Psycho-Babble Politics Thread 1105306

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Re: Those 4

Posted by alexandra_k on July 21, 2019, at 5:12:13

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by alexandra_k on July 21, 2019, at 4:37:35

the 'fear of invisible tretchary' undermines collaboration / co-operativity.


grow carrots.
you can choose: pay people labor wages to hand-weed your carrots.
or, pay people to mask up to poison spray.

the first option results in higher-quality carrots (organic) and associated higher labor costs involved in hand-weeding.

The second option you could try and f*ck people for labor costs... or you could give them nasty work (poison spraying) where the latter results in inferior product (poison sprayed produce)...

only government legislation will make viable the 'high road' by allowing people to choose to spend their money supporting viable and nice ways of life for others in their community.

i think about the 'free range' chickens kept 1,500 or 2,500 to a flock in i don't even know what cubit meter of space.

oh for my very own cage box please.

governments are nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty criminaal -- if they think they can get away with it.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 24, 2019, at 0:34:30

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by alexandra_k on July 21, 2019, at 4:26:13

>But I also imagine that it is hard for the Chinese Government to come to terms with the world valuing the lives of the Chinese people when the World did not hold the Japanese to account for many of the atrocities that were committed against the Chinese in WWII.

Let's say for the sake of argument that 60% of everyone has to die before the end of the century to get the population down. Who whom? (Did Lenin say that?) None of us matter or not very many. Our cynical leaders militarise the borders while denying the problem. There will be all these sick addicted broken poor people stumbling around in the ruins left by the plunder of capital. I hope to God they go to the moon.

The casualties in the east were of the same scale as those of the west. I guess that is around 60M in total. Lessons were learned (but not in Japan so much), and now are almost forgotten. This is Dwight Eisenhower in 1953.....

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.[1][5]

What are we supposed to make of that when we look around us now? And the corporate Democrats are no better than Trump. Missiles are fired illegally, people die, and he becomes president for everyone. The beauty of our weapons. Bit of a death wish going on? I feel it myself: just get it over with.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 24, 2019, at 14:03:54

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 24, 2019, at 0:34:30

Well, I'm not alone. From today's comments in the Guardian.....

"Is this the Boris bounce everybody promised ?"

Well, it's certainly the Crosby Textor® dead cat bounce, install Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake Bumboys Vampires Haircut Inconclusive-Cocaine-Event Wall-Spaffer Spunk-Burster F*ck-Business F*ck-The-Families Get-Off-My-F*ck*ng-Laptop Turds Johnson (thank you Stewart Lee) as PM and whilst we are all horrified, not notice that we are all being done comprehensively up the Khyber, lube-free with a razor wire wrapped Besser brick ...

iainharry NucMed 11h ago

Could also add narcissism and something about domesticity into that excellent description


Re: Those 4

Posted by alexandra_k on July 24, 2019, at 23:25:57

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 24, 2019, at 0:34:30

> Let's say for the sake of argument that 60% of everyone has to die before the end of the century to get the population down...

Yeah. I thought it was common knowledge / commonly accepted that the global population has exceeded carrying capacity. More recently I learn that people are rather obsessed with representation to the point of focusing on proportionality. So, for instance, I think part of the focus on our having Maaori and Pacific Islanders be encouraged to breed as quickly and prolifically as possible is our desire to have them retained at around 20 per cent (or whatever) of the population of NZ in the face of immigration.

So... The statistic in the newspaper yesterday was that 1 in 10 children don't have their own bed to sleep in.

It's 'in the name of culture' but it's been what's prevented the culture and the people from developing. It isn't part of Maaori culture. It is killing Maaori culture. Nobody wants to live, like that.

> This is Dwight Eisenhower in 1953.....

> Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
> This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.[1][5]

It is very sad.

It is very very sad, indeed.

I wish they would let the people go.

But go where? Where will the people go. There are too many bullies in the world making their way take take take take taking other peoples stuff. Doing what they can to prevent others... People don't want poor people having schools. In these parts... We are keen on the whole aspergilloma... Aspergillus growing in your TB holes... We are keen on the whole surfactant for premature babies... We are very very very keen on the longitudinal effects of oxygen deprivation for peoples conceived in alcohol...

Our governments likes to rule the people thus and so...


