Psycho-Babble Social Thread 360020

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Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 9:54:35

In reply to Re: OH OH OH! And...., posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 9:09:04


(I'm scared)


Re: Really now.... » Scott in Vermont

Posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 10:08:21

In reply to ..., posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 9:54:35

> ...
> (I'm scared)

<<<<< What, just because you have 70 loud, rambunctious, demanding, occasionally hurling characters motoring your way; looking to descend on your house, put it on a trailer and drive it off for a road trip of undetermined length and scope??? Geez, it's so easy to scare some people! (Hey, do you know if they allow nine room farm houses on wheels onto trans-Atlantic ferries?)


spoc, funny story about holding hair back.. » spoc

Posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 10:11:39

In reply to Re: OH OH OH! And...., posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 9:09:04

i too do that. i went to a new year's party with a friend once and she was bald (she looked good bald too!) she drank vodka (yeck. disgusting liquor, she should ahve went for GIN) like water and started to get sick. i went with her to the restroom adn said, 'i'm here to hold your hair back for you!' she laugh, while hurling. but, she still reminds me of that comment from time to time...


wanna play chicken? » Scott in Vermont

Posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 10:14:01

In reply to ..., posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 9:54:35

why are you skeered? we're a very fun group (are we? why yes, yes we are!) and well only stay long enough to cause complete chaos. then, we'll pack up and move onwards to someone else's house..

geez guys, i'm getting all excited now... i want a road trip... someone come get me!


10 ways to have fun: road trip - kk, zh, and » daisym

Posted by octopusprime on June 25, 2004, at 10:19:56

In reply to I want to come too » zenhussy, posted by daisym on June 24, 2004, at 23:02:57

kk and zh!

i silently seethe over the us-centric road trip
nobody coming to canada, eh?

well there will be no outrunning the law in the ford escort as it has a nasty nasty habit of blowing head gaskets at 140 km/h.

don't worry scott i come fully equipped with tent, sleeping bag, camp stove, etc! hope you've got a yard

and just for daisy i'll list 10 things i did in the last month for fun:

1. turkey legs roasting on an open fire
2. polling strangers about how many women my coworker has slept with
3. off-roading in the ford escort
4. attempting to learn 5!!! new rhythms on the drum
5. schwanky lunch at schwanky restaurant
6. spending other people's money
7. buying a sassy new skirt and becoming a massive flirt
8. pillow fight!!!!!!!!
9. cross-country air travel circus!
10. babbling endlessly here and on open

so see there is hope daisy that 10 fun things can be accomplished in one short month (or maybe i had a good month)

welcome back kk and zen


You all have made my day, Thanks :) (nm)

Posted by antigua on June 25, 2004, at 10:24:04

In reply to 10 ways to have fun: road trip - kk, zh, and » daisym, posted by octopusprime on June 25, 2004, at 10:19:56



Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 10:27:01

In reply to wanna play chicken? » Scott in Vermont, posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 10:14:01







(and hiding).... shhhh


Re: oh dear!

Posted by All Done on June 25, 2004, at 10:39:01

In reply to oh dear!, posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 8:57:57

> but, just one more question.... all done!!!! are you coming or not? you need a vacation, and a road trip with 70 of the fiestiest gals ever sounds like something you need!!!!! hop on, i have room for you (always dear!)!

Oh dear! Puhleeze count me in! I wouldn't miss this for the world. And I'll be there sometime next week to pick you up, kk.

What can I do? Well, what if I make sure we always have yummy food and drinks? I'm best at appetizers (that include the endless dipping of Fritos Scoops) and baked goods. Of course, all of this will have to be in addition to Falls' ice cream. As for the drinks, well, are there states that allow open liquor in a moving vehicle? I'll have to research that.

I can probably also handle some of the financing. Just let me know when I need to post bail and I'll be right there. (See, Scott, no reason to be skeerd.)

And welcome back Zen!!! I look forward to getting to know you better :).


ohhh, i almost forgot...

Posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 11:04:28

In reply to 10 ways to have fun: road trip - kk, zh, and » daisym, posted by octopusprime on June 25, 2004, at 10:19:56

daisy needs a fun list..
just 10 though? hmmmm.....

