Shown: posts 1 to 21 of 21. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 10, 2023, at 23:40:09
i really bombed my first post about myeslf, because i ust wrote things hat shouldnt not be posted about net. I want people to see me as a good person, so whatever i wrote about my life and spilled too much info. I'm redoing it in this post, i'll be updating. Thank you for reading these logs.
-End log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 10, 2023, at 23:43:33
In reply to new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 10, 2023, at 23:40:09
I've written a little too much info, and im sorry if it offended you or other people. Jesus just said savve people, before its too late. I just want to save people. I'll be updloading more info aobut past, and i want to be seen as good person. Like i said i really bombed my story on the post above. I'll be back. Blessed be to you
-end of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:18:48
In reply to Re: new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 10, 2023, at 23:43:33
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the dwelling of God is with men, he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, he will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, crying, nor pain anymore for these things shall have passed away. (u edited it, i heard this from a christain song)
this is oringal :
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed awayjesus also said repent, before it too late. But this verse was saying at the end of time, before jesus's return god shall take his people, he shall take their tears away, and they will have no more pain anymore. So, this verse is saying get ready, but also know the pain of the world, god would wipe away, and that it shall pass away and the end of the world, after the tribulation on jesus final return.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:24:42
In reply to Re: new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:18:48
the dwelling of god is with men, he will dwell with them and they shall be his people
hopefully i could be with god, through disaster we hope in god to be redeption and to be saved, that yes he shall take every tear from our eeyes, and will see no more pain, crying, monring anymore. I've had to follow jesus through dister that happened years ago, and just believe in the unseen relm that things will work out.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:29:01
In reply to Re: new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:18:48
just know the dwelling of is with men, work with believers, and don't fall behind because we will be saved. All this pain in the world will pass away aftwr the tribulation which could be decades from now. I want to know that be saved by god, at the end of the tribulation
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 12, 2023, at 1:49:55
In reply to Re: new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 11, 2023, at 17:29:01
work with believers and the body of christ, to one day see redemption
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 13, 2023, at 23:50:28
In reply to Re: new my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 12, 2023, at 1:49:55
ok, this is the internet, i should of not written everything about my past, and unnessary information about trauma. This is somethign you would sepak to a theraist about, not the internet. I read through my above my story, the first post was a disaster when i talked about high school. I'm going to redo story, and make it into better manner. I believe that i'm a christain, and want to share about God, and the healing he's done. This all probably is recorded, about me. I'm really embarrassed and ashamed of all that stuff i wrote. Almost manic or something. I just had to write this. Thank you for reading.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 14, 2023, at 0:17:54
In reply to Re:, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 13, 2023, at 23:50:28
I grew up in dallas, we lived in large house from about 1986-1990. My mother was very sweet but she had to work all the time, my grandmother usually took care of things. We moved and went to inner city of dallas, it was much more crime, and clubs that were near our house. My grandmas house was built in the 1920s, it had very old technology but i acutally liked it. It madee me intrestd in the old way of doing things. They had attic fan, a centrial heat that was from the 1940s but it didnt work, but still it was intresting. I went to inner city school, it wasnt bad, it was acutally fun. I staye in the area because it was near my house. I had friends, played in city streets, and it was really a fun time. I used to like to restore the house, back ... my grandmother had lived there since the 1970s, she retired in 1986 from working ath the hilton. And she kinda ... just let the house slowly decay. I wanted to resore the house, even though i was in young childhood, i rerember as a got older, i had moved into my aunts house, but i would see her over the weekends, i was around 13-14 and i got a air conditioning unit back working - it was a window unit but i rerember it was very big and powerful, it was from 70s it wa like 2-3 ton unit. I got that working, then i started putting the house toegeether, i put pictures back, cleaned around. Reorganized old furiture. And i rerember i got an old tv from the 70s, it was sony, and it work well. I put it in the living room, organized it to make it look like a living room. And on saturdays when i came to see her, we rented movies, scary movies, thrillers i loved them. And rerember she used to talk about the past, when she was married and got divoiced in the 1950s. She told me alot about the old news, and i staryedd up late and heard her life story, and the news that was around during that time. And it was seemed, even though the house was old, and my grandma was older, it seemed intresting, because i made it into a house to watch videos and restory everything back, best as could. The house now has been remodeled, its a bed and breakfast house now. I moved through high school it was tough, and i went through alot of bad times, but it was fianlly over with. I went to college, went though many studies, i didnt stay for long, but wrote for newspaper and went through IT classes. And i've started life again to restart a career. I've had to find higher power, to move through all this. And i want to inspire people, with new ideas, and advice. And to have a truth check in it, to make it authentic and actually work, advice, ideas. I don't like writing just nick neck advice or ideas. You know something to inspire people to be better. So, i guess the advice is don't give up. That's generic and well heard advice but at least you don't lose your drive and focus. Floating and procrastination are not a good mix. That's all, thanks for reading. Blessed be to you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 15, 2023, at 19:56:30
