Psycho-Babble Social Thread 3070

Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 54. This is the beginning of the thread.


New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Hello, everyone,

I'm brand new to this board, and I'm highly offended that others have been discussing topics longer than I have and have formed opinions about issues and interactions, and developed on-line friendships that don't include me.

Furthermore, I read a few postings out of context, and I'm deeply insulted and offended by the extreme rudeness of those who express their opinions about any issue to which I'm overly sensitive; however, if asked about it, I will not define my values or explain what I found offensive, because you already should know what I think is right and wrong.

Although I've only been here eleven minutes, I think a new board should be created to insulate me from people who have a sense of humor. Such humor is inappropriate around those of us who experience REAL depression and other difficulties. But what would you care?

I'm such a kind, caring, intelligent person while you all are members of cliques and don't really care about the feelings and sensiblities of others. I'm qualified to associate you by comparison with anyone I want to, but your attempts to psychoanalyze me are completely out of line. You hardly know me!

I AM taking responsibility for my feelings, all of them, except when you offend me or degrade others or otherwise upset me, even when I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.

Well, I don't see any reason why I should stay, since obviously no one here cares about anyone who hasn't already been a member of the inner circle for many months. This is disappointing, because I'm sure I had SO MUCH to offer.

I won't tell you my real name, because my privacy is very important to me, and I would not want to have to be accountable for what I wrote. Good-bye forever! I hope you are very happy that you have torn down the hopes of a caring, intelligent person with your hurtful attacks and critical, cliqueish remarks!

A. Whiney Newbie


Re: Whiney -- Sorry! No Harm Intended!

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:27:47

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Dear Whiney,

Well, I for one am glad you are here, and if any of my comments have led you to believe that I don't deeply and personally care for you, I sincerely apologize and hope that we can become good, close friends. Please tell us about your pain and how we can help. Have you seen your p-doc lately? Are you taking medication?



Re: Whiney, Don't Go!

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:31:19

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Yeah, you're welcome to drag the rest of the board down with your angry snap judgments, vague defensive responses, and attention-getting outbursts! In fact, we've all been there and really appreciate how much energy it takes. I'll bet you're fun at a party!

Hang in there, Whiney!



Re: Whatever, Whiney

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:35:44

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Hey, Whiney!

I don't know if it was my comments that you found offensive, but, you know? I wasn't talkin' to you!You're free to read the threads you want to and skip the rest. Presumably, no one is standing around twisting your arm to make you read postings that you find distasteful. Right?



Re: Whatever, Whiney

Posted by Greg on November 21, 2000, at 17:44:20

In reply to Re: Whatever, Whiney, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:35:44

Hi Mark,

And how are YOU today?



Awww, Thanks Greg.

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 18:08:03

In reply to Re: Whatever, Whiney, posted by Greg on November 21, 2000, at 17:44:20

Hi Greg,

I've been better, old buddy. How's that knee doing? I've been standing around the PSB water cooler marveling at the teapot tempests, enjoying the humor and lamenting the inevitable melt-downs. I thought a bit of parody might cheer people up.

Mark H.


Re: OK, I'll Stay!! Whiney

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 18:14:26

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Well, it seems like some of you are actually nice people, although I don't know how anyone would know that if they just came upon this board for the first time. I'm too lazy to spend a couple of days searching the archives, so I assume that whatever you say right now represents how this board has always been and will always be. That's fair, isn't it?

Anyway, as long as everyone is ready to tip-toe around my feelings, I guess I'll stay and participate. Thanks to those of you who made me feel welcome here.

A. Whiney Newbie


Re: New Arrival Takes ...LOL You're too funny! np » Mark H.