10. killing the escort (yes, manual shift. good grief, i'm learning but it's not sticking!) on the same hill, from different directions, because i had it in 3 instead of 1. and not jsut killing it, mind you, but i'm tlaking rolling all the way down the hill, making it smoke because i keep gunning it, sitting in the middle of the road through 3-5 red lights. and i'll tell you what, not one sigle person honked at me. i think when a car is rolling backwards, smoking and getting very loud, and there's a girl waving her arms, people jsut smile and give me the right of way... i also think it's karma, for not gettign upset when people cut me off or slam on their breaks.. oh,i love karma and polite drivers!

9. i've made fliers for my own business. it's called 'sam and karen's summer services'. after getting the shaft from many, many employers, we decided it's time to take action. we'll start a mowing, painting, wallpaper removal and house cleaning business. we advertise as such..... (imagine a full color picture of rosie the riveter saying 'we can do it') and advertising as follows: We are two college girls looking for summer work. We have all the necessary equipment to get the job done. Give us a call if you want clean, honest, hardworking people working for you.' so, yes, we are banking on the perv factor, men who could mow their own lawns, but instead would rather watch 2 girls do it. forget real employment, this is the job for me!!! (and we had so much fun making copies tooo, even got a parking ticket.)

8. i was driving the other day and a cute, young farm boy passed by in his truck. he didn't whistle or yell, instead he blew me a kiss.... my friend and i decided it was sweet, not filthy. oh, it was so cute!

7. bourbon! everyday is a good day when you have bourbon dear!

6. i took my dog to the vet (wowsa! over $200! glad i don't have to pay for it!) he weighs over 80 lbs. he's healthy! heartworm test, negative! and he was a good boy! the vet was cute, told me he golfs with people from my hometown. i wore all black, and he mentioned it was a bad choice.

5. i have been looking very cute lately! that's always fun! (i've been dressing up for the job search and looking nice. that not only makes me feel better, but also makes me feel empowered in a way. so nice, that i couldn't hand my resume out at a business because the person taking it was a girl.. so someone's jealous!)

4. i sunbathed yesterday (no lectures about skin damage please). i talked ot my friend on the phone and told her that sometimes i find ways (in my back yard) to not get tan lines on the top. she was astounded, but i realized i almost feel bad for the people who *think* they might see something, then laugh because they don't. well, i can take a joke too! and i'd laugh if i heard them laughing, so we could all laugh at my nonexistant breasts. it's all in good fun (and most people can't see my backyard anyway, it's well hidden.)

3. i sat at a coffee shop and treated my friend to lunch. we just enjoyed some 'free time' and talked. a girl walked by with a sign on her back that read 'it's my birthday', but it was hard to read. so, i walked up to her (halfway down the road) and asked if today was her birthday. she looked surprised and said it was. i wished her a happy birthday and she smiled.. imagine, a stranger telling you happy birthday.

2. also, at the coffee shop, i saw a bull dog walking by with a cute owner. i got up to pet the dog and the owner said 'she's a jumper' i laughed and told him i'm used to jumpers (my dog is huge and jumps). i played with the dog (thought about getting his number) and asked if she was nursing. apparently she wasn't but she looked like it. it's fun to talk to people. it really is.

1. planning this road trip has been very fun. i was supposed to take one today, but my friend backed out, due to financial reasons. but, next weekend, i'm going with her to my mother's side family reunion (and my friend always want to meet the people that 'gave' me my qualities), a wedding reception (where i asked the bride and groom if i could get naked and they said yes!!) and my birhtday (yahoooooo!).. oh, if this week was fun, imagine next week!

daisy, hope that helps you see the fun that's out there.. even the small things are fun dear. you jsut have to make them that way... a few more, for the road..

i found an old mix cassette. i popped it in and it has all sorts of music on it. pumpkins, soundgarden, marvin gaye, beastie boys (hey, if it's gonna be this kinda party...), stone temple pilots... all sorts of things i had forgotten about until i played the tape.. it inspired me to...

call my best friend, jsut because she loves smashing pumpkins. we had a long tlak and i cheered her up, which led to....

me feeling even better! so, my good mood went to fantastic and has stuck ever since. i was dancing (egads!) while washing dishes and cleaning, which lead to....

a happy old man. i have been searching everyday for a job, and cleaning the house.

so see, when kk's happy everyone's happy. it's contagious....


open container laws? » All Done

Posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 11:22:07

In reply to Re: oh dear!, posted by All Done on June 25, 2004, at 10:39:01

there are laws against that? but, i've been pulled over holding a beer (think i'm kidding?) and slyly set it between my feet. i never fathomed the idea until a road trip with my old man's parents. they bought beer on the way to vegas and handed a few back to us... nothing like driving through the dessert, dirnking beer with the old man's folks and getting lost in death valley! now, that's a road trip...

i assure you, if we get pulled over, i can talk my way out of jail time... now, i'm feeling catty, so don't argue or i may have to get in my car right now jsut to prove it...

