Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 83102

Shown: posts 1 to 18 of 18. This is the beginning of the thread.


Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :)

Posted by dannyboy on November 3, 2001, at 17:02:30

Hey Everybody -

I've placed a couple of posts over the last several weeks due to treating my anxiety. I mentioned that I had been prescribed Celexa about a month ago, which I took (10 mg) for 2 weeks. It made my anxiety much worse... I began to have very severe panic attacks on a daily basis, usually at public places but not necessarily. I stopped the Celexa, but the anxiety remains. I've become totally agoraphobic, and have great difficulty functioning. I force myself to go outside every day, but I feel acute distress going anywhere. This has had, needless to say, a depressive effect - I'm beginning to feel more and more hopeless and sad that I can't live my life and do the things that I want to do (and I have big plans for my future -I'm very much in love with life and want to live it!)

I entertained the idea of overcoming my anxiety med-free, with just therapy and developing relaxation techniques, but I think that it will take much too long, and with my anxiety at the levels it now is, it's damn near impossible to focus on therapy of any kind.

I took Paxil for four months about 10 months ago, (only 10 mgs. a day), and had great success. My anxiety was completely held at bay, I felt calm and confident.... however, I stopped because of weight gain (20 lbs in 4 months).

I recognize that I need to take medication again. I am not functional, and need to be able to tackle life again soon. I've taken a week off from work (I'm a third grade teacher) and even without the stresses of my job, my anxiety has not abated.

So, I've been shopping for anti-anxiety medications that might have less weight-gain potential, but they all seem to be even worse offenders than Paxil (i.e. Tofranil, Pamelor, Norpromine, Nardil, Remeron). I've come to the conclusion that, weight gain be damned, I'll have to tolerate that in order to begin living again. It's not as if I'm enjoying my slim body (nor is anybody else :), shut in at home, in a constant state of dread!

Soooooo, after my long rant, here's the question... has anyone had success combining an anti-anxiety med with another agent that has counterbalanced the weight gain of the former? I'm considering just doing Paxil again (as someone here said "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"). Has ANYONE combined anything with Paxil to halt or at least slow the weight gain from this drug and had success? Or taken another antianxiety med with another agent to counter weight gain? I believe that just about anything will cause me to gain weight, as I already have a pretty slow metabolism...

BTW - I really don't have depression, just terrific anxiety - that's what I need help with...

Thanks everybody,



Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :)

Posted by tina on November 3, 2001, at 17:44:40

In reply to Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :), posted by dannyboy on November 3, 2001, at 17:02:30

i hear topomax can help with the weight gain side of ADs. have you tried just taking a benzo like xanax or clonazepam for the anxiety?

> Hey Everybody -
> I've placed a couple of posts over the last several weeks due to treating my anxiety. I mentioned that I had been prescribed Celexa about a month ago, which I took (10 mg) for 2 weeks. It made my anxiety much worse... I began to have very severe panic attacks on a daily basis, usually at public places but not necessarily. I stopped the Celexa, but the anxiety remains. I've become totally agoraphobic, and have great difficulty functioning. I force myself to go outside every day, but I feel acute distress going anywhere. This has had, needless to say, a depressive effect - I'm beginning to feel more and more hopeless and sad that I can't live my life and do the things that I want to do (and I have big plans for my future -I'm very much in love with life and want to live it!)
> I entertained the idea of overcoming my anxiety med-free, with just therapy and developing relaxation techniques, but I think that it will take much too long, and with my anxiety at the levels it now is, it's damn near impossible to focus on therapy of any kind.
> I took Paxil for four months about 10 months ago, (only 10 mgs. a day), and had great success. My anxiety was completely held at bay, I felt calm and confident.... however, I stopped because of weight gain (20 lbs in 4 months).
> I recognize that I need to take medication again. I am not functional, and need to be able to tackle life again soon. I've taken a week off from work (I'm a third grade teacher) and even without the stresses of my job, my anxiety has not abated.
> So, I've been shopping for anti-anxiety medications that might have less weight-gain potential, but they all seem to be even worse offenders than Paxil (i.e. Tofranil, Pamelor, Norpromine, Nardil, Remeron). I've come to the conclusion that, weight gain be damned, I'll have to tolerate that in order to begin living again. It's not as if I'm enjoying my slim body (nor is anybody else :), shut in at home, in a constant state of dread!
> Soooooo, after my long rant, here's the question... has anyone had success combining an anti-anxiety med with another agent that has counterbalanced the weight gain of the former? I'm considering just doing Paxil again (as someone here said "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"). Has ANYONE combined anything with Paxil to halt or at least slow the weight gain from this drug and had success? Or taken another antianxiety med with another agent to counter weight gain? I believe that just about anything will cause me to gain weight, as I already have a pretty slow metabolism...
> BTW - I really don't have depression, just terrific anxiety - that's what I need help with...
> Thanks everybody,
> Daniel


Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :) » dannyboy

Posted by Rick on November 3, 2001, at 19:08:11

In reply to Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :), posted by dannyboy on November 3, 2001, at 17:02:30

dannyboy -

(Please note -- I've only read your last post, so I apologize in advance if some of what I say here has already been covered.)

