Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1029417

Shown: posts 1 to 16 of 16. This is the beginning of the thread.


Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects...

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 21, 2012, at 21:11:19

Hi Everyone,
I have extreme anxiety who is mainly panic, agoraphobia, somatisation disorder (a lot), social phobia, simple phobias like driving a car, being a passenger in a car or worse going on the highway, always need to stay on small roads even as a passenger, stop driving almost 2 years ago, cant stay alone at home, cant go out of the house alone even in my garden and if I do I have mainly anxiety who manifestf as chest pain, dizziness, double vision, violent headache...and one of my main somatic symptoms is heart related anxiety with obsession about my pulse rate and blood pressure, now scare of every morning I likve since I wake up every morning with tachycardia who last for hours, pounding heart beat all day long even with a low blood pressure, numbness of the left arm with hand pain, eyes pain, tinnitus, highly sensitive to noise, bright light and poor short term, memory and no cognitive abilities (cant work on my laptop, cant read for more than 10 min without feeling drained mentally and having anxiety and have chronic headache, sometimes throbbing pain but always both side on the temples and back of the head ... also afraid to go to bed at night cause I have insomnia, cant sleep cause my heart is pounding and just hear that and feel it, my intestine hurts, take forever to sleep...

Right now, i'm taking 20 mg of Propranolol divided into 2 or 3 doses. I also take 7 mg of Klonolpin and.withdrawal it very slowly under my Doc supervision (0.25mg each 2 or 3 months reduction) since the Klonopin and all the benzo meds dont work for my anxiety anymore its better to reduce them.

To my dissapointment, I cant take an AD right now, im med sensitive since 2010, me who was so used to take strong dose of them with no side effect, only the usual weight gain and insomnia, and they was doing wonder for the panic and somatisation in the past, mainly the a 1 mg dose of a SSRI's will lead to bad tachycardia, extreme agitation, feeling 100 times more anxious and the effect last until I stop the low dose...

I also take 3 strong centrum a day, 50 000 units of Vitamin D each day, 10 000 units of Vit A day to 30 000 units, need those high amounts cause of the gastric by pass I had and malabsorbtion from my short intestine.

I had my third surgery in less than 1 year in september cause of bowel obstructions and bile duck obstruction who happen in october 2011. I was put under a lot of stress from those surgery, had a jejunostomy and enteral feeding to help me to be back on my feet (didnt work well since I didnt gain weight or strengh) , IV fat and IV albumin treatments as well as a wound who never heal in 11 months cause of infection in a mesh I had put in my abdomen for a hernia back in 2004.

My weight goes down from 220 pounds in december 2010 to 155 pounds in October 2011 when the obstructions occur. At the time my blood tests was good (before the bile duck and bowel obstruction), no sign of malnutrition, albumin was low but its frequent for peoples who had the type of gastric by pass I had but in 1 day when the bile duck and intestinal onstruction occur all my blood tests was bad, very low albumin, anemia, name it...

I had my third surgery at the end of september this year to remove the infected mesh and repair the wound.

I never gain a lot of weight since then, this summer I return to 170 but now back to 155 pounds who is not healthy at all for me. The Doc who follow me for the gastric by pass surgery said that I should weight at least 190 pounds cause I have over 15 pounds of extra skin all over my body, who is still there and will never be remove with plastic surgery ( no more pain for me).

The Doc add 2 bootles of the Peptamen AF enteral feeding (high easy to absorb hydrolysed whey protein, high amout of fat especially omega 3 and high ratio of complex sugar with prebiotic, boosted in vitamins and minerals and taurine and carnite...). I need to drink the 2 bootles and eat regular meals and increase my strong centrum to 3 a day for the far I dont gain weight and dont have more energy. Have worse IBS with constipation cause of the Centrum I think...

I also deal with bad constipation who dont answer to all the laxatives on the market...I had a surgery for my hemmorrhoids back in 2009 and that destroy my pelvic muscle and it's now always tense and cant relax that muscle and have normal bowel movement. For now the only thing who make my bowel moves is a lot of glycerin suppositories (5 to 10) at the same time, 3 times a day, to avoid fecal impaction and another bowel or bile duck obstruction. Of course, so many suppositories make my butt hurt and its now harder and harder to use so many...the Gastro Doc want me to do some biofeedback to learn how to relax again my pelvic floor muscle but im disable from work and have no inssurance so no money for that...anyway...its adding to my anxiety and now I tend to watch everything I eat, and each time I eat I start having nausea and bad intestine pain, have heart pvc's, tachycardia after a meal, so I cant eat a lot and eat 5 to 6 small meals, im on a restrict fiber diet, low risidues foods and foods make me anxious... so its adding to my anxiety right now, with the heart who continue to act strangely and the chronic headache who is not tolerable no wonder why I feel so bad...

