Psycho-Babble Psychology Thread 550197

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Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by rjlockhart98 on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:10

I have read books on Goals and Motivation, i was reading on some articles on the net (dont know if they where just commercial propaganda) that actually making a desision to act on something will increase dopamine levels or what ever the situation is to complete.

Alot of times people with ADHD dont finish tasks, but I want to be in a process to change nuerological change. I have burned out on things before, because I feel i just dont have the drive. I AM going to change that, develop drive and dopamine levels.

Becoming Optmistic is by choice i think, but it is hard to change what ever is already there, you dont want to change your current activity. Sometimes to change a life takes extreme desire to act and change.

Depression i know is labled a mental condition, and i suffer from it, but i think its TWO things, current nuerological problem (with nuerotransmitter transmission) and or current situation that set it off. Same thing with Anxiety.

Medications are good, but can you change really into a diffrent person with a new perception of reality? (a postive perception)

I just wanted to know something what other people belive.



Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by linkadge on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:11

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

Yes, but I don't know to what extent. Certain monks can change levels of gaba, and serotonin by meditation. It is possable, but nobody knows the extent of it.



Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by Phillipa on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:11

In reply to Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by linkadge on August 31, 2005, at 15:59:04

Matt did you start school? Fondly, Phillipa


Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act? » rjlockhart98

Posted by Ilene on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:11

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

I'm starting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which works by changing your thinking and behavior. It works for some people with depression, anxiety, or phobias, but not for others. I don't think it's used for ADHD, but it might help with other stuff.



Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by rjlockhart98 on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:11

In reply to Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by Phillipa on August 31, 2005, at 19:31:05

Yes i have started school. I have two classes MONDAY WEDNSDAY FRIDAY, I have buisness speech and BCIS (Buisness Computer Information Systems).

From 11:15-1:20. I am taking my core classes next semester (english, history, collage algebra) because they where all filled up.

I am going to a junior collage, Tarrant County Collage for 2 years and then transfer to North Texas University.

Collage is ok, a bit more people, more variety.

Thanks for asking



Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by willyee on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:12

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

If mental disorders albeit depression,anxiet,ocd,adhd,and the like are true pyshical conditions,then that means something is array in normal pyhiscal brain functioning.

This would follow suit to other brain disorders such as parkinson,alzhiemers,demenitia,migraines,seizures and the like.

Like those,i dont see how mental disorders if indeed are pyhiscal in anyway can be dealt with by any form of thinking ,therapy or other.

They would need to be dealt with the same as the "real" brain disorders.

You dont send someone with parkinson to talk therapy,or have them read books and practice thinking techniques,why,cause there is something wrong with their brain,therapy or otherwise would reflect a floor in their character that they want to work on and better themselves with,not a pyshical disease.

I just dont get it.But again thats just me.


Power of thought

Posted by med_empowered on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:12

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

Hi! There's some data that indicates that therapy--these days, therapy usually means Cognitive Behavioral Therapy--can be just as useful as antidepressants for depression and some types of anxiety, sometimes more so...the downside is that therapy takes longer to work and is more expensive. The upside is that there are fewer relapse problems following therapy than following antidepressant/benzo treatment, so the effects seem to be more profound in the sense that the patient has new skills and what not. From a more sociological point of view, there's evidence that mental illness is strongly affected by external factors--social class, job status, level of social integration, etc. So, the conclusion I've come to is that while drugs do help, there are *lots* of ways to deal with emotional issues. I was reading recently on or something that researchers are using a modified kind of cognitive behavioral therapy for schizophrenia. THe patient they interviewed still hears voices, but he isn't impaired by them; as a result, he's been able to marry, work full time, have children, etc. Plus, this doesn't have to be power of thought vs. drugs; if you work with an informed, caring professional, I'm sure you can find a way to integrate self-help, talk therapy, and any medication(s) that might help...the plus side would be that, from this perspective, medication wouldn't have to be a long-term or lifelong arrangement unless you found it necessary or desirable to continue medication. I dont mean to put down anyone who focuses on medication for their issues, I just think that its always good to explore options and pursue what looks best for the individual. As for changing brain structure with thought...the old idea of the brain, which was that the brain didn't grow cells or change much, is pretty much over. Long-term meditation can change brain structure, as can learning new things, such as practicing the violin. This doesn't mean that meds aren't useful or that some people won't do just fine by simply adding meds to their current lifestyle, but it does mean that there are lots of options when it comes to improving ones life and dealing with any problems you may experience. I think you should definitely try to work on your thinking patterns, if you think that will make your life better...whether you should do this to the exclusion of professional talk therapy and/or medications is entirely up to you. Whatever you decide, please keep us all posted, and I wish you the best of luck.