Given what you're dealing with, I'd be shocked if you haven't been given a benzo like Klonopin or Xanax, at least on a temporary or as-needed basis. If you're not familiar with benzos, they act very fast and do a great job on anxiety. I've been taking low-dose Klonopin for two years for non-depressive severe Social Anxiety (Xanax wasn't even in the same league for me), with great success. (I round it out with Provigil and Serzone -- a mostly non-SSRI yet serotonergic antidepressant particularly known for its anti-anxiety benefits, with low incidence of sexual dysfunction, and no tendency toward weight gain. In fact, dieting has been easier than ever for me on Serzone.)

Benzos probably aren't the best *longer-term* for *generalized* anxiety or OCD, but for panic sufferers in particular, nothing helps them live normal lives more than daily benzos. Of course, you'd get strong disagreement from the AD manufacturers with their big marketing budgets, as well as the multitude of benzophobic doctors who don't realize that most people who need them theraputically rarely abuse them. For people with anxiety, even when a doc doesn't want them on *long-term* benzos, they'll still often be used as a supplement to an AD in the early weeks of treatment since AD's can take awhile to kick in, and because -- as you have noted -- SSRI's can paradoxically cause quite an INCREASE in anxiety during the first few weeks.

Unless benzo usage is contradicted in your case for some reason (sometimes due to a history of substance abuse, although even this "rule" is has lately ben shown to be misguded in many cases), you REALLY should be taking a benzo now. As I said, I'm partial to Klonopin, one reason being because its effect is longer lasting and smoother. Just avoid the trap some people fall into that "more is better"; a too-high dose can actually be *less* effective, can lead to side effects, and can make the weaning-off process harder when you want to discontinue the med. When used properly, benzos are very safe (except perhaps in the frail or elderly). In truth, they're safer and more "time tested" than SSRI's, despite the $$$'s SSRI makers spend convincing patients and doctors that their antidepressants have superior safety and anti-anxiety effects and should be the prescriptions of choice for anxiety.

As for you specific question at the end, 'm guessing that combining Wellbutrin with Paxil *might* help with the weight gain (and possibly with any sexual dysfunction, but you don't mention that as a problem), but it also might add back some anxiety. Maybe adding a *low dose of Wellbutrin would work out OK.

I hate to belabor the point, but none of the meds you mentioned are "anti-anxiety" meds, they're antidepressants that can sometimes help anxiety.
Since Paxil has a slightly adrenergic effect while Celexa has virtually none, it sounds as if another med with some adrenergic action might help. Serzone, Effexor, and Remeron would all fall in this category, but Remeron -- while good for anxiety -- has weight gain as one of its primary side effects.

If you didn't suffer much fatigue with Paxil -- AND you don't want to try a solo benzo -- even though you're not depressive -- it sounds like Serzone may be your best bet. It works great for many, while others hate it. YMMV. But just give it time. I *can* tell you that it's not very likely to *increase* your anxiety like the Celexa did.

