Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1011066

Shown: posts 1 to 17 of 17. This is the beginning of the thread.


Some thoughts on stimulants ...

Posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 6:20:22

I sit here in agony... the cloudiness and depression and monumental tasks of doing things like going to the grocery store are very hard to communicate.

I kind of don't know what my point is here.

Today, I see my doctor. I am nervous. I had to go a bit without Dexedrine because I accidentally tainted my meds with a bug bomb (I finally had the energy to clean my house, which I really hadn't done for a year, and did.)

There is potential reason he might not refill it. This is so hard to admit--but, when I started cleaning my house, I discovered fruit/drain flies and larva. After a few life cycles, I finally had gotten them out, but I thought perhaps I had myasis because I had little bumps all over my body and I am terrified of bugs.

They asked me for my doctor's name and number and I gave it to them willingly, then asked what my diagnosis was and they said "delusional parisitosis."

If he won't refill my Dexedrine, I am going to have to suffer through this TERRIBLE withdrawal that seems to get worse by the day.

If he does, I will be fine within 30 minutes of filling my prescription. Both of those things concern me; and you'd think that neither would. One... even though I have pined for something to "normalize" me without waiting weeks before, when I finally have it, I am concerned. What is the "real" me? Was I just born with hypodopaminergic genes, or what?

Two, if he got a report from the ER, and decides to D/C my Dexedrine I AM SO SCREWED. It's clear to me that I probably have to be on stimulants the rest of my life in order to function normally.

Three: My family has seen me down in the dumps since I abruptly had to go off Dex. I can't mask my feelings well, and they do not like stimulants... how do I explain an abrupt switch from barely alive into functioning human being without them being suspicious?


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ...

Posted by B2chica on February 21, 2012, at 8:00:45

In reply to Some thoughts on stimulants ..., posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 6:20:22

i am similar. throughout the years time and time again it is the stimulant that is constnat and brings a large degree of relief.

i have people constantly telling me i'm 'addicted' and i shouldnt be taking those...
but due to shortage there was one time i had to go 5 days without adderall and i though i was about to die. i think part from withdrawl, part from depression, part from the utterly slow movements and thinking.

But the hard fact works!
it helps me to live life with quality. and that is what i'm after.

so are you.
God love'em people mean well but they often dont have a clue about mental illness unless they've been there first hand.

Do what you need to do. i think unless doc is goof ball he will make his OWN decision, not something based off ER visit where they know you for 2 min. vs pdoc that has known you Lots longer.

i am all for getting back on stimulant.
just do what you need to do to get healthy. and be honest to pdoc. my pdoc responds well to my honesty. blunt as we both are, you should hear some of our conversations...

Just get well.
Best wishes zonked.



Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » B2chica

Posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 9:39:02

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ..., posted by B2chica on February 21, 2012, at 8:00:45

thanks. so much. see, i am afraid and don't know whether to mention the delusional parisitosis ep to doc today or not. Biggest fear? I won't get my Dex refilled.

I am seeing the only doctor authorized in this county, who takes my govt insurance, to prescribe stimulants. If he takes me off of it, I will try to bargain and have him see me weekly instead. Or hell, if he's concerned about another delusional parisitosis ep, to prescribe an antipsychotic I just won't take.

> zonked.
> i am similar. throughout the years time and time again it is the stimulant that is constnat and brings a large degree of relief.
> i have people constantly telling me i'm 'addicted' and i shouldnt be taking those...
> but due to shortage there was one time i had to go 5 days without adderall and i though i was about to die. i think part from withdrawl, part from depression, part from the utterly slow movements and thinking.
> But the hard fact works!
> it helps me to live life with quality. and that is what i'm after.
> so are you.
> God love'em people mean well but they often dont have a clue about mental illness unless they've been there first hand.
> Do what you need to do. i think unless doc is goof ball he will make his OWN decision, not something based off ER visit where they know you for 2 min. vs pdoc that has known you Lots longer.
> i am all for getting back on stimulant.
> just do what you need to do to get healthy. and be honest to pdoc. my pdoc responds well to my honesty. blunt as we both are, you should hear some of our conversations...
> Just get well.
> Best wishes zonked.
> b2c.