Re: Power of thought

Posted by linkadge on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:49

In reply to Power of thought, posted by med_empowered on September 1, 2005, at 3:44:57

This is kind of what the move "A beautiful Mind" was about. How the positive emotions like love helped him overcome his illness.

Unlike what the movie portrays, John Nash only used drugs for a very short period of time. He never took an AP after 1973.

The placebo effect is *very* powerfull. Some docs have found that its effects are not "all in your mind". The placebo effect seemed to alter levels of endorphins (which are powerfull antidepressants).

I would believe that positive emotions can effect endorphins and in turn affect the state of mind.

I don't care how depressed I am, If I won the lottery, I can guarentee you my mood would change (maybe only temporarily) but I think for a moment, the joy would overcome a depressed state.

Why are most of us here ?? Hope.



Re: Power of thought

Posted by Phillipa on September 3, 2005, at 3:18:49

In reply to Re: Power of thought, posted by linkadge on September 1, 2005, at 6:53:05

I agree with you both. Alzheimers can't be diagnosed officially until an autopsy. And schizophrenia shows up on brain scans. But if and only if a schizophrenic can be taught to ignore the voices they will do better but still need meds. Anxiety and depression seem to also be biological as they run in families. but a really good therapist can help a person learn to deal with them better. And I know a lot of people only need an AD or antianxiety med for a short while there are those of us who seem to need a combination. I wish I could find the right combination and a good therapist. But a good therapist is hard to find. The last one i had said "Lucky Ducky" and I never saw him again. Fondly, Phillipa


Re: neurotransmitters and music??

Posted by terrics on September 3, 2005, at 12:14:32

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

Hi, Music can definetly change brain waves. I don't know for a fact that it can change neuro-transmitters. I find salsa music actually motivates me to act and keeps me moving. Good luck. terrics


Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act? » rjlockhart98

Posted by alexandra_k on September 4, 2005, at 17:02:45

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

Current thinking is that...
Thoughts just ARE physical processes.
Feelings just ARE physical processes.
Brain processes.
Biochemical processes.

People worry about whether a change in thinking can CAUSE a change in brain processes...

But a change in thinking just IS a change in brain processes...

And a change in brain processes can cause a change in future brain processes...

So given that thoughts just are brain processes a change in thought can cause a change in brain processes too...

And we know that psychotropic drugs can cause a change in thinking (delusions / hallucinations if you take too much amphetamine for example).

And we know that a change in thinking can cause a change in brain processes (signals sent to the motor production area for action).

So drugs can help...
And so can positive thinking...

But sometimes people need the drugs to enable them to be able to think positively...

And it has been found that either therapy or drugs works to help people with depression. More effective still... Is a combination of the two.


Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act? » rjlockhart98

Posted by psychosage on September 21, 2005, at 17:02:34

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27


Here is some information that seems to be relevant to your inquiry:

Both source relate neurotransmitters to behavior (positive and abnormal).

Good luck!


Re: Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?

Posted by psychosage on September 23, 2005, at 13:47:15

In reply to Can you make change to nuerotransmitters by act?, posted by rjlockhart98 on August 31, 2005, at 15:55:27

Have you tried therapy yet?

Psychotherapy. There are several types of psychotherapy that have been shown to be effective for depression including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT). Research has shown that mild to moderate depression can often be treated successfully with either of these therapies used alone. However, severe depression appears more likely to respond to a combination of psychotherapy and medication.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – helps to change the negative thinking and unsatisfying behavior associated with depression, while teaching people how to unlearn the behavioral patterns that contribute to their illness.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) – focuses on improving troubled personal relationships and on adapting to new life roles that may have been associated with a person’s depression.

> I have read books on Goals and Motivation, i was reading on some articles on the net (dont know if they where just commercial propaganda) that actually making a desision to act on something will increase dopamine levels or what ever the situation is to complete.
> Alot of times people with ADHD dont finish tasks, but I want to be in a process to change nuerological change. I have burned out on things before, because I feel i just dont have the drive. I AM going to change that, develop drive and dopamine levels.
> Becoming Optmistic is by choice i think, but it is hard to change what ever is already there, you dont want to change your current activity. Sometimes to change a life takes extreme desire to act and change.
> Depression i know is labled a mental condition, and i suffer from it, but i think its TWO things, current nuerological problem (with nuerotransmitter transmission) and or current situation that set it off. Same thing with Anxiety.
> Medications are good, but can you change really into a diffrent person with a new perception of reality? (a postive perception)
> I just wanted to know something what other people belive.
> Matt

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