Shown: posts 10 to 34 of 34. Go back in thread:
Posted by alexandra_k on May 29, 2021, at 16:57:08
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on May 29, 2021, at 16:45:30
I mean... I would imagine that people would rather be leaders of a nation of happy healthy productive workers who are producing things that are valued all around the world...
I would imagine.
I would imagine that governments do think that it is a problem that there are people getting rich off of exploitation of others. That there is an appreciation of the expense to everyone else of mopping up after their activities. All the damage and harm and destruction to everyone else. The environment. The workers. The consumers. And so on...
But it is harder to regulate or control the local bullies who are locally present to make your life hell. If they think you have the power to change things to make things better for them. Or whatever.
You should have heard the lunatic raving screamings from a few of the property investors when the government of NZ introduced some of the most basic laws that have already been introduced every other developed nation. Capital gains tax and the like. Because people are paying over 90 per cent of their income to landlords to live in accommodations that often don't have kitchens or food storage spaces or heating or ventillation etc... Houses with visible mould the tenants can't keep on top of removing visible signs of. Houses rotting around them etc. Where landlords REFUSE to re-invest considerable profits in building upgrades because they are sitting on the land, mostly.
But they started screaming like the government was introducing laws that would literally result in Mum and Dad investors losing the heritable wealth totally undermining the entire economy of NZ rendering Mum and Dad destitute. Was the way they told the story. Stealing the retirement of middle-class New Zealanders.
The screamings mostly of a few investors with many buildings of properties... The slumlords. Yeah.
Easier for the Government to make a show of being forced to comply with international regulations.
To say 'there's nothing we can do to prevent progress / developlment for good'.
I suppose I see that the people they keep oppressed are the ones who aren't as vocal as the psychopaths. Something about the noisy wheel catches the grease.
It isn't that NZ is a culture of bullies though. It is criminal. WHen you aren't persuaded to comply by heavy handed psychological tactics then you see the lengths that people will go to to force compliance. And they are in fact criminals. IN their activities etc.
And the courts are starting to move in good directions now.... But for the longest tiem they found in favor of the bullies. Yes they did. They legitimated the biggest bullies. Never convicted white white collar criminals. Pedophiles particularly. Child abuse rings. Particularly. But there is no shortage of people who will abuse adults, too, if they are getting away with it. Partiuclarly in prisons and hospitals and the like.
Posted by alexandra_k on May 29, 2021, at 17:19:01
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on May 29, 2021, at 16:57:08
I do wonder how much the government is a scam. An illusion...
How much a lot of it is. The financial market. Etc.
For example, the Government says it's spending 1.2 billion dollars more on mental health.
What does that mean?
Where did the money go? Like... Let's see the accounts. How much money was paid to where? How much money was deposited into bank accounts? How much money was spent on goods like wood for buildings and concrete and steel.
And how much of it was... The government 'pays' the DHB 1 million dollars (notionally on paper) and the DHB 'pays' the government 1 million dollars right back for... Um... Building rental? Or... I don't know. It doesn't matter. Point being... How much of the money that is supposedly 'invested' or 'spent' on x is actually... Cashed out in any way. If that makes sense. Rather than artificially inflated numbers being shuffled around.
And of course we can say the same thing about individual wealth. Maybe how much money people are paid does have a dependancy on what it is that people choose to do with the money. I don't mean at the level of destitution that they keep me at (that's supposed to motivate and inspire me to work the plantations for minimum wage or something). I mean at the level of certain CE's alledgedly being paid several hundred thousand dollar salaries...
I mean... Does it go... 'We will give you $1,000 extra per week... Once you have commited to that money coming straight back to us every week for... Rent on your house'. Things like that. Maybe it does.
So maybe this whole thing of certain occupations or jobs or whatever paying hundreds of thousands of dollars per year... Is supposed to be motivating and inspiring to the kiddies or something like that. But maybe the money is all tied up really.
How does it cash out? That's really the thing...
How the people live...
Ashley Bloomfield earns half a million per year apparently. But he will bus to or from work. He's not getting around in a limosene with a driver or anything like that -- right?