I goes to the emergency , again, last september, for my heart issues... The 2 previously nights before going to the ER, I woke up in the middle of the night with bad chest pain with difficulty to breath and sweating. I was keep under close supervision at the emergency with heparine IV in case I had blood clots and had the usual tests (X-ray of the lungs, ekg, blood tests).. everything was normal... no sign of heart problem... they send me for a stress test with an echocardiography but the Doc there stop the test after only 1 minute on the treadmill cause I was dizzy and not able to walk... who is logical cause im in a deconditionning physical shape, cant do anything physical and have muscles pain all over my body, muscles spasm and a big lack of energy, even if im boosted with tons of vitamins, even if all my blood tests are good, no anemia, no vit B12 problem, cacium, magnesium, potassium, allbumin, prealbumin, everything is normal and nothing to explain why I feel so bad physically.

So they send me to the nuclear medecine departement and schedule me for a mibi persantin nuclear test for my heart, my Cardiologist was thinking that I had angina so RX a nytro pump, and. He was thinking that maybe I had an artery blockage or another heart problem. The good news are that the arteries seem to be ok, no blockage (well that test show arteries blockaage off 50% or more only), but the nuclear show a low 50% of ejection fraction capacity, of course the Cardiologist said its normal and maybe im born like this, but its not what I read on the internet....its seem to be too low and normal are 60% and more... at 40% and under its congestive heart failure...but dont have the symptoms of that anyway, no edema, no water in the lungs...

Here my questions...

Normally when someone have extreme anxiety, the level of NE and Adrenaline are high no? So why a so low dose of Propranolol lower so much my blood pressure? Why sometimes its work and why some days its doing nothing? I now seem to have reflex tachycardia with the beta blocker, is it possible? I have to call my Cardiologist this week for an appointment, we need to fix my problem. I spoke to him about the Minipress who is an alpha 1 antagonist but he said my pulse rate will be worse on it. The clonidine seem to be not a good idea for him and he dont offer a lot of other options than beta blockers for me. He talk about dysautonomia but no tests are done where I live to diagnostic that... only said the usual things like drinking salty liquid, increasing my salt intake...said that the florinef can be dangerous for me since I do panic attacks and if I have a panic atftack it can cause a stroke... what is my problem??? Too low NE level, too high??? Im totally lost...dont know what to ask for like new tests for some hormones who control the blood pressure...can someone give some advises to me???

I see a new Neurologist next friday. She ask to see the MRI of my brain I had in the begining of 2010, at the time my headache wasnt chronic or bad like now...also the headache I had was releive by 2 Ibuprofen or 1 Naproxen... now those painkillers do nothing... even worse, the NSAID'S are suppose to increase the blood pressure, and when I took them my blood pressure decrease and I feel dizzy... I dont except something new from her, will probably have to argue with her about meds I try and dont want to try again since they didnt help me even aftger 4 months at full afraid to fall on another Neurologist who only RX the usual meds like Elavil, Topamax, Lyrica, Neurontin, Tegretol, valproic acid... those meds do nothing on me, just make me more dizzy...dont know if its because I take high dose of benzo meds so its adding side effects to them...but I need a new MRI, for the neck and back...and brain also... I fear that I have intracranial hypertension since all my symptoms seem to be identical. I do 4 cure of 4 months of Acutane med between 2004 and 2007, for cystic acne, it was very effective but remember that I had a 4 months of chronic headache back in 2007 after the last Acutane cure I done. Also I took very often the Tetracycline and Minocin antibiotics, last time I took the Minocin was in 2008... those antibiotics lead to intracranial hypertension and each time I was put on those antibiotics I had several months of chronic headache... maybe thats what I have right now. It cant be tension headache since they are not pulsing or throbing and they are relive by regular painkillers, cant be migraine since the pain last more than 72 hours in a row and last all the time, cant be the arnold nerve neuralgia since I had cortison injections in the nerve at the base of my neck with no improve on the pain...have jaw pain all the time, cant chew gum, have ears pain, teeth pain but dont have bruxism since I dont gridding my teeth when I sleep... and triptan drugs dont help either, they cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels and lead to tachycardia and chestt pain on me. Ikm a lot lost and dont know what to do or ask for.