(another story, goodness, i forget the good ones until i'm remeinded).. i was once pulled over going at least 70 in a 30 at 3 am. i opened my glove box to get my registration and out falls a baggie with a few pills in it (no, i don't do that anymore!!). the police officer asked what they were and i said 'vitamins sir' he didn't even look at the bag, told me to slow down a bit and be careful and i was on my way...

now, if i'm driving i don't get tickets (except that seat belt one once, but it saved me from a speeding ticket). however, if someone else is driving and i'm sitting shot gun, they always get tickets! go figure!

so, i must drive on this trip, or sit in the back seat. (and don't worry, i'm a good driver, but hold your drinks tight... i've been known to 'fake left, turn right' (my personal favorite), hop curbs, pass on the shoulder and not break when turning... do you guys mind? it makes the trip so much funner... (oh, and i only hit non-moving vehicles and objects.. never once hit a moving car, nor have i been hit by one either..)

and are you really coming to get me? don't be a tease now...


I have a GPS

Posted by AuntieMel on June 25, 2004, at 12:02:25

In reply to Re: I can read maps! » partlycloudy, posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 7:15:25

so who need maps?

I'll go if we can stop at all the historical markers.

If not, and you head to the Texas gulf coast, I have a tub with a whirpool. For the non-tubbers, I also have a good size shower with really good water pressure.


I can drive a stick!

Posted by AuntieMel on June 25, 2004, at 12:04:11

In reply to Re: I can read maps! » partlycloudy, posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 7:15:25

like nobodies business. It's all I've ever owned.


Open Container Laws

Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 12:36:41

In reply to open container laws? » All Done, posted by karen_kay on June 25, 2004, at 11:22:07

Dang it! I didn't know this! I thought things were still the way they were. Oh well...

Looks like you all had best get here before July 1st.

From the website:

The Vermont Grocer's Association, the Vermont Expos, and three state agencies are teaming up to promote awareness of Vermont's new open container law. As of July 1, no one may have an open container of alcohol anywhere in the passenger compartment of any vehicle. In the past, only the driver was prohibited.

Since driving under the influence is a leading cause of crashes here in Vermont, the goal is to cut down on the chances that someone is driving while impaired. While the law sets the limit at .08 blood alcohol content for DUI, the reality is that judgment is impaired at .02. This means that just one beer, one shot, one wine cooler can affect your ability to make decisions. When you are behind the wheel, driving a ton of metal, judgment is crucial.

So Vermont's new law says that no open containers of alcoholic beverages of any sort are permitted. The passenger or driver may be issued a ticket, fined, and points assessed for drivers. The VGA, the Expos, Governor's Highway Safety Program, and the Departments of Motor Vehicles and Liquor Control are working together to ensure all Vermonters know about the new law. A poster was created, and will be distributed to members of the VGA to be placed on cooler doors of its members. To learn more, visit the DMV's web site. To order more posters, free of charge, contact the VGA or Governor's Highway Safety Program.

Click here to see a copy of Vermont's new open container law in it's entirety.


Re: Open Container Laws » Scott in Vermont

Posted by AuntieMel on June 25, 2004, at 13:43:25

In reply to Open Container Laws, posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 12:36:41

Yeah, we got the same thing down here in TX a couple of years ago. Seems it's required to get fed hwy dollars.

Things sure were nicer when it was legal here to drink and drive. Smaller government my rear!


Re: Me, too » spoc

Posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 13:51:12

In reply to Re: Me, too » fallsfall, posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 7:02:48


Next to Falls, (who stocks COWheat *just* for me) You are my hero! MUST have brown sugar and way better than ice cream for making you feel better!


Re: I can drive a stick! too!

Posted by gardenergirl on June 25, 2004, at 13:55:05

In reply to I can drive a stick!, posted by AuntieMel on June 25, 2004, at 12:04:11

140,000 miles on the original clutch, I might add. (rubs her knuckles on her shirt.) Just what does that gesture mean, anyway?



