Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 109267

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Re: omega 3 getting overlooked by industry ?

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 12, 2002, at 20:31:12

In reply to omega 3 getting overlooked by industry ?, posted by omega man on June 9, 2002, at 14:32:36

The latest (Aug 2002) issue of Psychology Today, page 18
has an article on David Horrobin, M.D., who believes that much of
mental illness, including schizophrenia, comes from problems in the
synapses that convey neurotransmitters. He believes that many
symptoms are due to a shortage of arachidonic acid, which is

His treatment for this shortage? Omega-3 EPA.

According to the article, Horribin is now also the chairman of Laxdale Ltd.,
a Scottish biotech company that makes EPA and other psychotropic substances.

Check it out --


Re: arachidonic acid? » Bookgurl99

Posted by IsoM on June 12, 2002, at 21:14:32

In reply to Re: omega 3 getting overlooked by industry ?, posted by Bookgurl99 on June 12, 2002, at 20:31:12

Do you want to check that over again for me? I don't have access to that issue of Psychology Today. Reason I'm asking is that arachidonic acid is supposed to be very PRO-inflammatory, not anti-inflammatory. It's part of the omega-6 prostaglandin pathway. Was that a typing error or something?


Re: omega 3 getting overlooked by industry ? » Bookgurl99

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 12, 2002, at 22:00:53

In reply to Re: omega 3 getting overlooked by industry ?, posted by Bookgurl99 on June 12, 2002, at 20:31:12

Sorry, you're right -- Arachidonic acid is considered to be a participant in inflammation. Perhaps Psychology Today meant to call AA pro-inflammatory, not anti-inflammatory.

Nontheless, the study on treating schizophrenics with Omega-3's is interesting. Here's one using Laxdale Limited oil at


Re: In Defense of Science » Cam W.

Posted by omega man on June 15, 2002, at 21:26:46

In reply to Re: In Defense of Science, posted by Cam W. on June 11, 2002, at 11:12:01

>So, my question to everyone is, is it the snake oil (eg pig vitamins, relative low doses of omega-3s, laying of hands, spiritual experience, etc.) that has "cured" the consumer; or is it an improved mental set (ie. a subconscious unconditional belief in these untested treatments) causing the remission?

I can't believe you were hitting this same line about omega 3 two years ago..practically the same sentence..almost as if you cut and pasted it, word for word.

Don't the amount of threads now appearing tell you anything ?
Psychological ? How about I blindfold you feed you some omega 3 before you sleep and you tell me how you feel the next day..

This is no subtle placebo...its a major refresh awareness enhancer, with profound mood stabilization for 8 hours. its had clinical trials at harvard and Sheffield..which if you feel like you want to stick in the mud you can argue lots of holes since the money is'nt there to be made on this chemical and hence the will to prove it beyond the academic interest.

Put it this way is there something you don't understand about this argument ? why would you say what you just said....and how many people suffer because something usefull does'nt get a look in because of attitudes entrenched by non-profitability, causing Pdocs to be blind to something really helpful ?

Omega 3 is in a category of its own..its effect is profound if your brain needs it.

Like I said its also really worrying that the trials don't appear in the search engines anymore.


Re: Profit Driven Industries » IsoM

Posted by omega man on June 15, 2002, at 21:30:25

In reply to Profit Driven Industries, posted by IsoM on June 11, 2002, at 12:59:05

You seem to miss the the original post that started the thread and answer those issues.


Essential Lipids » omega man

Posted by IsoM on June 15, 2002, at 22:33:13

In reply to Re: Profit Driven Industries » IsoM, posted by omega man on June 15, 2002, at 21:30:25

I wasn't responding to the original post but making a comment on alternative treatments in general. Not to say that some aren't good but like everything else, it has to be weighed against what is known to be absolutely true & factual, & what is new & hypothetical. Based on what information we can dig up, a person needs to make a reasonable decision whether to try something or not.

About omega-3 oils, there's real science there, but there's not enough we know about it all yet. But I think people may be jumping the gun a little too fast. In trying to isolate just certain types of fats, other valuable lipids may be missed. When something new is learned, people tend to get overly hopeful that this new discovery is the answer to so many different ills. Trying to take only 'good' fatty acids & avoiding some of what's considered 'bad' (no, I don't mean obviously bad like trans-fatty acids like hydrogenated fats i.e. Crisco) but those like arachidonic acid is sometimes considered 'bad' as it forms more pro-inflammatory prostaglandins rather than the anti-inflammatory ones. But everything in the body needs to be balanced with an opposite. It's the balance that's most important, to not lean too far in one direction than another.

Remember when butter, tea, coffee, chocolate, eggs, milk etc were all considered bad foods? But 'new' evidence shows their benefits after all. I believe the same may be true of many fats & trying to separate some fatty acids from others & take more of those new 'good' ones may instead cause other problems not now known about.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) has now got researchers' interest. Where is it found? In animal fats (though not grain-fed animals). How much more will we learn? Vitamins, minerals, & amino acids are somewhat better understood as they've been researched & tested longer, but the study of lipids & their effects on health is pretty new. We honestly don't know enough about lipids & all the roles they play in our bodies. There's quite a few studies being done on CLA & its effects on people & animals right now. More is being learned all the time & retractions of what was previously accepted is being done frequently. What other types of lipids will be discovered to have protective effects on human health?