Posted by pullmarine on November 21, 2000, at 18:20:03

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

> Hello, everyone,
> I'm brand new to this board, and I'm highly offended that others have been discussing topics longer than I have and have formed opinions about issues and interactions, and developed on-line friendships that don't include me.
> Furthermore, I read a few postings out of context, and I'm deeply insulted and offended by the extreme rudeness of those who express their opinions about any issue to which I'm overly sensitive; however, if asked about it, I will not define my values or explain what I found offensive, because you already should know what I think is right and wrong.
> Although I've only been here eleven minutes, I think a new board should be created to insulate me from people who have a sense of humor. Such humor is inappropriate around those of us who experience REAL depression and other difficulties. But what would you care?
> I'm such a kind, caring, intelligent person while you all are members of cliques and don't really care about the feelings and sensiblities of others. I'm qualified to associate you by comparison with anyone I want to, but your attempts to psychoanalyze me are completely out of line. You hardly know me!
> I AM taking responsibility for my feelings, all of them, except when you offend me or degrade others or otherwise upset me, even when I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.
> Well, I don't see any reason why I should stay, since obviously no one here cares about anyone who hasn't already been a member of the inner circle for many months. This is disappointing, because I'm sure I had SO MUCH to offer.
> I won't tell you my real name, because my privacy is very important to me, and I would not want to have to be accountable for what I wrote. Good-bye forever! I hope you are very happy that you have torn down the hopes of a caring, intelligent person with your hurtful attacks and critical, cliqueish remarks!
> A. Whiney Newbie


Re: New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger » Mark H.

Posted by Snowie on November 21, 2000, at 18:23:31

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Please don't go, Whiney. I think I love you.


> Hello, everyone,
> I'm brand new to this board, and I'm highly offended that others have been discussing topics longer than I have and have formed opinions about issues and interactions, and developed on-line friendships that don't include me.
> Furthermore, I read a few postings out of context, and I'm deeply insulted and offended by the extreme rudeness of those who express their opinions about any issue to which I'm overly sensitive; however, if asked about it, I will not define my values or explain what I found offensive, because you already should know what I think is right and wrong.
> Although I've only been here eleven minutes, I think a new board should be created to insulate me from people who have a sense of humor. Such humor is inappropriate around those of us who experience REAL depression and other difficulties. But what would you care?
> I'm such a kind, caring, intelligent person while you all are members of cliques and don't really care about the feelings and sensiblities of others. I'm qualified to associate you by comparison with anyone I want to, but your attempts to psychoanalyze me are completely out of line. You hardly know me!
> I AM taking responsibility for my feelings, all of them, except when you offend me or degrade others or otherwise upset me, even when I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.
> Well, I don't see any reason why I should stay, since obviously no one here cares about anyone who hasn't already been a member of the inner circle for many months. This is disappointing, because I'm sure I had SO MUCH to offer.
> I won't tell you my real name, because my privacy is very important to me, and I would not want to have to be accountable for what I wrote. Good-bye forever! I hope you are very happy that you have torn down the hopes of a caring, intelligent person with your hurtful attacks and critical, cliqueish remarks!
> A. Whiney Newbie


Re: OK, I'll Stay!! Whiney

Posted by Greg on November 21, 2000, at 18:24:23

In reply to Re: OK, I'll Stay!! Whiney, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 18:14:26

Thanks for putting a little perspective on things, at least for me. Kind of gets easy to lose focus after awhile, eh?

The knee is healing, albeit slowly. Still a bit swollen and tender, but this allows me to milk the family for additional sympathy :^). I think it's an old age thing, I just don't mend as fast as I used to in the olden days...

BTW, I'm really glad you decided to stay...


> Well, it seems like some of you are actually nice people, although I don't know how anyone would know that if they just came upon this board for the first time. I'm too lazy to spend a couple of days searching the archives, so I assume that whatever you say right now represents how this board has always been and will always be. That's fair, isn't it?
> Anyway, as long as everyone is ready to tip-toe around my feelings, I guess I'll stay and participate. Thanks to those of you who made me feel welcome here.
> A. Whiney Newbie


Re: New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger

Posted by Cam W. on November 21, 2000, at 18:34:14

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

A.Whiney - Fine, GO! But what about my feelings? Don't you care? How about all of us you are leaving behind? What's to become of us? That's gratitude for you!