That's very hard to live like that everyday. Now fear everything, fear of going go the bed, fear of eating, fear of having another intestinal obstruction cause of the constipation, fear of getting up in the morning cause I know that I will have to face the tachycardia and chest pain, fear of being alone, fear of going out of the house even with someone, fear is everywhere and all linked to the heart symptoms, intestine and headache...

Its a long post I know but thats good to share it with you... I will maybe save some money and return see a private Psychologist....but I saw so many Psychololgist and done so many therapies that I think that I will loose my money for nothing...its all ''deja-vu'' for me, exposure dont work, talk therapy is good but the effect last 1 hour and fade away, group therapy is hard for me with the social phobia...

Well thanks to have read all of this and thanks for your help.

Oh and adrenal glands was test last year and are no adrenal fatigue or things like that in your answer please...dont want to be rude but I dont beleive those theories...


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC

Posted by phillipa on October 21, 2012, at 23:04:57

In reply to Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by Vincent_QC on October 21, 2012, at 21:11:19

Vincent it seems to me you have covered all the meds. I understand the fear of your heart. Hopefully the new Neurologist will have some more ideas. Love You Phillipa


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects...

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 21, 2012, at 23:44:22

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC, posted by phillipa on October 21, 2012, at 23:04:57

Have you tried mirtazapine?

It isnt an SSRI, has powerful effects against anxiety and panic, and is well tolorated apart from initial drowsiness.

Re the constipation, have you tired an enema solution? That might be easier that using a handfull of glycerin suppositories three times a day


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » phillipa

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 10:12:48

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC, posted by phillipa on October 21, 2012, at 23:04:57

> Vincent it seems to me you have covered all the meds. I understand the fear of your heart. Hopefully the new Neurologist will have some more ideas. Love You Phillipa

Hi Phillipa, yeah, I try almost everything, too bad I cant return for now on a SSRI since they are the only ones who works for my kind of anxiety, not perfect drugs but better than the olders meds like Nardil and far less dangerous than the tricyclics or the Parnate who almost kill me...

You are so nice to be here for me and if one day I fight that beast and feel better and plane to travel in the USA, will go see you for sure...hehe

Thanks, Vincent


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » jono_in_adelaide

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 10:38:13

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 21, 2012, at 23:44:22

> Have you tried mirtazapine?
> It isnt an SSRI, has powerful effects against anxiety and panic, and is well tolorated apart from initial drowsiness.
> Re the constipation, have you tired an enema solution? That might be easier that using a handfull of glycerin suppositories three times a day

Hi Jono,
Of course I tried the Remeron (mirtazapine) , before I was hit by that severe anxiety (only had social phobia and once in a while a panic attack in specific situation like public speech) and was hit by that bad anxiety in 2010, everything start after the surgery for the hemmorhoids, like the pain trigger the fear of having a bowel movement and the increase heart rate from the pain when I was able to pass stools was a nightmare, seem like thats what trigger the severe anxiety I have right now.

Anyway, before 2010, I used the mirtazapine often in a combo with some SSRI's and alone. I never find it usefull for the anxiety, effective for the insomnia but need to drink the whole pot of coffee to feel awake at daytime...even at 60 mg a I stop drinking coffee since more than 3 chocolate also...

Now I use 3 mg of mirtazapine for the insomnia. It worked for some months but stop working...of course I tried to up the dosage slowly on severals occasions since 2010 but too much (more than 7.5mg) lead to panic and very bad headache (worse than usual). The mirtazapine is not good cause the alpha 2 effect lead to high NE level in the brain who lead to anxiety if you are sensible to the NE effect, you seem to be my problem right now. Also using it release the NE in the brain with no limit, I mean a SRNI will control thes release of NE, downregulate it, but the mirtazapine will keep the NE release on all the time who is not good at all...for me of course...everyone is different...

For the enema, my Gastro Doc suggest that I try using warm water with mild soap, I tried it with no luck...try only the warm water and still nothing, only the water returning into the toilet...

The Doc who follow me for the Gastric by pass suggest an enema made of warm milk with molasse...he said it was used a long time ago at the hospital... I should try it tonight and see what happen...

