Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 204607

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Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by Cindybee on February 28, 2003, at 8:01:05

Hi, I'm new to this board and have a few questions about the medications my new doctor just prescriped. I suffer from depression and anxiety as well as a bit of social phobia. I was previously taking PaxilCR, neurontin, and xanax. I have been on about every SSRI and had unacceptable side effects from them all. Over the past 7 years my weight has balloned 40lbs from various meds. My new doctor decided to put me on Wellbutrin as well as the neurontin and xanax. I had complete sexual dysfunction on the Paxil. In my opinion I am taking way to much xanax (1 mg.three times a day) Do you think Wellbutrin is a good choice for someone with severe anxiety? My previous doctor had talked about putting my on some kind of trycyclic drug if the Paxil didn't work for me. This guy was completely against it. Not that he really talked to me that much at all. I start the Wellbutrin today and I'm really afraid it's going to make me freak out! Has anyone with anxiety issues had any luck with this? Thanks, Cindybee


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by zeliva on February 28, 2003, at 11:22:07

In reply to Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Cindybee on February 28, 2003, at 8:01:05

I personally had major anxiety when I took the Wellbutrin. I had the lowest dose and took it only once. I felt like I was bouncing off the walls. I couldn't sit still. It was awful. My pdoc gave it to me to help with my Prozac sexual side effects. I figured I could live for now without an orgasm. I started taking Gingko for the side effects and that seemed to help. Just be careful with the Wellbutrin. Good luck.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by fairnymph on February 28, 2003, at 19:21:44

In reply to Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Cindybee on February 28, 2003, at 8:01:05

Hey, I have depression and OCD (anxiety)....

I took wellbutrin and I did not find that it made my anxiety also didn't make it any better...nor did it help with my depression.

Have you considered remeron/mirtazapine? Or perhaps a MAOI? I would go with those before a tricyclic, personally.



Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by viridis on February 28, 2003, at 19:46:17

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by fairnymph on February 28, 2003, at 19:21:44

I'd be very cautious with WB if you have anxiety problems. I reacted very badly, in terms of severe anxiety and a whole host of strange side effects that I've never experienced with other meds. I stuck it out for about two months, and finally gave up since the side effects never went away. But, you never know how it will affect you until you try it. I would just start at the lowest possible dose and move up from there. Depending on your doctor, you may have to be quite insistent about this -- my GP wanted to start me on 450 mg; I started at 150 instead and found this too much. The psychiatrist I'm now seeing says that he's extremely cautious with WB in anxiety patients, and generally avoids it for this population.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by male34 on March 1, 2003, at 10:41:26

In reply to Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Cindybee on February 28, 2003, at 8:01:05

hope 2 help,im anxiety,socila agoraphobic, on paxil weight gain off paxil,rough ride on and off now on lexapro10mgs 4 weeks still anxiuos side effects dont know yet what to make of lexapro and anxiety ive read celexa works better than lex for anxiety, i know nothing about your new med ,sorry but i want to get to my point_ every ssri med. gives you anxiety and starting is tough rough scary ride but be prepared with some xanax or daizplam or kolonopin to ease the begining good luck ill pray for your sucess.anxiety only in your mind you can overthink it and conquer it ,please saty busy work out and avoid caffien sugar, and get outside.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by Madge on March 1, 2003, at 19:20:20

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by male34 on March 1, 2003, at 10:41:26

I was on Paxil for three years and did really well on it. I also have social anxiety and get panic attacks. It was great for that. I also gained weight on the Paxil but was able to lose it. AFter three years I started developing an intolerance to the anticholinergic effects (drying of tissues) so I had severe vaginal dryness. I have tried multiple SSRI's, and I found that Prozac was great for anxiety, but I couldn't tolerate the anticholinergic effects. Maybe you can.... I am now on Remeron and it is working great for anxiety. I also take klonopin when I feel really anxious. The biggest porblem with Remeron is the weight gain. It happens in the first few weeks just by looking at food , and it is intransigent. I have been trying various drugs to help take the weight off eg Topamax which is used as a mood stabilizer. This also helped with my anxiety, but I didn't lose any weight. I just got more goofy cognitively. For many people Topamax helps people lose weight. You just have to buildup REALLY slowly to avoid the side effects. I now am on Phentermine 30mg to try to lose wieght. Phentermine is the non implicated part of phen fen. It increases dopamine and acts like an amphetimine to speedup the metabolism. However, I'm not losing the weight on this either. I am also exercising and really watching my food intake. I'm thinking of adding Wellbutrin to the mix. I've read that Wellbutrin helps poeple lose weight. And keeping a small dose of Remeron as part of the mix ie 7.5mg-15mg, it helps with sleep and anxiety. Also keeping the Klonopin for anxiety. You may want ot think about asking your doctor to perscribe some Klonopin. It is an anti anxiety med, and it really helps. Let me know how you do with the Wellbutrin. I see my Pdoc Tuesday.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by Cindybee on March 2, 2003, at 7:01:32

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Madge on March 1, 2003, at 19:20:20

I took Paxil for about 6 months along with ativan and later xanax. It did help with the depression and anxiety but it caused sexual dysfunction. I have taken Remeron as well as Topamax in the past and Remeron made me gain weight like crazy! I tried to lose weight while I was on Paxil and I had no luck what so ever. I restricted my calories and worked out up to two hours a day. I am so tired of being 40lbs overweight! I have even tried to get off all the drugs and felt good for a while and then crashed big time. I have been on the Wellbutrin for two days now and I have been feeling like a zombie. I also take xanax and neurontin and ambien to sleep. I hope these side effects go away...Thanks for your post. Cindy