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 14, 2023, at 0:17:54
My mother remarried in 2001, we moved to a place that was near fort worth. I was 14, and it was kinda nervous that i left all my friends from school that i knew well. I started high school, it was bitter sweet because i did make a few friends, but i did get made of, but my freshman year i was diligent in my studies, i did my best, sophomore year i just lived in my head, Júnior year is when i had problems. But i started posting to this very website, when i was 16. I'm 36 now. And i always remember being on the living room floor during 2004-5 and posting here, and being on the internet. The living room was like a living space i stayed in all the time. When times change, ill rember this house, i've been prayin to God to deliever me, and into the world. But...After school was over i went to near college to study investments. Times changed then i went to IT degree. It didn't happen, and that shouldn't be a shame, but i wish i could of kept going. A lot of my friends, got married, they went all over the world, just everywhere. It's different for people, i resorted to inspire people even though i'm in the same place. Just use your mind, create valid ideas, study about things to help create more ideas and insight. No one is you, that is your power. I think ill end this, for now. Thank you for reading
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 15, 2023, at 23:42:23
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 15, 2023, at 19:56:30
out of all this, i just want people to find God. The scripture said work in the body of christ with believers. That one day, we will never see anymore tears, or pain, see redemption
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 23, 2023, at 15:42:28
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 15, 2023, at 23:42:23
The dwelling with god, and with men to work for a cause, and believe for redemption, that all our pain will be wiped away and do the will of God. Jesus said treat people with goodness, as Jesus treated the unfortunate 2040 years ago We went through the early times, many societies were formed, then went though the middle ages and the catholic church being in absolute power Now we're at endgame, the very last days. So, during this time pray with fellow believers. That one day, tears will be wiped away, neither shall their be mourning, or pain anymore. I've resorted to doing treating with goodness, because whatever left in life maybe to help and inspire people to be better. That's all ill write, thank you for reading log, blessed be to you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 16:12:21
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 23, 2023, at 15:42:28
I've been thinking - in scripture and bible, it said t forgive your trespassers, or people who violated you. To let it go, and not stay in your heart. Unforgiveness, associated with bitterness, and it gets into the heart. I've been abused, or violated, the pain or the memory of it, having fear, and anger it stay with me. It's like bad memory, that you try to put away. I was never sex abused, nor physical, but it was psychologically, and it caused memory loss. I don't want to talk about it, but when i was vulnerable after being thrown into a psych hospital during diagnosis. I got out of psych, went home, they were so mean to them and i was psychologically vulnerable, there was no psychical stuff it was being torn apart with being so mean and abusive. It caused some trauma. But you have to lt it go, and forgive. It made me so angry, retaliations and getting abusive with them back. Then real fist fights started, and they were serious fights. I havee to let it go, but Jesús said you can't have unforgiveness in your heart to enter heavan. Because its bitterness, its gets in the heart. You can't have corruption in your heart to enter heaven. I don't know how to say it, but have a clean heart, let angry and hate, and rage let it go. Forgive, because forgiving lets go of I hate and corruption getting into the heart. I was watching videos on youtube about people who were christains, but they ended up in hell because of their sins, and hate and unforgiveness. She taught the scripture, and minister but she hatd her ex-husband and she did not forgive him..I watched and said when she was in hell, she said why am I here, i taught the bible to people. The lord said because you have hateness in your heart, you never forgive, you had secret plans to punish your ex-husband. So, i don't know what to say, but let hate and bitterness go, don't let corruption get into your heart, let the hate go. I hope maybe someone reads know i want people to be saved. Your valuable, that's flattery because you have a soul, and the lord said to save people. I'll just end this, Jesús said come to me and give your broken hearts to me. Ending this, thank you for reading log, blessed be to you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 16:17:29
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 16:12:21
ok put all the things writing about being abused away, this is the internet, not psych doctor. Please just know to forgive. Let it go, don't let corruoption get into yuor heart. End log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 19:30:36
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 16:12:21
edit - i wrote 'that's flattery' - i meant it's not flattery on the post above. I write fast and and mess up and miss words. Please know these are jugs logs, there not really blogs, i want to know these are logs and they have no connection to anyone, there general. So, i want to stay anonymous, but i want to write about God, at least for somone to read. Thank for reading, and apologize for excessive logs. Write stuff that's over thet top, and people would think im crazy. Anyways, thanks for reaing, end of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 26, 2023, at 15:23:09
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 19:30:36
forgiveness is something Jesús taught, and its in scripture, don't hold grudges because on the last day it show there was no forgiveness. Don't hold hate in the heart, let it go
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 28, 2023, at 2:04:39
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 25, 2023, at 16:12:21