One thing I find out is that my constipation and intestine pain are linked a lot to the heart rate and anxiety... when im able to pass a large stool, I feel releive and have less heart issues...if I use a lot of glycerin suppositories and nothing want to move, the pain from the rectum and the straining and the intestine pain will make my heart I see a strong connection between those problems...

Took my 10mg of propranolol this morning, blood pressure is at 110/65 2 hours after and the pulse rate sit is 92 and standing around 135...I still took my shower and get dress but my heart rate dont want to decrease like it does just took another 5mg of propranolol and wait to see what happen...but this morning I wasnt able to pass stoools and have pain in the intestine and my rectum thats why I talk about the connection between those events...

Thanks a lot for your answer, have a good day -;)


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC

Posted by Phillipa on October 22, 2012, at 20:49:44

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » jono_in_adelaide, posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 10:38:13

Vagus nerve stimulation. Google it. Phillipa


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Phillipa

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 21:30:04

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC, posted by Phillipa on October 22, 2012, at 20:49:44

Vagus nerve stimulation. Google it. Phillipa

Hi Phillipa, yeah my Doc talk about it...when we pass stools, we stimulate the vagus nerve so the parasympatic nervous system who lead to increase heart rate...

The problem is that my heart issues last all day long, not only when I strain or pass stools...

I can say that today was the worse day in a while...the extra 5 mg of propranolol was too much so blood pressure was low and anxiety high, dont understand how its possible to have a low blood pressure but anxiety symptoms like sweating from both hands or feeling on the edge like all my muscles in the body will contract and that I will be paralysed...those symptoms mean high NE for why the low blood pressure with NE high can occur together? Feel so tense right now, no wonder why my head hurt as well as my jaw and neck...

Last evening I took more mirtazapine cause of the insomnia...took around 6mg...that can explain the increase anxiety today...

Yesterday I was feeling quite well compare to today so everything point to the mirtazapine...

Will see my Fam Doc next monday and will look for something or a solution to fix the insomnia and remove the mirtazapine...

Will also fix the heart issues, seem like the propranolol is not doing the effect it was suppose to do, lower my heart rate and not the blood pressure in the low side... Ok, you will maybe think its better to have a lower blood pressure than a high one, but for me, 105/55 is too low when my normal was in the past 135/85 who is normal here in the Canada...I know in the States its rank into the stage 1 hypertension but not here...

When my blood pressure is low, I feel more anxious, im dizzy, tired, headache is.higher, feel disconnected like everything around me is not true who increase futher more my anxiety...

So I wasnft able to do anything today, I just sit on the couch all day long with my ice pad on the head and hot pad on my another night who I will turn and turn in my bed to fall asleep cause .I wasnt active at daytime...but tonight will not take the mirtazapine, well no more than 2 mg...if I cant fall asleep before 4 am will take more klonopin and wait until I sleep...anyway nothing plan for tomorrow, just the nurse in the morning who will come see how my wound heal...

In the meantime, I do hope I will receive some explanations about my weird heart issues.on the propranolol...

Thanks again, Vincent xox


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects...

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 22, 2012, at 22:20:23

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Phillipa, posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 21:30:04

Could you replace (or supplement) the beta blocker with a benzodiazepine such as Valium?

It would be better on the anxiety and wouldnt effect your blood pressure.


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » jono_in_adelaide

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 23:14:20

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 22, 2012, at 22:20:23

> Could you replace (or supplement) the beta blocker with a benzodiazepine such as Valium?
> It would be better on the anxiety and wouldnt effect your blood pressure.

Im already on 7 mg day of Klonopin...benzo addiction and resistant to their effects now...I thinkk a part of my anxiety is related to that addiction...the goal is to reduce the klonopin to 4 mg day, who will take maybe 1 year and than switch to the valium like I do in the past...for a better tolerable withdrawal...

Gabapentin or Lyrica are not a suitable solution since they only make me dizzy and tired, no effect on pain or anxiety even on the insomnia...I guess my brain chimestry when its come to the gaba is a total a mystery on that side...


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects...