8^) Cam


Re: Whiney

Posted by coral on November 21, 2000, at 18:53:30

In reply to Re: New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Cam W. on November 21, 2000, at 18:34:14

Go or stay, it's YOUR choice! Just keep your hands off my whip!



Re: My Whip!

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 18:57:49

In reply to Re: Whiney, posted by coral on November 21, 2000, at 18:53:30

> Just keep your hands off my whip!
> Coral

I invented the whip.



Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but.............

Posted by Noa on November 21, 2000, at 18:58:45

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

Funny or not, this strikes me as kind of mean.

I guess my feelings are that even if you dislike how someone conducted themselves, they are still a person with feelings. Coming on the heels of a recent thread of this nature, I am upset about this parody because one newcomer was expressing suicidal feelings and was in great distress, even though that was not clear because it got lost in her angry complaints.

I think humor is great, but not at someone else's expense.


Enough about me! What do YOU think of my ideas?

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 19:11:00

In reply to Re: My Whip!, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 18:57:49

Cam W., SLS, JohnL, et al:

Since a precursor to serotonin is l-typtophan, which is found naturally in abundance in such foods as turkey, is it safe to say that those who tend towards serotonin-depletion depression may be somewhat energized by dinner this Thursday, while those with "normal" neurotransmitter levels will become sleepy? I realize this question probably belongs on the "meds" board.



Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............. » Noa

Posted by Cam W. on November 21, 2000, at 19:18:31

In reply to Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............., posted by Noa on November 21, 2000, at 18:58:45

Noa - Sorry, I did not realize this was about a real person (Hannah, I presume?). I never really did follow those threads. I was just trying to make funny, again. - Sincerely Cam


Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............. » Noa

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 19:33:12

In reply to Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............., posted by Noa on November 21, 2000, at 18:58:45

Dear Noa,

I was thinking of a collage of individuals, most of whom are not even on this list. The "whiney newbie" shows up on lists devoted to photography, bicycling, cats, even growing bamboo! There's certainly nothing unique going on here at Psycho-Social-Babble when it comes to the quirks of group dynamics on electronic bulletin boards.

I haven't been following the most recent threads, so I actually don't know which story or person you're talking about. If my parody was close to fact at any point, it's because it plays out over and over again, month after month, with different actors.

However -- I should admit that I WAS thinking of YOU when I wrote the first reply and signed it "Ark." I thought it was pretty good parody.

You are the soul of goodness and tolerance, Noa, a person of infinite patience. I'm glad you're here.

Best wishes,

Mark H.


Re: Thank you, Cam (np)

Posted by Noa on November 21, 2000, at 19:33:49

In reply to Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............. » Noa, posted by Cam W. on November 21, 2000, at 19:18:31

> Noa - Sorry, I did not realize this was about a real person (Hannah, I presume?). I never really did follow those threads. I was just trying to make funny, again. - Sincerely Cam


Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but.............

Posted by Noa on November 21, 2000, at 19:43:39

In reply to Re: Sorry to rain on your parade, but............. » Noa, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 19:33:12

> However -- I should admit that I WAS thinking of YOU when I wrote the first reply and signed it "Ark." I thought it was pretty good parody.

Yep, it was. I'll give you that, Mark.

And --(picture Homer S. slapping forehead)--- after the wheels have turned ever so slowly......I fiiiinnnnnaallllyyy geeeeetttttt tttttthhhhheeeee puuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn----Noa-Ark. :0)

Thanks for your reply. It isn't so surprising that the same dynamics occur here as other places, BUT, the very essence of this place is for emotional support, so I think we just have try to be aware of that.

And many of us who come here are quite sensitive, having struggled and suffered a lot in our lives.