Housing... Travel... Where does the money go... Makes a difference -- right?
Right. Yes. I think it does.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of our 'top paying CEs' with hundreds of thousands of dollar salaries are not getting all of that money to do whatever they want with it.
I imagine they hire people who have demonstrated criminal activity so they have something over their heads. They can get them to do further things... I would imagine. And they can end them if / whenever they choose. That's why they hire them.
They intentionally hire people who will keep false books or whatever. Lie about their qualifications. Etc.
I suppose the NZ government has a hell of lot less money to 'spend' on various things than it makes out. I suppose that's likely true of all the governments.
I mean what are they gonna do about people who don't pay taxes?
Put them in prison?
Then they will become the target of the psychopathic white white collar criminals...
I don't know...
Don't know.
What's the alternative?
Hand over power to the Mongrel Mob (a Maaori gang)>
There was this thing the other day about a gang leader dying and a local school closing for a couple days to host the tangi (maaori funeral is a couple days long so people have time to arrive and pay respects and the body stays with the people during that time on the marae or community hall where people communally sleep on mats and all eat together etc)...
one of the politicians was like...
a school just closed for several days so the kids missed out on several days of instruction because the school had been taken over by a gang who used the premises to host a funeral.
and apparently that's racist. that he put it like that.
but that's what happened.
what if we closed the school for several days every time one of the kids relatives died?
if the present parliamen / government of new zealand was... dissolved... would things (overall) be better for thep eople?
more or less stable?
i guess there is that. but the present government needs to be careful because there's a steady increasing number of people who think otherwise.
there does need to be a national psychology / counselling register thing.
the clinical psychologsts are typiclaly cookie cutter little white kids selected for their lack of knowledge and life experience.
people were big on counselling qualifications. through the education department. people doing counselling qualifications as graduate degrees on the back of psychology degrees.
psychology was 'cognitive therapy' (we bash you over the head by naming and shaming your cognitive distortions and faulty thinking that is making you unwell) and behavioral therapy (where you behave yourself and put on a smile and take your walks and act as though everything is fine and everything is fine).
counselling... people learned about 'narrative therapy' and about maslow's hierarchy of needs. they learned humanistic things. psychodynamically oriented things. they learned things that were... good. kind. illuminating. inspiring. there was room for... genine empathy. listening.
there was room for... fit. because there were more counsellors and they had more of a diversity of backgrouds and experiences. from substance abuse to experience with depression or sexual abuse or whatever... whatever...
but the government and the ministry refuses to pay them. refuses to pay them. refuses to pay the workers.
it's good job for good people. counselling.
but they won't pay the workers.
Posted by sigismund on May 29, 2021, at 19:45:38
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on May 29, 2021, at 16:45:30
>we aren't getting better at sharing and getting along? co-existing? living and letting live? co-operation?
No. The sanctions that matter are on Iran, Cuba, Venezuela to prevent access to medical supplies. They say the US has had 20 years of peace in its entire existence and sanctions one-third of the world. Australians went to fight in what is now South Sudan in the middle of the C19. We are so blinded we see nothing. Remember how GWB said 'Don't they know how good we are?'
Posted by alexandra_k on May 31, 2021, at 21:41:05
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on May 29, 2021, at 19:45:38
I don't know about any of that... I don't mean 'I disagree', I mean 'I don't have an opinion because I really don't know the first thing about any of it.
Posted by sigismund on June 1, 2021, at 13:27:07
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on May 31, 2021, at 21:41:05
Every so often someone compiles a list. The latest from today is.....