Good Luck,

> Hey Everybody -
> I've placed a couple of posts over the last several weeks due to treating my anxiety. I mentioned that I had been prescribed Celexa about a month ago, which I took (10 mg) for 2 weeks. It made my anxiety much worse... I began to have very severe panic attacks on a daily basis, usually at public places but not necessarily. I stopped the Celexa, but the anxiety remains. I've become totally agoraphobic, and have great difficulty functioning. I force myself to go outside every day, but I feel acute distress going anywhere. This has had, needless to say, a depressive effect - I'm beginning to feel more and more hopeless and sad that I can't live my life and do the things that I want to do (and I have big plans for my future -I'm very much in love with life and want to live it!)
> I entertained the idea of overcoming my anxiety med-free, with just therapy and developing relaxation techniques, but I think that it will take much too long, and with my anxiety at the levels it now is, it's damn near impossible to focus on therapy of any kind.
> I took Paxil for four months about 10 months ago, (only 10 mgs. a day), and had great success. My anxiety was completely held at bay, I felt calm and confident.... however, I stopped because of weight gain (20 lbs in 4 months).
> I recognize that I need to take medication again. I am not functional, and need to be able to tackle life again soon. I've taken a week off from work (I'm a third grade teacher) and even without the stresses of my job, my anxiety has not abated.
> So, I've been shopping for anti-anxiety medications that might have less weight-gain potential, but they all seem to be even worse offenders than Paxil (i.e. Tofranil, Pamelor, Norpromine, Nardil, Remeron). I've come to the conclusion that, weight gain be damned, I'll have to tolerate that in order to begin living again. It's not as if I'm enjoying my slim body (nor is anybody else :), shut in at home, in a constant state of dread!
> Soooooo, after my long rant, here's the question... has anyone had success combining an anti-anxiety med with another agent that has counterbalanced the weight gain of the former? I'm considering just doing Paxil again (as someone here said "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"). Has ANYONE combined anything with Paxil to halt or at least slow the weight gain from this drug and had success? Or taken another antianxiety med with another agent to counter weight gain? I believe that just about anything will cause me to gain weight, as I already have a pretty slow metabolism...
> BTW - I really don't have depression, just terrific anxiety - that's what I need help with...
> Thanks everybody,
> Daniel


Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S.

Posted by Rick on November 3, 2001, at 19:31:07

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY - Advice PLEASE!!! :) » dannyboy, posted by Rick on November 3, 2001, at 19:08:11

I forgot to mention that Serzone is also known for acting significantly more quickly than most AD's on anxiety (usually somewhat slower for depression). For generalized anxiety, at least, Effexor can apparently lead to a quick response, too.

BTW, if your doctor tries to prescribe the non-benzo anxiety med BuSpar, I would push back. It works great for some people, but overall the response has been very lukewarm to negative. And when it does help, it usually takes at least four weeks. I know it didn't do much for my friend with GAD. (She thought it "might" be helping "a little" after 8 weeks, but replaced it with Serzone and saw a world of diference. She's now been taking Serzone side-effect-free for nearly three years.) >
> dannyboy -
> (Please note -- I've only read your last post, so I apologize in advance if some of what I say here has already been covered.)
> Given what you're dealing with, I'd be shocked if you haven't been given a benzo like Klonopin or Xanax, at least on a temporary or as-needed basis. If you're not familiar with benzos, they act very fast and do a great job on anxiety. I've been taking low-dose Klonopin for two years for non-depressive severe Social Anxiety (Xanax wasn't even in the same league for me), with great success. (I round it out with Provigil and Serzone -- a mostly non-SSRI yet serotonergic antidepressant particularly known for its anti-anxiety benefits, with low incidence of sexual dysfunction, and no tendency toward weight gain. In fact, dieting has been easier than ever for me on Serzone.)
> Benzos probably aren't the best *longer-term* for *generalized* anxiety or OCD, but for panic sufferers in particular, nothing helps them live normal lives more than daily benzos. Of course, you'd get strong disagreement from the AD manufacturers with their big marketing budgets, as well as the multitude of benzophobic doctors who don't realize that most people who need them theraputically rarely abuse them. For people with anxiety, even when a doc doesn't want them on *long-term* benzos, they'll still often be used as a supplement to an AD in the early weeks of treatment since AD's can take awhile to kick in, and because -- as you have noted -- SSRI's can paradoxically cause quite an INCREASE in anxiety during the first few weeks.
> Unless benzo usage is contradicted in your case for some reason (sometimes due to a history of substance abuse, although even this "rule" is has lately ben shown to be misguded in many cases), you REALLY should be taking a benzo now. As I said, I'm partial to Klonopin, one reason being because its effect is longer lasting and smoother. Just avoid the trap some people fall into that "more is better"; a too-high dose can actually be *less* effective, can lead to side effects, and can make the weaning-off process harder when you want to discontinue the med. When used properly, benzos are very safe (except perhaps in the frail or elderly). In truth, they're safer and more "time tested" than SSRI's, despite the $$$'s SSRI makers spend convincing patients and doctors that their antidepressants have superior safety and anti-anxiety effects and should be the prescriptions of choice for anxiety.
> As for you specific question at the end, 'm guessing that combining Wellbutrin with Paxil *might* help with the weight gain (and possibly with any sexual dysfunction, but you don't mention that as a problem), but it also might add back some anxiety. Maybe adding a *low dose of Wellbutrin would work out OK.
> I hate to belabor the point, but none of the meds you mentioned are "anti-anxiety" meds, they're antidepressants that can sometimes help anxiety.
> Since Paxil has a slightly adrenergic effect while Celexa has virtually none, it sounds as if another med with some adrenergic action might help. Serzone, Effexor, and Remeron would all fall in this category, but Remeron -- while good for anxiety -- has weight gain as one of its primary side effects.
> If you didn't suffer much fatigue with Paxil -- AND you don't want to try a solo benzo -- even though you're not depressive -- it sounds like Serzone may be your best bet. It works great for many, while others hate it. YMMV. But just give it time. I *can* tell you that it's not very likely to *increase* your anxiety like the Celexa did.
> Good Luck,
> Rick
> > Hey Everybody -
> >
> > I've placed a couple of posts over the last several weeks due to treating my anxiety. I mentioned that I had been prescribed Celexa about a month ago, which I took (10 mg) for 2 weeks. It made my anxiety much worse... I began to have very severe panic attacks on a daily basis, usually at public places but not necessarily. I stopped the Celexa, but the anxiety remains. I've become totally agoraphobic, and have great difficulty functioning. I force myself to go outside every day, but I feel acute distress going anywhere. This has had, needless to say, a depressive effect - I'm beginning to feel more and more hopeless and sad that I can't live my life and do the things that I want to do (and I have big plans for my future -I'm very much in love with life and want to live it!)
> >
> > I entertained the idea of overcoming my anxiety med-free, with just therapy and developing relaxation techniques, but I think that it will take much too long, and with my anxiety at the levels it now is, it's damn near impossible to focus on therapy of any kind.
> >
> > I took Paxil for four months about 10 months ago, (only 10 mgs. a day), and had great success. My anxiety was completely held at bay, I felt calm and confident.... however, I stopped because of weight gain (20 lbs in 4 months).
> >
> > I recognize that I need to take medication again. I am not functional, and need to be able to tackle life again soon. I've taken a week off from work (I'm a third grade teacher) and even without the stresses of my job, my anxiety has not abated.
> >
> > So, I've been shopping for anti-anxiety medications that might have less weight-gain potential, but they all seem to be even worse offenders than Paxil (i.e. Tofranil, Pamelor, Norpromine, Nardil, Remeron). I've come to the conclusion that, weight gain be damned, I'll have to tolerate that in order to begin living again. It's not as if I'm enjoying my slim body (nor is anybody else :), shut in at home, in a constant state of dread!
> >
> > Soooooo, after my long rant, here's the question... has anyone had success combining an anti-anxiety med with another agent that has counterbalanced the weight gain of the former? I'm considering just doing Paxil again (as someone here said "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"). Has ANYONE combined anything with Paxil to halt or at least slow the weight gain from this drug and had success? Or taken another antianxiety med with another agent to counter weight gain? I believe that just about anything will cause me to gain weight, as I already have a pretty slow metabolism...
> >
> > BTW - I really don't have depression, just terrific anxiety - that's what I need help with...
> >
> > Thanks everybody,
> >
> > Daniel


Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S.

Posted by dannyboy on November 3, 2001, at 21:01:27

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S., posted by Rick on November 3, 2001, at 19:31:07

Thanks Rick & Tina for your responses -

Tina - I've searched a little on Topamax - it seems to be promising. My only concern is one guy experienced kidney stones because of this. I have a history of kidney stones (my first one at 13 - imagine people!) Despite being built like an ox that is my Achille's heel. I'll talk to my doc, but it gives me hope.

Rick - Very helpful info. It's odd that you should mention the benzos. I was given a prescription for Xanax when I started Paxil, 1 mg. a day, to be taken until I felt the Paxil "kick in". After a couple of weeks, I stopped the Xanax and have only taken it on an "as-needed" basis (which was rare). However, I decided to start up with 1 mg./day of my leftover Xanax today and have already begun to feel more calm and "in control".

I agree that there is way too much panic over benzo abuse. I have **never** taken more than 1 mg. of Xanax a day and have never been tempted to. I'm not proud of this, but I did a lot of drug experimentation in college (Ecstasy, Pot, LSD, Cocaine, Speed ... that was years ago now, I promise) - now, some of THESE drugs have addictive potential. I have never got any "euphoria" or "high" from Xanax, nothing that would have me drooling for more. There is no effect of Xanax that I would crave for recreational purposes. However, I have been made to feel VERY guilty about using Xanax, as if I were an opium-eater. I'm fearful of using it long-term, getting used to it, then being told by my pdoc that my prescription will not be refilled because he fears I am a junkie.

So yeah, after long-term use of Xanax, one must taper slowly or one may experience withdrawal. After long-term use of Paxil or Effexor, or any other number of ADs, one must "taper" slowly to avoid "discontinuation syndrome", aka WITHDRAWAL!!! I have experienced that first-hand on Paxil. It all sounds the same to me, although these ADs are touted as "not addictive", while Xanax is feared as a perilously addictive illicit substance.