I've been thinking - in scripture and bible, it said t forgive your trespassers, or people who violated you. To let it go, and not stay in your heart. Unforgiveness, associated with bitterness, and it gets into the heart. I've been abused, or violated, the pain or the memory of it, having fear, and anger it stay with me. It's like bad memory, that you try to put away. I was never sex abused, nor physical, but it was psychologically, and it caused memory loss. I don't want to talk about it, but when i was vulnerable after being thrown into a psych hospital during diagnosis. I got out of psych, went home, they were so mean to them and i was psychologically vulnerable, there was no psychical stuff it was being torn apart with being so mean and abusive. It caused some trauma. But you have to lt it go, and forgive. It made me so angry, retaliations and getting abusive with them back. Then real fist fights started, and they were serious fights. I havee to let it go, but Jesús said you can't have unforgiveness in your heart to enter heavan. Because its bitterness, its gets in the heart. You can't have corruption in your heart to enter heaven. I don't know how to say it, but have a clean heart, let angry and hate, and rage let it go. Forgive, because forgiving lets go of I hate and corruption getting into the heart. I was watching videos on youtube about people who were christains, but they ended up in hell because of their sins, and hate and unforgiveness. She taught the scripture, and minister but she hatd her ex-husband and she did not forgive him..I watched and said when she was in hell, she said why am I here, i taught the bible to people. The lord said because you have hateness in your heart, you never forgive, you had secret plans to punish your ex-husband. So, i don't know what to say, but let hate and bitterness go, don't let corruption get into your heart, let the hate go. I hope maybe someone reads know i want people to be saved. Your valuable, that's flattery because you have a soul, and the lord said to save people. I'll just end this, Jesús said come to me and give your broken hearts to me. Ending this, thank you for reading log, blessed be to you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 19:20:11
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 28, 2023, at 2:04:39
I want to write - on Youtube, and older shows from the 2000s about hauntings. So, i don't know how to kick this off, pharaoh in the bible had the abiliy to turn a staff into a serpent with Moses, he had a supernatural ability to change the structure of a staff and make it into a serpent. This was Egyptian magick, and yes it is real. And i saw videos pf people with supernatural abilities. It was before 2020, i don't think its on Youtube anymore. but one video i saw, was a man in a book store, with people looking at him, then he totally disappeared, vanished in a second, his body just vanished, and the book he had fell on the floor, and the people around said what the hell just happened. I don't know why all these people were looking at him about 10-15 people. I was watching a show called America's got talent - very popular in the US, there was a man who said he had to get out of this sand container, and get out before the sand buried him, i watched and i saw all the sand come down, a quick shot of him, on his arm it wrote '666; tatooed on his arm. And then everyone thought he was dead, because the sand crushes you, you can't get air, everyone was staying think it was actually dead. He came out, and said i did it. I know for a fact he used magick, magic that had 3 666 on his arm. There was another time i watched on Youtube, There was a girl who had telekinesis, she rammed a man who was trying to hurt her, she put her arm out and this power threw him up again a train, and wore him out. Things around her like tables serving food, all moved and collapsed on itself.
It just many people are given supernatural powers, by societies, or wizards, magick ritual, many things, but it's been given from dark forces, some people don't know that, because of the way it was given to them. They are blinded thinking its angelic relms, and rituals to make them gods. They are given these powers that are discreet, and to not show it in public but most magick and supernatural power are from the forces of darkness. Before Noah, there was tons of magick an evil things that had to be terminated after the flood that wiped out giants, wicked things. Just know when your tempted to get in too magick and supernatural things, its from the forces of darkness, it will not appear that way, in some cases. Jesus had the power to heal the sick and turn stone into bread, there's supernatural powers that followers of Jesús have, to heal the sick, cast out devils, follow the will of God. So, all im saying if your looking for power, follow Jesús, the forces of darkness can give you powers, and real supernatural powers, yes, but it's from the dark forces in the universe. Magick defeintly is real, but its kept from the public, there are tons of things that are suppressed from the public because it would frighten them, they would not be able to handle the forces of darkness. Do goodness, humbleness, do not have hate in your heart, and even in the bible is says pray during evil times, and do goodness. Magick is very real, and if you get yourself involved deeply in dark magick, holy heavan, you will see evil, in many forms. Follow God, don't get into lusting after power, through dark magick It's real, these power s of darkness will give you powers, but it's hideous because most of the dark forces are beasts, dark beings. I'll end this, ask Jesus for goodness, the power to heal the sick, not magick. Behold i send you as sheep amidst the wolves, harmless as doves, but wise as serpents. Follow God's will, not magick. I'm a runt christain, i don't have many christan friends, but as a single person i want to save people, Jesús said have kindness in you heart, but battle evil when it attacks you. Trust in the lord with all your heart, and all your being and you will be saved.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 20:35:01
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 19:20:11
i just want to as a good person, whatever i've wrote i did it from heart because i want people to be saved
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 20:40:11
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 19:20:11
i said it from my heart, if this is offending im sorry, i just want people to saved
Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 30, 2023, at 0:17:08
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 19:20:11
this was over the top, should not of written about these things. I'll be back soon
Posted by rjlockhart37 on October 11, 2023, at 1:25:29
In reply to Re: my story, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 29, 2023, at 20:40:11 alot of these side annoying notes i write after i write a blog, you know just sentinetal thinking people are reading my emotions. It's annoying because what im trying to do is prove or share a point about Jesus Christ and being saved. All theses annoying side 1 liner notes after i write them, i regret looking at them. I'll be back soon, edit through the side notes, there gibberish
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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