Afghanistan 1979-1992: 2003-
Australia 1973-1975 and still meddling
Albania 1949-1953, 1991
Angola 1975 to 1980s
Bolivia 1964-1975
Brazil 1961-1964
British Guiana 1953-1964
Bulgaria 1990
Cambodia 1955-1973
Chile 1964-1973
China 1945 to 1960s
Congo 1960-1964
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Cuba 1959 to 1980s
Dominican Republic 1960-1966
El Salvador 1980-1994
East Timor 1975
Ecuador 1960-1963:
France/Algeria 1960s
Germany 1950s
Ghana 1966:
Greece 1947-1950s:1964-1974
Grenada 1979-1984
Guatemala 1953-1954:1960-1980s
Haiti 1959-1963: 1986-1994
Indonesia 1957-1958: 1975
Iran 1953: 1979-
Iraq 1990-1991: 2003-
Italy 1947-1970s
Korea 1945-1953
Laos 1957-1973
Libya 1981-1989 and still meddling
Morocco 1983
Nicaragua 1978-1990-
Panama 1969-1991
Peru 1960-1965
Philippines:1940s and 1950 but also early 20th century
Seychelles 1979-1981
Suriname 1982-1984
Syria 1956-1957: 2009-
Uruguay 1964-1970
Venezuala 1895.1908-1935, 1948-58, 2002-
Vietnam 1950-1975
Zaire 1975-1978
Posted by sigismund on June 1, 2021, at 13:29:53
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 1, 2021, at 13:27:07
Could be a few updates to that.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:18:47
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 1, 2021, at 13:29:53
I don't know that I understand. Do you mean that is a list of countries imposing sanctions by limiting or restricting access to medical supplies?
New Zealand relatively recently legalized euthanasia (under limited circumstances when there is less than 6 months to live).
I thought it was a good idea because presently hospice etc have taken things into their own hands. They say 'nonononononono under no circumstances nononono never' while making sure people's wills and charitable donations are in order before granting (or refusing to grant) medications that will relieve pain (and whether that results in death, why, such a mystery that nobody ever seems to see coming).
I thought it would be better to legalise euthanasia because then the thing would be under regulations. Rather than cowboys deciding for whatever reason cowboys decide (likely to benefit themselves at the expense of the other).
But it has subsequently been demonstrated to me, with the covid response, that the New Zealand health system does not have the willingness or ability to understand what voluntary means.
As such, it is not a good thing that we have legalised euthanasia. It will simply be used as a defence by cowboys to conceal murder. That's the likely effect of it.
Consequentially New Zealand is not able to obtain euthanasia drugs from foreign suppliers. There was something about seeing if pharmacists would or could invent and supply a drug of their own concoction. But that doesn't seem plausible. Who wants to be part of that randomised double blind control trial?
I suppose we can say the developed world is imposing sanctions on us by withholding basic medical supplies.
But we have money to purchase hand sanitiser and fit tested face masks. We have money to fit test the masks and return masks that are not up to standard because they won't fit test. We have money to check the Covid tests are functional. Other nations were returning tests because they were finding non-functional batches. NZ has returned no tests (to the best of my knowledge).
So why send us high quality difficult to manufacture masks capable of fit testing when the people on the receiving end don't check them and don't care whether they get a fit test or not and won't even notice the difference whether they are up to standard or not? Why waste quality product on people who appear to lack the willingness / ability to know it when they see it? It's just a farce...
It's just a farce...
It might be seen that the developed world won't allow us access to x or y or z medication. But it's not about the money. It's about how we refuse to process the applications from people capable of being trained. We refuse to train people capable of being trained. We refuse to graduate people who have met the requirements for the Degree. We refuse to publically advertise jobs. We refuse to hire the best (rather than worst or 'only the most minimum of standards allowed) for the job. We refuse to follow best practice (internationally developed) standards. We do whatever we want whenever we want because we want and cry cry cry cry cry that the international community won't give us the hand-outs we want to further enable our ineptitude.
I mean...
It would be irresponsible to give certain countries certain things...
I am concerned about the ventillators. Because there's no shortage of people willing to anesthetise people without regard of whether they have given permission and without regard of whether it is clinically justified or likely to help vs likely to harm. Over-controlling sadists who won't even let people breathe for themselves and they are getting away with it.
The long-term harms of covid are likely the long-term harms of overly agressive medical intervention. People were ventillated agressively rather than being give oxygen. Early on. That's what they were doing.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:34:57
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 1, 2021, at 13:27:07
It is difficult when psychopathy does not come naturally. To understand what some people will do if they have opportunity.