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ...

Posted by Phillipa on February 21, 2012, at 10:26:23

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » B2chica, posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 9:39:02

Got to walk in the persons shoes before a person can truly feel what the other is feeling. Phillipa


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » zonked

Posted by B2chica on February 21, 2012, at 13:05:20

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » B2chica, posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 9:39:02

you should probably be honest and mention it to him. if you've been on meds a while and never had issue before i dont see how he can rationalize taking you off it.
However, if you started it and say a week later this happened, you might be better off without. this is not to say he wont try another stimulant either.
but if you are honest it will assure him you both are out for your best interests.

besides i'm alittle intriqued about the dx. if you atually had bugs in your place, couldnt it fall under more of anxiety or panic attack vs. delusional?

heck when my baby girl was little i was holding her her neck fell on my shoulder i heard a pop and she started drooling. i panicked told my husband i though her neck broke (no kidding). well my calm husband came and got her. Yes she had just suddenly fallen asleep.
But because i saw and heard what i did i jumped to incorrect that delusional? or just panic?

so stay calm and be honest.
afterall you dont want anymore of those episodes if in fact WAS an 'episode'...

Best wishes.


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » B2chica

Posted by Phillipa on February 21, 2012, at 20:41:54

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » zonked, posted by B2chica on February 21, 2012, at 13:05:20

Definitely panic!!!!


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » zonked

Posted by novelagent on February 25, 2012, at 3:19:20

In reply to Some thoughts on stimulants ..., posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 6:20:22

take 400-600 mg of provigil. you'll notice the same drive and energy levels are great with it-- but try 200mg if you can. Just don't stay there if it doesn't work-- many do fabulously at 400, even 600mg/dose. It doesn't cause psychosis.

Your bumps didn't exist if they said it was delusional parisitosis. You should probably be on an antipsychotic as well, at least for a year or two while your brain heals, before it gets worse and becomes schizophrenia. nip it in the bud.

> I sit here in agony... the cloudiness and depression and monumental tasks of doing things like going to the grocery store are very hard to communicate.
> I kind of don't know what my point is here.
> Today, I see my doctor. I am nervous. I had to go a bit without Dexedrine because I accidentally tainted my meds with a bug bomb (I finally had the energy to clean my house, which I really hadn't done for a year, and did.)
> There is potential reason he might not refill it. This is so hard to admit--but, when I started cleaning my house, I discovered fruit/drain flies and larva. After a few life cycles, I finally had gotten them out, but I thought perhaps I had myasis because I had little bumps all over my body and I am terrified of bugs.
> They asked me for my doctor's name and number and I gave it to them willingly, then asked what my diagnosis was and they said "delusional parisitosis."
> If he won't refill my Dexedrine, I am going to have to suffer through this TERRIBLE withdrawal that seems to get worse by the day.
> If he does, I will be fine within 30 minutes of filling my prescription. Both of those things concern me; and you'd think that neither would. One... even though I have pined for something to "normalize" me without waiting weeks before, when I finally have it, I am concerned. What is the "real" me? Was I just born with hypodopaminergic genes, or what?
> Two, if he got a report from the ER, and decides to D/C my Dexedrine I AM SO SCREWED. It's clear to me that I probably have to be on stimulants the rest of my life in order to function normally.
> Three: My family has seen me down in the dumps since I abruptly had to go off Dex. I can't mask my feelings well, and they do not like stimulants... how do I explain an abrupt switch from barely alive into functioning human being without them being suspicious?


CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain. » B2chica

Posted by novelagent on February 25, 2012, at 3:26:33

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ..., posted by B2chica on February 21, 2012, at 8:00:45

take 2grams of CDP Choline. In cocaine addicts, it reduced cravings by being so effective at repairing damaged brain cells.

Your brain is addicted to the amphetamine, and that is evident by the withdrawal-- not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't.