Anyway, enough with my rant. I will speak to my pdoc on Monday, and will ask about Serzone. I've heard very little that is negative about it! I will also ask about a longer-term benzo therapy.

Thanks again everybody,



Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S.

Posted by Jackster on November 4, 2001, at 0:39:49

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S., posted by dannyboy on November 3, 2001, at 21:01:27

Hi Daniel

I too had great success as an agoraphobic on Paxil - and I too came off it because of the weight gain. Unfortunately, when I went back on it - it didn't work nearly to the degree that it did the first time. After being on the AD roundabout, trying everything, Paxil seems to be the only one that works for me. My PDoc has put me on a combination of Paxil and Clomipramine (a TCA) to see if that works. I'm not up to the full dosage of 40mg of Paxil that I was on, but one thing I have noticed is that I haven't had any weight gain. I think this is because of the Clomipramine. It's just an idea you might want to try out with your PDoc.

I am keen to hear how you go if you try the Serzone - it's one drug I haven't tried, but my PDoc basically thought it wasn't very good. That doesn't mean it doesn't work though - everyone has different opinions and reactions.



Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S.

Posted by dannyboy on November 4, 2001, at 1:51:53

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S., posted by Jackster on November 4, 2001, at 0:39:49

> Thanks for your reply Jackie -

Funny that the Paxil wouldn't work as well the second time around... were you on 40 mgs. of Paxil the first time around as well? Didn't that make you horribly tired? (10 mgs. for me and I was Wee Willie Winkie!) I hope that you benefit from the Clomipramine/Paxil combo - let's make a deal... I'll tell you how Serzone is working out for me; you let me know if the Clomipramine is working for you! I'll keep you posted...

Best of luck,


Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S. » dannyboy

Posted by Alan on November 4, 2001, at 19:59:51

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S., posted by dannyboy on November 4, 2001, at 1:51:53

You might want to read:

Scroll down to BZD's if you want (although the rest is extremely well written and researched). You may want to have a copy in hand about long term benzo therapy when you speak to your doc.

Mine and Rick's experience have been very similar.
Anti depressants especially SSRI's usually need a benzo augmentation in the end anyway so why combine all of the side effects of both? Research and Development reimbursement, that's why. SSRI's are brand - BZD's off-brand. Most all of the time docs get the company line from the newest drug reps.




Alan - THANK YOU!!!

Posted by dannyboy on November 4, 2001, at 23:01:45

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S. » dannyboy, posted by Alan on November 4, 2001, at 19:59:51

Alan -

The article to which you referred me was TOTALLY revelatory. I read it top to bottom in one sitting and felt my mystification at my condition totally evaporate... The symptoms of PD as elucidated in the literature correlate perfectly to what I have been experiencing over the last several years. It has clarified why I had SUCH a negative reaction to Celexa when I tried it.

As I mentioned, I began taking 1 mg. of Xanax daily yesterday, and have felt relief from anxiety for the first time in a month. I can focus, my ruminating on the "what-ifs" has all but ceased... I even walked around with a buddy of mine in LA and enjoyed myself - didn't get that "I gotta get outta here" feeling in my mind & legs.

I wonder if 1 mg. of Xanax is ideal... I'm 27 y.o., 5'10", 180# (fairly big guy). I'd say I feel about 75% relief. Do you recommend going up to 1 1/2 mg., or even 2 mg/day? Also, you mentioned that Klonopin is absorbed more slowly... should I request a switch? I'd love to hear from you and your experiences.

BTW screw the SSRI's (at least for me)... I really don't think that they do anything to address my condition. I just wish my pdoc would quit with the "well, Paxil made you a porker, Celexa made you a disfunctional agoraphobe, so let's try Zoloft, then Luvox..." (no I'm not exaggerating!) Any depression that I may have been feeling has totally disappeared with the hope that the benzo solution may be the answer to my prayers.

I really can't thank you enough...




Posted by judy1 on November 5, 2001, at 13:25:09

In reply to Alan - THANK YOU!!!, posted by dannyboy on November 4, 2001, at 23:01:45

I'm glad Alan posted that particular article it is extremely well written and I'm also glad that you realize that xanax is helping- according to my pdoc (a specialist in panic disorder) xanax is #1 and klonopin#2 for panic disorder. As for dose, xanax is a short acting benzo and most pdocs start their patients on .5mg tid and tweak, klonopin is longer lasting and you can get by on bid dosing. My pdoc has had patients on benzos for decades with no increase in dose (usually decrease) so don't worry about abuse. If you do decide to withdraw after a prolonged period you will have withdrawal effects but that's about the only negative. I've used klonopin for over 4 years at the same dose, it's a life-saver. Take care.