For example, this practice that there is of people taking or holding or using hostages. Particularly children. Even ones own children. It appears to be why some people have children. Or maybe they have children sort of accidentally but then they discover a use for them, as hostages.
Where would you build a bomb shelter?
Under a children's hospital. That way if anybody tries to bomb it they would be bombing a children's hospital. All those hostages. All that collateral damage.
It's a no-brainer.
And now we rightly understand the institution of Medicine.
The problem / trouble with it.
Why it attracts the very worst of the psychopaths.
People who desire to murder and rape and torture with impunity.
In the name of 'Medical Treatment'.That's why the rules and regulations are so important.
The documentation.
Because it's the grounds / justification. The clinical reasoning / motivation. The system of rules that have been developed over years for the purpose of helping rather than harming.But many of the Medical Schools (also non-Medical Schools) around the world have become very corrupted.
Taking payment of bribes etc in exchange for people murdering and raping and torturing with impunity.
They tend to congeal in Medicine (or the name thereof).Sometimes the things that are supposed to help (the medical supplies) can be used to harm. In which case it would be irresponsible to supply.
There are also black markets.
There were problems in Africa, for example, of people thinking they had HIV Medications but really people were intercepting the donations and replacing them with placebo and selling the actual product back to wealthy people overseas.
I suppose that's sort of what happens with New Zealand's Pharmac negotiations. Pharmac effectively decides to purchase placebo so the New Zealand people think they have access to x and y and z but they chose the 'generic versions' that are produced places where the quest for 'how low can we go' bottom line results in an ineffective product.
We recently had some issue with substitution (without informing them substitution had been done) for an anti-epileptic medication. People with epilepsy did not know about the substitution. They had seizures when they weren't expecting them. They died. New Zealand failed to find a link / association and failed to restore access (I believe) to the actual medication. Other nations found a link. Or didn't supply dodgey medication in the first place.
Apparently there are starting to be noises in the direction of making Pharmac negotiation public.
The New Zealand people are overly trusting of the Government. They trust and have faith that the Government is competent and looking out for the interests of the people. But that's not true. It's really not. The reason they are so secretive is to mask / disguise their incompetence and ineptitude. And then you look at how much money they extract out for themselves. Justified only on the grounds that 'everyone is doing it'.
F*ck*ng farce.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:46:15
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:34:57
They had this lady being interviewed the other day. And she's very condescending, basically. Saying that Pharmac has a shopping list of what they want to purchase and there is never enough money to purchase everything on the shopping list and therefore most certainly never enough money to purchase anything that is not on the shopping list.
And who decides what is on the shopping list?
They do.
Behind closed doors. They decide what is on the shopping list. They thereby decide behind closed doors that there will never be enough money to purchase everything that is on the shopping list and therefore most certainly never enough money to purchase anything that is not on the shopping list.
I believe that means that foreign pharmaceutical companies could go to Pharmac 'we will offer you the Cystic Fibrosis medication that every other developed nation provides in the public sector to it's people for $1 for each person who requires it per year' and the Pharmac response would be 'nononononononononono there is not enough money to purchase everything on our shopping list, this is not on our shopping list therefore there is not enough money to purchase this'.Also known as:
'Euthanasia 'medication' is on the New Zealand Government Pharmac shopping list of medication we want to purchase.
How much money do we (the New Zealand Government or Pharmac) need to pay to get you to give us euthanasia medication?
And the developed world says 'a bajillionty dollars you will never have enough money to persuade us to give you euthanasia medication to use on your involuntary voluntary they were asking for it really victims i mean patients i mean hostages'...
And Pharmac says: Then we won't allow you to provide Medications that are not on our shopping list (our list of demands) to the New Zealand people.
Until you have given us everything on our shopping list -- we refuse to supply the New Zealand people with anything not on our shopping list.
That is to say the New Zealand Government and Pharmac are holding the New Zealand people as hostages.
