjjjjjjust plain jane


Re: it means » just plain jane

Posted by Atticus on December 11, 2004, at 0:07:20

In reply to it means, posted by just plain jane on December 10, 2004, at 23:33:14

I think you've cracked it, Holmes -- a post about nothing. Wouldn't be the first time. Do it all the time myself over on Writing. ;) Atticus


Re: it means

Posted by Susan47 on December 11, 2004, at 21:58:51

In reply to Re: it means » just plain jane, posted by Atticus on December 11, 2004, at 0:07:20

And that lovely little poster got a lot for his/her money, didn't s/he? Oh, Susan, for shame.

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