Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 125424

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Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?

Posted by lorelai on October 27, 2002, at 10:57:26

I've been on Topamax for a couple of months now and can't up my dose (which is miniscule and probably not doing me any good)--whenever I try to up my dose a little I can't think straight, can't come up with words and hey, I've had to go back and retype every other word in this post because my spelling and typing has left the building. But I'm a perfectionist, so I can't NOT go back and change my mistakes, lol. Anyway, the only side effect I have with Topamax is the "stupids." My pdoc is going to take me off of them soon. At least that's what we're discussing. Have any of you gone through a brain-dead stage with Topamax and gotten past it??? Thanks!


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?

Posted by Nikita on October 28, 2002, at 16:28:05

In reply to Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by lorelai on October 27, 2002, at 10:57:26

Well glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I thought it was the Serzone but maybe it's the Topomax. I'm taking just 25 mg. in the morning and 50 mg. at night...and I definitely have the stupids! I can't get the right words out. Plus, I'm a radio reporter and after I've written my story and I go to record it, it's almost incomprehensible (heck this post probably doesn't even make sense!). Anyone know how high you can go without become stupid on Topomax? Does it go away? I have short term memory loss problems too but I think that is the Serzone.


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? » Nikita

Posted by lorelai on October 28, 2002, at 20:16:36

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by Nikita on October 28, 2002, at 16:28:05

> Well glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I thought it was the Serzone but maybe it's the Topomax. I'm taking just 25 mg. in the morning and 50 mg. at night...and I definitely have the stupids! I can't get the right words out. Plus, I'm a radio reporter and after I've written my story and I go to record it, it's almost incomprehensible (heck this post probably doesn't even make sense!). Anyone know how high you can go without become stupid on Topomax? Does it go away? I have short term memory loss problems too but I think that is the Serzone.

I took Serzone for a while and had the most horrible blank-outs. I'd be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly I'd be staring at the person I'd been talking to--like, "What're YOU doing here???" I'd have absolutely no recollection of anything that'd gone on before. It was scary as hell. I do have other problems that could also lend to this time warp thing (dissociative disorder), so Serzone may have heightened what was already an underlying problem. In any event, it gave me the scariest ride of my life. Effexor came in a close second. I'm about ready to give up on meds altogether (though my friends and family insist I NEED something). *sigh* I'm a writer, so--as with you and your job--words are my livelihood. I simply can't afford to not make sense! Topamax is definitely out the window. Have to find something else or take my chances without meds.


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?

Posted by ROO on October 29, 2002, at 8:03:07

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? » Nikita, posted by lorelai on October 28, 2002, at 20:16:36

Let me know what y'all come up with....I'm on topomax
too...have the duh's...also a writer....feel pretty
damn stupid...almost too lazy to talk or form a sentence...
disappointed too because I haven't gained weight on this
mood stabilizer and most of the others cause weight gain
(even lamictal did for me and it's not supposed to)


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?

Posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 8:13:47

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by ROO on October 29, 2002, at 8:03:07


Have you tried Gabitril? I haven't had any weight gain on it. I was on Depakote before that, but was gaining weight. I had thought about Topamax, but my doctor didn't want to try it because of the "stupid" side effect. Gabitril works for me :)



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 8:22:06

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 8:13:47

Tell me more about it a mood stabilizer? Can you
get it in the US? What are the side effects?


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 12:56:31

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 8:22:06


The only side effect I remember having was abdominal pain. I was originally prescribed one 4mg pill in the morning and two at night. I ended up just taking one at night which has been effective for me. Yes, it is a mood stabilizer. I take it for bipolar disorder. My doctor said she wanted me to try it because it is also supposed to be effective for anxiety (which it has been). About a month ago, I also added on Lexapro (10mg) for depression. So far, so good. You can read more about it at



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 14:18:18

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 12:56:31


It's interesting you're also on lexapro...My pdoc is having
me try that tomorrow because I'm still have depression despite the fact
that I'm stabilized on the mood stabilizer. Can you tell me how lexapro
has effected you? What sorts of side effects you've had? sexual and weight wise?
what about sleep? Has it worked well for your depression? I've been pretty damn depressed.