Time & time again, it comes back that eating a good, balanced diet with variety is the best preventative medicine of all. Only trouble is that trying to find truly natural unadulterated foods has become more & more difficult, not to mention expensive, unless you have your own land & farm. And people like convenience. They're willing to pay more money for foods that don't taste as good & are often unhealthy for us for the convenience. Cooking really healthy AND tasty meals is time-consuming. Yet we can't think we can get what we need by taking more supplements instead. (By the way, CLA capsules seem to be less than 50% effective as compared with natural CLA in foods & FAR more expensive, of course.)


Cheap source

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 0:31:56

In reply to Re: In Defense of Science » Cam W., posted by omega man on June 15, 2002, at 21:26:46

Where could one find a cheap, effective source of Omega-3 with "proper" EPA/DHA ratio -- and how woudl you go about finding a helpful dosage?

Will adding ground flax seed to my diet help?


Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:09:12

In reply to Cheap source, posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 0:31:56

I've got flax seed in the fridge...its not been opened since I tried it ages ago....the effect is slight and its horrible on the guts..

For brain did nought for me..but a ten minute awareness enhancement.


Re: Jesus took fish oil » IsoM

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:22:01

In reply to Essential Lipids » omega man, posted by IsoM on June 15, 2002, at 22:33:13

The body might need to be balanced..a perfect body and brain usually is...which may be the average genome..but what we end up as calls for extremes as we all know...

I suppose my problem is i feel passionately similarly to the guy who is advocating Nuerology replacing psychiatry...because he has had enough of the psycho-drivel and seeing it take slices out his life and sanity ..

Perhaps you have to experience omega understand why I get so cured me of Schizo-affective disorder...I can stand in a crowded street or be in a room of people and just take everything in when I get enough omega 3..also my mood is stable...nothing else touches that...and eating a balanced diet would'nt help..i'm eating the equivalant of 6 salmon a day..

Jesus had schizophrenia and he was a fisherman.. what better peer testing can you ask for than the son of god ??


Re: Jesus took fish oil » omega man

Posted by IsoM on June 16, 2002, at 3:18:22

In reply to Re: Jesus took fish oil » IsoM, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:22:01

I'm not disputing that omega-3 oils have helped you nor am I disputing that it may help many others too. All I'm saying is that a good balanced diet is the best way to go *IF* we could really get what we need from foods. Unfortunately, few of us can find foods that provide us with what we need. And I'm assuming that that a good diet is more a maintenence thing to keep us healthy rather than to 'cure' us - we'd need to be already physically sound to begin with (which few of us really are).

Heck, I take lipid supplements myself - flax oil & fish oils because I don't think we can get all we need from our diet & because my appetite isn't that big any more. I couldn't eat enough. But I want to make sure I keep my diet good & don't rely just on supplements for my nutritional needs. I've seen too many people with absolutely crappy diets think they can keep healthy by popping some extra vitamins & such. But if you're concerned about your health, mental & otherwise, you probably already do eat good.


Re: Cheap source

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 11:27:32

In reply to Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:09:12

> I've got flax seed in the fridge...its not been opened since I tried it ages ago....the effect is slight and its horrible on the guts..
> For brain did nought for me..but a ten minute awareness enhancement.

Okay -- then, getting back to the original question, where have you found a cheap, reliable source of Omega-3's?


Can we stop beating a dead horse here? (nm)

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 11:28:41

In reply to Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:09:12


Re: I have an idea

Posted by deli on June 16, 2002, at 13:50:43

In reply to Can we stop beating a dead horse here? (nm), posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 11:28:41

I believe that Omega 3 may play a big role in the treatment of mental illness. I have been taking it for a week and I can see some improvement. As far as I know, there are barely any side effects if any, if consumed in high dosages eg. 4-8 grams. Why don't some of us start our own semi-controlled study. We can begin taking a certain amount and report every 2-3 days.
I know it is not scientific, but I don't think pharmaceutical companys are going to do it. Could you imagine the millions in revenue lost if this worked.
Anyways, I am beginning to feel better and thought this could be a little experiment some of us could do. A lot of members in this group seem to know about research and such, maybe someone could design the study.

P.S Getting off the subject, I agree in the suspension of the neurology guy. There is no need for foul language. But in my humble opinion he has made more sense than many retarded doctors I've known.

I am going on vacation for a week so won't be able to read posts. In case this takes off I will get back with you in a week.;)


Re: I have an idea » deli

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 14:24:51

In reply to Re: I have an idea, posted by deli on June 16, 2002, at 13:50:43

>In order for this to work, we'll need a readily comparable source -- will everyone use Omega-3 capsules from Walmart? Or what?