Taking CDP Choline repairs the neuronal phospholipids-- signal endings between brain cells- and restores them after they've been fried by the amphetamine.

The withdrawal is a sign your dopamine stores are depeleted, so they are running on fumes without the amphetamine. Choline after a few months of 2 grams/day will repair this-- ideally, along with 20mg/day of memantine + galantamine.

Galantamine has been studied with CDP Choline with great results for negative symptoms in schizophrenia.

> zonked.
> i am similar. throughout the years time and time again it is the stimulant that is constnat and brings a large degree of relief.
> i have people constantly telling me i'm 'addicted' and i shouldnt be taking those...
> but due to shortage there was one time i had to go 5 days without adderall and i though i was about to die. i think part from withdrawl, part from depression, part from the utterly slow movements and thinking.
> But the hard fact works!
> it helps me to live life with quality. and that is what i'm after.
> so are you.
> God love'em people mean well but they often dont have a clue about mental illness unless they've been there first hand.
> Do what you need to do. i think unless doc is goof ball he will make his OWN decision, not something based off ER visit where they know you for 2 min. vs pdoc that has known you Lots longer.
> i am all for getting back on stimulant.
> just do what you need to do to get healthy. and be honest to pdoc. my pdoc responds well to my honesty. blunt as we both are, you should hear some of our conversations...
> Just get well.
> Best wishes zonked.
> b2c.


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » zonked

Posted by novelagent on February 26, 2012, at 8:35:47

In reply to Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » B2chica, posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 9:39:02

Why wouldn't you take an antipsychotic? After 4 or 5 days of taking it at exactly the same time, the feeling of being tired and crappy goes away. Also, your symptoms are predormal-- you're in the predormal stage of schizophrenia.

This will undoubtedly, over 1-2 years, progress into full-blown schizophrenia without an antipsychotic to prevent this from happening. And then you'll require an antipsychotic for the rest of your life, as opposed to the next few years.

If you want to, you can ask your doc for an antipsychotic under the guise of anxiety- say you know a friend who has great relief of her anxiety from an antipsychotic. Some docs will be okay with continuing on with your amphetamine provided you take an antipsychotic, and others won't. If it were me, I'd go with an antipsychotic and ask to be switched to Provigil, but that's just me.

Provigil increases d1 (I think it's d1- the one that doesn't cause psychosis, anyhow) and doesn't increase d2, meaning it can't cause psychosis. Yet at adequate doses (and keep in mind this may mean going as high as 600mg per dose) you will notice remarkably similar attentiveness, similar as one feels on amphetamine.

As someone with schizophrenia that had predormal signs a year or two before getting a full-blown episode, i regret not taking an antipsychotic when I could have simply nipped things in the bud. I also have AD/HD, and with Invega Sustenna monthly injections, also take 30mg of Dexedrine Spansules each day.

You can take amphetamine with psychosis, but you do need to be on an antipsychotic while you do so. I strongly advise taking Invega Sustenna, because you don't need to fear missing a dose, which causes you to feel miserable for the next 4 days while your blood levels adjust to the antipsychotic again. Also, it's just nice not to have to remember to take yet one more drug...

You need to listen to the rational part of you that knows deep down inside how to handle this situation. Do this, and you'll be safe and sound.

> thanks. so much. see, i am afraid and don't know whether to mention the delusional parisitosis ep to doc today or not. Biggest fear? I won't get my Dex refilled.
> I am seeing the only doctor authorized in this county, who takes my govt insurance, to prescribe stimulants. If he takes me off of it, I will try to bargain and have him see me weekly instead. Or hell, if he's concerned about another delusional parisitosis ep, to prescribe an antipsychotic I just won't take.
> > zonked.
> > i am similar. throughout the years time and time again it is the stimulant that is constnat and brings a large degree of relief.
> >
> > i have people constantly telling me i'm 'addicted' and i shouldnt be taking those...
> > but due to shortage there was one time i had to go 5 days without adderall and i though i was about to die. i think part from withdrawl, part from depression, part from the utterly slow movements and thinking.
> >
> > But the hard fact works!
> > it helps me to live life with quality. and that is what i'm after.
> >
> > so are you.
> > God love'em people mean well but they often dont have a clue about mental illness unless they've been there first hand.
> >
> > Do what you need to do. i think unless doc is goof ball he will make his OWN decision, not something based off ER visit where they know you for 2 min. vs pdoc that has known you Lots longer.
> >
> > i am all for getting back on stimulant.
> > just do what you need to do to get healthy. and be honest to pdoc. my pdoc responds well to my honesty. blunt as we both are, you should hear some of our conversations...
> >
> > Just get well.
> > Best wishes zonked.
> >
> > b2c.