They refuse to supply the New Zealand people with the shopping list or with justification for what is on (and what is off) the list.
Etc etc etc.
Posted by sigismund on June 5, 2021, at 0:45:12
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:18:47
Most on the list have been victims of CIA coups.
Posted by sigismund on June 5, 2021, at 0:46:00
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 4, 2021, at 18:34:57
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:28:42
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 5, 2021, at 0:46:00
I see. Yes.
The thing is... New Zealand isn't even there yet.
I mean to say... There were journalists etc in Australia speaking out about these things. They were able to learn about these things and speak out about them.
But New Zealand isn't even there, yet.
Not even there.
And I hear you that things are terrible. Yes.
But we are not even there.
That's how f*ck*ng backwards things are here.
The laws say 'domestic adults are eligible to be enrolled in programmes they apply to'. Then they throw away my application on grounds that they can do whatever they like with impunity. Several years later... Tens of thousands of dollars of court costs later... There's still no f*ck*ng justice. Nada. Zip. Zilch. None.
How many 'medical students' have bribed their way in and out since then?
And nothing has changed. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Government refuses to prosecute the exec. Refuses to shut it down. Somehow I'm the bad guy in all this. Somehow I'm a troublesome mischief maker. That they don't have reasoning comprehension 101. But that's not plausible. That they refuse to follow regulations. They just refuse. And nobody does anything about it. Nothing.
The international community cannot do good business with us. Only interested in exploitation.
We just graduated a bunch of Saudi Arabians from traffic control course at Massey University, apparently.
I wonder how much money we took from them to sign off on NZ traffic controller qualifications.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:31:22
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:28:42
And of course that makes it sound as though I am racist. I don't know the first thing about the Saudi Arabians who were given places in the traffic controller course.
I don't know anything about the Saudi Arabians who were given places in Medical Training Course, either.
Apparently they are supposed to arrange their own internships back home and their junior year. There is something about that. About how we don't promise to offer the final year of work placement. And of course completing a final work placement year is necessary for completion of the Degree. Hahahahhahahahahhaha.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:39:17
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:28:42
Our immigration strategy is problematic.
We lure people here under false pretences. That is to say we pay people excess of 100,000 per year to go travelling about the world... Particularly to developing nations... Promising that an investment in NZ will pay off. Trying to recruit students with promises of pathways to citizenship for them and their families. Trying to recruit workers... Trying to find people to slave.
People come here and find the reality is quite different. They aren't paid what they were promised. They end up working under the table and everybody turns a blind eye. Until we've extracted all the poorly paid or slave labor we wanted or all the money we thought we could get from their family for effectively holding them hostage and then we've had enough of them at which point they're shamed and deported.
There was this thing about MacDonalds forcing people to bonded labor contracts otherwise they couldn't have a job at all. Saying if they left before a minimum time they owed uniform and training costs to be paid back or taken from their salary.
They go 'that's unlawful and wouldn't be upheld'.
But when did that ever stop anyone in NZ?
They don't put the money into your account and: hahahahhahahahaha what are you going to do about it?
Better luck next lifetime!!!!!
HahahahahahhahahahhahahahWrite 100,000 ++++++++ words for the court
HahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahahahJust keeeeeeeeeeeep writing!!! Just keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep writing for the courts!!!!!
Oh yeah, and you owe us tens of thousands of dollars of court costs
The lengths we go do to prevent development.
To keep slaves.
I mean, why wouldn't you when you are getting away with it?
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:44:05
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:39:17
And of course you go 'well those were the ones they enrolled in the law degrees'
And of course you go 'well those were the ones they gave the degrees to'
And of course you go 'well those were the ones they gave the jobs to'
And of course you go 'well those are the ones they choose to make judge'And you go 'and those were the ones they enrolled in management'
And you go 'those were the ones they gave the degree to'
And you go 'and those were the ones they gave the jobs to'
And you go 'and that's how much money they choose to give people for not doing their job. For ensuring their job is not done by them. By ensuring their job is not done by anyone.'And you go: And it's not 'well we were required to process the applications and they applied and so... That's just the way things turned out.'