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » fairnymph

Posted by Cindybee on March 2, 2003, at 7:11:10

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by fairnymph on February 28, 2003, at 19:21:44

fairnymph, So far the Wellbutrin isn't making me feel anxious, but it is making me feel really out of it. I was actually staggering around yesterday and wanted to nap all the time. I have taken Remeron before and it worked for me but made me gain tons of weight. I suggested Nardil to my doctor but he says he only prescripes that as a last resort. I'm hoping these side effects will fade as my body adjusts. Thanks for your reply to my post..Cindy


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » viridis

Posted by Cindybee on March 2, 2003, at 7:18:50

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by viridis on February 28, 2003, at 19:46:17

viridis, My doctor has me taking 150mg twice a day. I am having some pretty weird reactions also. It's not making me anxious but making me tired and uncoordinated. I feel like I'm staggering around in a zombie like state. I also take xanax as well as neurontin. I'm hoping the side effects will fade as my body adjusts. At this rate I don't see me taking this for too much longer. Thanks, Cindy


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » male34

Posted by Cindybee on March 2, 2003, at 7:24:45

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by male34 on March 1, 2003, at 10:41:26

Hi, Thanks for your well wishes for my condition. I do have xanax to take to help me if the anxiety gets too bad. I know what the paxil weight gain is like. When I was on it I dieted and worked out every day and the weight wouldn't budge. It did help my anxiety and social phobia though. I've never taken lexapro but I have taken celexa and it made me feel really anxious. I'm actually doing some yoga and meditation to try and help with the anxiety and I think sometimes it's better than meds..thanks for your post..Cindy


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » Madge

Posted by Cindybee on March 2, 2003, at 7:26:42

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Madge on March 1, 2003, at 19:20:20

Madge, I did reply to your message but I forgot to check add name of previous poster. I'm new to this :-) Sorry..


need wellbutrin help !!!!asap

Posted by justyourlaugh on March 2, 2003, at 18:08:27

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Madge on March 1, 2003, at 19:20:20

i have been on wellbutrin (300mg split twice a day).
changed some meds around-discontinuing 40mgcelexa
pdoc wants me to take 300mg wellbutrin all at once in the am?
is it because i no longer take celexa in the am?
i take topamax in the pm
and seroquel in the pm.
i went to the pharmcy because i was sure 300mg wellbutrin was too much at once...
she said it was high but not onheard of,,,,
am i destroying my body here???
thanks for any help


Re: need wellbutrin help !!!!asap » justyourlaugh

Posted by Ritch on March 3, 2003, at 9:32:17

In reply to need wellbutrin help !!!!asap, posted by justyourlaugh on March 2, 2003, at 18:08:27

> i have been on wellbutrin (300mg split twice a day).
> changed some meds around-discontinuing 40mgcelexa
> .
> pdoc wants me to take 300mg wellbutrin all at once in the am?
> is it because i no longer take celexa in the am?
> i take topamax in the pm
> and seroquel in the pm.
> i went to the pharmcy because i was sure 300mg wellbutrin was too much at once...
> she said it was high but not onheard of,,,,
> am i destroying my body here???
> thanks for any help
> jyl

It isn't recommended to take that much at once in the drug monograph. I think 150mg as a single dose is the max. recommended amount. The seizure risk is increased with the higher peak blood level. Also, blood pressure may go up a lot too. IMO, I would ask my pdoc if I could take a 150mg SR tab first thing in the morning and then the 2nd one 3-4 hrs later. Check your BP.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by gena88 on March 5, 2003, at 1:07:18

In reply to Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by Cindybee on February 28, 2003, at 8:01:05

Hi Cindy, I've had a similar experience with weight gain from SSRIs, especially with Paxil CR, which I found BY FAR to be the biggest culprit in that department. And if that's not bad enough, going off the drug (even with tapering off slowly) is a real bitch. Granted, it helps with anxiety, but at what price? As far as Wellbutrin, I'd avoid that for anxiety since it is known to be somewhat of a stimulant. Plus, the risk of seizures is twice as high compared to that of other SSRIs, or so I've read. Unfortunately, I don't have any personal experience to relate as far as Wellbutrin goes, but then again, maybe that's a good thing in my case! Best of luck to you!


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » gena88

Posted by worrier on March 6, 2003, at 21:40:39

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety, posted by gena88 on March 5, 2003, at 1:07:18

Just wanted comment on the wellbutrin/anxiety thing. I took it for awhile and had horrible side effects ...major insomnia, wild mood swings, very irritable and felt disconnected from myself in a very disturbing way. My pdoc (who did not prescribe the wellbutrin said it should be use with great caution if anxiety/panic is the primary problem. However, I seem to react badly to anything other than benzos. SSRIs nearly killed me (literally) but I know they work great for others, so good luck finding what works for you. Worrier.


Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety

Posted by Madge on March 7, 2003, at 22:23:36

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and anxiety » gena88, posted by worrier on March 6, 2003, at 21:40:39

I actually have anxiety particularly social anxiety/panic attacks. I have started Wellbutrin this week 100mg time release, in conjunction with a Klonopin .5 mg in the morning, and I am feeling energized, and not anxious. I am still on 45 mg of Remeron, which I am going to wean off in a couple of weeks as I titrate up on the Wellbutrin, and provided that the Wellbutrin does the trick for my depression and anxiety without intolerable side effects. (So far so good!!) I just hate the weight gain from the Remeron, and I can't get it off. The Remeron also makes my personality flat, or sad. I don't experience happiness or joy on it. Now that I've started taking the Wellbutrin, I am feeling more energized and feel like my sense of humor is coming back. I've missed it!!! I'm probably going to stay on about 7.5 mg of Remeron for sleep. I hope it works for you, I think it's worth a try..

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