In general, sarcasm is risky in this form of communication. All the more so with a group of people that has many who are here because we are prone to hurting.

I hate being so "preachy"! But I had to say something. Thanks for understanding.


Re: Very Very Serious!

Posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 19:57:08

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

I think there is a fundamental lack of respect and understanding on this board for people who have had their senses of humor surgically removed. To the rest of you, it's just levity; to us, it's a painful reminder that everything should be taken personally and in the worst possible light. There's no joke, however innocent, that couldn't apply to someone. Therefore, jokes are a form of discrimination and oppression, a way for those with a sense of humor to put down those without. I feel I have to speak out about this important injustice!

In the words of our next president, well, read them for yourselves:

A. Whiney Newbie


Re: Very Very Serious!

Posted by coral on November 21, 2000, at 20:19:17

In reply to Re: Very Very Serious!, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 19:57:08

> I think there is a fundamental lack of respect and understanding on this board for people who have had their senses of humor surgically removed. Just so there is no confusion, the aforementioned surgical procedure is NOT a lumpectomy.

Now, WHO has my whip?????



New Arrival Takes Offense--deja vu--LOL--np » Mark H.

Posted by shar on November 21, 2000, at 20:24:07

In reply to New Arrival Takes Offense, Stirs Contrition, Anger, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:23:49

> Hello, everyone,
> I'm brand new to this board, and I'm highly offended that others have been discussing topics longer than I have and have formed opinions about issues and interactions, and developed on-line friendships that don't include me. xxx
> Furthermore, I read a few postings out of context, and I'm deeply insulted and offended by the extreme rudeness of those who express their opinions about any issue to which I'm overly sensitive; however, if asked about it, I will not define my values or explain what I found offensive, because you already should know what I think is right and wrong.
> Although I've only been here eleven minutes, I think a new board should be created to insulate me from people who have a sense of humor. Such humor is inappropriate around those of us who experience REAL depression and other difficulties. But what would you care?
> I'm such a kind, caring, intelligent person while you all are members of cliques and don't really care about the feelings and sensiblities of others. I'm qualified to associate you by comparison with anyone I want to, but your attempts to psychoanalyze me are completely out of line. You hardly know me!
> I AM taking responsibility for my feelings, all of them, except when you offend me or degrade others or otherwise upset me, even when I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.
> Well, I don't see any reason why I should stay, since obviously no one here cares about anyone who hasn't already been a member of the inner circle for many months. This is disappointing, because I'm sure I had SO MUCH to offer.
> I won't tell you my real name, because my privacy is very important to me, and I would not want to have to be accountable for what I wrote. Good-bye forever! I hope you are very happy that you have torn down the hopes of a caring, intelligent person with your hurtful attacks and critical, cliqueish remarks!
> A. Whiney Newbie


Re: Please be civil

Posted by shellie on November 21, 2000, at 20:29:46

In reply to Re: Whiney, Don't Go!, posted by Mark H. on November 21, 2000, at 17:31:19

> with your angry snap judgments, vague defensive responses, and attention-getting outbursts!
please be civil.

bob (oops, I mean shellie)


Thank you, Mark H. and others

Posted by shar on November 21, 2000, at 20:46:18

In reply to Re: Please be civil, posted by shellie on November 21, 2000, at 20:29:46

Having been there and done that myself at times, thank you for the parody! And, I've also seen the pattern occur on other boards as well as in certain group situations. You really nailed all the characters and how those things can play out! I enjoyed it thoroughly and I was laughing out loud.


P.S. Coral--while I believe you can talk about your whip here, any Lu-p reference belongs in the Lu-p thread above. I believe you get a demerit now.


Re: Huh?

Posted by coral on November 21, 2000, at 20:55:40

In reply to Thank you, Mark H. and others, posted by shar on November 21, 2000, at 20:46:18

How is it that I'm always the one to get in trouble?????? Wellllll....... okay.... demerit demerrier! :)

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