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 22, 2012, at 23:25:32

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » jono_in_adelaide, posted by Vincent_QC on October 22, 2012, at 23:14:20

Nardil might be an option - as well as being an antidepressant, it inhibits the breakdown of GABA


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » jono_in_adelaide

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 23, 2012, at 8:11:11

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 22, 2012, at 23:25:32

> Nardil might be an option - as well as being an antidepressant, it inhibits the breakdown of GABA

Hi, oh god had insomnia and feel awful this morning...took my Inderal dose but just take my blood pressure and its already low so will need to drink something with salt inside to conteract the low blood pressure...

Humm Nardil...first try it back in 2007, do a 4 months try, hit the 90mg dose after 1 month, had bad hypotension with lost of vision and loud tinnitus when I was doing minimal physical things like climbing the stairs... Doc add low dose of florinef to help keeping my blood pressure in the normal range and prevent the extreme orthostatic hypotension. After 4 months I was completly overtired, no help for social phobia, agoraphobia was there full time and was at 8 mg day of Klonopin at the same time...the Nardil did nothing and when I try the Parnate later in 2008 it was even worse and had 3 hypertensive crisis without eating high tyramine foods...thanks god I had some nifedipine pills with me when it happen and was able to go to the ER rapidly after taking it and be saved... also I wasnt able to keep a well control blood pressure with the Parnate, blood pressure was too high or very low especially in the night with readings of 60/35...I remember that one night I wanted to get up to go pee and when I get up I faint and fall on the floor, wake up in the middle of my room and had to cry loud to my mom to bring to me the box of salt and take a huge amount of it as well as 3 times the reguhlar dose of Florinef...also those meds was so energey taking that had to drink coffee all day long...

Seem that I have a weak heart...since I cant tolerate those MAOI'S or the tricyclics...and now the SSRI'S...

I did try another GabaErgic drugs call Sabril or Vigabatrin in the USA, its doing the same thing than the Nardil on the Gaba receptors, but had no luck with it also...side effects was bad especially for the vision and flushing effect...also cause hyperactivity on me, its an anti seizure med...can destroy permantly.the vision...just approved in the USA recently I think but reserve for severe case of seizures....available here in the Canada since a lot of time now...

Didnt try the Gabatril, its not on the Canadian market but read that its having mixed results on anxiety and can give psychosis...?


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC

Posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 14:51:12

In reply to Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by Vincent_QC on October 21, 2012, at 21:11:19

What do you want help with?



Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects...

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 23, 2012, at 15:40:33

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC, posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 14:51:12

> What do you want help with?
> Eric

Great question Eric...

First some ideas about what to ask to the Neurologist for the chronic headache with jaw, neck and facial pain...

Something to replace the beta blocker, who dont have anymore the effect for the reason it was RX at.first (lowering the heart rate)...increase the dose is not a solution and lead to low blood pressure, dizziness, near fainting episode and worse anxiety.

I think its the help I need...


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC

Posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 16:08:33

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects..., posted by Vincent_QC on October 23, 2012, at 15:40:33

>First some ideas about what to ask to the Neurologist for the chronic headache with jaw, neck and facial pain...

Have they determined whether this is a neuralgia, like a trigeminal neuralgia?

If not there are a handful of anticonvulsants that work to treat headache pain. Lyrica and Carbamazapine are specifically indicated for neuralgia. Other medications that might work for you are Topomax and Depakote.

Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline (Pamelor) and protriptyline (Vivactil) are often prescribed for headaches.

Preliminary research suggests that one SNRI, venlafaxine (Effexor, Venlafaxine HCL), may be helpful in preventing migraines.

Botulinum toxin type A for treatment of chronic migraine headaches in adults. During this procedure, injections are made in muscles of the forehead and neck. When this is effective, the treatment typically needs to be repeated every 12 weeks.

There are two medications which have been studied for the treatment of chronic headpain, with good results. Vimpat and Keppra have both been helpful to me in treating my chronic daily headaches.

>Something to replace the beta blocker

Prazosin may be a good choice if you're trying to treat anxiety as well. Prazosin has shown efficacy in treating PTSD, panic disorder and GAD in studies.

Also Mexilitine may kill two birds with one stone: lowering your heart rate and treating your headpain-its basically lidocaine in pill form.



Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » phidippus

Posted by Vincent_QC on October 23, 2012, at 17:20:02

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC, posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 16:08:33

> Have they determined whether this is a neuralgia, like a trigeminal neuralgia?

Had a MRI of the brain back in 2010 and it was ok... My Doc think it's temporomandibular joint disorder OR tension headache from the nerve of arnold.