Re: I have an idea » deli

Posted by JonW on June 16, 2002, at 16:27:20

In reply to Re: I have an idea, posted by deli on June 16, 2002, at 13:50:43

>dosages eg. 4-8 grams. Why don't some of us start our own semi-controlled study. We can begin taking a certain amount and report every 2-3 days. I know it is not scientific, but I don't think pharmaceutical companys are going to do it. Could you imagine the millions in revenue lost if this worked.

Hi deli,

I applaud your idea, but there is no way for this to be scientific so why do it? First of all, there is no way for the study to be controlled or even "semi-controlled". What, are we going to buy our own placebos? -- we just won't tell ourselves which we're taking :) We also should be evaluated by a blind doctor, not by ourselves. And we need all of the results to be interpreted by people who know lots about math among other things. There are probably lots of other things that are necessary that those people who know lots about math and other stuff could tell us as well :)

> P.S Getting off the subject, I agree in the suspension of the neurology guy. There is no need for foul language. But in my humble opinion he has made more sense than many retarded doctors I've known.

This discussion doesn't belong here but I'll bite... Dr. Bob has decided not to allow "foul" language and so we should follow his rules. And I have to say, when you just said "retarded doctors", I consider that just as offensive as when LostBoyinNC1 said "bullsh*t doctors" -- which is to say I wasn't necessarily offended by either, but if "bullsh*t" is bad, what you said is every bit as offensive.



Redirect: the suspension of the neurology guy

Posted by Dr. Bob on June 16, 2002, at 16:43:20

In reply to Re: I have an idea, posted by deli on June 16, 2002, at 13:50:43

> P.S Getting off the subject, I agree in the suspension of the neurology guy...

That is in fact off the subject, so that discussion should take place over at Psycho-Babble Administration:




Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 16:55:58

In reply to Re: Cheap source, posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 11:27:32

I'm so happy to have omega 3 have'nt tried to get it cheaply..compared to the amount spent on drugs previously which I don't need to..its pennies to buy a bottle of this stuff every four weeks..

I go for quality..that is salmon oil...the health stores sell it here and so far no problems getting it...


Re: whats your problem ?? » omega man

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 17:00:43

In reply to Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 2:09:12

I'm just replying to questions you like youre getting confused..

you posted

>Will adding ground flax seed to my diet help?
I replied..

and then you tell me not to reply *&*()



Re: I have an idea... let me be rat number one... (nm) » deli

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 17:02:56

In reply to Re: I have an idea, posted by deli on June 16, 2002, at 13:50:43


what's your problem?? » omega man

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 17:29:16

In reply to Re: whats your problem ?? » omega man, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 17:00:43

I posted those two messages together -- I asked for info and also posted "let's stop beating a dead horse" to refer to the arguing back and forth within the group (not just on your behalf, OmegaMan) about whether Omega-3 supplementation is useful vs. not useful vs. whether we should just try to eat a good diet.

I didn't post "let's stop beating a dead horse" in reply to YOUR reply; it was not directed at you specifically.

When I said "let's stop beating a dead horse" it was because, from my perspective, the topic has gone back and forth so much that I don't think opinions will be changed. Those that agree have made themselves known, and those that disagree have made themselves known -- with an apparent stalemate.

Hence, except for factual info on how to use omega-3's or non-defensive anecdotes on how it worked "in the field," there isn't really a point to carrying on this thread of conversation.

I feel that you misinterpreted my posts and intent -- there's no need to lash out at me personally by asking "what's your problem?" like that.


Re: Tech tok » Bookgurl99

Posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 18:46:12

In reply to what's your problem?? » omega man, posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 17:29:16

sorry..when I read the post and see its saying its a reply to my post it does look like youre posting specifically to me...but now I think about it ..its not possible to make a post without it being a reply to something

mmmnn sensitive am I ....


Re: Tech tok

Posted by Bookgurl99 on June 16, 2002, at 18:51:30

In reply to Re: Tech tok » Bookgurl99, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 18:46:12

> sorry..when I read the post and see its saying its a reply to my post it does look like youre posting specifically to me...but now I think about it ..its not possible to make a post without it being a reply to something
> mmmnn sensitive am I ....

I'm sensitive too. . .not enough omega-3? *grin*

I'm looking at a website called right now. It talks about the use of omega-3's in treating ADHD (my problem) , dyslexia, and learning disorders.


Re: Cheap source

Posted by dave40252 on June 18, 2002, at 16:21:36

In reply to Re: Cheap source » Bookgurl99, posted by omega man on June 16, 2002, at 16:55:58

I found a salmon oil supplement at a Walgreens -
I think it was like $6 for a hundred - i added it to my mix a little over a week ago and have noticed a significant improvement - hoping it isnt just placebo effect.


Re: whats your DX ? (nm) » dave40252

Posted by omega man on June 19, 2002, at 21:56:42

In reply to Re: Cheap source, posted by dave40252 on June 18, 2002, at 16:21:36


Re: whats your DX ?

Posted by dave40252 on June 20, 2002, at 13:39:43

In reply to Re: whats your DX ? (nm) » dave40252, posted by omega man on June 19, 2002, at 21:56:42

chronic dysthymia/anxiety with recurrent major depression

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