Re: Some thoughts on stimulants ... » zonked

Posted by novelagent on February 26, 2012, at 8:42:15

In reply to Some thoughts on stimulants ..., posted by zonked on February 21, 2012, at 6:20:22

You should also be advised taking high doses of fish oil everyday is being studied in predormal (early stage) schizophrenia, and it's being assessed to determine whether it helps to prevent sub-threshold psychosis like what you are experiencing from becoming schizophrenia, which usually will occur within 1-2 years.

So take an antipsychotic and high doses of EPA fish oil (3x what it reccomended). Ideally, Invegga Sustenna.

I had sub-threshold psychosis, but took high doses of amphetamine, which looking back likely delayed my symptoms from appearing for 3 years, which is unheard of- it's usually 1-2 years... but if I took an antipsychotic, I would have likely never gotten it at all.

> I sit here in agony... the cloudiness and depression and monumental tasks of doing things like going to the grocery store are very hard to communicate.
> I kind of don't know what my point is here.
> Today, I see my doctor. I am nervous. I had to go a bit without Dexedrine because I accidentally tainted my meds with a bug bomb (I finally had the energy to clean my house, which I really hadn't done for a year, and did.)
> There is potential reason he might not refill it. This is so hard to admit--but, when I started cleaning my house, I discovered fruit/drain flies and larva. After a few life cycles, I finally had gotten them out, but I thought perhaps I had myasis because I had little bumps all over my body and I am terrified of bugs.
> They asked me for my doctor's name and number and I gave it to them willingly, then asked what my diagnosis was and they said "delusional parisitosis."
> If he won't refill my Dexedrine, I am going to have to suffer through this TERRIBLE withdrawal that seems to get worse by the day.
> If he does, I will be fine within 30 minutes of filling my prescription. Both of those things concern me; and you'd think that neither would. One... even though I have pined for something to "normalize" me without waiting weeks before, when I finally have it, I am concerned. What is the "real" me? Was I just born with hypodopaminergic genes, or what?
> Two, if he got a report from the ER, and decides to D/C my Dexedrine I AM SO SCREWED. It's clear to me that I probably have to be on stimulants the rest of my life in order to function normally.
> Three: My family has seen me down in the dumps since I abruptly had to go off Dex. I can't mask my feelings well, and they do not like stimulants... how do I explain an abrupt switch from barely alive into functioning human being without them being suspicious?


Re: CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain. » novelagent

Posted by B2chica on March 1, 2012, at 10:09:05

In reply to CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain. » B2chica, posted by novelagent on February 25, 2012, at 3:26:33

thank you for your kind information but no thanks.
actually the 'withdrawl' effect that you seem to think i had. were actually the symptoms that i had before i've ever touched an amphetamine, or anyother drug. i AM infact dopamine depleted, that is one reason i think dopaminergenic medications work well for me, such as adderall and zyprexa.

also, so theis CDP may help with cocain addicts, i must say i resent your stating that without knowing me or my history you compare me to a person utilizing a 'party drug' for pleasure to myself whom uses medication to help me function for everyday purposes.