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 15:29:36

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 14:18:18


The first week I was taking Lexapro (10mg), I was pretty nauseous and didn't want to eat - lost 5 lbs :) I ended up splitting them in half and that helped. I think I took the 5mg for about 2 weeks and then went up to 10mg again. It helped the depression tremendously. Since going on mood stabilizers, I had felt really flat and then got depressed. I started having crying spells too.

I'd say after about a week or two on the Lexapro, I was feeling much better and the feeling has stayed. I will say it seems my anxiety has come back a little bit, but nothing like it was before. I guess for now I'd rather have a little bit of anxiety over the depression, as long as it doesn't get worse. If it does, I'll probably try going back down to 5mg again and see what happens.

Also, when I first when on it, I took it at night before I went to bed and I'd wake up at 4:00 am feeling like I was having a panic attack. That's another reason I cut it in half. I also started taking it in the morning and it hasn't happened since.

It's not perfect, but I definitely feel better than I did, more "normal" than I've felt in a long time. More upbeat, smiling and laughing again.

I have not gained any weight. As far as sexual side effects, I'll have to get back to you on that one - my boyfriend has been in California! Hard to tell if you're not getting any :)



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 19:03:01

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on October 31, 2002, at 15:29:36

Thanks Krysti...that helps a lot...I have felt flat at
first on the mood stabilizer..then depressed...and now it's
progressed to crying spells....I'm trying the lexapro tomorrow...
I sure hope it helps...One more question..did the abdominal pain
go away with the gabitril after awhile?


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on November 1, 2002, at 9:52:54

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 19:03:01

Hi Roo,

That is exactly what happened to me - first I just felt "flat", then depressed, then had crying spells. The Lexapro worked really quickly. You'll have to let me know how you do on it.

Actually, when I started having the abdominal pain, my doctor was initially going to ween me off of it (Gabitril) and start me on something else at my next appointment. I started only taking one pill (4mg) and the abdominal pain stopped. I didn't want to go completely off of it because I was afraid my anxiety would come back. Since I was still stable just taking the 4mg, we decided to just stay with that dose. By the way, when I was having the pain, Tums would make it go away.

Even though the doctors say there is a proven "theraputical dose", my personal opinion is everyone is different and some people are more sensitive to meds than others. I've heard horror stories of people trying just about every med out there. If the side effects aren't that bad, I would rather try adjusting the dose before giving up. 4mg is working so far...

Let me know how you do and if you have any more questions :)



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on November 1, 2002, at 14:42:13

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on October 31, 2002, at 19:03:01

Hi again Roo,

Just wanted to let you know my anxiety is getting worse from the Lexapro. I'm going to try cutting it in half again. I hope that works, it has been so great for the depression, but now that the anxiety is coming back a little more each day, I remember how bad that was also! Just wanted to keep you informed after I said it was so great! If you've never had anxiety before though, this probably won't happen to you. Ugh!


> Thanks Krysti...that helps a lot...I have felt flat at
> first on the mood stabilizer..then depressed...and now it's
> progressed to crying spells....I'm trying the lexapro tomorrow...
> I sure hope it helps...One more question..did the abdominal pain
> go away with the gabitril after awhile?


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on November 1, 2002, at 14:55:23

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on November 1, 2002, at 14:42:13

Let me know how it goes Krysti...I just took 5 mg's this
morning and I know it's way too early to probably really be
judging, but I swear I feel pretty anxious that I'm
almost tearful...hands wringing...I'm wondering if only 5 mg's is
causing me to cycle...guess I'll have to call the p-doc and ask...


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on November 4, 2002, at 8:20:14

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on November 1, 2002, at 14:55:23

Hi Roo,

Just wondering how you're feeling today and how you did over the week-end? I went down to 5mg, hard to tell though how the anxiety is yet. I'm usually okay when I'm at home and I didn't really do much over the week-end. I'll let you know by the end of today how it seems.