Re: Those 4

Posted by alexandra_k on July 24, 2019, at 23:39:45

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by alexandra_k on July 24, 2019, at 23:25:57

So this is a bridge by a hospital. They need to put up suicide barriers on bridges close to hospitals to help prevent the psychiatric people from jumping off the nearest bridge when 'no speak English' psychiatrists discharge them into... Unpalatable... Situations.

Anyway, my point is that there are various perspex or glass ceiling barrier wall types of structures about the city. They are all covered with this... Black mould. I think that is what it is. Sometimes it makes... Florets? Splotches or mould growth. Othertimes it is just a layer... I suppose it is possible the black dusty stuff is pollution from traffic... But it seems to me to be worse at certain times of the year. Like now. When humidity is high and the temperature is cold. Cold damp. It is a nasty cold damp that gets into your bones. Aspergilloma... Can get into your bones, apparently. So I'm not just imagining it...

I think that is what it is.

It is a.. Damp vegetation rotting kind of a thing... The native bush.. If you walk through the domain. The park. Similar thing with rotting logs. A black damp layer of mold on everything.

It is the only thing that seems to grow, here.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 25, 2019, at 14:44:42

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by alexandra_k on July 24, 2019, at 23:39:45

They could have said if they respected us with the truth......

'Yeah, sure, the world population needs to be cut by 80%. The poor and the coloured need to die, we need to dig this sh*t up before it becomes a stranded asset. Later we will do the obvious, including fortifying the borders. You will be safe enough.'

The lies are so offensive. Now I see that the sh*t hole countries are sending all the goods to be recycled back. And recycling is almost nothing. Clean public drinking water and good public transport (Japan) would actually do something, rather than shipping it to China and back again.

Nihilism + cynicism + Christian fascist racism.


Re: Those 4

Posted by beckett2 on July 25, 2019, at 20:29:33

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 25, 2019, at 14:44:42

> They could have said if they respected us with the truth......
> 'Yeah, sure, the world population needs to be cut by 80%. The poor and the coloured need to die, we need to dig this sh*t up before it becomes a stranded asset. Later we will do the obvious, including fortifying the borders. You will be safe enough.'
> The lies are so offensive. Now I see that the sh*t hole countries are sending all the goods to be recycled back. And recycling is almost nothing. Clean public drinking water and good public transport (Japan) would actually do something, rather than shipping it to China and back again.
> Nihilism + cynicism + Christian fascist racism.

This makes trump a truthful president. If hes re elected, I will need to accept that well wear it.

Today the federal government restarted the death penalty. I wonder if Jeffery Epstein would be eligible. That is the only humor I can find in this dismal decision.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 26, 2019, at 13:04:55

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by beckett2 on July 25, 2019, at 20:29:33

> I will need to accept that well wear it.

That is what I think about Scottie. After the third Liberal government and the economic downturn blaming Labor for the economy will wear a bit thin.

But there is some joy for Liberal voters. Income management for people on benefits with debit cards usable only at Coles and Woolworths gives satisfaction to the employed poor, petit bourgeois, who, in deference to 'wealth creation' begrudge social security and see no need for taxes on the wealthy.

The social inclusion of Peruvian Independence Day could be an example for our countries, if social inclusion is what is wanted.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 26, 2019, at 13:26:21

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 26, 2019, at 13:04:55

The work-for-the-dole scheme is designed to develop the skills of the unemployed, so it is asserted.

One participant made a full scale guillotine.


Re: Those 4 » sigismund

Posted by beckett2 on July 27, 2019, at 2:26:46

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 26, 2019, at 13:26:21

> The work-for-the-dole scheme is designed to develop the skills of the unemployed, so it is asserted.
> One participant made a full scale guillotine.

Id love to see the guillotine. Is there a picture.


Re: Those 4

Posted by beckett2 on July 27, 2019, at 2:30:08

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 26, 2019, at 13:04:55

This is America.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:26:58

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by beckett2 on July 27, 2019, at 2:30:08

Tried and tested in Australia first, thanks to Rupert with 'turn back the boats'.

The Liberals claimed humanitarian motivation by preventing deaths at sea. This was not a complete lie, but cruelty was nevertheless the point. (I have not read the article in the Atlantic). There were complementary options for easing the problem recommended by a government enquiry, not implemented.