ALSO, i had to at the same time go off pristiq AND perphenazine as i also ran out of those medications as well... so does this CDP also help with my relentless Pristiq and perphenazine addiction??
ok. i'm being sarcastic there. but i think i've said enough for you to get the picture.
Thanks but no thanks.


and although this CDP may help for cocaine addicts, if i had these symptoms to begin with who's to say they will actually DO anything to my brain. what if there is nothing to repair? as

> take 2grams of CDP Choline. In cocaine addicts, it reduced cravings by being so effective at repairing damaged brain cells.
> Your brain is addicted to the amphetamine, and that is evident by the withdrawal-- not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't.
> Taking CDP Choline repairs the neuronal phospholipids-- signal endings between brain cells- and restores them after they've been fried by the amphetamine.
> The withdrawal is a sign your dopamine stores are depeleted, so they are running on fumes without the amphetamine. Choline after a few months of 2 grams/day will repair this-- ideally, along with 20mg/day of memantine + galantamine.
> Galantamine has been studied with CDP Choline with great results for negative symptoms in schizophrenia.


Re: CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain.

Posted by novelagent on March 1, 2012, at 10:16:30

In reply to Re: CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain. » novelagent, posted by B2chica on March 1, 2012, at 10:09:05

Please be civil-- I was simply trying to help, and I by no means implied anything about you being similar to a cocaine addict.

I use loose parallels for creative purposes when making connections to various things, and a theoretical interest in one area does not imply similarity on anything but theoretical grounds. Injecting emotion into abstract neuroscientific hypotheses is just silly.

It's possible to withdraw from a drug one is not addicted to. It's quite possible you did withdraw from a drug you're not addicted to. I really think it's unnecessary to characterize my remarks as accusatory when they were clearly innocous. I was just trying to help, and feel very hurt. Why can't you just be nice?

> thank you for your kind information but no thanks.
> actually the 'withdrawl' effect that you seem to think i had. were actually the symptoms that i had before i've ever touched an amphetamine, or anyother drug. i AM infact dopamine depleted, that is one reason i think dopaminergenic medications work well for me, such as adderall and zyprexa.
> also, so theis CDP may help with cocain addicts, i must say i resent your stating that without knowing me or my history you compare me to a person utilizing a 'party drug' for pleasure to myself whom uses medication to help me function for everyday purposes.
> ALSO, i had to at the same time go off pristiq AND perphenazine as i also ran out of those medications as well... so does this CDP also help with my relentless Pristiq and perphenazine addiction??
> ok. i'm being sarcastic there. but i think i've said enough for you to get the picture.
> Thanks but no thanks.
> B2c.
> and although this CDP may help for cocaine addicts, if i had these symptoms to begin with who's to say they will actually DO anything to my brain. what if there is nothing to repair? as
> > take 2grams of CDP Choline. In cocaine addicts, it reduced cravings by being so effective at repairing damaged brain cells.
> >
> > Your brain is addicted to the amphetamine, and that is evident by the withdrawal-- not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't.
> >
> > Taking CDP Choline repairs the neuronal phospholipids-- signal endings between brain cells- and restores them after they've been fried by the amphetamine.
> >
> > The withdrawal is a sign your dopamine stores are depeleted, so they are running on fumes without the amphetamine. Choline after a few months of 2 grams/day will repair this-- ideally, along with 20mg/day of memantine + galantamine.
> >
> > Galantamine has been studied with CDP Choline with great results for negative symptoms in schizophrenia.
> >


Re: CDP Choline » novelagent

Posted by b2chica on March 1, 2012, at 11:14:47

In reply to Re: CDP Choline-- first aid kit for amphetamine brain., posted by novelagent on March 1, 2012, at 10:16:30

i was civil and apologize that you took my comments so incredibly harsh.
i was however sarcastic in my ending comments.
you on the other had did make the knowing assumption that i was addicted to the amphetamine and i quote "...and that is evident by the withdrawal" that i was describing "...not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't" and now you are sayig "its possible to withdraw from a drug one is not addicted to. Its quite possible..." ???

a little confusing i'd say.

and look i again apologize that you took my comments so harshly. i am NOT at this site to make people feel bad, or to have snotty comments to other peoples posts. that's no who i am, you can ask anyone here.
i am not feeling good today and took Your post as uncivil and accusatory.

so lets just end this conversation. and both be civil.
i understand now that you meant no harm and were being humorous as you state. i will take your word.
please do the same for myself.