You go: 'You didn't do any of the things you were supposed to do in processing the applications. In processing the completions. In publicly advertising jobs. In hiring the best (and not the worst) candidate for the job. In hiring people competent to do the job. In firing people for not doing the job.
Just.. None of the things that they're supposed to do. Nada.Like... 'Here are the rules. Now go forth and break and violate as many of them as you can. That's your job. Here's the job description.... No go forth and do opposite!!! Okay????'
That's the problem in upside down and back to front land
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:53:16
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:44:05
and prohibited means compulsory
and may means must not
and never means always
and might means never
and no means yes
and voluntary means whatever I say whenever I say because I say
and compliant means free
and idthwirotherjkfghldfkjglksjfdls you must be insane if you don't agree with me!
Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:58:12
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:53:16
and give us vaccine handouts
and give us vaccine handouts
and give us vaccine handouts
we contributed NOTHING to there development
we contributed NOTHING to their production
but give us vaccine handouts
give us vaccine handouts
we are developing we are pooooooooor pooooooooor pooooooooor new zealand
poooooooooor New Zealand needing all the vaccine handoutswhy don't you share your vaccine handouts New Zealand?
how many front line workers are still not vaccinated?
how many ministry of health workers who aren't clinical staff.
who aren't on payroll to actually work with patients.
who aren't anything to do with quarantine facilities
who don't have anything to do with interacting with recent arrivalswhy don't you share your vaccine handouts New Zealand?
how's it going in your dependent territories?
how's it going for your poor pacific neighbours?
are you developed?
or are you devleloping?is the problem that you are poor and don't have any money?
is the problem that your people are stupid and cannot contribute intellectually to development?
what is the f*ck*ng problem?oh yeah. corruption. corruption and greed. and stupidity and vice.
there's none so blind as those who have their f*ck*ng eyes poked out
Posted by sigismund on June 6, 2021, at 3:19:58
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2021, at 21:28:42
Our journalism is 80% Murdoch, 15% neoliberals and 5% real (Crikey, The Guardian, Schwarz Media.)
You are much better off without it. Trumpism, without his unique personality, has been operating here for a few years........the blizzard of events, rapid pivots and lies are disorienting. After a few years of watching the best description of the PM is 'the more you look the less you see' and 'moves fast when cornered'. Many Australians quite like bullies.
The general rationale is starve it of funding, complain that it is useless and just for the elites, then privatise it. Just see what happens to the ABC.
All they want are the revenue streams for awarding commercial in confidence contracts in closed tenders who funnel it back to them somehow.
Posted by alexandra_k on June 8, 2021, at 18:03:22
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 6, 2021, at 3:19:58
> The general rationale is starve it of funding, complain that it is useless and just for the elites, then privatise it. Just see what happens to the ABC.
> All they want are the revenue streams for awarding commercial in confidence contracts in closed tenders who funnel it back to them somehow.Yes.
That's what NZ does. Everything except the 'just for the elites' thing. Our version is 'compulsory for the people'.
It's what we do with the health system and the education system etc. To motivate and inspire people (the people the government chooses to pay megabucks to) to invest in the private sector.
The DHB's (District Health Boards) didn't maintain the buildings. Didn't spend the money they were supposed to on Medical Supplies. Didn't want to spend the money they were supposed to on hospital staff. Didn't want staff complaining about the state of the buildings or the lack of medical supplies. Wanted staff who would be complicit in not using supplies and not complaining about the lack of supplies.
We've got some Medical staff who cry cry cry and will strike for more money. But they want more money as hazard pay. They accept the unsafe working conditions. They accept the lack of medical supplies. Nurses accept that they get to re-write doctors prescriptions (because there aren't any doctors about mostly) and so on... The power they have to do whatever they want with impunity. If it is about that. Rather than about providing the highest standard of quality care to the people.