From Guatemala? Coup there. 1953? Honduras? (thanks Hilary and Barack). Nicaragua? (Thanks Ronnie) El Salvador? (Who did that?) My geography is gets rusty further down, history is bunk. Some feeling of culpability rejected for not fitting the desired set-image. This is like Snow White. Nothing can make the mirror tell us that we are sufficiently fair, and we cannot hide this evil from ourselves. Those whom we have attacked must shoulder the blame as well. The curious attractiveness of those from sh*t hole countries, like Joseph, Mary and Jesus.


Re: Those 4

Posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:42:28

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:26:58

Who wants to look like Saturn devouring his children? It is becoming apt.


Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:56:52

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:42:28

Not just for the unemployed either. The poor, the refugees we hate for shaming us......not so far away from 'useless eaters' (Adolf), those we hate for proving our envy.

The mobilisation of the petit bourgeoisie was basic to the coalition victory. People even turned up to Centrelink after the election asking for their franking credits.


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by alexandra_k on July 27, 2019, at 20:41:51

In reply to Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:56:52

I don't really know what the problem is...

I see lots of people who would very genuinely love to have some meaningful work. To produce / make something and to have a fair wage and to feel like they are part of makings good things and making things better.

There just doesn't seem to be any kind of work, like that.

So the kids are forced into tertiary education of some variety or other... Where any kind of productive research output is squashed by advisors or supervisors who think that research school is all about them keeping slaves for as long as they can get away with it...

Where the grades are... Rather randomly assigned. Where the competent kids are failed and the incompetent kids are passed...

Where frictional unemployment is 1 year... 2 years... Where you will be required to undergo testing which is designed to have you feel badly...

All designed to have you accept...

COnsiderably less than a fair wage. For a dead-end job. To constantly grease grovel and suck up to incompletent supervisors whose main aim in life is the micro-mismanagement of others which involves nobody producing or accomplishing anything... Not on their watch.

While they collect up all the resources for themselves and their cronies.

Survival of the other-focused bullies.. Taking all the stuff and preventing productivity.

Seems to be the kiwi way.

Work for the dole doesn't work here. Because nobody wants anybody to do any work. You are all supposed to stand in a circle facing inwards (to prevent being stabbed in the back). Warily scanning... Scanning... Scanning... For teh person in charge who will set you busy-work or emotionally respond to me thus and so busy-work on demand. It's all about making them feel... Important. Productive. Needed. While they take up all the money and refuse to allow...

People to focus on their own work.


Awful country run by awful people.

If there is different here...

Where did it go?

I am trying to remember where I left it...


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by alexandra_k on July 28, 2019, at 15:25:22

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by alexandra_k on July 27, 2019, at 20:41:51

We have some public works about. There is this wall in my home town. A concrete retaining wall, I guess you call it. To hold the steep slope / to prevent landslide. Apparently it was built after the war. When the men came back from the war. To give them work to do. I don't think it was 'work for the dole' but it was a project the government decided to... Advance(?)... Which involved the government choosing to employ people with genuine jobs.

I thought that was what the government was for. One of the functions of government. To create jobs for the people. That was a way of it distributing the wealth that it has for the common good.

Things like public schools and social houses and police stations and fire stations and hospitals and the like... Roads and so on... The infrastructure for society. Libraries. Town halls. Community centres...

But these things don't get built anymore, seems to me.

Instead... We have a few people the government gives much money to and the government is unwilling to fund meaningful honest good jobs for the people. We don't have firemen as government jobs, here. THey are 'volunteers'. Nurses and teachers are not valued / respected / remunerated such that good people want to work in those fields. There isn't career advancement for good work...

This idea of 'work for the dole'... Is that just an idea of the government not paying people minimum wage for jobs created by the government?

Why cant' the government arrange for good honest jobs creating good honest things that are for the good of the people in the country... And maybe even tourist destinations for the people overseas?

WHy can't teh government do it's job to promote GDP?

I just don't understand the level of incompetence / ineptitude / corruption...

I don't understand it, at all.