Had 2 cortisone nerves block at the base of the neck and no decrease in pain so that's why he send me see a Neurologist.

> If not there are a handful of anticonvulsants that work to treat headache pain. Lyrica and Carbamazapine are specifically indicated for neuralgia. Other medications that might work for you are Topomax and Depakote.

The only one I never try is Carbamazapine, they all work on the gaba mostly... Lyrica and Gabapentin don't mix well with Benzo meds, already take 7 mg of Klonopin a day, make me dizzy and do nothing for the pain.

Valproic acid was a bad experience, don't mix well with Benzo as well...

> Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline (Pamelor) and protriptyline (Vivactil) are often prescribed for headaches.

Can't tolerate the tricyclics, they all make my heart race at the speed of light, remember that on a small 10 mg dose of nortriptiline I had a heart rate of 160 at rest and it was before I had the extreme anxiety problem I have right now and at the time had no heart problem with meds... Parnate and Nardil exceptions of course...

Elavil up to 100 mg was a little less hard with my heart rate but did nothing to improve the pain as well...Imipramine and Clomipramine both make my heart race very fast to a dangerous level and all increase my anxiety...

> Preliminary research suggests that one SNRI, venlafaxine (Effexor, Venlafaxine HCL), may be helpful in preventing migraines.

To avoid with me, same with Cymbalta and Pristiq, everything who hit the NE lead to increase anxiety, like I said before, before 2010 I had only social phobia and occasionnal panic attacks once in a while, and the Effexor-xr made me so anxious and agitated that I increase my Xanax intake to 12 mg day and had to go in rehab for that...well enter to the rehab but get out cause I wanted to do it by-myself... and it was a great idea, I was able to withdrawal slowly the Xanax with the help of Valium, using the Ashton professor method... my dose was more than 400 mg a day cause it's an extended release and I had a gastric by-pass to loose weight so I have very short intestine and slow release, matrix release or extended release meds don't work well for me...

> Botulinum toxin type A for treatment of chronic migraine headaches in adults. During this procedure, injections are made in muscles of the forehead and neck. When this is effective, the treatment typically needs to be repeated every 12 weeks.

Just be approved by Health Canada and that's what I ask to my Doc, I want it, really feel like injecting botox on both temples of my head where the veins hurt will help, also in the jaw and at the base of the neck... sadly, it's not cover by inssurance, the cost for 1 treatment is around 700$, I know they inject at more than 25 places on the head... Studies show a 50% success, half improve and half feel nothing or have worse headache after the initial treatment. My Doc said also that the Neurologist here in the Canada are not very comfortable to use it since it's new and it's very hard to find a Neurologist who will want to give that type of treatment. Where I live, only 1 Neurologist give that treatment but only when everything else fail...

> There are two medications which have been studied for the treatment of chronic headpain, with good results. Vimpat and Keppra have both been helpful to me in treating my chronic daily headaches.

Never try them, should ask the Neurologist. Thanks for the informations ;-)

> Prazosin may be a good choice if you're trying to treat anxiety as well. Prazosin has shown efficacy in treating PTSD, panic disorder and GAD in studies.

I ask my Cardiologist about that one and he said a big no... alpha 1 antagonist will lead to increase heart rate since they lower the blood pressure and the heart have to try a way to keep the control so reflex tachycardia is the way it goes... He said the heart get used to it and slow down but the main goal for me is to reduce the fast heart rate especially in the morning and also to keep my heart rate normal in stressfull situation like when I have to get out of the house...

I heard that a calcium channel blocker like Verapamil can be good for both tachycardia and migraine...but can cause more headache as a side-effects...since I dont think I have migraine ( I dont answer to triptan)... so have to ask if it will cause more headache...

> Also Mexilitine may kill two birds with one stone: lowering your heart rate and treating your headpain-its basically lidocaine in pill form.
> Eric

Never try it, will ask my Cardio Doc for sure... well try the lidocaine but to numb the skin only...

Thanks for your informations, I appreciate it ;-)


Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » Vincent_QC

Posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 17:30:42

In reply to Re: Propranolol, anxiety and many other subjects... » phidippus, posted by Vincent_QC on October 23, 2012, at 17:20:02

>I heard that a calcium channel blocker like Verapamil can be good for both tachycardia and migraine

You're absolutely right. I hadn't thought of it! I went to the ER once and they gave me high dose verapamil via IV and it stopped my headache.


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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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