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on November 4, 2002, at 8:54:23

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on November 4, 2002, at 8:20:14


Let's see...I started on thurs..or was it fri? Well
I've been on 5 mg's for 4 or 5 days now. I think my
depression is lifting some. I'm not crying every day
anymore. The anxiety isn't as bad, although every now and
again, I get a stab of it, it seems to go away and not become
overwhelming. I was thinking of you and the anxiety component
with your lexapro and wondering if it was causing you to
"cycle" and wondering if increasing your mood stabilizer might
take care of that anxiety. Have you discussed that with your
psychiatrist? Do you think 5 mg's is going to be enough to take
care of your depression? (I hope it will be enough for me, but I
have no idea)


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by Krysti on November 4, 2002, at 9:14:08

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by ROO on November 4, 2002, at 8:54:23

Hi Roo,

Glad to hear it seems to be working for your depression. It helped with mine also even when I was only taking the 5mg (I don't even know why I went up to 10mg again except that was what the doctor had originally prescribed). I thought about increasing the dose of Gabitril, but would rather try decreasing the Lexapro first. I definitely want to be on the least medication possible.

My next appointment isn't until December 18th so I haven't been able to discuss it with her yet. I figure I'll give this a chance and wait till then to see how I feel. What a project it is to find that right combo! Oh well, I definitely feel better than I did before I was diagnosed so I can't really complain.

Keep in touch - I'll do the same.



Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti

Posted by ROO on November 5, 2002, at 7:59:34

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on November 4, 2002, at 9:14:08


I will stay in touch--it seems like our situation is
very similar....I want to stay on the lowest doses possible as
well...we shall see....If you ever want to email, my
email address is


Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?

Posted by Cece on November 5, 2002, at 23:33:46

In reply to Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by lorelai on October 27, 2002, at 10:57:26


For what it's worth, here's my experience with Topodumdum and a sideline into benzododobrain. First I'll say that I've struggled with brain fog since starting meds (10 yrs) and only recently have gotten things tweaked so that I feel 'mostly here'.

I took 100 mg. of Topomax for about 6 months before it became clear that words just would not come out of my mouth in the right order if at all. But I persisted for another 3 months because I was losing med gain weight so fast and easily- 40 lbs. in 9 months. Finally I had to stop the T- just too disabling. And, it didn't do anything for me as a mood stabilizer (Lamictal, with other things, has turned out to be my lucky charm on that score). The problems abated pretty quickly and I went back to just brain fog.

A couple of years ago, having started to slowly put on weight again, I thought "maybe there is a dose of Topomax that would give me the weight loss effect without the dead head effect". So, I tried 25 mg and within a week I was stupid again. It was as if I had become sensitized to it. What a disappointment. I have this fantasy of taking a Top vacation where I wouldn't be obliged to speak sensibly and could just lose weight!

I was on benzos for quite a long time, but very small doses. In fact my dose of Klonopin that I was on for 8 years was so low (.125 mg/day) that my doctors seemed to think that I was just getting placebo effect- but I knew better of course (good docs, but my mind/body). I was also on 12.5 mg/day of Xanax for about 5 years. Early this year, fed up with not being able to remember normal things, I pressed my doc and he said that benzos could be a problem. So I weaned off very slowly, scared to give them up- it was my summer project. I'm fine without them, and now I can look up a number in the phone book and still have it in my head by the time I get to the phone to dial, an immense pleasure.

But I still think that mental health is the most important thing and if weight gain and brain fog are the price to pay then so be it. It's possible, as I found, to keep tweaking and tweaking and trying new things and slowly find something or a combo that doesn't cost a waist and a mind. Have you ever heard that 'a waist is a terrible thing to mind'?