Re: Alan - THANK YOU!!! » dannyboy

Posted by Alan on November 5, 2001, at 18:04:11

In reply to Alan - THANK YOU!!!, posted by dannyboy on November 4, 2001, at 23:01:45

> Alan -
> The article to which you referred me was TOTALLY revelatory. I read it top to bottom in one sitting and felt my mystification at my condition totally evaporate... The symptoms of PD as elucidated in the literature correlate perfectly to what I have been experiencing over the last several years. It has clarified why I had SUCH a negative reaction to Celexa when I tried it.
> As I mentioned, I began taking 1 mg. of Xanax daily yesterday, and have felt relief from anxiety for the first time in a month. I can focus, my ruminating on the "what-ifs" has all but ceased... I even walked around with a buddy of mine in LA and enjoyed myself - didn't get that "I gotta get outta here" feeling in my mind & legs.
> I wonder if 1 mg. of Xanax is ideal... I'm 27 y.o., 5'10", 180# (fairly big guy). I'd say I feel about 75% relief. Do you recommend going up to 1 1/2 mg., or even 2 mg/day? Also, you mentioned that Klonopin is absorbed more slowly... should I request a switch? I'd love to hear from you and your experiences.
> BTW screw the SSRI's (at least for me)... I really don't think that they do anything to address my condition. I just wish my pdoc would quit with the "well, Paxil made you a porker, Celexa made you a disfunctional agoraphobe, so let's try Zoloft, then Luvox..." (no I'm not exaggerating!) Any depression that I may have been feeling has totally disappeared with the hope that the benzo solution may be the answer to my prayers.
> I really can't thank you enough...
> Daniel
Go to tAPir website on anxiety at:

and click on the bboard, register and you'll find all knids of interesting stuff that this person (baloo - now changed to alden) has posted over months. Read my message lower down this board too in order to learn more about this tAPir bboard...



i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by crazychickuk on January 22, 2002, at 10:03:57

In reply to Re: Back to meds for ANXIETY- Advice PLEASE/ P.S., posted by Rick on November 3, 2001, at 19:31:07

hell there,
hi i am 21 yrs young with a 2 yr old daughter i am a single mam and all alone in this big world, i am so frightened...... i was fine up untill i was being treated for depression in 2000 i was taking effexor and that made me so anxios and gave me bad panick attacks.. i STOPPED that straight away... never took a drug again... any way i could coped with the mild side of the anxiety up untill this year well talk about BAD.. i had a really bad anxiety attack boxing night.. lasted all night and through till the next day and well till now aswell... i was prescribed valuim, last night it happened again i thought that i was going to die of a brain hemerage or a brain tumour nothing to do with my chest juct my head i was so scared so i took a valuim usually calms me down but not last night well that just made me worse i really thought that that was it.. i dialled the doctor and she said that i was ok i was just experiencing a bad attack just go to bed and sleep it off.. so i went to bed and i was still shaking and ythoughts racing through my mind my daughter was there new there was something wrong with me and was crying too.. i got out of bed wrote my daughter a letter telling her how much i loved her... and also wrote my mum a letter too... explaining everything that happened..... i went to sleep and everything was ok.... today i have been agitated cant sit still and feel on edge that i have a medical problem... not just headaches just discomfert aroand my head and eyes.. they r all blood shot... o plse whats wrong with me ...? plse help me..? i am so desperate and all alone....? doctor wont give me nothing else says to control it by myself.. he refered me to a a nurse.. i am so delerious i cant remember the name.. i have been seeing her for 2 weeks 1 on 1 help as i am to afraid to go to the group to far from home..?? plse emil me or what eva....?????? plse plse psle plse... i cant do this. thank you for reading ..


Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by kylie on January 23, 2002, at 15:17:15

In reply to i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by crazychickuk on January 22, 2002, at 10:03:57