> Please be civil-- I was simply trying to help, and I by no means implied anything about you being similar to a cocaine addict.
> I use loose parallels for creative purposes when making connections to various things, and a theoretical interest in one area does not imply similarity on anything but theoretical grounds. Injecting emotion into abstract neuroscientific hypotheses is just silly.
> It's possible to withdraw from a drug one is not addicted to. It's quite possible you did withdraw from a drug you're not addicted to. I really think it's unnecessary to characterize my remarks as accusatory when they were clearly innocous. I was just trying to help, and feel very hurt. Why can't you just be nice?
> > thank you for your kind information but no thanks.
> > actually the 'withdrawl' effect that you seem to think i had. were actually the symptoms that i had before i've ever touched an amphetamine, or anyother drug. i AM infact dopamine depleted, that is one reason i think dopaminergenic medications work well for me, such as adderall and zyprexa.
> >
> > also, so theis CDP may help with cocain addicts, i must say i resent your stating that without knowing me or my history you compare me to a person utilizing a 'party drug' for pleasure to myself whom uses medication to help me function for everyday purposes.
> >
> > ALSO, i had to at the same time go off pristiq AND perphenazine as i also ran out of those medications as well... so does this CDP also help with my relentless Pristiq and perphenazine addiction??
> > ok. i'm being sarcastic there. but i think i've said enough for you to get the picture.
> > Thanks but no thanks.
> >
> > B2c.
> >
> > and although this CDP may help for cocaine addicts, if i had these symptoms to begin with who's to say they will actually DO anything to my brain. what if there is nothing to repair? as
> >
> > > take 2grams of CDP Choline. In cocaine addicts, it reduced cravings by being so effective at repairing damaged brain cells.
> > >
> > > Your brain is addicted to the amphetamine, and that is evident by the withdrawal-- not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't.
> > >
> > > Taking CDP Choline repairs the neuronal phospholipids-- signal endings between brain cells- and restores them after they've been fried by the amphetamine.
> > >
> > > The withdrawal is a sign your dopamine stores are depeleted, so they are running on fumes without the amphetamine. Choline after a few months of 2 grams/day will repair this-- ideally, along with 20mg/day of memantine + galantamine.
> > >
> > > Galantamine has been studied with CDP Choline with great results for negative symptoms in schizophrenia.
> > >
> >


Re: CDP Choline » b2chica

Posted by novelagent on March 1, 2012, at 12:31:22

In reply to Re: CDP Choline » novelagent, posted by b2chica on March 1, 2012, at 11:14:47

Will do, and I accept your kind apology.

In general, it's important to not take the Internet too seriously (and I will try to take my own advice).

we're all simply trying to help one another feel better here, and I hope the remainder of your day is a pleasurable one.