> I've been on Topamax for a couple of months now and can't up my dose (which is miniscule and probably not doing me any good)--whenever I try to up my dose a little I can't think straight, can't come up with words and hey, I've had to go back and retype every other word in this post because my spelling and typing has left the building. But I'm a perfectionist, so I can't NOT go back and change my mistakes, lol. Anyway, the only side effect I have with Topamax is the "stupids." My pdoc is going to take me off of them soon. At least that's what we're discussing. Have any of you gone through a brain-dead stage with Topamax and gotten past it??? Thanks!
> ~Lorelai


No message, forgot to click 'follow thread' (nm)

Posted by Cece on November 5, 2002, at 23:35:12

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away? Krysti, posted by Krysti on November 1, 2002, at 9:52:54


my experience with topamax

Posted by kellet on December 31, 2002, at 18:40:14

In reply to Re: Topamax Duhs. Do they go away?, posted by Cece on November 5, 2002, at 23:33:46

i have been taking the topamax for almost 3 weeks now, as a prevention for migraine, which i have almost every day, and have just increased the dose from 25 mg to 50 mg total per day. not sure how high we plan to go with this but the brain dead feeling and strong tingling in my hands and feet are not getting any better. the stupid feeling was very hard to deal with at first, now i am getting used to functioning this way and it is almost like a nice vacation from reality that i cannot think straight anymore. a little frustrating sometimes when i have to drive all the way across town after completing my shopping to find i left my wallet at home but i have always been a little absent minded anyway, especially the past 6 months since i have been working 2 jobs totalling 60+ hours a week. no improvement in the headaches yet, but strangely enough i can feel changes happening in my brain and i just have a feeling that i will get better soon. no weight loss and i only noticed a loss of appetite the first 3 days after starting the med and the 2 days after i increased. stuff does taste weird though like coke tastes like cinnamon, and i usually love spciy food but now i am very sensitive to it and can barely handle anything with a kick. also my normally perfect vision is pretty weird, like i am having trouble focusing my eyes. that's my experience with topamax so far.


Re: my experience with topamax

Posted by lorelai on January 1, 2003, at 20:06:13

In reply to my experience with topamax, posted by kellet on December 31, 2002, at 18:40:14

Thanks to all who responded to this. I wasn't able to post for the longest time (still not sure why because I don't THINK I violated any rules here). Just wanted to say that I'm finally back after getting re-registered (also an impossibility for a few months, but I just kept trying. I dunno--computer glitch, maybe. Either that or some sort of operator error, lol). An update on my Topamax experience: I was unable to continue the meds due to the fact that I got more and more idiotic and very nearly lost my job. I have a very detail-oriented job and there's just no way I can deal with "brain fog." Currently I'm on nothing. Yeah, seriously. Nothing. I'm doing okay, but not great. Will probably end up going back on some sort of meds again soon. At least I can spell again (:


Re: my experience with topamax » lorelai

Posted by token on January 5, 2003, at 13:15:36

In reply to Re: my experience with topamax, posted by lorelai on January 1, 2003, at 20:06:13

> Thanks to all who responded to this. I wasn't able to post for the longest time (still not sure why because I don't THINK I violated any rules here). Just wanted to say that I'm finally back after getting re-registered (also an impossibility for a few months, but I just kept trying. I dunno--computer glitch, maybe. Either that or some sort of operator error, lol). An update on my Topamax experience: I was unable to continue the meds due to the fact that I got more and more idiotic and very nearly lost my job. I have a very detail-oriented job and there's just no way I can deal with "brain fog." Currently I'm on nothing. Yeah, seriously. Nothing. I'm doing okay, but not great. Will probably end up going back on some sort of meds again soon. At least I can spell again (:
> ~Lorelai

hi, i've been on topamax for 6 months now and it had the same effect on me- loss of words, no sense of direction, IQ drastically diminished... but what helped was to slowly increase it (took 3 months to reach 400mg).

my neurologist also has me on singulair which is for asthma and it helps with the migraines. he said that if the topamax/singulair/maxalt mix no longer work that i should consider botox injections since my medication choices are limited. since i've been on these meds, i've only had 4 migraines that lasted less than 30 minutes (as opposed to days with vomiting). you shouldn't have to suffer- migraines are dibilitating and there are so many meds your docs can try! good luck!