They pay mega bucks to a few (a very few) private contractors to get things done, occasionally. They operate out of private rooms. Private hospitals. Small hospitals. Small clinics, really, with only 1 OR and maybe capacity for 8 patients for a single overnight stay before discharge. That kind of a thing. NOt quite operating out the back of a bus and driving off -- but almost. The public hospitals are left picking up the pieces if there are complications. And patients need to take their own stitches out. Or go to their GP for post-surgical care.
What is really scary is what they are up to with aged care facilities.
They were trying to move them into looking after younger people, too. Closing some spinal unit there was in Auckland so young people with newly acquired spinal injuries (e.g., tetraplegia) were going to have various aspects of their care removed (physiotherapy, pool rehabilitation) and they were going to stick them in aged care facilities so they could make the same amount of money off of keeping them in the private sector with less services after closing down the public unit.
The management and administration and board takes exhorbitant salaries for themselves while starving the workers and eliminating the services and not purchasing the supplies. Cheaper and cheaper food contracts. Prison food. Worse. Guts it. Literally. Like plagues of locusts.
Then funnels the money into setting up or fancy buildings for a private hospital they are also on the board of. Or are investing in.
Stealing from the public sector to fuel a private sector.
That is corruption. Taking from the public sector and using it for private advantage.
Posted by sigismund on June 8, 2021, at 23:31:49
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 8, 2021, at 18:03:22
>Taking from the public sector and using it for private advantage.
It's not freedom then?
Posted by alexandra_k on June 14, 2021, at 2:52:33
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 8, 2021, at 23:31:49
freedom to act as though the laws don't apply to you (because you aren't in fact faced with legal consequences for your repeated violation)?
Posted by alexandra_k on June 14, 2021, at 2:55:14
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 14, 2021, at 2:52:33
New Zealand has felt free... to train students from Iraq to be air traffic controllers...
to train medical students from xxx to do yyy...
to be on sale to the highest bidder.
free free free free free
until the trade-sanctions kick in.
until they say 'we won't ship you x y and z because you aren't willing and or able to dispose of the end products
and so on.
we won't ship you first world medicines.
you refused to contribute towards the costs of production.
it wasn't about the money.
the talented people capable of development (who you refused to advance in favour of your stupid inbred money grubbing progeny
Posted by sigismund on June 14, 2021, at 23:55:06
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 14, 2021, at 2:55:14
Free to attack country after country in the cause of freedom. For example our special services aiding the destabilisation of Chile to earn brownie points with the Americans. As we are now doing with China. It's what we do, and it will not work, no brownie points, and 'the Americans will lose as they usually do' (Malcolm Fraser)
Posted by alexandra_k on June 15, 2021, at 22:54:11
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by sigismund on June 14, 2021, at 23:55:06
Hmm. They are telling us that Australia has or is getting a free trade agreement with England so that Australian Citizens can more freely immigrate to England.
England seems to be putting out a call for pathways to Citizenship. To people from Hong Kong. To people from Australia.
I've been hearing pretty bad things about their health system, particularly, and about how people have been fleeing the NHS to get to New Zealand, even. That's how bad things supposedly are, over there.
It's all just a farce, I believe. Wasting time.
Those with the money who collect up all the money laughing at the fact that they've got everybody else running circles wasting their time.
And another 100,000 for me. And another 100,000 for me. And another 100,000 for me. All I gotta do is waste people's time and scramble things up. Create confusion. Maintain confusion. Play stupid. Wasting the time. And another 100,000 for me. And another 100,000 for me. And another 100,000 for me...
Posted by sigismund on June 30, 2021, at 18:29:02
In reply to Re: First Dog, posted by alexandra_k on June 15, 2021, at 22:54:11
Bit hot up north? No sign of antifa, muslims or greenies yet?
Meanwhile back at the station
Someone commented....
Well there was that time Angus did well, and the ten minute empathy course delivered incalculable improvements to wotsisname of the multiple accounts and Scott's a champion at shaking hands with people who'd rather leave. Karen made it clear this afternoon how the name got its reputation. I think you're being too harsh.
and another
These are the people who are planning a war with China.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.