Re: I want to come too » zenhussy

Posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 13:56:19

In reply to Re: I want to come too » daisym, posted by zenhussy on June 25, 2004, at 2:00:07

I have an intrepid, and it "likes" to go 80... And I have a sun roof.

Tunes: MUST have: Aretha Franklin, The Judds, Martina and Reba. (I'll admit to REO and Skynard too...)

We'll have to take turns.

And, btw, makes more sense for me to come to you. I can get Racer on the way and then we can camp at your house and go see the fishies.

Now, I just have figure out a way to classify the whole thing as a business trip. What can I teach you about babies? Or Ca Politics?

Yeah, that will work.


Re: I can read maps! » partlycloudy

Posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 13:59:34

In reply to Re: I can read maps! » spoc, posted by partlycloudy on June 25, 2004, at 7:40:33

I'm hopeless with a map but I can find a Mall ANYWHERE. My children find this to be a hilarious gift, but it works for me.

It doesn't bother me in the least to be lost either. I just keep going until I figure it out. Of course, when I first went to college in Fresno and was trying to go home to San Francisco, this created a problem. I passed a sign saying "Bakersfield, 1 hour" and I thought, "Gee, I didn't think Bakersfield was so close to San Fransico..." *sigh* I still haven't lived that down.


Re: 10 ways to have fun: road trip - kk, zh, and » octopusprime

Posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 14:07:40

In reply to 10 ways to have fun: road trip - kk, zh, and » daisym, posted by octopusprime on June 25, 2004, at 10:19:56

Thanks for the list. I want to borrow a few of those.

I think we have a problem though. I ONLY camp at Hiltons. (OK, I'll settle for a Hyatt) Unless you have a Harry Potter tent (complete with bed and bathroom).

I know, therapy is supposed to be changing me, helping me branch out. But, camping might take a few years. *sigh* (Can we take my therapist along? Or maybe he can meet us when we finally get to Canada?)


Re: Open Container Laws

Posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 14:18:21

In reply to Re: Open Container Laws » Scott in Vermont, posted by AuntieMel on June 25, 2004, at 13:43:25

Isn't it legal in New Orleans still? Maybe that is the destination point? OR the starting point?

Geez, now I don't want to work anymore today. But, somehow I can't see putting "planning a Babble Road Trip" on my homework Fun List. Can you IMAGINE the discussion we'd have around THAT?!


Re: Open Container Laws » Scott in Vermont

Posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 14:19:25

In reply to Open Container Laws, posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 12:36:41

>... To learn more, visit the DMV's web site. To order more posters, free of charge, contact the VGA or Governor's Highway Safety Program.
> Click here to see a copy of Vermont's new open container law in it's entirety.

<<<<<< SCOTTT!!! I'm clicking and clicking and nothing's happening! I must be too drunk already!! ;- )

(And that's ok, I don't need the link, unless you think we could start a thread there demanding change...)


Re: I can read maps!

Posted by gardenergirl on June 25, 2004, at 14:27:24

In reply to Re: I can read maps! » partlycloudy, posted by daisym on June 25, 2004, at 13:59:34

Oh yeah, I can find a Starbuck's anywhere. I have to feed my addiction!


Re: Open Container Laws

Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 14:36:18

In reply to Re: Open Container Laws » Scott in Vermont, posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 14:19:25

Your mouse must be broken. Order a new one.


Re: I can hog stuff! » gardenergirl

Posted by spoc on June 25, 2004, at 14:42:54

In reply to Re: I can read maps!, posted by gardenergirl on June 25, 2004, at 14:27:24

> Oh yeah, I can find a Starbuck's anywhere. I have to feed my addiction!
> gg

<<<< Speaking of which, whenever we have to brew our own in motel rooms, I CALL I ALWAYS GET ALL THE CREAM OR COFFEE MATE I WANT, EVEN IF THERE ISN'T ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE!! This is non-negotiable!


So, how many people are showing up?

Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 25, 2004, at 14:59:07

In reply to miss zen (my bestest hussy), posted by karen_kay on June 24, 2004, at 21:11:41

I need to know numbers (so I can get the rooms ready if need be) and I need to know approx. when (so I can get a new batch of brew started).

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