Re: my experience with topamax » token

Posted by lorelai on January 5, 2003, at 19:10:13

In reply to Re: my experience with topamax » lorelai, posted by token on January 5, 2003, at 13:15:36

> hi, i've been on topamax for 6 months now and it had the same effect on me- loss of words, no sense of direction, IQ drastically diminished... but what helped was to slowly increase it (took 3 months to reach 400mg).
> my neurologist also has me on singulair which is for asthma and it helps with the migraines. he said that if the topamax/singulair/maxalt mix no longer work that i should consider botox injections since my medication choices are limited. since i've been on these meds, i've only had 4 migraines that lasted less than 30 minutes (as opposed to days with vomiting). you shouldn't have to suffer- migraines are dibilitating and there are so many meds your docs can try! good luck!
In my case, the Topamax was one of several different meds my pdoc tried me on for bipolar disorder (not migraines). Have been through a whole slew of medications and am tired of trying to find the right thing. Wellbutrin was wonderful for the weight loss, but horrible for the ringing in my ears. Effexor caused scary memory loss (so did Serzone--though I believe the Serzone's caused longer term memory loss), Prozac and other similar meds have been ruled out (they cause extreme mania--for me, anyway). Depakote was awful (weight gain) and though it did work to even out my moods for a time, after a while it became ineffective. Still trying to find the right thing, but opting for the time being to simply deal with my problems via therapy. It's not going the greatest. Ah, well.


Re: my experience with topamax » lorelai

Posted by token on January 5, 2003, at 20:57:28

In reply to Re: my experience with topamax » token, posted by lorelai on January 5, 2003, at 19:10:13

> >
> > hi, i've been on topamax for 6 months now and it had the same effect on me- loss of words, no sense of direction, IQ drastically diminished... but what helped was to slowly increase it (took 3 months to reach 400mg).
> >
> > my neurologist also has me on singulair which is for asthma and it helps with the migraines. he said that if the topamax/singulair/maxalt mix no longer work that i should consider botox injections since my medication choices are limited. since i've been on these meds, i've only had 4 migraines that lasted less than 30 minutes (as opposed to days with vomiting). you shouldn't have to suffer- migraines are dibilitating and there are so many meds your docs can try! good luck!
> >
> In my case, the Topamax was one of several different meds my pdoc tried me on for bipolar disorder (not migraines). Have been through a whole slew of medications and am tired of trying to find the right thing. Wellbutrin was wonderful for the weight loss, but horrible for the ringing in my ears. Effexor caused scary memory loss (so did Serzone--though I believe the Serzone's caused longer term memory loss), Prozac and other similar meds have been ruled out (they cause extreme mania--for me, anyway). Depakote was awful (weight gain) and though it did work to even out my moods for a time, after a while it became ineffective. Still trying to find the right thing, but opting for the time being to simply deal with my problems via therapy. It's not going the greatest. Ah, well.
> ~L

i have bipolar II...prozac confirmed that one! :) what fun! effexor worked for a while, it took some time before the side effects of nightmares and profuse sweating went away. zyprexa- that was hideous stuff! friends and family barely knew who i was anymore and i gained so much weight! seroquel was good but i only take it when i start losing sleep (and prevent mania). sometimes i take klonopin for mood stabilization and panic, as well, but i try to stay away from the narcotics. i used to have to take xanax in extreme cases (had to let it melt under the tongue). it's been 3 years of "let's see if this works" and for some reason my body likes topamax. it was amazing, for 3 weeks straight i was crying and in fits of rage and as soon as i started the topamax, i was incredibly stable. i lost weight at first but as my depression came back past couple months, so did the weight. my sister-in-law (bipolar I) is on lamictal with great results and no weight gain. i can't remember what other med she is on...she thinks it's strange that i am on so many meds when she only needs 2. well, it's not a competition and we can only support each other! has your psychdoc tried lamictal, zyprexa, or seroquel? as far as the weight gain on zyprexa, my friend has been on it 5 years and is actually trying to PUT ON weight. so maybe the side effects are different for everyone?

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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