> hell there,
> hi i am 21 yrs young with a 2 yr old daughter i am a single mam and all alone in this big world, i am so frightened...... i was fine up untill i was being treated for depression in 2000 i was taking effexor and that made me so anxios and gave me bad panick attacks.. i STOPPED that straight away... never took a drug again... any way i could coped with the mild side of the anxiety up untill this year well talk about BAD.. i had a really bad anxiety attack boxing night.. lasted all night and through till the next day and well till now aswell... i was prescribed valuim, last night it happened again i thought that i was going to die of a brain hemerage or a brain tumour nothing to do with my chest juct my head i was so scared so i took a valuim usually calms me down but not last night well that just made me worse i really thought that that was it.. i dialled the doctor and she said that i was ok i was just experiencing a bad attack just go to bed and sleep it off.. so i went to bed and i was still shaking and ythoughts racing through my mind my daughter was there new there was something wrong with me and was crying too.. i got out of bed wrote my daughter a letter telling her how much i loved her... and also wrote my mum a letter too... explaining everything that happened..... i went to sleep and everything was ok.... today i have been agitated cant sit still and feel on edge that i have a medical problem... not just headaches just discomfert aroand my head and eyes.. they r all blood shot... o plse whats wrong with me ...? plse help me..? i am so desperate and all alone....? doctor wont give me nothing else says to control it by myself.. he refered me to a a nurse.. i am so delerious i cant remember the name.. i have been seeing her for 2 weeks 1 on 1 help as i am to afraid to go to the group to far from home..?? plse emil me or what eva....?????? plse plse psle plse... i cant do this. thank you for reading ..

Sounds like you need to go to the see the shrink.
I was there, exactly like you, after the birth of my daughter in 2000. I have since been on medication, tried to come off, and crashed. So, I accepted the fact that i have to take medication. I have since found the right drug combo that works for me, and am now living a happy life. But , it takes time and for me accepting the fact that I had a mental disorder. The anxiety can get so bad, it will take over your life. Sleepless nights, worrying..please call your insurance and get a referal to go see a psychiatrist. Keep positive, and if you need someone to chat with, please feel free to email me. I have been where you are, and understand. Kylie


Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Gracie2 on January 24, 2002, at 23:00:59

In reply to Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by kylie on January 23, 2002, at 15:17:15

A doctor told you to control it by yourself!? The first thing I would do is to find a new doctor.
Obviously you were there to see him because you're unable to control your anxiety and you need help. The only reasonable excuse I can think of for an MD to act in such a manner is that you have given him reason to suspect drug-seeking behaviour, and even then he should have referred you for treatment. Medical school 101 teaches every prospective doctor: first, do no harm. To send you out the door without having offered you help of any kind is, in my opinion, potentially dangerous. For all he knows, you could have gone straight home and drowned all your kids in the
bathtub. Find another doctor.

On the other hand, most general practitioners are not trained to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders. This is not a reflection on their competence as a doctor, only proof that our knowledge of medicine has developed to the point where it has become necessary to divide medical training into sub-specialties, requiring years of extra training and experience. Consequently, you would not want your general practitioner to treat you for cancer, insert a femoral rod, or perform a face-lift. This is beyond the scope of his training, as is psychiatric treatment, and you must be aware that "extra training" consists of more than a few classes and tests. In my years of working at Shriners, which is a teaching hospital, the residents' training was something similiar to an extended form of Marine boot camp.
I have never seen people work so long and so hard under such extreme and prolonged stress, and I'm sure that residents specializing in other areas are exposed to the same conditions. They deserve our admiration and respect.

I have an excellent general practitioner and I believe he did exactly what he should have done when I saw him with symptoms like your own. I was suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and OCD - not anything like obsessive hand-washing, but the same terrible thoughts running through my head over and over. If my son was late coming home, I thought that meant he was dead in a car accident. If my husband was late coming home, that meant he was having sex with a girlfriend or a prostitute. By the time they arrived home, I had convinced myself that my fears were true and I was either on the phone calling hospitals or ready to throw dishes. Jeez,
I was a mess.

My doctor gave me a prescription for Xanax and Seroquel, since I've taken Seroquel in the past and it helps me sleep. He explained that he could not prescribe this medication for me on a regular basis, because I needed to be treated and medicated by a psychiatrist, but he wanted to help me in the interim. He gave me the business card of a psychiatrist that he trusted and told me to make an appointment ASAP.

If you are more comfortable with natural therapies, I recommend the book "Nature's Prozac" by Judith Sachs. While it discusses herbs like St.
John's Wort, it also delves into a wide range of creative alternative therapies such as acupuncture and acupressure, meditation, light therapy, yoga, nutrition, aromatherapy, massage, bioenergetics, and dozens of other natural alternatives to psychiatric medication.

In the Western world, we often scoff at Far Eastern traditions and remedies as superstitious
hocus-pocus. I am starting to believe that this is a serious mistake. Their culture is thousands of years older than ours, and an ancient tradition would die out if it had no history of success. To this day, Feng Shui is a practice that the Chinese sincerely believe in.