Re: Those 4 » sigismund

Posted by beckett2 on July 28, 2019, at 20:20:33

In reply to Re: Those 4, posted by sigismund on July 27, 2019, at 7:26:58

> Tried and tested in Australia first, thanks to Rupert with 'turn back the boats'.
> The Liberals claimed humanitarian motivation by preventing deaths at sea. This was not a complete lie, but cruelty was nevertheless the point. (I have not read the article in the Atlantic). There were complementary options for easing the problem recommended by a government enquiry, not implemented.
> From Guatemala? Coup there. 1953? Honduras? (thanks Hilary and Barack). Nicaragua? (Thanks Ronnie) El Salvador? (Who did that?) My geography is gets rusty further down, history is bunk. Some feeling of culpability rejected for not fitting the desired set-image. This is like Snow White. Nothing can make the mirror tell us that we are sufficiently fair, and we cannot hide this evil from ourselves. Those whom we have attacked must shoulder the blame as well. The curious attractiveness of those from sh*t hole countries, like Joseph, Mary and Jesus.

I think El Salvador was Bush senior


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by beckett2 on July 28, 2019, at 20:24:05

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by alexandra_k on July 28, 2019, at 15:25:22

NZ doesnt have paid firefighters at all? Are there forest fires there?

>We have some public works about. There is this wall in my home town. A concrete retaining wall, I guess you call it. To hold the steep slope / to prevent landslide. Apparently it was built after the war. When the men came back from the war. To give them work to do. I don't think it was 'work for the dole' but it was a project the government decided to... Advance(?)... Which involved the government choosing to employ people with genuine jobs.
> I thought that was what the government was for. One of the functions of government. To create jobs for the people. That was a way of it distributing the wealth that it has for the common good.
> Things like public schools and social houses and police stations and fire stations and hospitals and the like... Roads and so on... The infrastructure for society. Libraries. Town halls. Community centres...
> But these things don't get built anymore, seems to me.
> Instead... We have a few people the government gives much money to and the government is unwilling to fund meaningful honest good jobs for the people. We don't have firemen as government jobs, here. THey are 'volunteers'. Nurses and teachers are not valued / respected / remunerated such that good people want to work in those fields. There isn't career advancement for good work...
> This idea of 'work for the dole'... Is that just an idea of the government not paying people minimum wage for jobs created by the government?
> Why cant' the government arrange for good honest jobs creating good honest things that are for the good of the people in the country... And maybe even tourist destinations for the people overseas?
> WHy can't teh government do it's job to promote GDP?
> I just don't understand the level of incompetence / ineptitude / corruption...
> I don't understand it, at all.


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by sigismund on July 29, 2019, at 6:15:44

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by beckett2 on July 28, 2019, at 20:24:05

Another work for the dole lot made a gallows.

Is this what can be called a meme?


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by sigismund on July 29, 2019, at 14:39:07

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by sigismund on July 29, 2019, at 6:15:44


Tom Waits

Posted by sigismund on July 31, 2019, at 6:26:48

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by sigismund on July 29, 2019, at 14:39:07


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole » sigismund

Posted by beckett2 on July 31, 2019, at 16:49:07

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole, posted by sigismund on July 29, 2019, at 14:39:07


These types must have a newsletter that updates their playbooks. On a larger and more advance degree, this is happening in the US.

Part of horribleness at our border is due to incompetence and lack of policy. The intent is not care.


Re: Tom Waits » sigismund

Posted by Beckett2 on August 1, 2019, at 0:48:26

In reply to Tom Waits, posted by sigismund on July 31, 2019, at 6:26:48

Thank you, I love Tom Waits and hadnt seen this. Must admit to the poignancy of the cheap trump flags. Doesnt take much to get me teary these days.


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole » beckett2

Posted by sigismund on August 1, 2019, at 6:56:01

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole » sigismund, posted by beckett2 on July 31, 2019, at 16:49:07

>The intent is not care.

That we know. Then it is the sacrifices our brave officers make to keep us safe, Eastern Europe and so on..

This mural has been painted at Bondi Beach.....


Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole

Posted by sigismund on August 1, 2019, at 6:58:35

In reply to Re: Modest Proposal from work for the dole » beckett2, posted by sigismund on August 1, 2019, at 6:56:01

Artist reveals the meaning of the mural!

Anyway the 27 (?) get a name and a place until it is painted over.

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