> N.
> i was civil and apologize that you took my comments so incredibly harsh.
> i was however sarcastic in my ending comments.
> you on the other had did make the knowing assumption that i was addicted to the amphetamine and i quote "...and that is evident by the withdrawal" that i was describing "...not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't" and now you are sayig "its possible to withdraw from a drug one is not addicted to. Its quite possible..." ???
> a little confusing i'd say.
> and look i again apologize that you took my comments so harshly. i am NOT at this site to make people feel bad, or to have snotty comments to other peoples posts. that's no who i am, you can ask anyone here.
> i am not feeling good today and took Your post as uncivil and accusatory.
> so lets just end this conversation. and both be civil.
> i understand now that you meant no harm and were being humorous as you state. i will take your word.
> please do the same for myself.
> B2c.
> > Please be civil-- I was simply trying to help, and I by no means implied anything about you being similar to a cocaine addict.
> >
> > I use loose parallels for creative purposes when making connections to various things, and a theoretical interest in one area does not imply similarity on anything but theoretical grounds. Injecting emotion into abstract neuroscientific hypotheses is just silly.
> >
> > It's possible to withdraw from a drug one is not addicted to. It's quite possible you did withdraw from a drug you're not addicted to. I really think it's unnecessary to characterize my remarks as accusatory when they were clearly innocous. I was just trying to help, and feel very hurt. Why can't you just be nice?
> >
> >
> > > thank you for your kind information but no thanks.
> > > actually the 'withdrawl' effect that you seem to think i had. were actually the symptoms that i had before i've ever touched an amphetamine, or anyother drug. i AM infact dopamine depleted, that is one reason i think dopaminergenic medications work well for me, such as adderall and zyprexa.
> > >
> > > also, so theis CDP may help with cocain addicts, i must say i resent your stating that without knowing me or my history you compare me to a person utilizing a 'party drug' for pleasure to myself whom uses medication to help me function for everyday purposes.
> > >
> > > ALSO, i had to at the same time go off pristiq AND perphenazine as i also ran out of those medications as well... so does this CDP also help with my relentless Pristiq and perphenazine addiction??
> > > ok. i'm being sarcastic there. but i think i've said enough for you to get the picture.
> > > Thanks but no thanks.
> > >
> > > B2c.
> > >
> > > and although this CDP may help for cocaine addicts, if i had these symptoms to begin with who's to say they will actually DO anything to my brain. what if there is nothing to repair? as
> > >
> > > > take 2grams of CDP Choline. In cocaine addicts, it reduced cravings by being so effective at repairing damaged brain cells.
> > > >
> > > > Your brain is addicted to the amphetamine, and that is evident by the withdrawal-- not everyone on it gets that when coming off of it; most don't.
> > > >
> > > > Taking CDP Choline repairs the neuronal phospholipids-- signal endings between brain cells- and restores them after they've been fried by the amphetamine.
> > > >
> > > > The withdrawal is a sign your dopamine stores are depeleted, so they are running on fumes without the amphetamine. Choline after a few months of 2 grams/day will repair this-- ideally, along with 20mg/day of memantine + galantamine.
> > > >
> > > > Galantamine has been studied with CDP Choline with great results for negative symptoms in schizophrenia.
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >


Re: CDP Choline » novelagent

Posted by b2chica on March 1, 2012, at 13:20:24

In reply to Re: CDP Choline » b2chica, posted by novelagent on March 1, 2012, at 12:31:22

Yes i certainly need your advice today. as my mood is not condusive to internet forum use... or work...or any social interaction for that matter.
i'm suffering from down mood and severe aggitation, and of course some anxiety. partly situationally induced but i think other issues as well.
Dang i wish spring and sunshine would hit here. i'm hoping that a nice weather change will help out my mood situation so i dont have to change up a bit on meds.

course if i could ply myself out of bed in the morning and exercise that would certainly help me.

ya. we are all trying to help one another. i guess i've just read a lot of snarky posts lately. (not that your's was one).
but i've been at this site for lets see, going on 9 years now. and it seems that lately there have been a lot of anti med, your addicted kind of posts. and i was letting them get to me silently.

i think also because i'm getting alot of that "your addicted to your meds" crap at home. My husband seems to think that buying all my meds is a 'luxury' that he cant afford to do but i 'get to'. and he's tired of himself having to pay 'all the bills'. Granted my job doesnt pay what it should but i have no control over that and i AM working full time and get a steady pay AND i have the health insurance AND i have the retirement fund. SO i'm Sick of him saying that i'm just addicted and that i enjoy taking all these meds....that they're a "luxury".

ok. vented.
thanks novelagent. lets start this relationship over again.
Hi and good to meet you.



Re: CDP Choline » b2chica

Posted by Phillipa on March 1, 2012, at 18:50:01

In reply to Re: CDP Choline » novelagent, posted by b2chica on March 1, 2012, at 13:20:24

You are a sweetheart and always have been. You more than do your part. Phillipa


Re: CDP Choline

Posted by b2chica on March 7, 2012, at 7:53:56

In reply to Re: CDP Choline » b2chica, posted by Phillipa on March 1, 2012, at 18:50:01

thnx P.

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