My father is an architectural engineer who specializes in working with a building material that was constructed to "sway" during an earthquake, instead of collapsing. A number of years ago, he was under contract to help rebuild the Bank of Hong Kong (incidentally, a very successful bank). Dad, who was born and raised in St. Louis, was bemused to find himself working alongside a Feng Shui expert, whose approval was mandatory during building plans. At one point, construction was stopped completely -at a cost of thousands of dollars a day - when it was deemed necessary to move the entrance to the bank and the Foo Dogs that "protected" the building. Because the Chinese were afraid that moving the
Foo Dogs would have a detrimental effect, new plans had to be drawn up so that the statues remained in their original position, assuring the continued success of the Bank of Hong Kong.

Prehaps there is something more to the spiritual world than we are willing to believe and that here, in the Western world, our obsession with materialism, to make more and more money, to keep up with the Joneses, to be thin and have designer clothes and drive a Lexus and own the biggest house on the block, has contributed immeasurably
to our depression and the sense of being unfulfilled and incomplete. Prehaps it is time for all of us to explore new avenues.


Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by dannyboy on January 25, 2002, at 0:22:01

In reply to Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Gracie2 on January 24, 2002, at 23:00:59

Gracie -

What a thorough, thoughtful response! I couldn't agree with your observations more. I've definitely found success in managing my anxiety by seeking solutions in non-western traditions. Meditation has, for me, been essential to learning to cope with panic attacks and anxiety. I've accepted that panic will likely always be a part of my life, but I'm learning to cope with it, I am avoiding adding stress to my life, and am feeling more confident by the day!

P.S. - meds didn't work for me at all (Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa)- they either had unbearable side effects or made my anxiety much worse. (though a very rare Xanax or Klonopin does help when I feel overwhelmed) I'm glad that alternatives are available!



Anxiety - Daniel

Posted by Gracie2 on January 25, 2002, at 6:29:31

In reply to Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by dannyboy on January 25, 2002, at 0:22:01

Thank you so much for your response. I was starting to lose faith in mankind - if someone disagrees with you, they can't wait to stand up and start yelling to tell all the world how misinformed you are. If they do happen to agree with you, often they say nothing.

Just yesterday I talked to a good friend of mine who lives thousands of miles away. Although she no longer lives in New York City, she still lives nearby and has many relatives and friends there.
First, she said that there was no way she could describe the destruction in Manhattan. Second, she said that there was no way to describe their thankfulness for the generous outpouring of help from other Americans -
the money, the medical aid, the manpower, the support, and the show of patriotism in all the American flags displayed on work helmets, bandanas, bumper stickers, and the flags being flown from company flagpoles, private residences,
highway overpasses, car windows, and a hundred other places. If the intent of Osama was to make us scatter and hide in fear, he failed miserably.

My point is that it is so important to support the people whose ideas we agree with, and to have the courage to say so instead of falling into a nation of sheep, afraid to voice our views. If alternative therapies are working for you, I hope you continue to advice fellow sufferers, even if they think you're "crazy". I attribute this to a lack of knowledge or disbelief on the part of Westeners.
I'm not skilled in the use of homeopathic or natural remedies, but I know of two such remedies that absolutely work. The first is gingerroot, which will calm an upset stomach and soothe feelings of nausea. When my son was small, he suffered from tension headaches brought on my troubles at school, too little sleep, or anxiety about an uncoming sports event that was particularly important to him. Not wanting to drug my 8-year-old to sedation, I decided to try accupressure. You can also try this on yourself when you're feeling stressed...what have you got to lose?
Press the following points for 20 seconds at a time. Release for 10 seconds, then apply steady pressure at the same point for another 20 seconds.
Repeat this process 4 times at each pressure point:
*the web of skin between the thumb and forefinger.
*the top of your foot between the first toe (big toe) and middle toes.
*apply pressure at the temples of your head, both sides at the same time
*just below the underside of your knees
*the back of your neck at the base of your skull, on both sides, around the bottom of your earlobes

Let me know if you try this and it has any effect.


Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by crazychickuk on February 12, 2002, at 15:22:55

In reply to Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by dannyboy on January 25, 2002, at 0:22:01

thank you guys. well i am on my 3rd week of celexa now..... the day i started i didnt get no more attacks just fear.... i am sort of ok now. only now getting side affects, so tired, exhausted, social anxiety, and i feel weird.. i am able to control my thoughts much much better... thanx..


Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by crazychickuk on February 12, 2002, at 15:25:06

In reply to Re: i have very bad anxiety plse help!!!!!!!!!!, posted by kylie on January 23, 2002, at 15:17:15

kylie what is your email address? i would love to email you.... mine is any one email me who suffers with anxiety attacks, to do with your head ...put my mind at rest

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